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Page added on January 21, 2014

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Nine Meals Away From Anarchy

To every anarchist…

If you feel the definition of anarchy is misrepresented, see the definition of it below, and deal with it. Anarchy has more than one meaning.

Merriam Webster Dictionary
an·ar·chy noun \ˈa-nər-kē, -ˌnär-\

1) absence of government
2) a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.
3) a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
4) absence or denial of any authority or established order
5) absence of order : disorder not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature

14 Comments on "Nine Meals Away From Anarchy"

  1. rollin on Tue, 21st Jan 2014 10:57 pm 

    So nature is the original anarchist? Too bad the elite cannot see the magnificent organization of nature and try to work outside the laws and order of nature as well as destroy it.

    I see no absence of government in this film. I see chaos and havoc, not anarchy.

    I hear increases of 10 percent and 17 percent causing riots? Heck, food here has more than doubled in just a few years. Fuel has risen 300 percent and has a range of over 17 percent from week to week.

  2. PrestonSturges on Tue, 21st Jan 2014 11:34 pm 

    I think the take home lesson is to stock up on condiments, steak sauce, barbeque sauce, and meat tenderizer.

  3. Ghung on Tue, 21st Jan 2014 11:39 pm 

    Taco Bell meat seasoning. You can make a fine taco out of squirrel, possum, roadkill, just about anything, with the right seasoning.

  4. dissident on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 12:06 am 

    Eventually it will be long pig that is the meat of choice for those that manage to survive.

  5. Makati1 on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 1:04 am 

    “Mad Max” may not have been far off the mark. Do you really see any other future? I wish I did. The world is still home to over 20,000 nukes. And then there are those 400+ nuclear packages sitting around the world with hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive waste in glorified swimming pools just waiting to create large areas of radiation. And who do we have running all of this? Psychopaths by the hundreds.

  6. Dave Ranning on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 1:30 am 

    We obviously have some illiteracy and simplicity on anarchism.

    “Anarchism is an ideology that regards abolition of government as the necessary precondition for a free and just society. The term itself comes from the Greek words meaning “without a ruler.” Anarchism rejects all forms of hierarchical authority, social and economic as well as political. What distinguishes it from other ideologies, however, is the central importance it attaches to the state. To anarchists, the state is a wholly artificial and illegitimate institution, the bastion of privilege and exploitation in the modern world.”

  7. Davy, Hermann, MO on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 1:48 am 

    I fast twice a week. It is a decent diet choice but it is also good prep for an unstable food distribution system that is right around the corner. Fasting will get your attention. The most I go is two days. Three days without food and your attitude changes significantly. The change of attitude would be much greater if there is no food to access. I know I can run to the local food joint to get a fix.
    It is very likely that the coming collapse will center on food issues. We have had a long period of relative food plenty. I can’t see how this period of plenty will last for multiple reasons if for no other reason than systems cycle. We are due for a perfect storm of drought, floods, economic difficulties, grid instability, and political disruptions. Mix these up in the right amounts and you got something cooking! Other collapse issues will lead to food problems which will lead to more collapse issues. In other words tipping points in positive reinforcing feedback loops bifurcating into a collapsing social fabric. Wow that was a mouthful.
    Anyway as for anarchy it is a luxury of stability. It is a joke otherwise. Besides these clowns just give reasons to the Orwellian dogs to crush human rights and civil liberties. There are other ways to influence that are more effective. I know anarchy is fun.

  8. Jimmy on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 4:21 am 

    The world has always been going to hell

  9. J-Gav on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 9:36 am 

    I may or may not watch this as the intro here doesn’t bode well: “See THE definition below.” Then come no less than 5 definitions… Silliness.

  10. J-Gav on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 9:40 am 

    Davy – Sounds like you’ve got it figured pretty well … Most people wouldn’t even think of it so my hat’s off to you for the fasting, by the way, though that leaves my bald pate a bit cold at the moment.

  11. Beery on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 10:56 am 

    Yes, anarchy has more than one meaning, but words ought to be chosen and used carefully. The author fails to do this and uses “anarchy” when he means “chaos”. He thereby weakens his point, as Rollin illustrates nicely.

    Anarchy literally means “a system with no rulers” – not necessarily a bad thing. I wish we were closer than nine meals away from anarchy. I hope we’re not nine meals away from chaos.

  12. ted on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 4:11 pm 

    Beery we can’t go from Anarchy to peace there will always be a struggle for power…that is what we are as a species.
    We have not evolved. I for one am not looking forward to what is coming and I am in great shape with a lot of skills but I don’t think it is going to be pretty…pretty ugly maybe. I just don’t know where to be when it comes…up high in the mountains or down low where it is warm…but I think this is the year it comes….

  13. Northwest Resident on Wed, 22nd Jan 2014 4:55 pm 

    ted, whether it comes this year, next year or (totally unlikely IMO) a couple of years or more from now, the ONLY logical response given ourrent situation is to prepare as if total collapse is going down tomorrow. It is like wearing a seat belt when you drive — statistically, your chance of being in an auto accident today is almost zero — but you still need to be protected “just in case.” People who recognize the reality of impending collapse but who think they have “plenty of time” to “get ready” need to reevaluate their sense of urgency, IMO. Having plenty of food stored up (enough to last at least 6 months to a year) and being in a position to grow (plenty) of your own food — those are two fundamentals of preparedness, IMO — oh, and having a means to “stand your ground” — very important.

  14. Makati1 on Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 1:11 am 

    Northwest, yes it is better to be a decade early than a day late. ^_^

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