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Page added on December 25, 2017

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Kunstler: Christmas Story

These are the long, dark hours when cis-hetero white patriarchs sit by the hearth chewing over their regrets for the fading year and expectations for the year waiting to be born. I confess, I like Christmas a lot, Hebrew that I am, perhaps the musical and sensual trappings more than the virgin birth business. Something in my mixed Teutonic blood stirs to the paganism of blazing Yule logs, fragrant fir trees, rousing carols, and snow on snow on snow. I hope we can keep these hearty ceremonies… that they are not banished to the same puritanical limbo where the Prairie Home Companion archives were sent to rot.

One surviving old chestnut of the season is the 1946 movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, a movie so thick with gooey holiday sentiment, it’s like bathing in egg nog. It’s larded with messages of good-will-to-all-mankind, of course, but some of the less obvious themes — almost certainly unintended — tell the more interesting story about where America has come from in recent history and where it went. One thing for sure: every year that goes by, the America of It’s a Wonderful Life seems utterly unlike the sordid circus we live in now.

The movie takes place in a town, called Bedford Falls, like many in my corner of the country, upstate New York, or at least the way they used to be: alive, bustling with activity, with several layers of working, middle, and commercial classes employed at real productive work making things, and a thin candy shell of “the rich,” portrayed as unambiguously greedy and wicked — but overwhelmed in numbers by all the other good-hearted townspeople.

The movie depicts an American social structure that no longer exists. It’s both democratic and firmly hierarchical — owing probably to the lingering influence of army life in the recently concluded Second World War. Jimmy Stewart plays George Bailey, the head of an old-style family-owned Savings and Loan bank, a very modest institution dedicate to lending money for new homes. His competitor in town is the wicked old rich banker Henry Potter (Lionel Barrymore), a swindler and thief, who wants to put George out of business.

Bedford Falls is a man’s world. The women in the movie are portrayed as taking care of the “home front” and supporting the male “troops” in the toils of small town commerce — another social holdover from the war years. This depiction of life would surely give a case of the vapors to any post-structuralist college professors who dare to watch the movie.

Now here’s one catch in the story: the main business of George Bailey’s bank is lending money to build the first post-war suburban housing development outside of town, a project called Bailey Park. One of the pivotal scenes concerns the Martini family, immigrants, moving into their new suburban home with great sentimental fanfare. So, what we’re witnessing in that incident is the beginning of the destructive force that will soon blight small town life (and big city life, too) all over the country. Moviegoers in 1946 probably had little intuition of the consequences.

Another catch in the story involves the plot twist in which George Bailey misplaces a large sum of money ($8,000, actually purloined by the wicked villain, Mr. Potter). With his bank facing ruin, George contemplates suicide. He’s saved by his guardian angel, who goes on to show George what Bedford Falls would be like if he had never been born. It would be called Pottersville. Its Main Street would be bustling with gin mills, the sidewalks full of suspiciously available young ladies, the whole scene a sordid nest of vice and wickedness.

The catch is that Pottersville would have been a much better outcome for American small towns like Bedford Falls than what actually happened. Today, the lovely landscape of upstate New York today is dotted with small towns and even small cities that have absolutely nothing going on in them anymore, and stand in such awful desolation that you’d think a long war was fought here. Much of that is due to the activities of good-hearted suburban developers like George Bailey.

The Americans of 1946 must have had no idea where all this was headed, nor of the coming de-industrialization of the country that had won World War Two, or the massive social changes in the divisions of labor, or the annihilation of several layers of the working and middle classes, or the much greater wickedness of the generations of bankers who followed Henry Potter. It’s a Wonderful Life presents an American scene poised to arc toward tragedy. It’s an excellent lesson in the ironies of history and especially the dangers of getting what you wished for.

Readers may agree: we’ve never seen our country in such a state of ugly division moral confusion, and intellectual disarray. A coherent consensus eludes us. Grievance, resentment, and bitterness boil and sputter everywhere. My Christmas wish is that we might put behind us some of the more idiotic and pointless debates of the past year and get on with tasks that really matter… that will allow us to remain civilized through the hardships to come. That’s how I roll this dark morning, here at the glowing hearth, while the Christmas day ahead, at least, offers some comforting stillness as the snow on snow on snow piles high. And so… to the presents waiting ominously under the twinkling tree.


64 Comments on "Kunstler: Christmas Story"

  1. Go Speed Racer on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 3:09 pm 

    Wow. That was educational.
    Gotta get me a copy of that movie!
    Ya we got it way worse than Pottersville.
    USA is lookin more an more like Bartertown.

    On the Peak Oil website, Merry Christmas
    Da Rockman, Clogster, Gregster,
    Der Honda Toast, Antius, SissyFoots,
    hyper Davy. What we all want for Christmas?
    Clogster wants a shiny new windmill !
    I want a steam engine, and enough coal and
    old sofas to run a train up the hill in Wyoming!
    Rockman wants a gusher in Texas.
    Davy wants a brand new flame thrower!

    And I want an 18-wheeler load of old sofa’s
    Delivered !!
    Makita Power Tools, wants a brand new President!
    I don’t have a Yule log, so I will pour old motor oil
    on a sofa and smoke out the neighbors.
    Ho Ho Ho !

  2. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 3:24 pm 


    Here are five peer reviewed scientific studies authored by top experts that conclude you will be dead by no later than 2030

    NASA Study: Industrial Civilization is Headed for Irreversible Collapse (Motesharrei, 2014)

    The Royal Society: Study, Now for the First Time A Global Collapse Appears Likely (Ehrlich, 2013)

    Study: Limits to Growth was Right. Research Shows We’re Nearing Global Collapse (Turner, 2014)

    Study: Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: in Global Systemic Collapse (Korowicz, 2012)

    German Military (leaked) Peak Oil study concludes: oil is used in the production of 95% of all industrial goods, so a shortage of oil would collapse the world economy & world governments

    Merry Christmas! I see you left me out of your call out! Oh well you will be eating boiled rat soon enough.

  3. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 4:16 pm 

    “41 Million Americans Are Living In Poverty This Christmas”

    Slip slidin’ away!

  4. Go Speed Racer on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 4:21 pm 

    Dead by 2030 ?
    That’s not what I want for Christmas.
    I want a brand new
    1978 Lincoln Continental
    With the 460 V-8 and the optional
    auxiliary gas tank in the trunk.
    Holds an extra 22 gallons more
    than the main tank.
    Santa Claus kept one from
    1978, frozen at the North Pole and
    thawing it out just for me!

    Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!

  5. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 4:33 pm 


    Please use only mainstream sources.. I know that is hard because obviously you are not sophisticated enough to know the difference. And actually half of all 250 million US workers qualify for some form of foodstamps. They just don’t sign up.

  6. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 4:34 pm 


    Yes by 2030 for sure…And be-careful before you and Madkat deny it. Just remember Pandora doesn’t go back in the box..She only comes out!

  7. Go Speed Racer on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 4:52 pm 

    I will contact the funeral parlor.

    If I am dead in 2030 I want it to
    be a really large hearse.

    White Cadillac modified stretch cpa h.
    The biggest engine.
    Power everything.

    And the funeral procession will
    have lots of expensive cars,
    Bentley’s, Rolls,
    maybe a few Lamborghini’s.

    The preacher man will administer
    last rites
    And then vroom vroom
    Start your engines!!

  8. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:20 pm 


    How is the funeral parlor going to drive you anywhere without oil?

  9. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:21 pm 

    MM: FACTS are FACTS. Over 40 million AMERICANS are on food stamps’soup kitchens. Many millions are homeless. Many millions are living in their mom’s basements instead of being married and raising families because they are not able to find jobs, even with that piece of paper you so much cherish.

    If you don’t like real facts, read your favorite fairy tales, by your bought and paid for professors and think tanks and ignore the real world. Snowflake.

  10. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:28 pm 

    “Decadence is usually understood as an irreversible condition — the last stage before collapse.”

    “The British have the gift of ironic realism. When the time came to exit the stage, they shuffled off with a slightly embarrassed shrug. That, of course, is not the American way. When the stage manager beckons us into the wings we look for someone to hit — each other, or immigrants or Muslims or any other kind of not-us. Finding the reality of our situation inadmissible, like the deluded courtiers of the Shah of Iran,… we slide into a malignant fantasy.”

    Slip slidin’ into the 3rd world, one denial at a time.

  11. Cloggie on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:31 pm 

    My Christmas story is also centered around a movie, or rather a strange building that starred in several movies, among them the US movie “Mindhunters”, mostly shot in Holland. The building is Radio Kootwijk:

    Radio Kootwijk, before the war, was THE radio communication hub of the Dutch global empire. With long wave radio of 17 km wave length they could even reach “Nederlands Indie”, today sometimes misspelled as “Indonesia”. at the other side of the planet. A three minute phone call at the time costed 300 guilders, a small fortune. Speech impaired people were discouraged to make use of the service.

    After the war we became member of an empire ourselves, which had been the purpose of the war in the first place, we are not going to mention any names here, not to spoil the solemn Christmas atmosphere. It took me and my family an hour to get there by foot and another hour to get back, just to wet the appetite for the Christmas dinner.

    The building can be seen several times in this video clip song:

    Nice guitar riff at 2:40. The landscape was the one I spend this afternoon in.

  12. JuanP on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:52 pm 

    My wife and I spent the whole day at the farm doing little projects that usually get ignored and postponed. We built three huge bonfires to burn some brush and palm fronds that had been piling up. We built a butterfly garden by the front gate and we cleaned up a lot of trash. The place looks better. The plot is three acres with a pond that has a little island on it. It is a hidden paradise in the heart of a huge megalopolis. We have a lot of wildlife and a little jungle. We were just hanging out there the whole day.

  13. Davy on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:57 pm 

    “Mad kat: FACTS are FACTS. Many millions are homeless.”
    Mad kat, quit pulling numbers out your ass as usual. The number of homeless in the US was around 600,000 in 2015.

    “If you don’t like real facts, read your favorite fairy tales, by your bought and paid for professors and think tanks and ignore the real world.”
    FULL OF SHIT mad kat. You live in a fairy tale world

  14. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:57 pm 

    Juan, it sounds perfect. I expect to be in the ‘wild’ in a few months. (Feb.) Enjoy the holidays!

  15. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 6:58 pm 

    Delusional Davy, is that the pot calling the kettle black? LMAO

  16. Davy on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 7:03 pm 

    mad kat, your numbers are rotten. There is nothing pot or kettle about that. You are just sloppy and dishonest.

  17. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 7:06 pm 


    Here is quote you might like..

    If you want to get laid go to college if you want an education go to the library.

    -Frank Zappa

  18. Sissyfuss on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 7:39 pm 

    If divided we fall then brace for impact. The coming generations have been brainwashed from the first time they viewed a virtual world, telling them that happiness and a self realized life is most easily found in the consumer lifestyle. If materialism is in the wane then they can always opt for opioids. I think Kuntski overthought the symbolism in the movie. Bedford Falls (the US) has now become Pottersville, plain and simple. A dying middle class with little opportunity and the oligarchy growing more powerful every day. As an aside, I grew up in a town called Potterville but it should have been called Peyton Place.

  19. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 7:49 pm 

    Sissy, yes, America is no longer Bedford Falls, if it ever was. It is Pottersville in every possible way. Even worse, it seems to be heading for the inner circles of Dante’s Hell.

    The ‘frogs’ are numb to the changes. They think they are in a warm spa with a martini in their hands and a band playing in the background.

  20. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 7:54 pm 


    You are just as fucked as we are. Your president said this year he wanted to eat someone’s liver..Do you really think someone like that wont throw your gook ass on a cattle car and force you to do hard labor for the rest of your life?

  21. GregT on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 8:15 pm 

    Merry Christmas everybody. (Yes, even you! :))

    I hope everyone spent some quality time with family, friends, and/or loved ones.

    All the best to all of you!

  22. deadly on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 8:25 pm 

    It’s all surreal, cognitive dissonance has set in.

    Should probably outlaw and ban Christmas like it once was. Illegal to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Too much depression and suicide due to and during the holidays, alcohol can influence behavior in a bad way. Lots of news about tragedy involving alcohol.

    Better off without Christmas these days. Christmas causes crime, causes hard feelings when there should be good will towards men, but there ain’t any anymore.

    Everyone has sold their souls to the devil. Decadence and depravity rule. Everybody is going to go to hell. There is no hope.

    God I hope so. lol

    Grievance, resentment, and bitterness boil and sputter everywhere.

    Not so sure that is true. It’s worse than that, seething anger foaming and frothing at the mouth, the urge to kill never goes away.

    You hear it all on the news. About as far as it gets. Used to hear it from Charlie Rose, but no more. Can’t hear any news from Lake Woebegone from Garrison Keillor either.

    Nobody cares if Matt Lauer’s Hannukah was merry or not.

    Those idiots are Scrooges and don’t know it.

    Bah! Humbug!

    This is Christmas, big deal.

  23. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 9:25 pm 

    MM: “There is a myth of exceptionalism in America that prevents it from looking outward, and learning from the world.”

    There ARE better places than the US to ride out the future, MM. Much better. But you are as blind as most Americans who have never experienced the real world outside the States. Too bad. Thousands who ARE in the know are moving out of the Police State to better places every year. And, the number is multiplying, not adding.

    Even your buddy Davy has mentioned jumping the good (sinking) ship USS DEBT to Italy when the going gets tough in the States. Where are YOU going, MM?

  24. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 9:31 pm 

    deadly, religious holidays started out to keep the serfs in line, but have evolved into commercial sales days in most of the world I have seen. I live in a majority Catholic country where Christmas starts in September and lasts until December 25th. They call them the “ber months”. Christmas music in the malls and the decorations start to appear along with more displays of “stuff” for gifts.

    Easter is only about a week because it is not a great sales time. I’m not religious so it is just another day, but I do enjoy partying with my friends and “family” here. AND the 85F days. lol

  25. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 9:44 pm 


    “Food Stamps Still Feed One in Seven Americans Despite Recovery” (~40 million)

    “The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare”

    “82,679,000 of the welfare-takers lived in households where people were on Medicaid, said the Census Bureau. 51,471,000 were in households on food stamps. 22,526,000 were in the Women, Infants and Children program. 20,355,000 were in household on Supplemental Security Income. 13,267,000 lived in public housing or got housing subsidies. 5,442,000 got Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. 4,517,000 received other forms of federal cash assistance.”

    The US is already a failed country. But it is fast becoming an openly 3rd world one.

  26. Go Speed Racer on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 9:55 pm 

    Merry Christmas Greg T,
    let’s go out back and light some
    furniture on fire. Smoke out the neighbors.

    Ho Ho Ho !!

  27. MASTERMIND on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 10:14 pm 


    Like I said before actually around half of all US workers qualify for some kind of food stamps they just don’t all sign up. So that number could easily be more than double what its already at. 25 percent of workers in America make less than 10 dollars an hour.

  28. Makati1 on Mon, 25th Dec 2017 10:50 pm 

    Yes, MM, you are probably correct. The refs were for Davy’s benefit, but he will ignore that I even replied because it does not fit his view of the US as the “exceptional/indispensable” country. It is only going to deteriorate more as time goes on. Prepare now and beat the rush. ^_^

  29. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:05 am 

    “Food Stamps Still Feed One in Seven Americans Despite Recovery” (~40 million)”
    Mad kat, get your facts straight again. Many if not most get supplemental support. Food stamps do not feed them. They help feed them. You are such a drama queen. I know because I have a neighbor who gets help. How friggen many times have you posted that same copy and paste mad kat? It is a biweekly ritual. Let’s tell the board how many people in the US are on welfare every chance we get is a pretty lame intellectual activity

  30. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:09 am 

    “Even your buddy Davy has mentioned jumping the good (sinking) ship USS DEBT to Italy when the going gets tough in the States. Where are YOU going, MM?”

    LOL, I am staying put mad kat but if I want I have some place to go. You on the other hand are screwed especially when the SS check ends. 75 in a 3rd world country without health care. Screwed

  31. Makati1 on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:25 am 

    Davy, take away all the freebies and the US would be in collapse mode and fast approaching 3rd world levels.

    Why don’t you address the millions, YES MILLIONS, of families on the street? The millions who are jobless and dumpster diving for food? The over burdened food pantries that have seen a huge increase in clients these last few years? The exploding drug use? The exploding suicides? The decreasing life expectancy?

    Medicare 2018 = $588,000,000,000.00
    Medicaid 2018 = $495,000,000,000.00
    Welfare 2018 = $256,000,000,000.00

    Take away that $1,339,000,000,000.00 and see what happens to your pretend 1st world America.

    BTW: I do not include SS as it is NOT a welfare system. It is still in the black and is money owed the recipients, including me.

  32. Makati1 on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:28 am 

    Davy, you will be the first on the plane when the SHTF. Don’t try to kid me or the other intelligent people here. The only thing that will keep you in the US is if the gates are closed and you cannot leave. Or, if Italy is in even worse shape. The frying pan into the fire situation.

  33. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:52 am 

    “Why don’t you address the millions, YES MILLIONS, of families on the street? The millions who are jobless and dumpster diving for food? The over burdened food pantries that have seen a huge increase in clients these last few years? The exploding drug use? The exploding suicides? The decreasing life expectancy?”
    Mad kat, refer to my comment above that is the fact that the amount of homeless is 600,000. We have to deal with facts here not emotions. There are millions of underemployed or unemployed but this has not changed much for years. There is no “HUGE” increase. The “EXPLODING” is in your extremist fantasy mind. We still have a better life than the poor of Manila. We are talking disgusting living in many of the overpopulated 3rd world. The US has bad problems but please look in the friggen mirror at all the bad shit in Asia why don’t you mad kat. You are sick and need help

    “BTW: I do not include SS as it is NOT a welfare system. It is still in the black and is money owed the recipients, including me.”
    It is welfare mad kat and you do not deserve it. You should be working instead you are partying on the cheap in a 3rd world country. It is your generation that broke the bank. You need to take responsibility for what you and your age group were part of. If we had a chance to save the world it was your generation instead you doubled down on the crimes against the planet. You are a horrible example of what is wrong in the world. Bitching about welfare when you are getting welfare. Get a friggen job and show respectability. Quit taking your social security check then I will listen to your rants. DISGUSTING HIPOCRIT.

  34. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:56 am 

    “Davy, you will be the first on the plane when the SHTF.”
    LOL, mad kat, I have a real doomstead not a fantasy one like you have been talking about now going on 5 years and one you are never at. If you talk about your fantasy farm another 5 years you might be dead being 75. Your life expectancy in a 3rd world country without health insurance is surely no more than 80.

  35. Makati1 on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 7:07 am 

    Davy, you have shit. You have a farm (maybe) that relies on JIT chemicals and fuel to survive. You use hired hands to do the work, so you have said. You proved that you are not a farmer by giving up on the first failure. Most just consider it a learning experience and try again.

    The farm I have an interest in is already producing saleable fruits and veggies. It will be totally self-sufficient. No utilities necessary. Not even to flush the commode. Gravity will take care of that and the showers, etc. It already has internet, cable, and electric (as long as it lasts) but is designed to need none of those.

    The delay has been in getting the 3,000 foot road cut and stoned so trucks can deliver the 100+ tons of construction materials. Once the house is built, the road will be allowed to become only a path. Security. It has been the rainy season for the last five months and has slowed everything. It ends next month.

    What does “insurance” have to do with my life expectancy? You won’t have insurance when the SHTF anyway. And no medical services will be available. I have cash, the best insurance. The new hospital is five miles away.

    I pay $12 for a doctor’s visit, TOTAL. Not co-pay. Hospital stay is about $20/day. X-rays $5 each. Etc. Medical care here is very inexpensive, but on par with anything in the US. Not to mention generic meds instead of the Big Pharma ripoffs you have.

    I keep telling you that I am better positioned to enjoy the future than you can ever be there in Tax Land America.

  36. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 8:01 am 

    “Davy, you have shit. You have a farm (maybe) that relies on JIT chemicals and fuel to survive. You use hired hands to do the work, so you have said. You proved that you are not a farmer by giving up on the first failure. Most just consider it a learning experience and try again.”
    I have a permaculture goat and cattle farm that doesn’t not need fuel resupply. A goat and cattle farm you constantly put down. The reason you put it down is you are envious. You have nothing but a 27th floor balcony to get your fresh air. Maybe you have a banana tree or something there. You complain about hired help but mine is only occasional or professional like plumbers. You on the other hand talk about people running your farm and that is understandable because you are never there. I will do ok for a time eventually it is all about how the community will do. I am not optimistic but at least I am not in severe overpopulation like you are. You have no hope. You are screwed mad kat.

    “The farm I have an interest in is already producing saleable fruits and veggies. It will be totally self-sufficient. No utilities necessary. Not even to flush the commode. Gravity will take care of that and the showers, etc. It already has internet, cable, and electric (as long as it lasts) but is designed to need none of those.”
    Sure mad kat, you been discussing this fantasy farm ever since I have been on this forum. You can’t believe your story because it changes one day to the next as your fantasies alter. You once bragged about how you would be totally off the grid in seclusion. Now it is a fully grid integrated place. LOL, so much for the jungle hideaway. You are a comedian sometimes and don’t even realize it.

    “The delay has been in getting the 3,000 foot road cut and stoned so trucks can deliver the 100+ tons of construction materials. Once the house is built, the road will be allowed to become only a path. Security. It has been the rainy season for the last five months and has slowed everything. It ends next month.”
    See the fantasy has changed yet again because not long ago it was almost done. Why would you be delivering 100+tons of construction material if it was almost finished? Sounds a little excessive to me (100 tons???) are you building a high rise condo? Sounds like more fantasy to me. You are actually dwelling in a little 27th floor condo above 20MIL people making shit up.

    “What does “insurance” have to do with my life expectancy? You won’t have insurance when the SHTF anyway. And no medical services will be available. I have cash, the best insurance. The new hospital is five miles away.”
    People at their last years like you have major medical problems inevitably and you will be no different especially living for 10 years in Manila breathing all the foul air. I bet you have some kind of condition ready to surprise you. You are such a cocky old man. You won’t be cocky once you get sick with no healthcare insurance. Your cash is little or nothing. How far is a little social security stipend going to take you? You live month to month or should I say mouth to mouth.

  37. Cloggie on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 4:55 pm

    The owner of Greater London, I mean major Sadiq Khan, does not want to get along with the God-Emperor. Muslims have no interest in maintaining the famous Anglo “special relationship”.

    This is bad news for Davy, who loves to “get along” with every human biped imaginable and just to show his goodwill always loves to abbreviate someones firstname to a single sillable, like “art” or “mak” or “rock” or “siss”. In case of the good major that would be “sad”.lol

    Seriously, I expect that Westminster will be the Great Mosque of London by 2030.


  38. MASTERMIND on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:03 pm 


    Try to wrap it up in a one or two paragraphs tops. Nobody reads a rant that is six paragraphs long with no sources to go along with it.

  39. Cloggie on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:12 pm 

    …and not peer-reviewed at that!

  40. MASTERMIND on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:24 pm 


    You never answered my question. How much energy did solar and wind provide last year? Now say it with me big fella..Less than ONE PERCENT..LESS THAN ONE PERCENT…LOL What a scam and they cause blackouts and super high energy prices….FAIL….

  41. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:25 pm 

    MM, lol, are you even capable of two paragraphs?

  42. Cloggie on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:26 pm 

    “You never answered my question. How much energy did solar and wind provide last year? Now say it with me big fella..Less than ONE PERCENT..LESS THAN ONE PERCENT…LOL What a scam and they cause blackouts and super high energy prices….FAIL….”

    Show me the link that supports your claim. You can’t because you pulled the figure out of your antifa ass.

  43. Cloggie on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:35 pm

    In 2012, the world relied on renewable sources for around 13.2% of its total primary energy supply. In 2013 renewables accounted for almost 22% of global electricity generation, and the IEA Medium-Term Renewable Energy Report 2015 foresees that share reaching at least 26% increase in 2020.



  44. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 5:49 pm 

    Tulip, how much of that number is solar and wind that you hype so much? Lol, that figure drops significantly.

  45. Makati1 on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 6:01 pm 

    2011 – “The Philippines is an emerging economy and its economy has greatly shifted from agriculture to industry. … According to the 2011 primary (total) energy consumption of the Philippines:

    31% of the consumption was met by oil,
    20% by coal,
    22% by geothermal,
    12% by biomass,
    6% by hydro
    and 1% by other renewable energy like wind, solar and biofuel.

    The Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and thus has a high geothermal potential.

    In terms of electricity generation:

    41.4% of the electricity demand is met by geothermal energy,
    28% by coal,
    11.4% by hydro,
    15% by natural gas
    and 0.1% by wind, solar and biofuel.

    In terms of installed capacity for power (electric) generation:

    Hydro is 63.2%, (The Ps gets 6-12 foot of rain per year.)
    35.1% is geothermal,
    1.1% is biomass
    and 0.6% by wind and 0.1% solar.”

    The Ps has been adding hydro, geothermal, and other ‘renewable’ systems since then. It is still way above the US levels in ‘renewable’ energy production.

  46. Cloggie on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 6:03 pm

    Lord Heseltine says Brexit will be worse for Britain than a Jeremy Corbyn Labour government

    – He warned he would try his best to stop Brexit by ‘any means’ at hand
    – The former deputy PM said Remainer Tories were considering leaving the party
    – Brexit will become ‘more unpopular as people realise what it’s all about’

    (45% UK export goes to Europe)

    The British are the most anti-white white people on the planet. Great fun to see them wrestle for their own future, if any.

    Note that Heseltine is as anti-European as you can get. He fears that “the Germans will win” after

    Poor Britain. The only reason why that windy rainy island joined Europe was to attempt to destroy Europe from within. And failed miserably at that objective.

    German FM wants to use Brexit deal (if any) as template for countries like Ukraine and Turkey as

  47. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 6:08 pm 

    mad kat, please refrain from the constant promotion of your insignificant adopted country. The above post is probably the 20th time you regurgitated the same data.

  48. Makati1 on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 6:13 pm 

    Davy, please refrain from your bullying tactics. They don’t work here. I can post anything I want and you cannot stop me. The site owner can contact me if he doesn’t want my postings. So far … quiet. Apparently your memory is so short that you do not remember to not read anything that starts with Makati1. LMAO

  49. Davy on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 6:15 pm 

    mad kat, it sucks being neutered doesn’t it.

  50. Cloggie on Tue, 26th Dec 2017 6:22 pm

    Solar 1.8%
    Wind 7%

    So 9% in total, not this ridiculous 1%, millimind keeps peddling.

    But far more interesting than “the world” are the elite countries, indicating what is possible if you put yourself to it with the correct policies:


    Italy 8%
    Germany 6%
    Japan 5%


    Denmark 40%
    Portugal 35%
    Spain 35%
    Ireland 35%
    Germany 33%

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