
Peak Oil is You

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Page added on September 5, 2015

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Great Distractions & the REAL Catastrophe Directly Ahead

If you do not believe in global warming, you likely do not understand math, science, or logical reasoning, and you likely are the sort who swallows propaganda hook, line, and sinker, in which case, you probably won’t believe in peak oil either. Go watch your Fox News, go shopping, and pretend nothing is wrong.
*As referenced in my last slide, there are a number of other documentaries on this topic if you would like additional information:
(For better or worse from a copyright standpoint, some can be found here on YouTube.)
A somewhat dated video from Albert Bartlett:…
A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash
The End of Suburbia
Blind Spot (2008)
Collapse (2009)
The History Channel – Black Gold: The History of Oil
Nova: The Big Energy Gamble
The Corporation
King Corn
Food, Inc.
The Last Mountain
Frontline: Ten Trillion and Counting
Frontline: The Spill

20 Comments on "Great Distractions & the REAL Catastrophe Directly Ahead"

  1. Davy on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 8:02 am 

    Article said “If you do not believe in global warming, you likely do not understand math, science, or logical reasoning, and you likely are the sort who swallows propaganda hook, line, and sinker, in which case, you probably won’t believe in peak oil either.”

    This is a distortion because we have very educated people who believe in a green plan B. They are hook line and sinker bought into a delusional plan B of comfortable complexity with clean so called renewables. We have very bright browns who lie to themselves that we are not at the end of growth. These browns believe technology and development will solve our problems in any case problems far into the future. Many of both colors believe our current population size is OK if we can develop and educate people. Yes, we do have dumb people who don’t understand but they are struggling to live and don’t have the luxury of debate.

    It is not peak oil and climate change that is the issue it is a culture engage in an epic lie. We are a populations in overshoot facing a bottleneck of unimaginable pain, suffering, and death but want to believe all is well. There are no solutions to peak oil and climate change only a social hospice. The real insanity is the lie.

  2. ghung on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 8:54 am 

    Relax, Davy. Whether or not their goals are achievable, or their messages are spot on, the effect may be to implant in the minds of the masses a need for humans to change their collective behaviour, en mass. It’s a necessary first step even if the stories are imperfect and based on unsupportable optimism. Ridiculous stories of saviours and everlasting lives have held empires together for millennia. Getting people to think in terms of a fragile, finite Planet, and to see the need for doing our best to leave behind something, anything, worthwhile will likely require equally ridiculous stories. Sometimes delusion pushes the collective in better directions.

    Anything that counters obscene stories of infinite growth, even those not totally based in reality, is OK with me. Future generations will likely be disappointed either way, but hopefully their blame will be well placed. And maybe, when the magnitude of humans’ past misbehaviour becomes clear, someone will write powerful stories, myths about the consequences of repeating the same mistakes. Sounds silly, I know, but that’s generally how things work in homo-land.

  3. Davy on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 9:02 am 

    Sound wisdom G-man

  4. penury on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 10:07 am 

    There are a sub-set of people that I know and you do also, that fervently believe that “GOD” will protect them. The hubris of Divine Creation has implanted in their minds that nothing bad can happen to them as long as the invisible,omnipotent big daddy is there to take care of them. Perhaps the Pope’s position will allow a little more thought to occur to them.

  5. Davy on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 10:19 am 

    Pen, I am still trying to figure out if I get cremated how does the doctrine of resurrection of the flesh work out? If I have my ashes spread over a favorite spot on the farm and a worm eats some of it then a robin eats the worm then an eagle eats the robin then the eagle dies and worms eat the eagle and the whole process starts anew how the hell will all that get separated out?

  6. Apneaman on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 12:19 pm 

    Rocks do fall out of the sky every hundred million years or whatever, but they are not the biggest killer. That would be excessive amounts of CO2 triggering feed back leading to mass extinctions. The mother of all extinction, The Permian started with the Siberian traps puking out CO2. Were puking it out at a much faster rate. The dinosaurs were already dying before the meteor hit and the Deccan volcanic traps are the main reason for their demise during the Cretaceous extinction period. Lets try and keep up with the science people before we go running off and making documentaries. Any Nate Hagens video is a much better overshoot primer than this guy.

    New Dates Tie Volcanic Flood to Dinosaur Extinction

    So what did-in the dinosaurs? A murder mystery…

    Scientists have assembled a slew of new forensic evidence – from high-resolution dates to microscopic fossils – to prosecute the dino-killer. Their indictment has worrying implications for us.

    Everyone knows that the dinosaurs were wiped out – along with about 70% of all species – by a massive asteroid slamming into Mexico, right? Well, not so fast. Like a good murder-mystery, a steady drip of evidence and some major new revelations have implicated another suspect – were they in it together or is one innocent?

    Everything you need to know about Mass Extinction, Sea Level Rise and Amplification

  7. Apneaman on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 12:37 pm 

    ghung, I find Ernest Becker’s work, “The Denial Of Death” , to have great explanatory power for why apes need and cling to their stories at all costs. Here is a great Documentary primer on his ideas which now have a shit load of research supporting them.

    “Flight From Death: The Quest for Immortality”

    Sheldon Solomon – Ernest Becker & The Denial of Death

    “Terror Management Theory (TMT) was proposed in 1986 by social psychologists Jeff Greenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, and Sheldon Solomon. The theory was inspired by the writings of cultural anthropologist, Ernest Becker, and was initiated by two relatively simple questions: Why do people have such a great need to feel good about themselves?; and Why do people have so much trouble getting along with those different from themselves?

    The basic gist of the theory is that humans are motivated to quell the potential for terror inherent in the human awareness of vulnerability and mortality by investing in cultural belief systems (or worldviews) that imbue life with meaning, and the individuals who subscribe to them with significance (or self-esteem). Since its inception, the theory has generated empirical research into not just the nature of self-esteem motivation and prejudice, but also a host of other forms of human social behavior. To date, over 300 studies conducted in over a dozen countries have explored such topics as aggression, stereotyping, needs for structure and meaning, depression and psychopathology (e.g., phobias), political preferences, creativity, sexuality and attraction, romantic and interpersonal attachment, self-awareness, unconscious cognition, martyrdom, religion, group identification, disgust, human-nature relations, physical health, risk taking, and legal judgments.”

  8. onlooker on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 1:26 pm 

    Yes I do not think we need to get ahead of ourselves, consequences will soon serve to compel most everyone to see the “truth’ and act accordingly. I say this fully aware of as AP states our primate tendencies.

  9. Joe on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 2:53 pm 

    If that Damn Jed Clampett wouldn’t have found black gold or Texas tea,we wouldn’t be here to suffer this insurmountable energy problem!

    Come and listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed Poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed Then one day he was shooting at some food,And up through the ground come a bubbling crude(Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea)

    Well the first thing you know old Jed’s a millionaire Kin folk said Jed move away from there They said California is the place you ought a be
    So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly(Hills that is,swimming pools, movie stars)

    Well now it’s time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin They would like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in
    You’re all invited back again to this locality To have a heaping helping of their hospitality(Beverly Hillbillies,that’s what they call ’em now,Nice folks Y’all come back now, ya hear?)

  10. Davy on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 3:17 pm 

    Ape Man, I read “Denial of Death” senior year high school. That change me at a formative time. I was never quite right after that. Then I went on to read nearly all of Alan Watts books. Anyway good reference per the topic.

  11. Apneaman on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 3:34 pm 

    Davy, Sheldon Solomon, who has done a great deal to further and prove Becker’s work, has to be the most laid back surfer dude, Phd on the planet. I really get a kick out of listening to that guy. Here’s another relavent talk he gave.

    Sheldon Solomon on Death Awareness/Acceptance and Gratitude

  12. Dredd on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 5:51 pm 

    The Authoritarianism of Climate Change

  13. Truth Has A Liberal Bias on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 10:19 pm 

    Someone recently told me that Greece should go back on the Drachma and once again become a cheap holiday hotspot. I think all the dead migrants washing up on the beaches will soon detract from the sand and surf experience. Perhaps they would feel better about it all if the tourists in Greece knew that Sheldon Solomon had had his books translated and given out to Syrians fleeing the collapse.

  14. jedrider on Sat, 5th Sep 2015 10:44 pm 

    Nice selection of material apneaman, sorry about the apnea, as most like to just call you apeman 🙂

    Yes, I read Peter Ward’s ‘Under a Green Sky’ book. Quite an eye opener on Hydrogen Sulfide, yew!

    Peter Ward has the science behind Guy McPherson’s doomerism.

  15. Apneaman on Sun, 6th Sep 2015 12:00 am 

    jed, I think Ward has a longer timeline than McPherson. That was that dastardly Davy that started calling me Ape. I’m fine with it. It’s much nicer than what my ex girlfriends and wives call me – no respect I tell ya.

  16. roman on Sun, 6th Sep 2015 5:49 pm 

    There is always climate change. Global warming is better than global cooling. Either way earth is a harsh environment.

  17. apneaman on Mon, 7th Sep 2015 12:39 pm 

    Forest fires in Alaska: A ticking climate time bomb

    “The wildfires play a critical role in climate change, says Rupp, because of the mass of carbon dioxide that the fires release into the atmosphere.
    Rupp says a single bad year like this one could release CO2 accumulated over more than a decade into the atmosphere in a single season.
    “All of the sudden, we’ve got all this carbon and methane that’s been locked up, now being able to rapidly start to emit into the atmosphere,” Rupp said.
    From 1950 until 2009, he said, forest fires in Alaska have released CO2 equal to half of all carbon emissions from the European Union.
    Permafrost and methane
    So in Alaska, climate change has set a vicious cycle in motion. The warmer the temperature, the drier the summer – and so, the greater the risk of forest fires, which then release ever more carbon dioxide. Worse still, the increasingly frequent fires damage and diminish the surface layer of soil, which provides vital insulation.”

  18. apneaman on Mon, 7th Sep 2015 12:43 pm 

    Hothouse Monsters Clash: Godzilla El Nino Pummels Pacific’s Hot Blob

    “Two climate change spawned monsters are duking it out over thousands of miles of Pacific Ocean waters. And in a human heated world its an epic battle between these two warming fueled atmospheric and oceanic goliaths — the Godzilla El Nino versus the Pacific Ocean’s Hot Blob.

    Ridiculously Resilient Ridge. RRR. Blocking high pressure system. All names given to a sprawling heat dome that has plagued the U.S. West Coast for the better part of two years running. It’s a weather system largely responsible for the California drought — the worst in at least 1200 years. A weather system implicated in an extraordinarily intense outbreak of wildfires across the North American West from Alaska through British Columbia and all along the US West Coast — including within the usually moist rain forests of Washington and Oregon.”

  19. Kenz300 on Tue, 8th Sep 2015 3:06 pm 

    Climate Change is real….. we need to deal with the cause (fossil fuels)………..

    The Year Humans Got Serious About Climate Change — NYMag

  20. Kenz300 on Tue, 8th Sep 2015 3:07 pm 

    Climate Change is real….. we need to deal with the cause (fossil fuels)

    Listen Up: Pope Calls for the Replacement of Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy and Solar Subsidies – Renewable Energy World

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