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Page added on October 24, 2017

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What we’ve learned from largest methane gas leak in the U.S.

What we’ve learned from largest methane gas leak in the U.S. thumbnail

Invisible disaster: Infrared images from the Environmental Defense Fund show a huge plume spewing from the ground.

Two years ago today, the largest U.S. methane leak was discovered. The leak in northwest Los Angeles County focused attention on the state’s aging gas wells.

Disaster snapshot

The leaky well was one of 115 wells connected to a subsurface storage reservoir in the Aliso Canyon gas field. The field has been used for natural gas storage since 1973 and is the fourth largest facility of its kind in the U.S.


Approximate home evacuations to date


Days since gas leak was reported until it was stopped


Number of Aliso Canyon wells drilled before 1953

109,000 metric tons
Estimated number of tons of methane leaked. Considered a large environmental disaster due to harmful emissions.

Very small
The risk of health effects to those exposed to the gas leak, according to the state’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.

Scale of the leaking

Hydrocarbon leak rate, in metric tons per hour

Ton per minute of methane

Total methane released over time in metric tons

total methan leakedThen and now

What the SoCalGas well was like that leaked on the left and what they are doing to increase safety on the right. New elements in bold.

New well elementsMost used fuel in California

Natural gas is used to generate electricity as well as to heat people’s homes. In 2013, 64.4 percent of the homes in California used natural gas, compared with 48.3 percent nationwide.

Natural gas usedThe latest events

A look at some notable events this year regarding the gas leak:
Feb. 8: The Southern California Gas Co. agrees to pay $8.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by air quality regulators in 2016.

February: A Porter Ranch physician says a pattern of health symptoms emerged among the almost 50 patients he’s followed since the 2015 gas leak. He hoped other doctors in the area, as well as outside researchers, would collaborate with him on a long-term study.

July: James Mansdorfer, who was formerly responsible for managing SoCalGas’ storage wells and reservoirs, told state regulators he was concerned that movement on the Santa Susana fault would “almost surely sever the casing” and tubing of every gas well at Aliso Canyon, “resulting in release of gas at a rate of 100 to 1,000 times the rate of the SS25 leak.”

July 29: A state appeals court lifts a temporary hold on injections at the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility, overriding the concerns of Los Angeles County and clearing the way for the Southern California Gas Co. to resume injections there.

July 31: Despite concerns raised by residents and Los Angeles County leaders, SoCalGas resumes natural gas injections at Aliso Canyon wells. The company has completed all safety measures to do so.

August: Nearby residents say they are bracing themselves for the worst after SoCalGas announced that it had “started the process to resume limited injection operations” after approval from state gas and utility regulators and days of legal wrangling with Los Angeles County.

Oct. 14: High levels of uranium, lithium and a synthetic chemical used to make plastics were present in the urine and hair samples of residents who live near the natural gas leak, according to results released by a local physician.

Sources: EPA; California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services; Energy Information Administration; Environmental Defense Fund; Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources; California Air Resources Board; Southern California Gas Co.

the OCR

65 Comments on "What we’ve learned from largest methane gas leak in the U.S."

  1. makati1 on Tue, 24th Oct 2017 8:21 pm 

    Crumbling America. Nuff said.

  2. Bloomer on Tue, 24th Oct 2017 10:20 pm 

    Oil and gas companies have the publics best interest at heart. No need for any knee jerk reactions and bringing in a bunch of regulations that will harm the job creators.

  3. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 12:46 am 

    “What we’ve learned from the aggregate numbers is that the humans are a fucking cancer and the chemo has started

    B.C’s record-breaking wildfire season might be over, but the pain lingers for hundreds of Interior residents.

    NASA satellite sees devastation from California wildfires

    NASA’s Terra satellite captures a haunting look at the destruction caused by the deadly wine country blazes.

    Heat wave sets new records and sparks brush fires as World Series begins

    Devastating California wildfires predicted to cost US economy $85 billion; Containment may take weeks

    These are consequences. AGW Jacked. The whole fucking thing is going to burn…… or flood. Well at least it creates plenty of jobs – disaster repair rebuild & clean up. That’s how the Cancer industry creates jobs, Bloomer you clueless fucking moron.

  4. DerHundistlos on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 12:58 am 

    For all the rapid climate change denialists claiming raising CO2 will be a bonanza for crop yields (oops the science is in):

    Experts explain how rising carbon dioxide depletes nutrients in our food:

  5. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 1:21 am 

    Government Accountability Office says climate change already costing U.S. billions

    “A non-partisan federal watchdog says climate change is already costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars each year, with those costs expected to rise as devastating storms, floods, wildfires and droughts become more frequent in the coming decades.

    A Government Accountability Office report released Monday said the federal government has spent more than $350 billion over the last decade on disaster assistance programs and losses from flood and crop insurance. That tally does not include the massive toll from this year’s wildfires and three major hurricanes, expected to be among the most costly in the nation’s history.”

    Luckily they gots ‘Top Men’ on the job.

    Narragansett Bay is Being Impacted by Climate Change; Scott Pruitt’s EPA Says Scientists Can’t Talk About it

    Denial and censorship have zero effect on the laws of physics, chemistry & biology. The hammer will keep falling again and again and…..

  6. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 2:12 am 

    Galveston man dies of flesh-eating bacteria from Harvey

  7. Dredd on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 9:53 am 

    Another thing to learn (Time’s Up).

  8. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:47 am 

    Record-Melting Fall Heat Wave Bakes Southern California

    ” Dozens of locations record highs for the date and all-time highs for this late in the year, and Santa Ana winds kept the temperatures amazingly warm throughout Monday night. In Orange County, the city of Fullerton soared to 107°F on Monday. According to WU weather historian Christopher Burt, this is likely the hottest single temperature recorded anywhere in the United States so late in the year. Even Death Valley has never recorded a temperature this high after October 16 in any year! For comparison, the national U.S. record high for November is 105°F, most recently at Tustin Irvine Ranch, California, in 1997.”

    “Here are some of the many records set on Monday, with the old daily record and year and the year that observations began. Asterisks denote that the high was an all-time record for so late in the year.

    LOS ANGELES DOWNTOWN* 102 98 IN 1965 1877
    LOS ANGELES INTL AP 101 97 IN 1965 1944
    LONG BEACH AP* 105 99 IN 1965 1958
    BURBANK AP* 102 98 IN 1965 1939
    UCLA* 100 98 IN 1939 1933
    SANDBERG (tie) 84 84 IN 1959 1948
    CAMARILLO AP* 106 97 IN 2007 1923
    OXNARD NWS* 104 96 IN 2007 1923
    SANTA MARIA AP* 102 98 IN 1965 1948
    RAMONA AP* 101 97 IN 2003 1974
    RIVERSIDE* 102 101 IN 1959 1893
    PALM SPRINGS (tie) 104 104 IN 2003 1893
    SANTA ANA* 102 101 IN 1939 1906
    VISTA* 100 99 IN 1965 1957
    ALPINE* 99 98 IN 1959 1951
    EL CAJON* 104 100 IN 2003 1979
    BIG BEAR (tie) 74 74 IN 2003 1960”

  9. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:51 am 

    “The video is an 11 minute tour of the island, complete with drone flyovers and somber piano music. It shows the enormous scale of one of the worst humanitarian disasters in U.S. history, as thousands of people continue to struggle for survival.”

  10. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:24 am 

    Way to go deniers. Ya got another one.

    Volunteer firefighter dies battling one of nearly a dozen wildfires in Alta., Sask.
    From B.C. to the Saskatchewan border, residents of towns, hamlets and cities were forced to leave their homes

    I was born on the Canadian prairie and late October was not wildfire season. It was snow, cold and playing hockey on out door rinks, rivers and ponds.

  11. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 6:07 pm 

    Phoenix hit 99 degrees, sets daily heat record for Oct. 24

    “PHOENIX — The last time we checked it was fall in Arizona, but Phoenix must have missed the memo: The city set a new heat record on Tuesday.

    The National Weather Service said the mercury topped out at 99 degrees, three degrees hotter than the old record set in 2014.

    The record was officially broken about 12:30 p.m., but it continued to get a few degrees hotter.”

  12. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 6:08 pm 

    1 temperature record down, another expected to fall
    Record temperatures broken Tuesday, and more forecast for Wednesday

  13. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 6:10 pm 

    The Latest: LA breaks another temperature record in heatwave – October 25, 2017

  14. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 7:31 pm 

    Americans are committing mass suicide.

    “The situation is the US is possibly even worse, Christina Sarich recently reported that 34,000 pesticides are currently registered for use in the US by the Environental Protection Sgency (EPA). Industrial agriculture (75% of all land used in the US to grow food or raise animals) relies on these chemicals to grow food.

    Sarich states that drinking water it is often contaminated by pesticides, and more babies are being born with preventable birth defects due to pesticide exposure. Chemicals are so prevalently used, they show up in breast milk of mothers. Illnesses are on the rise too, including asthma, autism and learning disabilities, birth defects and reproductive dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases and several types of cancer. Sarich says that their connection to pesticide exposure becomes more evident with every new study conducted.

    Moreover, pollinating insects have been decimated by chemical herbicides and pesticides, which are also stripping the soil of nutrients. As a result, for example, there has been a 41.1 to 100% decrease in vitamin A in 6 foods: apple, banana, broccoli, onion, potato and tomato. Both onion and potato saw a 100% loss of vitamin A between 1951 and 1999.”

    Dumb and dumber. The next generation of Americans, IF there is one.

  15. Davy on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 7:46 pm 

    We are doing fine mad kat. Things are bad and getting worse but in a relative way along with the rest of
    the world. You are just a drama queen. You will be coming home one day with your tail between your legs because this is where you will get health care and a nursing home spot

  16. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 7:49 pm 

    Madkat1 can I ask you a question? Why do you get pleasure off of other people’s misery?

  17. Apneaman on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 8:07 pm 

    Like I’ve been saying for years, AGW is going to break the bank.

    “As a measure of money alone and leaving aside the untold human misery, hurricane Harvey may ultimately cost the U.S. $180 billion, Irma may cost the U.S. $65 billion, and Maria may ultimately cost the U.S. as much as $100 billion. Adding in the $85 billion dollar damage estimate for the devastating California wildfires which were also made worse by climate change, and the total cost to U.S. society from these four disasters alone may top $430 billion.”

    “Sitting at 1 to 1.2 C warming and staring down the barrel of 2-4 C or greater warming this Century, we can definitely say that these kinds of disasters are going to get worse.”

    Wow. That’s a very expensive 50 days.

  18. fmr-paultard on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 8:32 pm 

    i don’t want phils health care. from what i understand innate immunity is 99.999% responsible for one being alive.

    unfortunately phils is .0000001 innate immunitey strong. tape worms, aswang, malaria ..

    oh man…on top of suicide shower.

    and now a short sighted election of a strong man who is driving phils to intractable warfare. this is how one destroys a nation.

    oh man i would start swimming to american shore right about now

  19. fmr-paultard on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 8:41 pm

    TAIPEI —
    The end of a five-month war against Islamic State-backed Muslim rebels in the Philippines is now challenging the government to stop any retaliatory strikes and pay a multi-million dollar reconstruction bill — or risk more discontent.

    oh man this is not cool. just shoot and drop bombs. this is now how to win wars. oh man so long phils.

    i said i’m on a mission to help women and also destroy alt-tard media. i’m winning!

    oh man copy/paste is winning!

  20. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:50 pm 

    “The United States of Toxins”

    “Collectively, industries in the United States released more than 3.54 billion pounds of toxins into the environment in 2016. That’s the equivalent weight of about 25.3 million American adults — or roughly 8% of the entire U.S. population. Nearly half of all Americans live in a county with unhealthy levels of air pollution, and 46% of America’s lakes are too polluted to fish or swim in.”

    Pollution you cannot see is more deadly than pollution you can see.

  21. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:54 pm 

    fmr, you keep reading fairy tales instead of real world facts. Delusional Davy might rent a room to you in his trailer if you ask politely. Maybe you are related? lol

  22. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:56 pm 

    “We are doing fine mad kat.” Keep telling yourself that if it lets you sleep at night, Davy.

  23. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:57 pm 


    I see you totally ignored my first question. So I have another for you.

    Aramco CEO Warns Of Imminent Oil Supply Crunch

    Lets just pretend there is an upcoming worldwide oil shortage as the Saudi CEO is warning about. What do you think will be the results?

  24. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 10:59 pm 

    “Madkat1 can I ask you a question? Why do you get pleasure off of other people’s misery?”

    Who said I get pleasure? I am just stating facts and pointing out that the US is getting what it deserve for the decades it has brought misery and death to millions of innocent people around the world. Blow-back is a bitch. I’m just a spectator.

  25. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:01 pm 

    makati1- Has the US or any US citizens every done anything good to help the world? If so can you give a few examples?

  26. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:04 pm 

    MM, the cost of everything will go up and the US economy will crash. It will end capitalism as we know it and the US empire. Two plus’, I think.

    Here in the Ps, not much will change. We use 1/50th the oil that the US does. 40% of our electric comes from renewable sources. The economy is strong and debt is low. Most will hardly notice, as I keep saying.

  27. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:05 pm 

    MM, I cannot think of any HONEST “good” the US has done. If you can, give me examples.

  28. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:14 pm 

    Makati1…Well for one it was a US scientist who developed the first vaccines that have saved billions of lives and increased lifespans. Also every civilized democracy has established a state constitution based upon our founding fathers. And it was the US EPA scientist that banned lead in gasoline that resulted in a world ban of it. That has resulted in around a 40 percent decrease in violent crime and increased the world IQ. We also give more foreign aid to other poorer nations then any country on earth. And take in more refugees and immigrants then any other nation.

  29. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:17 pm 

    BTW fmr: VOA is an American sponsored propaganda outlet, and is full of spin. Might I recommend two real Ps based news outlets?

  30. MASTERMIND on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:22 pm 

    Madkat partial credit for your assessment of the oil shortage issue. Here is what a German government study found. And keep in mind this study was done back in 2010. And it said the high oil price would stunt economic growth and lead to votes for extremist or nationalistic politicians. So before you discredit it you might want to realize it did already predict correctly the rise of Trump and nationalism.

    German Government (leaked) Peak Oil study concludes: oil is used directly or indirectly in the production of 90% of all manufactured products, so a shortage of oil would collapse the world economy & world governments

    And here we are once again. It predicts the WORLD ECONOMY and GOVERNMENTS will go down. Not just the US or Europe etc.

  31. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:35 pm 

    Did you know that those vaccines also have side effects like brain damage and even death? And, why is fighting mother nature a ‘good thing’? She is going to win.

    And who put the lead in gasoline (and paint) in the first place? American scientists.

    There is no true democracy. Never was, anywhere. The US Constitution is just a piece of paper that is now dead. Even the writers knew it would not last. This was written by slave owners. “Democracy” was for the elite, not the serfs/slaves/women.

    No, we use “foreign aid” as a means to get our way in those countries. There is ALWAYS strings attached. ALWAYS. Do some research.

    ‘Refuges’ or do you mean illegal immigrants? Big difference. If ten million Latinos “immigrated” from South and Central America, would that be a good thing? Besides being cheap labor, why do you think immigration is a good thing these days? Just asking.

  32. makati1 on Wed, 25th Oct 2017 11:50 pm 

    MM, define “go down” as in disappear? End? or just decline in power and wealth?

    If the latter two, I agree. But the decline will NOT be equal. The loss of energy will hit those who consume the most much more than it will affect those who use little or none. Again, I use the Ps as an example.

    US = 19,000,000 bbls/day 2016
    Ps = 300,000 bbls/day 2016

    The higher you are, the harder the fall.

  33. Cloggie on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 3:57 am 

    Madkat partial credit for your assessment of the oil shortage issue. Here is what a German government study found. And keep in mind this study was done back in 2010.

    2010, hence worthless.

    Here is the accompanying video based on the German Army study:

    In 2010 I was a peak-oil-tard as well, but I have moved on.

    This is 2017.

    Since 2013 we have fracking and the discovery of immense coal reserves that could be exploited using Underground Coal Gasification, enough to cover global energy demand for thousands of years to come (and en passant fry the planet 10 times over).

    And since a few years we have a renewable price development that makes renewables competitive with fossil fuel. And then there are the Paris Accords. Currently renewables are #1 among new energy capacity, world-wide.

    Those are enough energy reserves to carry out the energy transition over the coming few decades.

    Exit Heinberg, ASPO, German Army-2010 study.

    There is no energy problem, other than in the lazy minds of those who are too heavily invested in the collapse narrative und are unwilling/unable to change course, out of fear of loss of face in their private lives.

  34. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 4:30 am 

    “The United States of Toxins”

    Mad kat, how about those toxins in Asia? Ask cloggie about the ones in Europe. Why do you single out the US? Is it because you are intellectually dishonest and peddling an agenda?

  35. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 4:38 am 

    “Who said I get pleasure? I am just stating facts and pointing out that the US is getting what it deserve”

    Mad kat gets pleasure from his anti-American agenda and it appears to be a personality disorder. Mad kat is obsessively posting comments that very often have little continuity to the discussions here. He is selfishly promoting his agenda. He is pressuring the comment board with his personal extremism creating an environment of hate and discontent. This appears to me to be a way for him to justify his move to Asia in which he left his family and everything behind. That must have been traumatic with deeper meaning. He probably moved to get away from failure in the US and his personality is the type that cannot accept failure so he blames the country and the people for his failure. This is an American critical site that is clear. Don’t come here if you expect otherwise yet, mad kat, has made it his personal place to satisfy his neurosis.

  36. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 4:47 am 

    “Here in the Ps, not much will change. We use 1/50th the oil that the US does.”

    The Philippines is a country with 100MIL in the space of Arizona. It has poverty, pollution, and environmental degradation. There are localized failures especially with fisheries the P’s is very dependent on. Salt water intrusions into ground water is effecting large cities and agriculture. The P’s is sitting in the Pacific ring of fire with volcanism and earthquakes. It is in typhoon ally in a warming world. It is beset by landslides and floods. The biggest issues is overshoot of its population per its carrying capacity. Lots will change when the oil stops. The food the P’s imports because it can’t feed itself is also fossil fuel derived. The P’s uses significant amounts of fossil fuels even in its subsistence farming. The mega population region of Manila is absolutely dependent on fossil fuels and if supplies stopped and this region depopulated, Luzon Island would be a hell hole of mad max activity. Mad kat is in no way in a refuge from the worst. He is near the top of the worst.

  37. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 4:59 am 

    “In 2010 I was a peak-oil-tard as well, but I have moved on.”

    Peak oil dynamics are alive and well and will likely show themselves with a vengeance in a few years ahead. New oil production is way down. Oil nations are failing. The economy is not healthy. The quality of oil has dropped and the expense of bringing it to market increasing. Oil infrastructure is rusting and needed upkeep in decline. Renewables have yet to significantly change our reliance on fossil fuels. They have made some promising inroads to the grid supply but even there the hard part is ahead. These achievements are not lowering our reliance on fossil fuels just supplementing that energy growth. Localized renewable penetration is good in some areas but this is a global world so even if these places went all renewable they still face other global risks. Transport is still largely fossil fuel. All the talk of a renewable world ahead is just talk at the moment. It is not real yet and there are so many variables that need to fall into place to achieve a renewable world. A huge obstacle is affordability in a global world near a financial fiasco because of debt and unfunded liabilities. Talking about peak oil being dead is premature. It is not the force of collapse we once thought but that does not mean its systematic risks are not there. Those who talk like it is no longer a force are peddling an agenda.

  38. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 5:31 am 

    Let me guess, China and Russia to the rescue?

    “The Time Has Come: Venezuela May Be In Default In Under 48 Hours”

    “As Brauer writes, Venezuela has been in as similar situation of payment uncertainty in the recent past, with bond prices plummeting right before a big payment. For example, just before a big principal payment was due in April 2017 Venezuela received a $1bn loan from Russia just one week before the due date.”

    “The concerning principal due dates are coming up, the first of which is this coming Friday, which means in less than 48 hours Venezuela could be in default unless it can find $842 million:”

  39. Cloggie on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 5:46 am 

    Peak oil dynamics are alive and well and will likely show themselves with a vengeance in a few years ahead.

    Abstract smokescreen saying absolutely nothing.

    Oil nations are failing. The economy is not healthy.

    You are a collapse dinosaur, who is like preaching Marxism in the 1988-USSR and completely out of touch with the reality of the identitarian multi-polar world of the 21st century:

    You think that the coming USSR-style collapse of the wannabee-hegemonic US will mean the collapse of the rest of the world.

    It won’t.

    The quality of oil has dropped and the expense of bringing it to market increasing.

    My tiny Toyota will drive 20 km on a liter or 47 mpg. You won’t hear me complaining about this alleged “dropping quality of oil”. You better worry about the quality of your own forum droppings.

    Renewables have yet to significantly change our reliance on fossil fuels.

    Extrapolation and vision is not your fort, right? Renewable energy sources are currently the #1 new energy sources globally. Yet mysteriously this will somehow stop in the future?


    These achievements are not lowering our reliance on fossil fuels just supplementing that energy growth.

    Yeah, because the world economy keeps growing, somewhat at odds with your tired old collapse story.

    All the talk of a renewable world ahead is just talk at the moment.

    Lazy Davy doesn’t accept that you can’t realize a renewable energy base per mouseclick… so it is not going to happen at all. So he won’t put an effort in contributing to this renewable energy world. Planning decades ahead is too much effort for Davy. He prefers to sit in his cabine and restricts himself to talking down the Eurasian efforts. Typical sign of US decline, this Davy attitude.

    Talking about peak oil being dead is premature.

    You have my support in talking about peak oil demand as much as you want, but the topic of peak oil, or oil for that matter, no longer interests me. The oil age is over. I’m fascinated by the new opportunities that arise with a great effort:

    We won’t have to fear too much from US competition. And the rule is: he who controls a new source of energy first will be the next global dominatrix:

    17th century: Dutch windmills to build a fleet, 3 times the amounts of ships of the rest of the world combined, enabling the setup of a global empire.

    19th century: British coal and steam engines enabled the British t o setup a Lebensraum encompassing 25% of the planet and made London the true capital of the world, more so than NYC was in the 20th century.

    20th century: American oil enabled an economy of 29% of global GDP and via an oil boycot against Japan, Washington intentionally could provoke WW2 which would bring them global hegemony (40% global GDP in 1950). Currently the US is underway to become a third world country due to insane immigration policies and commit suicide as a great power.

    21st century: the world (minus Syria and the US) have agreed that fossil fuel needs to be phased out in the coming decades. China and India (3 billion people) volunteer to do the manufacturing of say 300,000 km2 worth of solar panels in factories designed and build in the West. Europe is leading the way in wind energy that will increasingly move offshore for higher wind speeds and easy mechanized installation process.

    Regarding the link between early adoption of a new energy source and global power… see a pattern here?

    Davy’s self-defeating can’t-do attitude won’t be of any help here. Well, not for America.

  40. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 6:33 am 

    “Abstract smokescreen saying absolutely nothing.”
    Abstract smokescreen saying absolutely nothing.

    “You are a collapse dinosaur, who is like preaching Marxism in the 1988-USSR and completely out of touch with the reality of the identitarian multi-polar world of the 21st century:”
    Agenda peddling
    Abstract smokescreen saying absolutely nothing.

    Last I saw this city is on the drawing board along with an Aramco IPO desperation.
    What about Venezuela and Nigeria?

    “You think that the coming USSR-style collapse of the wannabee-hegemonic US will mean the collapse of the rest of the world. It won’t.”
    That is your opinion and my opinion is better educated because I am not peddling a Euro Paris Berlin Moscow Empire golden decade fantasy agenda. I am talking science and especially the science of systematic interconnectedness of the global economy. I am also talking about Europe and China being in the same bad financial situation.

    “My tiny Toyota will drive 20 km on a liter or 47 mpg. You won’t hear me complaining about this alleged “dropping quality of oil”.
    Wow, clogged does not even drive a German car. LOL. So are you saying heavy oils, shale oil, and other liquids are as good as conventional oil the world grew up on?

    “Extrapolation and vision is not your fort, right? Renewable energy sources are currently the #1 new energy sources globally. Yet mysteriously this will somehow stop in the future?”
    If you will notice I referenced renewables high penetration as new sources but please give us the global penetration currently of all sources and put that in context to energy growth. Also admit the hardest part is ahead and with a looming economic contraction of some sort. Be intellectually honest, clogged.

    “Yeah, because the world economy keeps growing, somewhat at odds with your tired old collapse story.”
    Clarify that growth, clogged. Is it enough growth? Is it all good growth? Is some of it just a dangerous increase in population needing more energy and just taking us further into overshoot? Do you understand overshoot and systematic stress? Do you know what bad debt is and how it is pretended away and extended with repressed rates and quantitative easing? Do you understand financial bubbles and Ponzi arrangements? Do you understand risk and contagions?

    “Lazy Davy doesn’t accept that you can’t realize a renewable energy base per mouseclick”
    WTF, LOL, is that an energy engineer babble?

    “Planning decades ahead is too much effort for Davy. He prefers to sit in his cabine and restricts himself to talking down the Eurasian efforts.”
    Planning is one thing but fantasy agenda peddling quite another. It is perfectly legitimate to balance anti-American extremism with the realities that the Eurasian situation is just as dire. If you peddle a Eurasian agenda you will only talk anti-American.

    “You have my support in talking about peak oil demand as much as you want, but the topic of peak oil, or oil for that matter, no longer interests me. The oil age is over. I’m fascinated by the new opportunities that arise with a great effort:”
    Of course PO dynamics does not interest you just as financial systematic risk is not high on your agenda. You are peddling a Eurasia future coupled with a 100% renewable world. You base this on a revised past, at yet realized present, and with a fantasy future. Your reality is half baked. You are intellectually dubious with your references that support assertions that are opinion. You project and predict based upon your opinions. Anyone saying the oil age is over is deep in delusional thinking.

    “We won’t have to fear too much from US competition. And the rule is: he who controls a new source of energy first will be the next global dominatrix:”
    Sure clogged, how far ahead is Euroland with renewables and how proven are renewables. It just may be the case that Euroland sealed its fate in a situation of supporting a lame horse of a rewnable world that is not possible. Euroland could be the first to go down because of its policy of transitioning to a yet to be proven energy paradigm. You are half baked as usual.

    “Regarding the link between early adoption of a new energy source and global power… see a pattern here? Davy’s self-defeating can’t-do attitude won’t be of any help here. Well, not for America.”
    You are making dubious inferences of a different age. You are not acknowledging the fact this world is global and interconnected. You act as though global problems are not Euroland problems. You act like the Euroland does not have significant problems and global problems will shed like rain on a waxed Euro land. You are doing little more than peddling an extremist Eurotard agenda that is unbalanced and half baked.


  41. Cloggie on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 7:07 am 

    So are you saying heavy oils, shale oil, and other liquids are as good as conventional oil the world grew up on?

    I am saying that the gasoline at the pump is the same as ever, perhaps with a little biofuel added to the mix.

    Planning is one thing but fantasy agenda peddling quite another.

    OK, so supporting the official EU energy policy, carried by 500 million people is “fantasy agenda”. OK, got it.


    Lazy doomer-dave is borrowing insults from Anonymouse1. Too much effort to come up with one himself.

    But I am OK with your doomer self-defeating attitude. One competitor less on the world stage. Remember doomer-dave: all is lost, keep spreading the bad Oh and don’t forget to import another 100 million Somalis, otherwise we are going to call you a raysist.ROFL

    Poor Dave, stuck in the sticks, after he inhaled Heinberg too deep.

  42. MASTERMIND on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 7:22 am 

    Madkat believes vaccines cause brain damage. LOL What an anti science ignorant moron…And he thinks Asia and his country isn’t plugged into the world economy? Dumb nationalist…..

  43. Davy on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 7:39 am 

    “I am saying that the gasoline at the pump is the same as ever, perhaps with a little biofuel added to the mix.”
    AAAA, what went into making that gasoline and what is the difference in cost of making that gas? You are telling me there is no difference in cost of refining? You are telling me the whole infrastructure to get these “other” liquids blended together and sold as gasoline is not any different in cost. Then you may throw in the repression of interest rates and QE that has gone on to support an industry on very shaky ground. You sound like a sheeple who thinks gas is gas and has his eye on the gas sign for prices.

    Folks, FYI, clogged is using his own creation to peddle his agenda. Put down the link clogged mind with the words that support your assertions you lazy fraud. Are you “skeered” to do that or is it too much work or do you really know what these words say?

  44. makati1 on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 7:54 am 

    MM, your lack of education is showing…

    “But there’s a trade-off: occasionally, vaccines cause injury or death. Very rarely, patients are left with what’s known as “encephalopathy”, the medical term for brain damage.”

    “CDC Says MMR And Pertussis Vaccines Can Cause Permanent Brain Damage”

    “(NaturalNews) Vaccine-Induced Brain Damage Syndrome (VIBDS) is the phenomenon of impaired cognitive function caused by the brain-damaging toxic additives found in vaccines. It mirrors the well-documented cognitive impairment caused by chemotherapy, known across the medical establishment as Post-Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment (PCCI”

    “There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” “The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway.” – Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)”

    “Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation”

    And on and on…

  45. Hello on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 8:22 am 

    >>>>> prove that immunization of children does more harm than good

    One nice thing about the US is the space they have (opposed to overcrowded europe and hyper-overcrowded phillipines). They have so much space that it’s easy to find town cementaries with graves going back all the way to early settlers.
    One can find graves of families wiped out by smallpox. Five children, gone, within a year.

    Wouldn’t you think a family hit like that would have loved to take the small risk vaccines pose instead of loosing five kids?

    But you probably right, vaccines cause brain damage. You have been vaccinated, right?

  46. fmr-paultard on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 8:38 am 

    Hellotard fear is not good medicine
    You’re giving phils an avenue for attacking usa using alt tard media

  47. MASTERMIND on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 9:14 am 

    makati1- Your sources are not credible. natural news. are you insane? Whats next info wars? How dumb can you possibly be? Don’t worry Madkat I am done trying to reason with you. Numerous studies have been posted and none have been refuted. If you WANT to believe Asia will be fine. Go right ahead…

  48. Cloggie on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 9:27 am 


    Ohlala, Doomer-Dave is now so angry he is attempting to organize an

    FYI, clogged is using his own creation to peddle his agenda.

    Great difficulty to discern between the messenger and the origin or the data, eh?

    The link…

    …point to a diagram originating from your own Charles Murray.

    For those who do not know Charles “the Bell curve” Murray is this gentleman:

    “White America Is ‘Coming Apart'”
    (too many Davy cucks)

    “Charles Murray: The Elites Cannot Empathize with the Working Class”

    Exactly right. There is no “volk” in America, only an incoherent populace, where the elites, or elite-wannabees like Davy, are only concerned with money and global power. Meanwhile there is an enormous divide between Washington and the “deplorables”, to the tune that living in “deplorable central Missouri” could even become dangerous for Davy personally, if CW2 will begin.

  49. fmr-paultard on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 9:44 am 

    mastard i hate alt-tard media . i’m an ex paultard remember so i’m balls to the wall with this stuff.

    lack of fluoride ruined my teeth
    flat earth destroyed my relationship with educated friends

  50. fmr-paultard on Thu, 26th Oct 2017 9:46 am 

    oh i forgot, gold destroyed my financial well-being.

    in paultard circle, an attack on private property is defensible with force.

    that’s why i hate alt-tard media

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