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Page added on January 6, 2017

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‘Overwhelmed’ Massachusetts Nuclear Power Plant Spikes with Radiation

‘Overwhelmed’ Massachusetts Nuclear Power Plant Spikes with Radiation thumbnail

The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant has spiked with radiation to near alert levels alarming officials.

The already troubled plant located in Cape Cod Bay has spiked local radiation detectors as high as 115 counts per minute (CPM), adding concern to an already ‘overwhelmed’ staff.

“Now, a group of Massachusetts politicians, including Governor Charlie Baker, Attorney General Maura Healey, Senator Edward J. Markey, have stepped forward to put pressure on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in the hopes that it will schedule a public meeting to discuss public safety concerns surrounding the plant,” reports the Boston Business Journal.

According to the publication, on Wednesday officials sent a letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) “expressing their concern” over a leaked December 6 email.

An excerpt from the letter addressed to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission commissioner Stephen Burns reads:

“While the NRC undoubtedly regrets the inadvertent disclosure of the preliminary thoughts expressed in the December 6 e-mail, the disclosure happened, and the NRC now has the obligation to address questions raised by that e-mail to help assuage growing public safety concerns.”


“A public meeting also will allow the NRC to outline for the public the steps it may take in light of the special inspection team’s findings to date, the steps that remain in the NRC’s inspection process, and when the official results of the inspection will be released to the public.”

Currently, the reactor is listed at “Column 4,” which is the worst safety rating offered by the NRC.

Moreover, leaks have been found in reactor valves which are designed to isolate radioactive steam in the event of a meltdown.

An update obtained by Superstation95 at 9:51 a.m. eastern time reads:

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency advises SuperStation95 that they checked with their sister agency, the Department of Public Health which has radiation detectors of its own in that area. They say that their gear is showing normal radiation levels. However, they are endeavoring to determine why the instruments are showing a rising radiation level and they are sending people to the area to investigate.

As of this update, the radiation level is still rising and has now hit 115 counts-per-minute.

However, shortly after the update Massachusetts Emergency Management called the outlet back and told them that “official” readings from “Geiger counters in and around the Pilgrim Nuclear Power plant are showing NORMAL radiation levels.”

radiation map plymouth
Via Radiation Network

Readings from the Radiation Network are currently showing 111 CPM as of 11:53 eastern time.

The NRC is currently investigating the matter and the plant is set to be closed in 2019.

Shepard Ambellas is an opinion journalist and the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News & Politics ( Shepard is also known for producing Shade: The Motion Picture (2013) and appearing on Travel Channel’s America Declassified (2013). Read more from Shep’s World. Get the Podcast. Follow Shep on Facebook and Twitter.


57 Comments on "‘Overwhelmed’ Massachusetts Nuclear Power Plant Spikes with Radiation"

  1. Midnight Oil on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 3:46 pm 

    Stay Calm and be aware we have a blueprint plan of action from previous incidents, such as, Fukushima. Actually, TEPCO is under contract to undertake any corrective action that will be deemed necessary.

  2. penury on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 4:49 pm 

    Too cheap to meter, perfectly safe. I wonder how that will turn out?

  3. dave thompson on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 4:51 pm 

    So all is good, noth’in ta see move along folks.

  4. makati1 on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 5:02 pm 

    Cape Cod! Couldn’t happen in a better place!

  5. Mr. Pockets on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 9:23 pm 

    wtf is wrong with cape cod? … moron… its not what you think…. meanwhile , pilgrim isnt on cape cod… wrong much?

  6. Kenz300 on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 10:08 pm 

    Wind and solar are so much safer, cleaner and cheaper to operate.

    Even if a nuclear power plant shuts down the costs continue to store the nuclear waste FOREVER.

  7. makati1 on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 11:03 pm 

    Mr P, The wealthy are on Cape Cod. Best place for a nuclear disaster, I think. Irradiate the whole area so it is not livable forever.

  8. makati1 on Fri, 6th Jan 2017 11:05 pm 

    Besides that, Mr. P, it is on the East Coast so the prevailing wind will take the radiation out to sea and over to Europe instead of where the average American lives. Sounds like a win-win to me. LOL

  9. Boat on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 1:28 am 


    Google Mass, I think they lead the US in efficiency, renewables and Niuke energy. A lot cleaner than the P’s. A lot cleaner than most of the world. There are conflicting reports on the readings. Some are reading normal. We’ll know soon enough.

  10. Gabriel on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 2:22 am 

    Check it out who is paying the monitoring stations and organizations who constantly talk about the radiation this, radiation that, watch on youtube the movie ” Pandoras Promise” and wonder why they do not teach in school the Ramsar Iran has higher radiation than Fukushima and people have been living in Ramsar for hundreds of years , and why on a commercial airplane your Geiger counter will read higher radiation than at Chernobyl, is all about money, reason to increase your electric bill, same is the carbon tax story, deforestation is causing less humidity in the air, less humid air makes weather fluctuations more extreme, would be an easy fix to stop destroying the rain forest, but no, there is more money in blaming it on carbons dioxide and make a tax on it, wake up America and start research or they will take all your money, and tax you till be poor as heck

  11. Gabriel on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 2:31 am 

    check out this :

  12. Mr. Pockets on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 3:09 am 

    far more working class and poor live on the Cape ,makati, you soulless troll… and again, Pilgrim is about 30 miles north of the peninsula… get a clue… and stop wishing for good people to die. Makes you look like a complete asshole, no matter how you spin it.

  13. Go Speed Racer on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 5:04 am 

    Old reactor? Yuck.

    Instead of decomissioning it, blow it up
    with a nuclear warhead.

    This is called, ‘Nuking the Nuke with a Nuke’.

  14. Go Speed Racer on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 5:05 am 

    KA BOOM !!!! Yeee Hawwww !!

  15. Jojo on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 5:08 am 

    It is truly amazing how these “Reporters” demonstrate their STUPIDITY”. CPM is a measurement of Contamination” not Radiation. 115 CPM is equivalent to 1/1000th of a Dental X-ray or 2 puffs on a cigarette once in two years…..Official instruments are calibrated …private are not. Calibrated are accurate in calibrated are as reliable as an old flashlight

  16. Dredd on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 5:25 am 

    The sea is hungry for it (Sea Level Rise: Impact on Energy Infrastructure).

  17. Cloggie on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 6:17 am 

    Hate to break it to you Dreadd, but sea levels are falling:

    Hint: sell your blog as long as you still can to some subsidized UN global governance dreamer.

  18. Davy on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 6:27 am 

    Where is all that melt water from Greenland going clog?

  19. Cloggie on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 6:34 am 

    Apparently not in the Atlantic.
    Perhaps as snow back on Antarctica?

  20. makati1 on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 6:39 am 

    Mr P. Who cares? Your government doesn’t. “Collateral damage” is the new term for military murder by the U$. Your country kills more and more “working class and poor” everyday, somewhere in the world. Not to mention the drugs the CIA imports for your consumption.

    I don’t care if it is 60 miles inland, it is along the coast and will have the least affect on North America. You should worry about those dozen nukes on the WEST Coast that will spread any fallout from their demise all over the country. It is only a matter of time. They are all along the Ring of Fire and the big quake is many years overdue.

  21. Hubert on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 9:43 am 

    Nuclear accidents are far more prevalent than what’s been reported.

  22. Dredd on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 10:29 am 


    Can’t resist spreading fake news eh?

    Your sudo-link links to a NASA site which shows that stevegodless turned it upside down (NASA).

    Same with all of the fake news on your site.

    That is what happens when the anal-cavity and the mount switch positions.

  23. Kenz300 on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 10:33 am 

    Wind and solar are a better option.

    Renewables Provide Majority of New US Generating Capacity through November 2016

    Germans Get Almost One-Third of Electricity from Renewables in 2016

  24. Dredd on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 10:37 am 


    Where is all that melt water from Greenland going clog?

    Sea level is always falling at one place and rising in another closer to the equator (Sea Level Fall: The Forgotten Aspect of Sea Level Rise?).

    After sea level falls near Greenland, that water heads for the equator; same with Antarctica.

    They take turns raising and lowering regional sea levels.

    The first scientific paper on this was published in 1888 by Woodward.

    Cloggie must have stopped reading anything but debunked crap long ago.

  25. Dredd on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 10:48 am 


    On the science of sea level rise and fall (

    Sit in on a class class and lose the loser in you.

  26. Dredd on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 10:55 am 


    Clod hopper (a.k.a. cloggie) has a clogged brain when it comes to science (as if you did not know that).

    He is the type of clueless individual who the NRC has evidently relied on (the up is down crowd).

    He links to to “Steven Goddard” whose maiden name was “Tony Heller” (A Fallen Angel).

    The deniers can choose Heller Goddard and I can choose serious scientists.

    We all can.

  27. Dredd on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 11:56 am 

    All nuke power plants in tidal areas of the Atlantic East Coast are an endangered species.

    He argues that field observations of the Atlantic Ocean suggest that AMOC is in fact unstable. Between mid-2009 and mid-2010, AMOC appeared to weaken, with the current carrying only two-thirds of its usual volume of water. At the same time, sea-level rise on the East Coast accelerated …” (The Atlantic, quoting inter alia Science Advances, Jan. 2017).

    It is still rising at one of the highest rates on the planet.

  28. Cloggie on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 12:27 pm 

    Dreadd, keep worrying about your 2 mm sea level change and tell us when you made up your made if it is caused by global luke-warming or your axial precession theories (not that I really care).

    Oops, the Learned Elders of Scientific American observed a tiny drop in the sea level in 2010.

    20 cm/century, give me a f* break.

    Why on earth do you think that everything in the universe has to remain constant for all eternity? I do not deny that sea level changes (in fact to tune of 100 m during ice ages).

    What I do have issues with is self-styled Cassandras and Nostradamusses who claim to have accurate knowledge about immanent disasters and other tall tales to sex up invariable boring lives. Richard Heinberg comes to mind.

    So tell me Dreadd, when are we all going to die?

  29. Go Speed Racer on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 12:52 pm 

    For those who are Pro-nuclear, here is a pro-nuclear article about a specific plant:

    They make it sound like one ton of the Uranium
    per year, is a small amount. However, bet you would not liike having one ton of nuclear waste, buried into your backyard.
    I favor developing the Thorium fuel cycle. Since that would work best, development of it will never be allowed.

  30. kanon on Sat, 7th Jan 2017 10:51 pm 

    Cloggie, you are a troll. I wonder what your new name will be.

  31. GregT on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 1:28 am 


    I used to think that Cloggie was playing devil’s advocate, but the more he plays his little games, the more I would have to agree with you. Troll, with a capital T.

    A slightly more intelligent version of Boat.

  32. GregT on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 2:59 am 

    “So tell me Dreadd, when are we all going to die?”

    In less than 120 years Cloggie, for all of us. On average, for a male human being, 68.2 years of age. If you’re among the more fortunate Cloggie, you may have more than 5 years left to live.

  33. Cloggie on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 3:42 am 

    In less than 120 years Cloggie, for all of us. On average, for a male human being, 68.2 years of age. If you’re among the more fortunate Cloggie, you may have more than 5 years left to live.

    Could you please post me the amazon link to that crystal ball of yours; I can’t find it myself. Thanks in advance!

  34. Davy on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 5:39 am 

    More assholes here than trolls. An asshole thinks he is smart but actually cleverly deceived. An asshole constantly bashes one or two individual because it gives him sick pleasure. An asshole is just intellectually lazy so they say things that are weak. Assholes have simple agendas that are narrow and hypocritical but often popular. Assholes populate whole nations who think they are special whining and complaining about their neighbors like they are not to blame. It is great when assholes drop off the board. I have been here so long I have seen many come and go. Yes, I am an asshole too because when you deal with assholes you become one. I don’t want to be one and I am working on being less of one. When real people who are not assholes come on the board I appreciate it. The more assholes that drop off the board the better. Sadly there are more where they came from. In today’s world an asshole is born every day. I know some of you assholes want me gone but I love giving you assholes shit so until no assholes are left here I will be here.

  35. makati1 on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 6:35 am 

    Davy, by “assholes” you mean anyone who does not agree with you. Must be the majority of humanity that are assholes then. LOL

  36. Davy on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 7:11 am 

    I am good at flushing an asshole and of course look who flushed, lol. makati you epitomize asshole. You can’t top that. You are the pinnacle of stupid and a pathetic braggart. Shouldn’t you be on your fantasy farm doing something?

  37. peakyeast on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 7:50 am 

    @Davy: I appreciate your presence here, but then I am strange… 😉 I appreciate everybody…


    Except moderators that go beyond spammers.

  38. Davy on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 8:17 am 

    Peak, you are high on my list. We can all manage to get along with a small amount of respect and you are an example of pleasant and respectful. Yet, you still maintain your opinions. This is an important aspect to debate. How can we manage to disagree and still find common purpose? Most of us regulars are here for the same reason and that is enlightenment.

  39. Dredd on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 9:25 am 

    Davy on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 5:39 am,

    There is a science of the evolution of assholes (On The Origin of Assholes).

    If you don’t “believe” in science, then you will have to stick with what you tell yourself.

    Your choice of course.

  40. Dredd on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 9:53 am 


    You wrote: “Oops, the Learned Elders of Scientific American observed a tiny drop in the sea level in 2010.”

    The sea level around ice sheets is always dropping in proportion to the rate at which the ice melts, for example in Scandanavia as Greenland melts (Proof of Concept – 5).

    That is because ice sheets lose their enormous gravitational pull at the same rate that they lose their ice volume (The Gravity of Sea Level Change).

    The released water that was once pulled up close to the shore like a tide, is also released causing sea level drop, only to be relocated as sea level rise elsewhere (Proof of Concept – 3).

    For another example, Antarctic melt causes sea level fall near its coastlines, but when that water is relocated by rotational and gravitational forces, it causes sea level rise along the U.S. East coast where the endangered Nuke Power Plants are located (and elsewhere).

    No matter how hard you lie to yourselves or others.

  41. Davy on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 10:06 am 

    Good one Dredd. For many the evolution of asshole is the aging process.

  42. Cloggie on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 10:34 am 

    Dreadd opines: For another example, Antarctic melt causes sea level fall near its coastlines, but when that water is relocated by rotational and gravitational forces, it causes sea level rise along the U.S. East coast where the endangered Nuke Power Plants are located (and elsewhere).

    Please explain to me why a few mm/year sea level rise is relevant and endangering Power Plants? Power plants located near the sea side are endangered by storms and tsunamis, not by microscopic sea level rise.

    No matter how hard you exaggerate to yourselves or others.

  43. Kenz300 on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 12:12 pm 

    The cost of this nuclear experiment will last forever.

    Decomissioning all these old nuclear power plants and storing the nuclear waste FOREVER will bankrupt companies and governments.

    We need to learn lessons fro Chernobyl and Fukishima.

    Tepco has been bailed out by the Japanese government and still can’t clean up the mess they created.

    Chernobyl is so bad that they did not even bother to try to clean it up. They just evacuated everyone and tried to cover over the mess.

    Too cheap to meter has turned into too expensive to clean up.

  44. Dredd on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 2:07 pm 


    You wrote “Please explain to me why a few mm/year sea level rise is relevant and endangering Power Plants? Power plants located near the sea side are endangered by storms and tsunamis, not by microscopic sea level rise.

    No matter how hard you exaggerate to yourselves or others.

    A “few silly millimeters” is an old cigarette advertisement that is clogged in your brain because of fear based denialism, so I will focus on the reality while responding to your request.

    Your question shows that you are seized of the mythical bathtub model (The Bathtub Model Doesn’t Hold Water – 3).

    The military is not seized of that myth, because they are not deceived by the global mean average per year that does not exist anywhere.

    They know that sea level is a force multiplier, and it already interferes with the naval base at Norfok as well as the Air Force base near it (watch the video of a presentation by a counsellor to the military, a 31 year veteran officer).

    The military has been concerned for a decade, calling it “the greatest threat to national security” that they face:

    The military sees climate change as the major threat to its infrastructure, as Dredd Blog has pointed out for years (Global Climate & Homeland Insecurity, 2009; Global Climate & Homeland Insecurity – 2, 2016).”

    It is certainly a present threat to nuke power plants as well.

  45. Dredd on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 2:13 pm 

    “We spend more on national security than the rest of the world combined …”

    “The Military is the lead federal agency on climate change … and that is … extremely dangerous … we may lose the republic …”Professor / Colonel Wilkerson (video)

  46. peakyeast on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 2:52 pm 

    @Dredd: Thanks for the video – unfortunately the audio is horrific 🙁

  47. Cloggie on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 3:01 pm 

    “The Military is the lead federal agency on climate change … and that is … extremely dangerous … we may lose the republic …” – Professor / Colonel Wilkerson (video)

    Wilkerson, Wilkerson… name sounds familiar… ah yes, that is that a*hole who volunteered to fabricate the lies on which basis the Iraq Safari was initiated.

    Heat to brake it to you Dreaddy boy, but the credibility of the US war machine around the planet is extremely low.

    Later, when the Iraq war turned out to be a giant fiasco and shaped the beginning of the inevitable end of the US empire, Wilkinson began to repent (probably because he has a neck to lose) and began to spill the beans about the Israel Lobby, the same lobby that for a century now tries to use US resources to capture the entire planet. Last November that project was finally called off.
    Wilkerson at [15:48] and perhaps elsewhere as well.

    Got any other references than this clown?

  48. Boat on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 3:32 pm 


    Are you trying to imply the Israel lobby convinced GW to war in Iraq. Lol, a bit far fetched. That war was about a mouthy leader who taunted GW. That and the VP Cheney was an oil hound and war hawk.

  49. makati1 on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 3:45 pm 

    Boat, the jew lobby is the problem over most of the planet where money or Israel is concerned. They own the banking system, most of the media (TV, movies, news outlets, etc.), and a high percentage of the government and corporations. Look at the religion of the people in real power in the West and see for yourself.

    And on and on….

  50. GregT on Sun, 8th Jan 2017 3:47 pm 

    Yinon Plan

    Blueprint for the Middle East


    Yinon considered Iraq, with its oil wealth, to be Israel’s greatest threat. He believed that the Iran-Iraq war would split up Iraq, whose dissolution should be a strategic Israeli aim, and he envisaged the emergence of three ethnic centres, of Shiites governing from Basra, the Sunni from Baghdad, and the Kurds with a capital in Mosul, each area run along the lines of the administrative divisions of the former Ottoman Empire.

    Virginia Tilley argues that there was a strong tension between the US as a global hegemon relying on strong regional state systems, and Israel’s interests in a weak state system in the Middle East beyond its borders on the other hand. In this context she cites Yinon’s views as spelling out the latter logic, but specifies that they were not quite unique at that time, since Ze’ev Schiff writing in Haaretz in the same month, 5 February 1982, had asserted that Israel’s geostrategic interests would be best served by the fragmentation of Iraq, for example, into a tripartite entity consisting of Shiite and Sunni states hived off from a northern Kurdish reality.

    Linda S. Heard, writing for CounterPunch in 2006, reviewed recent policies under George W. Bush such as the war on terror, and events in the Middle East from the Iran-Iraq war to the Invasion of Iraq in 2003, and concluded:

    There is one thing that we do know. Oded Yinon’s 1982 “Zionist Plan for the Middle East” is in large part taking shape. Is this pure coincidence? Was Yinon a gifted psychic? Perhaps! Alternatively, we in the West are victims of a long-held agenda not of our making and without doubt not in our interests.

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