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Page added on November 18, 2017

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Environmentalism’s Worsening Anti-Human Infection

As I wrote in The War on Humans, environmentalism has become increasingly anti-human, both in proposed policies — such as those that would reduce economic vitality and thwart human thriving — and in the goal of reducing human population. The latter goal would require particularly tyrannical impositions to actually effectuate. Voluntary family planning offers great benefits. But actually reducing our numbers would require iron-fisted tyrannical measures. After all, China’s brutal one-child policy has only slowed the country’s population growth. The actual Chinese population has not diminished — and the slowed growth came at tremendous cost to the happiness of the people and profoundly distorted its demographics. Indeed, the demographic problem — tens of millions more men than women — that the policy spawned recently induced the Chinese tyranny to generously (he wrote sarcastically) allow its people to now have a second child. Environmentalists and their assorted allies get angry that most people don’t think that fighting supposed global warming is a priority item. Part of that may be because they continually show how out of touch they are with the joys and aspirations of regular — by which I mean sane — people. Latest example from bioethicist (of course!) Travis Rieder, who compares having a child to releasing a murderer from prison to kill again. From“Science Proves Kids Are Bad for Earth:” If I release a murderer from prison, knowing full well that he intends to kill innocent people, then I bear some responsibility for those deaths — even though the killer is also fully responsible. My having released him doesn’t make him less responsible (he did it!). But his doing it doesn’t eliminate my responsibility either. Something similar is true, I think, when it comes to having children: Once my daughter is an autonomous agent, she will be responsible for her emissions. But that doesn’t negate my responsibility.

Moral responsibility simply isn’t mathematical. Good grief, have three kids and it is like letting Charles Manson out of prison? Rieder considers his putative grandchildren to be “emissions”? This is how Trump wins! Rieder wants us all to have one fewer child: Humanity grew up in relatively small groups; Rules like “don’t harm others,” or “don’t steal and cheat” are easy to make sense of in a world of largely individual interactions. That is not our world any longer, though, and our moral sense is evolving to reflect that difference.

Moral decisions are no longer about math; Being a part of the solution matters. The importance of this argument for family size is obvious. If having one fewer child reduces one’s contribution to the harms of climate change, the choice of family size becomes a morally relevant one. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Blah. Blah. Blah. It is worth noting that Rieder has, in other places, advocated “punishing people” who have children. This, at a time when Western Europe and Japan are having too few children, leading to a demographic crisis. Meanwhile, people living in the developing world have many children because of sheer survival needs. Here’s an idea. Allow the use of fossil fuels to build an electric grid throughout Africa and I’ll bet the birth rate would drop. But greens don’t want to do that. They insist the destitute wait until it can all be created with renewables, meaning wait for decades. That’s anti-human because it dooms people to shorter and far more difficult lives. And here’s another: Dr. Rieder should mind his own business about whether and when people decide to have children. The earth will be just fine whatever they decide.

National Review

52 Comments on "Environmentalism’s Worsening Anti-Human Infection"

  1. onlooker on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 9:26 am 

    environmentalism has become increasingly anti-human, both in proposed policies — such as those that would reduce economic vitality and thwart human thriving — and in the goal of reducing human population. —–
    Such an utterly ignorant statement. The monstrous world human economy is steadily reducing the prospects for much of life to continue to survive on this planet. And reducing human population will commensurately reduce our impact on the planet while affording better living conditions for those left living on it

  2. Ghung on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 9:57 am 

    We don’t need no stinkin’ environment. Money trumps everything. Everybody knows that.

  3. JC on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:01 am 

    everyone at National Review can go s*** in a hat and wear it … that RW rag still has blood on its hands advocating for Iraq invasion, among other soulless propaganda ever since. F them.

  4. Dredd on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:18 am 

    “Environmentalism’s Worsening Anti-Human Infection” is a lie.

    The truth is MOMCOM’s Mass Suicide & Murder Pact – 2

  5. MASTERMIND on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:57 am 

    Right wingers like the National Review overpopulation just like they deny climate change and peak oil and evolution..They believe the world has plenty of resources to last through their lives and that is all they care about…And they will accept that there are limits because that would destroy their belief that the future will be better than the past.

  6. MASTERMIND on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:58 am 

    And they will never accept that there are limits because that would destroy their belief that the future will be better than the past.

  7. JGav on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 12:14 pm 

    What JC said.

  8. Sissyfuss on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 12:52 pm 

    When money and power are your guiding principles then the environment and those who would protect it are your sworn enemies.

  9. Apneaman on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 12:53 pm 

    What the fuck does western white privilege environmentalism have to do with China and their one stupid baby policy? Nothing at all.

    Talk about conflating. Next he’ll be blaming environmentalism for his football team not making the playoffs.

    These cancer cheer leaders just love to make environmentalism their go to scape goat, but it’s always as vague as vague can be.

    Retard conservatards eat it up like a big shit sandwhich because it’s the other team and we can always blame the other team for everything.

    I require evidence, not vague accusations before I am convinced. Let’s see one of these accusers lay out a case, with data, demonstrating how some combination of environmental regulations and puny successful pipeline or stand of tree protests has caused the GDP to falter and/or put people out of work.

    The truth is that Environmentalism has been a failure of monumental proportions. Lots of talk and shouting and media coverage and very little results.

    Look at the aggregate numbers of all the natural resources they were trying to defend or slow the use of since the early 1970’s when they had their first earth day.

    Oil. How did evil environmentalism do on slowing down the use of oil? Fail.

    Forests/Lumber = Fail

    Natgas = Fail

    Human Population = Fail

    Saving wildlife = Fail

    Fish = Fail x2

    Pollution = Fail x3

    Etc, etc = Fail

    And coal, the all time favorite with the propaganda ‘war on coal’ that has been totally proven to be nothing but a fake meme dreamed up by Mitch McConnell & Co to suck-hole more subsidies. It has been proven beyond all doubt that cheap fracked Natgas killed coal, not environmentalism.

    Yep, going by the aggregate numbers makes it perfectly clear that environmentalism has plenty of bark and almost no bite.

    For conservatards it’s one of their favorite go to scapegoats. The economic numbers suck because the world is in overshoot, living on debt and completely corrupt. The 40 year experiment with neo liberal capitalism is a failure even worse than environmentalism.

    I challenge anyone to look at the many graphs (hockey sticks) in the link below then come tell me how environmentalism has caused all these problems these shills claim it has. Looks to me like the growth cheerleaders got exactly what they wanted, except their cut. No the Cancer has only sped up since the first ‘Earth Day’ and the result of the ‘Great Acceleration’ will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth on the global scale. It’s already well underway and you know it.

    “Power plants, which use 93 percent of the coal produced nationally, have been operating under the same EPA regulations signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. Proposed new rules since then have all been challenged in court and not implemented until June 2016, when the EPA’s restrictions on mercury and other toxic emissions were approved by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Consumption of coal continued to grow under those 1990-era EPA rules until 2008, and then went into steady decline, dropping by 23 percent from 2008 thru 2015.

    The data show the drop in those years to be correlated with the shale revolution, as natural gas production increased by a factor of more than 10 and its price dropped in half, the researchers say. And, due to the continuing — and in some cases accelerating — technological and economic advantages of gas over coal, the decline in coal is expected to continue at least decades into the future…

    “While we can’t say that the EPA rules have no impact — as, for example, discouraging the building of new coal power plants because of the expectation that tougher air-quality rules will clear the courts — the data say the EPA rules have not been the driving force.”

  10. Fred on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 3:00 pm 

    Hey Apnea,

    Who are those you refer to with “Environmentalism” (environmentalists perhaps?) so we can take the case to them?

    What do you suggest instead of “Environmentalism”? I’m of course asking for something that does “deliver” (to use a capitalist market(ing) term and doesn’t fail.


  11. yellowcanoe on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 3:53 pm 

    China’s population may still be increasing, but if you look at their population pyramid you see that thanks to the one child policy they are well positioned to have their population peak and start to decline.

  12. JuanP on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 4:19 pm 

    Ap “The truth is that Environmentalism has been a failure of monumental proportions.” I agree.
    This article is insane. I wonder what kind of people fall for this crap. I spilled coffee on myself again when I burst out laughing while reading it and I was thinking to myself that I’ve spilled more coffee on myself while reading PO articles than doing anything else. Thanks for the laugh! LOL!

  13. onlooker on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 4:34 pm 

    Environmentalism- has been coopted and corrupted. It has been way to weak and tepid. But what can you expect when most have never really understood the magnitude of the threats coming our way and/or like their plush, confortable lifestyles way too much too ever really have given it the thumbs up. Oh and of course the TPTB have fought it passionately.

  14. Makati1 on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 5:27 pm 

    Spot on, Onlooker. Its always, “Let the other guy do it”. Especially when there is $$$$ or a lowering of lifestyle involved. The human lemmings are going over the cliff…

  15. onlooker on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 5:49 pm 

    Good morning Mak, yes sad how many still do not want to see where we are headed as a species even at this already late stage. Maybe, we enough had seen we could have stopped this runaway train. Ah que sera sera.
    Strange weather Mak, here in NY, was down in the 20’s last night and since has been relentelessly going up into the 50’s. How is the weather over in PHIL?

  16. MASTERMIND on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 5:56 pm 


    Another USA Navy ship collided with a Japanese tug boat. AGAIN!

  17. Makati1 on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 6:11 pm 

    Onlooker, it is Monday morning here. The sun is shining, the sky is blue with a few puffy clouds and it is to go up to the upper 80s. A typical day in the Ps.

    It is a rare day when it gets cooler than the 70s and hotter than the 80s. A very rare day goes to near 100F. Usually, we get a shower or thunderstorm by late afternoon, but not always.

    I do not miss those cold days or freezing rain or snow. Ben there. Done that. Relocated. lol

  18. yellowcanoe on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 6:22 pm 

    Makati1 — sorry to see that the Philippines are still using those archaic US measurements like Fahrenheit. Perhaps it is time to throw off the yoke of colonialism and switch to the metric system like the rest of the world.

  19. Makati1 on Sat, 18th Nov 2017 6:29 pm 

    yellow, they use Celsius here. I just use Fahrenheit when talking to an American. I am the one who is out of step with the P’s metrics system. I have to mentally translate metric into the temps and the foot/inch measures I was taught. It is the US that is behind the rest of the world.

  20. TheNationalist on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 4:55 am 

    This article is ridiculous. They must be joking, like Apneaman said environmentalists have never stopped the industrialists from doing anything.
    I support greenpeace whenever I can despite knowing we are unlikely to win.
    “It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.”
    ― J.R.R. Tolkien

  21. Cloggie on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 5:26 am 

    The National Review is a neocon rag that represents the interests of the US (((deep state))):

    …although they do not like to be called “neocons” in the wake of the endless array of foreign policy blunders since 2003, instigated by them, although, to their credit, they at least still managed to keep the truth of 9/11 under the wraps, an event they organized.

    Perhaps apneaman and davy still read this empire postille, but for the rest nobody.


  22. Davy on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 6:31 am 

    Well, I would say this guy is a science denier and a typical status quo’er living in the belief all the environmental problems and population problems are a joke. You know the markets will take care of us and all these problems will be worked out as they always have. I would also point to the fake greens that howl and gnash their teeth at this article when they are in the same unreality but the flip side. They think we can continue the affluence with a green alternative based on science and technology. These fake greens don’t deny the science of a human problem they just use science to tell themselves the solutions will be there through technology and development. Try to tell me how fake greens are any different than this status quo’er with science denial? They are just one level removed. A status quo’er denies science when it does not fit his manufactured world. A fake green denies it once the inconvenient part of the science presents itself as a predicaments without solutions. When they get to the point that science and technology is the problem that is when they choke on their food.

    We are in science denial at all levels except for a few honest doomers who see the science and who understand there are no solutions to catch 22 predicaments. Nobody listens to these people it is bad for business. There is only pain and suffering and a poorer civilization ahead but who wants to live in a world where that is a reality ahead, exactly. Not only poorer but maybe no civilization because it is not at all clear if our civilization is capable of getting poorer. Real decline and decay in gross overshoot may not be survivable. The reason doomers are so easy to silence is time frames. A decade of two may pass before the bad is really bad so it is easy to discount doom.

    The other thing I see on this board is the blamer and complainers. You know the folks here how give us a steady diet of how bad it is and whose fault it is. What does it matter pussies? If you offer no solution than you are just whining endlessly. We then have those like mad kat who say the west will suffer and die and Asia will pick up the pieces of a new age. He thinks the poor will not even feel the pain once the developed world dies. Or you have dumb und dutchy who thinks a golden Euro age is ahead and the whities will keep the Mongrel horde in Asia. His hilarious fantasy of a grand army of Paris Berlin Moscow will gloriously succeed in mopping up a destroyed US and preventing the second mongrel invasion. LOL, will there be an Ache of dumbass somewhere in Eurotardland for this great battle? The Eurotards will build a golden city on the hill that is a shiny 100 percent renewable and AI driven world of bliss. All this is a joke and this board is a joke. Yea, I am a joke too for even caring. We are living in a house of cards facing an uncertain future of certain collapse somewhere in the future. We are throwing rocks in glass houses. We are playing those typical human games that uneducated people play when the wisdom is too painful.

    What we need is sobriety and humility. We need life boats and hospices. Yea, and, NOPE, we can’t walk away from technology and development without collapse. So in effect we are on a sinking ship bailing water. We can commit suicide by stopping the bailing or just live to die another day by bailing the water. Leaving technology and development is as bad as continuing it. They both have consequences with different pathways but the same end.

    What is bad and the real tragedy is the consequences of rejecting wisdom and embracing emotions. I say this with a certain caveat. The sheeples can’t handle the truth but what is so dangerous is when the supposedly wise and intelligent can’t handle the truth. When our best and brightest embrace science denial that is when we are lost. We are lost folks and no amount of blame and complain will get us out of jail. No amount of false optimism in technology and innovation will save us. The only thing left to save is the truth. Once the truth is embraced then let us hope we can embrace a more rational path to survival before all this ends rather painfully.

  23. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 8:00 am 


    Yes I agree..Madkat is delusional because the banks and trade of his country are all plugged into BAU just like they are in every major country…when the global economy collapses his country will not be spared. He doesn’t understand that we are running out of resources that is why the world economy is going to collapse. He thinks that the US will just collapse and there will be plenty of pie left for all the rest of the world to eat..But without his delusion he would most likely give up in despair. Its most likely the only antidote he has from nihilism.

  24. Cloggie on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 8:56 am 

    He doesn’t understand that we are running out of resources that is why the world economy is going to collapse.

    I love it.
    This post is so 2010.
    Nobody here believes this shit anymore: the world driving against the wall soon due to immanent depletion, but a few back benchers like “mastermind” got Heinberg’s “The Party Is Over” as a birthday present, probably a used copy.

  25. Sissyfuss on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 10:56 am 

    Well Davy, many are adopting the lifestyle of the namesake I derived my web name from, Sisyphus. We are rolling that boulder up the mountain knowing that it will only result in chasing it down the other side as it follows the dictum of gravity. Our meager reward is watching it take its inevitable course as we rationalize that the next roll will be different.

  26. Apneaman on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 12:02 pm 

    Federal aid claims jump tenfold in 2017, after series of record-breaking natural disasters

    “More than 4.7 million Americans — or about 1.4 percent of the population — have registered so far this year for disaster aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In 2016, 480,000 sought aid, and fewer than 180,000 people registered for disaster assistance in each of the three previous years.”

    The series of record-setting disasters — combined with other storms, floods, mudslides and blazes that struck communities across the United States this year — have taxed emergency resources and left residents struggling to rebuild their lives long after the floods have receded and the flames have stopped burning.

  27. Apneaman on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 12:06 pm 

    clog, here’s your German green revolution laid bare.

    Germany’s Green Energy Meltdown

    Voters promised a virtuous revolution get coal and high prices instead.

  28. Apneaman on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 12:12 pm 

    Oh look, another source of human killing, AGW Jacking CO2 has been found. Human cancer growth again.

    Groundwater depletion could be significant source of atmospheric carbon dioxide

    ” This process, known as groundwater depletion, releases a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that has until now been overlooked by scientists in calculating carbon sources, according to the new study.

    The study’s authors estimate groundwater depletion in the United States could be responsible for releasing 1.7 million metric tons (3.8 billion pounds) of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year. ”

    Daily CO2

    November 16, 2017: 405.71 ppm

    November 16, 2016: 404.70 ppm

    September CO2

    September 2017: 403.38 ppm

    September 2016: 401.03 ppm

    July Temperature

    2nd Warmest July since 1880: 2017

    Coolest July since 1880: 1904 & 1911

  29. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 12:56 pm 


    IEA Chief warns of world oil shortages by 2020 as discoveries fall to record lows

    Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Warns of World Oil Shortages Ahead

    Saudi Aramco CEO believes oil shortage coming despite U.S. shale boom

    UAE warns of world oil shortages ahead by 2020 due to industry spending cuts

    Halliburton CEO says oil will spike due to oil shortages by 2020 after Industry Cuts

    Total CEO warns we are going to have oil shortages around 2020 due to lack of investment & new discoveries

    HSBC Global Bank warns 80% of the worlds conventional fields are declining and world oil shortages ahead

    UBS Global Bank warns of industry slowdown and world Oil Shortages by 2020

    CitiBank CEO warns of oil shortages coming as soon as 2018

    Wood Mackenzie warns of oil supply crunch and world oil shortages around 2020

    Energy watchdog warns oil and electricity shortages could develop as investment falls
    Why investors’ should brace for a devastating oil shortage ahead

    People are almost completely ignoring a looming crisis for oil

    World Oil Shortages To Lead To Oil Price Spike By 2020s, warns Goldman Sachs

    Chevron CEO warns US shale oil alone cannot meet the world’s growing demand for crude

    Do I need to site anymore sources you dumb ignorant fuck?

  30. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 12:58 pm 

    IEA Chief warns of world oil shortages by 2020 as discoveries fall to record lows

    Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Warns of World Oil Shortages Ahead

    Saudi Aramco CEO believes oil shortage coming despite U.S. shale boom

    Halliburton CEO says oil will spike due to oil shortages by 2020 after Industry Cuts

    HSBC Global Bank warns 80% of the worlds conventional fields are declining and world oil shortages ahead

    UBS Global Bank warns of industry slowdown and world Oil Shortages by 2020

    CitiBank CEO warns of oil shortages coming as soon as 2018

    Wood Mackenzie warns of oil supply crunch and world oil shortages around 2020

    Cloggie do I need to site more sources you ignorant fuck?

    When the facts change I change my mind, what do you do sir?

  31. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 1:01 pm 

    Cloggie: Here is your energy revolution in action. Moving at one percent a decade..LOL You are so freaking dumb it’s astonishing.

    The End of Peak Oil? Why this topic is still relevant despite recent denials (Chapman, 2014)

    Projection of World Fossil Fuels by Country (Mohr, 2015)

    UC Davis Study: It Will Take 131 Years to Replace Oil with Alternatives (Malyshkina, 2010)

    University of Chicago Study: predicts world economy unlikely to stop relying on fossil fuels (Covert, 2016)

  32. Cloggie on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 1:01 pm 

    German green energy meltdown?

    Don’t make me laugh.

  33. Cloggie on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 1:10 pm 

    “Cloggie: Here is your energy revolution in action. Moving at one percent a decade..LOL ”

    That is because the world economy is still growing fast. The key point is that renewables are now the largest share of new energy capacity. That IS an energy revolution. And yes, it is going to take decades.

  34. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 1:29 pm 

    Cloggie renewable’s will never make up even 10 percent of total world energy. The reason is there just isn’t enough consistent sunshine and wind to ever power our world from renewable’s. Its as simple as that. You are just a dumb idiot if you believe in it.

  35. peakyeast on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 3:56 pm 

    @MM: While I am agreeing that things are looking extremely bleak – it is a misjudgement to be absolutely certain.

    There are several outcomes that are still possible – even with much less fossil fuels.

    This will be a real test to see who is most adaptable.

  36. Cloggie on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 3:57 pm 

    “Cloggie renewable’s will never make up even 10 percent of total world energy. The reason is there just isn’t enough consistent sunshine and wind to ever power our world from renewable’s. Its as simple as that. You are just a dumb idiot if you believe in it”

    Spain filled with solar panels is sufficient to replace all fossil consumption worldwide. You have no clue what you are talking about.

  37. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 4:23 pm 


    What happened to Spain’s largest solar power company? Oh yea it went bankrupt..Even after billions of dollars in government welfare…You dumb freaking MOREON!

  38. GregT on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 4:49 pm 

    “Madkat is delusional because the banks and trade of his country are all plugged into BAU just like they are in every major country”

    BAU is not the same for every person in every country, and not everyone in the world is ‘plugged in’ to the banks, like the vast majority are here in NA.

  39. GregT on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 4:54 pm 

    “You dumb freaking MOREON!”

    Assuming that you meant dumb freaking ‘moron’, Cloggie is about as far away from one as a person could possibly get.

    A much better description of Cloggie would be ‘overly optimistic’.

  40. onlooker on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 5:00 pm 

    Yep, the very poor are the most equipped to deal with a crash or collapse of world economic industrial as they are NOT really part of it anyway and are the closer to self sufficient than anyone on the planet

  41. GregT on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 5:14 pm 

    For hundreds of millions of people around the world, our version of a collapse, would be like their version of BAU.

  42. Makati1 on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 5:18 pm 

    Greg, You are correct. Only about 30% of Filipinos have a bank account. Even fewer have any credit card or loans because the income requirements are much higher than in the US. Cash is king.

    The “pain” from any financial crash would not spread to those 70,000,000+ people. Some, on here, don’t want to see that fact. Survival skills are plentiful here, unlike in the US.

    This banking percentage is pretty much the norm for S.E.Asia. Hundreds of millions will never notice a ‘crash’.

  43. fmr-paultard on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 5:39 pm 

    Eurotard I don’t really need to respond to your revisionism. Your on your way out for early retirement. My focus is more on Aswang anyways

  44. GregT on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 7:02 pm 


    Who are Eurotard and Aswang? And WTF are you going on about?

  45. Makati1 on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 7:33 pm 

    Greg, I’ve come to the conclusion that fmr is on some strong drugs. I gave up reading his posts as they are mostly unreadable.

  46. MASTERMIND on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 8:35 pm 


    99%+ of all farmland on the planet is farmed using petrochemicals (nothing will grow on this land when the petrochemical factories stop. See you are done when the economic collapse happens. You dimwit

  47. fmr-paultard on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 8:47 pm 

    Aswang listen to mastard even virtual farm need petrochem

  48. Makati1 on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 8:58 pm 

    MM, again you ASS-U-ME that you know everything. Just like your claim that there were “thousands” of nuke plants going to melt down when there are no more than 450 in the whole world.

    Exaggeration does not prove intelligence. It proves stupidity. Stupidity must be your middle name. Are your initials MSM? LMAO

    Many 3rd world family farms do NOT use petrochemicals because they are too expensive or just not available or are understood to be dangerous to humans and the ecosystem. Like in the Ps.

  49. Makati1 on Sun, 19th Nov 2017 9:00 pm 

    fmr is either on drugs or does not speak English and uses a bad translator. lol

  50. Cloggie on Mon, 20th Nov 2017 1:52 am 

    What happened to Spain’s largest solar power company? Oh yea it went bankrupt..Even after billions of dollars in government welfare…You dumb freaking MOREON!

    Europeans are too expensive to do the dumb work of supervising a robotic solar panel factory. Europeans are supposed to design newer and better solar panel factories. The actual supervising of solar panel production, we have 3 billion Chinese and Indians to do that.

    Now mastermoron, try to explain the meaning of this graphs in your own words:

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