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Page added on February 26, 2012

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QATAR the World’s Richest’s Nation; Per capita income $88,000

QATAR the World’s Richest’s Nation; Per capita income $88,000 thumbnail

Qatar has been ranked as the world’s wealthiest country on a new list compiled by the prestigious US magazine Forbes. The UAE was placed sixth on the list.

The Gulf state of 1.7 million people ranks as the world’s richest country per capita thanks to a rebound in oil prices and its massive natural gas reserves. Adjusted for purchasing power, Qatar booked an estimated gross domestic product per capita of more than $88,000 for 2010, Forbes said.

Qatar has the third-largest reserves of natural gas in the world, and it has invested heavily in infrastructure to liquefy and export it, as well as to diversify its economy, without overreaching as much as nearby Dubai, it said.

Qatar has lured multinational financial firms to the country, as well as satellite campuses of US universities. The government is pouring money into infrastructure, including a deepwater seaport, an airport and a railway network, all with an eye to making the country a better host for businesses and the 2022 World Cup.

In second place on the list is Luxembourg, with a per capita GDP on a purchasing-power parity basis of just over $81,000. The country of half a million people became a financial hub in the latter half of the 20th century, in part thanks to strict banking secrecy laws that earned it the reputation of a tax haven. It’s followed at No 3 by the city-state of Singapore, which thrives as a technology, manufacturing and finance hub with a GDP (PPP) per capita of nearly $56,700, Forbes said.

To rank the world’s wealthiest countries, Forbes looked at GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power for 182 nations. It used International Monetary Fund data from 2010, the most recent available (GDP figures for some countries were projections). The PPP-adjusted GDP—preferred by economists when making international comparisons—takes into account the relative cost of living and inflation rates, rather than just exchange rates, which may distort real differences in worth.

“Also, in some countries, the wealth is equally distributed, while in others it’s very unequally distributed,” Clementi says. “In Qatar, for example, the way it’s distributed is very unequal, and much of the population is actually very poor. The GDP is high because of oil revenues. And, if I were to use the GDP as an indicator of how well a country will do in the future, in Qatar what will matter is how well they actually invest it.”

Like Qatar, many of the countries in the top 15 spots on our list rely on natural resources to fill their coffers. In Norway, which ranks fourth, petroleum accounts for nearly half of exports and is the main contributor to its PPP-adjusted GDP per capita of nearly $52,000; the country is also one of the world’s largest gas exporters.

Brunei, meanwhile, located on the island of Borneo, reaps the benefits of extensive petroleum and natural gas fields and comes in at No 5 with a PPP-adjusted per capita GDP of just over $48,000. The UAE looks to its oil and gas for about 25 per cent of its GDP, which is nearly $47,500 per capita (PPP).

Other well-heeled countries benefiting at least in part from natural resources are Australia, ranking at No. 11; Canada, at No. 14; and Kuwait, at No. 15, which relies on its crude oil reserves for at least half of GDP, and almost all of its export revenues and government income.

A trio of politically and economically fragile African nations are the poorest on the list: Burundi, Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where GDPs (PPP) per capita are $400, $386 and $312, respectively.

TradeArabia News Serviceh

2 Comments on "QATAR the World’s Richest’s Nation; Per capita income $88,000"

  1. BillT on Sun, 26th Feb 2012 3:11 pm 

    Not news. It’s all you oil money. Fill up that SUV and send $100 to the Middle East.

    P.S. I keep getting:

    502 Bad Gateway

    on this site.

  2. BillT on Sun, 26th Feb 2012 3:12 pm 

    Not news. It’s all your oil money. Fill up that SUV and send $100 to the Middle East.

    P.S. I keep getting:

    502 Bad Gateway

    on this site.

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