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Page added on March 8, 2018

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India, China to fuel 50% of rise in global oil demand in 5 years

India, China to fuel 50% of rise in global oil demand in 5 years thumbnail

and are set to contribute nearly 50 per cent to the increase in the for oil over the next five years, the (IEA) said in its report on oil sector for 2018. According to IEA, demand is expected to grow at an annual rate of 1.2 million barrels per day (mbd) until 2023, as the would reach 104.7 mbd, up by 6.9 mb day from 2018. “As China’s economy becomes more consumer-oriented, the rate of growth in slows down to 2023, compared with the 2010-17 period. By comparison, the pace of growth will pick up slightly in India,” it says. The report says that though there is no peak in sight, the pace of growth will slow down to 1 mb per day by 2023 after expanding by 1.4 mb per day in 2018. “There are signs of substitution of oil by other energy sources in various countries. A prime example is China, which has some of the world’s most-stringent fuel efficiency and emission regulations. As the country recognises the urgent need to tackle poor air quality in cities, efforts are intensifying,” it adds. The report highlighted that sales of were rising and there was strong growth in the deployment of natural gas vehicles, particularly in fleets of trucks and buses. It said a rising number of electric buses and LNG-fuelled trucks in would significantly slow down gasoil demand growth. “is likely to tighten by 2023 with increased risk of price volatility.

The market could go through two phases during the next six years. Through 2020, record supply from non-countries more than covers expected demand growth. By 2023, if investments remain insufficient, the effective global spare capacity cushion falls to only 2.2 per cent of demand and raises the possibility of oil prices becoming more volatile until new supplies come on line,” research agency said in its comments on the report. It added that there would still be a continued reliance on countries for a major share of global supply. “Within OPEC, more than 2 mbd of spare capacity is held in Saudi Arabia. In turn, this emphasises the crucial role OPEC’s largest producer continues to play in providing stability to global oil markets,” it said.

47 Comments on "India, China to fuel 50% of rise in global oil demand in 5 years"

  1. Hello on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 7:28 am 

    It’s strange. People on this board always tell me solar/wind + EV is better and cheaper than oil.

    And yet in the real world FF consumption goes up with no end in sight.

    I sometimes wonder….

  2. Davy on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 7:31 am 

    Nothing said about possible economic demand destruction from a declining global economy. I realize there is some inelasticity to oil demand but these days I see a significant possibility of a drop if trade wars and ineffectual central bank policies result in declining economic activity at a time when debt levels are so elevated.

  3. fmr-paultard on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 7:49 am 

    On This Day…
    Mar 08, 2017: Kabul, Afghanistan
    A suicide team assaults a hospital, massacring
    doctors and patients alike: 40 Killed

  4. Antius on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 7:53 am 

    “It’s strange. People on this board always tell me solar/wind + EV is better and cheaper than oil.

    And yet in the real world FF consumption goes up with no end in sight.

    I sometimes wonder….”

    Because it’s BS.

    These things need back-up. Which means adding more solar / wind to the grid reduces the fuel consumption in coal and NG plants. But those plants still have to sit there idle, fully manned, fully maintained. In terms of cost, the wind/solar saves on the cost of fuel. But that isn’t nearly enough to pay for itself. These things are in no way cheaper from a whole systems viewpoint. If storage is used instead of back-up, the situation gets worse.

    EVs are not cheaper either. Musk’s Tesla is expensive and sales are poor even with subsidies. A plug-in hybrid may be cheaper, but they aren’t really ‘new age’ enough to interest the impractical idealists that hold the reins of power in Western countries.

  5. Hello on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 8:24 am 

    >>>> But those plants still have to sit there idle, fully manned

    I assume that some NG/coal plants can be eliminated, as there’s always some wind/solar active somewhere. Kind of designing backup for a acceptable worst case solar/wind output.

    For the rare occasion of solar/wind dipping below this worst case threshold it seems easy to load shed uncritical applications via smart grid (e.g force turn-off residental AC)

  6. Newfoundlander on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 8:54 am 

    Peak oil demand. Ha ha ha. Ain’t gonna happen.

  7. bobinget on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 9:19 am 

    Hot demand here too.

  8. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 10:08 am 

    But those plants still have to sit there idle, fully manned, fully maintained. In terms of cost, the wind/solar saves on the cost of fuel. But that isn’t nearly enough to pay for itself. These things are in no way cheaper from a whole systems viewpoint. If storage is used instead of back-up, the situation gets worse.

    Strange though that 90% of new energy generating capacity in Europe is renewable. Can’t be that more expensive. Also strange that the latest offshore tenders are done “for free”. Developers are lining up to get permission to build offshore wind turbines, provided they can bring these kwh’s onshore and sell them. They wouldn’t do that if it wasn’t profitable.

    Last but not least, I thought that we have arrived at a stage of human development where we all agree that there is a huge cost tied to the environment by burning fossil fuel, for which no invoices are written. The real price for a ruined environment is incalculable.

    Let’s bring it on, these panels and turbines. The more we have, the cheaper they get.

  9. Hello on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 10:30 am 

    >>>> Strange though that 90% of new energy generating capacity in Europe is renewable.

    It is indeed strange. It almost feels like coerced by politics and not by reason.

  10. Guistebal on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 10:52 am 

    >>> Strange though that 90% of new energy generating capacity in Europe is renewable.

    “energy generating capacity” does not mean “energy sent into the system and consumed”

    If Europe produces 8GW of solar PV at midday during a beautiful Sunday (low industrial demand) we may not even use it, while I would need it during the night for residential heating (when production is 0). And storing all that energy is not very efficient and/or very expensive and/or has heavy environmental impact (production of the storage system).

    Fortunately, energy demand in Europe is relatively stable (around 3000TWh since 2010) so you don’t need to add a lot of capacity and the (very moderate from a global point of vue) increase of renewable (I mean solar and wind – hydro is another story) is easily manageable thanks to the existing conventional capacity. Once you’ll loose a big part of this conventional capacity, you’ll get into trouble.

    And countries needing strong increase of their capacity (India, China, etc.) cannot rely essentially on renewables, for this same reason (1Gw of energy from FF is not equal to 1Gw of energy from solar/wind).

    >>>The real price for a ruined environment is incalculable.

    Yes, indeed. We’ll not be able to pay the price, we’re doomed.

  11. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 11:18 am 

    It is indeed strange. It almost feels like coerced by politics and not by reason.

    You don’t believe in climate change?

    If Europe produces 8GW of solar PV at midday during a beautiful Sunday (low industrial demand) we may not even use it

    It is not possible to not use it. It needs to be consumed, that is exported to another country or stored in Norway.

    And storing all that energy is not very efficient and/or very expensive and/or has heavy environmental impact (production of the storage system).

    Pumped hydro storage is not expensive, no need for chemicals, just a pipe, a pump/generator and 2 bassins at different altitude.

    Yes, indeed. We’ll not be able to pay the price, we’re doomed.

    With your anti-renewables attitude a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    But those plants still have to sit there idle, fully manned

    Nobody needs to supervise my solar panels and I verified with my own eyes in Switzerland that only a few people supervise pumped hydro facilities:

  12. MASTERMIND on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 11:44 am 


    Here are some more sophisticated scholarly sources.

    UC Davis Peer Reviewed Study: It Will Take 131 Years to Replace Oil with Alternatives (Malyshkina, 2010)

    University of Chicago Peer Reviewed Study: predicts world economy unlikely to stop relying on fossil fuels (Covert, 2016)

    Solar and Wind produced less than one percent of total world energy in 2016 – IEA WEO 2017

    Fossil Fuel Share of Global Energy since 1990 – BP 2017

    Renewable energy ‘simply won’t work’: Top Google engineers

    Top scientists show why powering US using 100 percent renewable energy is a delusional fantasy

    IEA Sees No Peak Oil Demand ‘Any Time Soon’

  13. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 11:48 am 

    You have posted your garbage 1000 times now. You are not a debater but a spammer.

  14. MASTERMIND on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 11:52 am 


    Oil discoveries in 2017 hit all-time low –Houston Chronicle

    IEA Chief warns of world oil shortages by 2020 as discoveries fall to record lows

    Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Warns of World Oil Shortages Ahead

    Saudi Aramco CEO sees oil supply shortage coming as investments, discoveries drop

    UAE warns of world oil shortages ahead by 2020 due to industry spending cuts

    Halliburton CEO says oil will spike due to oil shortages by 2020 after Industry Cuts

    2020s To Be A Decade of Disorder For Oil

  15. fmr-paultard on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 11:52 am 

    ^mm^ philosophically is right posting msm sources. Supertards have alt tard media fatigue and demonized brains SENTAPB media died.

  16. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 11:54 am 

    IEA tweet:

    Oil production growth from the US, Brazil, Canada & Norway can more than meet global oil demand growth through 2020, but more investment needed to boost output after that

    No mention of peak oil supply.

  17. Hello on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:00 pm 

    >>>>> Yes, indeed. We’ll not be able to pay the price, we’re doomed. With your anti-renewables attitude a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Since wind/solar is mandated, subsidized and made artificially cheap it is not clear if it’s capable of carrying a civilization as we know it.

    If it were better, cheaper, more convenient and more efficient we would see no more FF growth especially from the 3rd world.

    But that’s not the case. This begs the question, why?

    It almost gives one the feeling that the West is rich enough to entertain an expensive toy to whitewash its conscience.

    On a more disturbing note I just learned that the chineese company lepin is shamelessly bootlegging my favorite toy, Lego.

    Them bastards. Don’t they have any decency?

  18. MASTERMIND on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:01 pm 


    Do you really think the IEA is ever going to come out and admit we are at peak oil? That would crash the stock market to the floor…They will just say we haven’t discovered enough oil. And its due to a lack of investment in finding new oil. Even though we have been discovering less oil than we consume since 1984..The problem is geological.

  19. Antius on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:07 pm 

    “Strange though that 90% of new energy generating capacity in Europe is renewable. Can’t be that more expensive. Also strange that the latest offshore tenders are done “for free”. Developers are lining up to get permission to build offshore wind turbines, provided they can bring these kwh’s onshore and sell them. They wouldn’t do that if it wasn’t profitable.”

    Not strange at all. It is happening because someone else is paying the bill for intermittency. Namely the dispatchable generators, who are losing market share without compensation, but whose input is essential none-the-less.

    “Last but not least, I thought that we have arrived at a stage of human development where we all agree that there is a huge cost tied to the environment by burning fossil fuel, for which no invoices are written. The real price for a ruined environment is incalculable.”

    I don’t disagree with that statement. That is why there are carbon taxes on all fossil electricity (and nuclear – which is crazy). But it won’t make electricity any cheaper.

  20. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:23 pm 

    Since wind/solar is mandated, subsidized and made artificially cheap it is not clear if it’s capable of carrying a civilization as we know it.

    Denmark: 6th richest country in the world (per capita), no resources worth mentioning, apart from a population with brains and spine.

    Why am I not worried?

  21. Hello on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:34 pm 

    >>> Why am I not worried?

    I don’t know. Probably the same as me, looking forward for this crazy growth (wachstumsgeile welt) to come to an end? *smile*

    BTW, without looking up statistics I assume denmark to be about the same as switzerland. Outsourcing all the heavy energy intensive industries to 3rd world and then claiming how super clean they are developing android apps?

  22. MASTERMIND on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:38 pm 


    Denmark is one of the smallest countries on earth. Smaller than the city of LA..LOL You are grasping at straws..You are so dumb and will believe anything some geek website tells you. Learn to question you imbread whitey trash!

  23. Guistebal on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:46 pm 


    I did not say that I don’t agree on what should be – I just look at what is :

    Total hydro power (UE-28 + Norway to please you) = 500TWh (already used)and there is not a lot of room for more development. Where do you want to put your water (Norway may not want to become an enormous bath tube)?

    >>>Yes, indeed. We’ll not be able to pay the price, we’re doomed.
    >>With your anti-renewables attitude a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I’m very happy to live in a place where electricity comes at more than 97% from hydro power. I just note that, even in this near ideal case, with enormous reservoirs, we are releasing water everyday because they are all full and we don’t know what to do with it. Hydro storage will never play a major role in Europe. It’s ok for local small power plants but it can’t be scaled to supply Europe.

  24. Hello on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 12:47 pm 

    >>> you imbread whitey trash!
    It’s a shame you bring this into a nicely going conversation.

    Are you a negro educated in whitey science, in whitey culture paid by whitey enjoying whitey’s inventions in everyday life? The education is lost on you. Please go back to picking fruits from trees in africa. Thank you.

  25. fmr-paultard on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 1:14 pm 

    Did supertard use bitcoin for construction of amphibious light carriers NO
    did supertards rely on altard media to construct f35 NO
    did supertard used eurotard renewable fake infrastructure Na
    Did supertard EXPERIENCES OF alt tard media fatigue YES
    did president Paul win iowa but did not carry NH YES
    is SENTAPB media died and they risk being bumped YES
    so then mm right to quote msm

  26. fmr-paultard on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 1:16 pm 

    Amphibious light carrier good for projection of force anywhere. Even in Afghanistan a land locked country. If armed with nuclear weapons flight time is too short for enemy to respond

  27. fmr-paultard on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 1:26 pm 

    Did fathertard Francis attend Jesuit institution YES
    We hope fathertard changes his mind and love all his undertards including ME where muslims killed them they’re original Christians

  28. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 1:54 pm 

    Where do you want to put your water (Norway may not want to become an enormous bath tube)?

    But according to an optimized model most storage will be power2gas:

    That is hydrogen or one of its several derivatives.

  29. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 1:57 pm 

    Are you a negro educated in whitey science, in whitey culture paid by whitey enjoying whitey’s inventions in everyday life? The education is lost on you. Please go back to picking fruits from trees in africa. Thank you.

    Can’t you really not guess what the ethnic background is of millikike, Hello?

  30. Anonymouse1 on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 2:17 pm 

    Can you really not guess what the ethnic background is of cloggen-cohen, Hello?

  31. Guistebal on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 2:41 pm 

    A few interesting concerns are raised in the original article (, besides the fact that Scottish are also concerned about the environmental impact of such a project that would just be able to deal with 2015’s renewable production – a drop of what would be necessary in a 100% renewable scheme.

    The main point is still that although there are some interesting solutions, none of them – or even a combination of – could be used massively. Intermittent renewables implies to have a production power capacity far bigger than the one we have now + storage capacity = a price that (nearly) nobody is ready to pay.

    Again, I don’t say it’s because it’s technically impossible and even if overall and on long term it could eventually be cheaper – but it’s just economically and socially impossible if used massively. Renewables growth than we can see now is possible because we don’t want to see its real price (like making cheap solar panels in China thanks to coal power plants, to talk about the cleanest part of it, or giving generous subventions).

    Massive energy transition, if technically possible, means asking people to pay the real price. And they are not ready for it (if ever). So… we’re doomed (you can call me incorrigible pessimist).

  32. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 2:44 pm 

    Na ja, wenigstens wirst du wenig Problemen haben die Hintergrund von anonymouse1 einzuschaetzen, der hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Der hat naemlich begriffen von seinen Guru Louis Farrakhan das die USA die “jew-knighted states” sind, aber ohne Onkel Louis hat er schwere Problemen seine neue Kenntnissen erfolgreich anzuwenden.

    Gruetzi nach Helvetien!

  33. MASTERMIND on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 2:50 pm 


    You mean whitey religion and creationism? White people can’t dance or sing either. All they can do is imbread with their cousins and sing praise Jebus!

  34. MASTERMIND on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 2:51 pm 


    Immigration boosts a countries economy (GDP) substantially and creates jobs.

    Source: Wharton School of Business

    What Mass Immigration Wave?

    Behold the Master Race!

    This is how you treat a Fascist !

  35. Cloggie on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 2:57 pm 

    @Guistebal – there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that Scotland will ever be granted to function as the 100% storage battery of the EU, certainly not now that Britain has decided to leave the European world, even if Scotland would manage to return to Europe, because of Brexit, via a 2nd bid for independence. It is just to illustrate the enormous storage potential a relative small country like Scotland can have.

    The main point is still that although there are some interesting solutions, none of them – or even a combination of – could be used massively. Intermittent renewables implies to have a production power capacity far bigger than the one we have now + storage capacity = a price that (nearly) nobody is ready to pay.

    No they don’t, provided sufficient storage is in place. One of the world’s most renowned renewable energy institutions, the Fraunhofer Institute, has published a study that has calculated that we can have a 100% renewable energy base at the same (long term) cost as what we have now, only a clean one:

    Renewables growth than we can see now is possible because we don’t want to see its real price (like making cheap solar panels in China thanks to coal power plants, to talk about the cleanest part of it, or giving generous subventions).

    I dont see what the problem is with buying cheap solar panels from China.’

    Massive energy transition, if technically possible, means asking people to pay the real price. And they are not ready for it (if ever). So… we’re doomed (you can call me incorrigible pessimist).

    I don’t know where you are from (Portugese nick?) but the EU has embarked on a 100% renewable energy strategy by 2050. I see no fundamental problem in achieving that aim, even much faster.

  36. Anonymouse1 on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 4:56 pm 

    You want to really try to impress the other creationists and neo-liberal morons here clogg-berg? Post your nonsense in your native language, hebrew. The exceptionalist for one, will love you (even more), for it.

  37. fmr-paultard on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 5:29 pm 

    anontard lay off attack on supertard

  38. Pat on Thu, 8th Mar 2018 8:08 pm 

    the world had seen peak oil(conventional) in 2004, what now supporting the bau is the shale, black glu, tar sands and new technology extract the last drop s from dying, ageing giant oil fields. World running helter skelter already decades late, renewables only myth. the basic minerals for produce of solar ev panels etc comes from only few places on the planet earth and will be gone/exhausted in no time. prepare…..

  39. Cloggie on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 9:10 am 

    Post your nonsense in your native language, hebrew.

    You give black intelligence a bad name, “bro”.

  40. MASTERMIND on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 10:14 am 


    Who has a higher IQ white Europeans or Jews?

  41. Cloggie on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:00 am 

    Clogg, who has a higher IQ white Europeans or Jews?

    Millikike, apparently your tribe has higher verbal IQ, enabling your tribe’s superb ability for serious bullshitting, by planting highly damaging stories (damaging for us Europeans world-wide) like Christianism, Bolshevism, Multiculturalism, Freudianism, Feminism, Holocaustianism, mass-immigrationism and a few ism’s more.

    However, your tribe has only a small size, something perhaps like 15 million worldwide…

    …where whites are something like 1 billion. In other words, we whites need your excess IQ-points like the plague and you can stick all these Nobel prices in a place where the sun doesn’t shine:

    And remember, we have much more fists:

    Studying these historic figures could lead to the tentative conclusion that you folks have great trouble making yourselves being popular anywhere in the world. But one has only to read your posts to figure out why that is.

    I kindly advise you to keep that little tidbit in mind, just in case you consider launching yet another one of your public anal rape fantasies of Taylor Swift, the exponent of white America (“Nazi Barbie”) as well as your constant gloating about the demise of white America. We all know you can do that with impunity here. In Europe not so much:

    Now keep destroying America for us by promoting mass-immigration, so we Eurasians don’t have to do it and create the situation where we Europeans merely have to pick up the pieces, “after the break”. And your tribe will lose the only power base it has left, after it was kicked out of Europe 1942-1944. Now how smart is that?

    Perhaps we’ll have a discussion about comparative IQ-points after the downfall of the US empire.LOL

  42. MASTERMIND on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:08 am 


    You didn’t answer the question….LOL And your sources are laughable..

    Behold the Master Race!

  43. Cloggie on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:22 am 

    “You didn’t answer the question…”

    I did, in the first sentence.

    Oh and wikipedia and youtube are jewish sources. Laughable?

  44. MASTERMIND on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:43 am 


    You can’t use wiki or youtube in college. You are so uneducated and stupid you will believe anything. Society is going to collapse in the next decade anyways. So your whole dream of a radical right wing uprising will go up in smoke! You know this is true I have posted a dozen scholarly sources to prove it. You just cant handle it because you are fucking pussy coward!

    This is how you treat a Fascist!

  45. Anonymouse1 on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:47 am 

    I’m not your ‘bro’, cloggkike.

  46. MASTERMIND on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:50 am 


    Why can’t you use mainstream or scholarly sources for anything? Is it because you are a tin foil hat nutter who is easily fooled?

  47. Cloggie on Sat, 10th Mar 2018 11:59 am 

    I’m not your ‘bro’, cloggkike.

    Do you even have a beginning of an understanding of the meaning of putting a word between quotes? Do you have an elementary grasp of the concept of sarcasm?

    Question: how is the level of functional illiteracy in Toronto these days?

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