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THE Moon Thread pt. 2

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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 17 Mar 2017, 07:46:51

The earth is always within view from a fixed, earth side point on the moon. Our moon is tidally locked with earth. It doesn't rise but you see different earth phases. You do see some apparent movement of the earth from a lunar perspective as the moon's orbit is elliptical not circular. But it doesn't rise as we think about rising from a earth perspective.

By the way, the youtube video you just posted is a rather badly done animation. A fake if you will. You can't tell its all CGI? Even the youtube comments pointed that out. The moon doesn't rise.

This is why you don't get your science from youtube videos. Hit the textbooks instead. Go forth and take an astronomy course at a local junior college. You can meet some hawt women at an astronomy course. Just saying.
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby daveflat » Fri 17 Mar 2017, 09:06:13

Agreed with all your points except local junior college(not the meeting hawt womeen lol) I can learn much online. I will consider that entire video fraud.

I thought there were photos of the astronots on the moon either with earth in background, or earth over moons horizon, I guess I was mistaken.

Cog, one more for you too tear apart, (18 mins) this one is sooooo convincing too me. (only takes 5 mins to get main point)
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 17 Mar 2017, 09:31:55

No there are pictures of the earth in the background from the lunar surface. The astronauts took pictures of them. But the question was does the earth rise as seen from the lunar surface as the moon rises as seen from the earth's surface? And the answer to that is it does not.

If you see video that purports to show an earth rise its taken from the command module which was in lunar orbit. If the pics were taken from the ground, the moon will appear fixed in the sky subject of course to small movements due to the moon''s elliptical orbit.

Pic of earth from moon at lunar surface.
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 17 Mar 2017, 09:41:01

Regarding the picture of the lander. I've watched the video. The lunar lander does look like this. It is not designed to operate within an atmosphere subject to wind buffeting. Weight was their primary consideration. I'm not seeing why the lander has to look a certain way to function. You see that same gold foil wrap on anything space related where you want to reflect heat or shield from it.

More nonsense from the flat earthers
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 17 Mar 2017, 10:49:19

daveflat wrote:Agreed with all your points except local junior college(not the meeting hawt womeen lol) I can learn much online. I will consider that entire video fraud.

I thought there were photos of the astronots on the moon either with earth in background, or earth over moons horizon, I guess I was mistaken.

Cog, one more for you too tear apart, (18 mins) this one is sooooo convincing too me. (only takes 5 mins to get main point)

I find nothing about that video convincing. Then again I have studied the space program instead of just looking at anti-science videos I could find on the internet.

The skin of the LEM was less than a mm thick, just strong enough to hold in 5 PSI of pure oxygen for the crew to breath. You don't determine you altitude by looking out of a window and guessing, you use a radar altimeter. The picture used by this 'debunking artist' is of the back of the LEM showing the astronaut unloading equipment from the science experiment package bay on the landing module.
The Astronauts had both forward and downward looking windows on the front of the capsule, the opposite side from this photograph. The padded framework was in place where the equipment bays were located, on later missions the Lunar Rover was on one side and all the science package stuff was still in the other side to provide a balanced load. The mumbo jumbo about the Van Allen belts melting the LEM are proof that this guy knows zero about radiation and even less about space travel.

I could go on but what would be the point? The guy playing debunker would know all these things if he spent 3 minutes looking at the specs for the LEM, they are all easily available public records.


This is what the side of the LEM looked like on the moon, with the hatch and windows plainly visible if you know what you are looking at. You can see the ladder on the leg to the left and the front hatch is the gold rectangle above that seen from almost straight profile.

Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
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Re: THE Moon Thread Pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby Tanada » Wed 15 Nov 2017, 20:21:28

Are you a pedantic little s---? Do you ask questions like "Why does the Federation have starships if they can beam people hundreds of light-years?" or "Why don't the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance just mass-produce droids with piloting skills instead of risking their own lives?"

Well, good. So am I.

"Artemis" takes place in a city on the Moon. Lunar colonies in sci-fi usually have medium to high levels of bulls--- in their economics. Yeah, I know, nobody reads sci-fi for an economics lesson. But I want it to at least make sense.

So this paper is all about Artemis's economy and how it works. There are no spoilers for the story, so you can freely read it beforehand if you're the sort of person who likes bonus material so much you'll read it before you read the actual story.
Why isn't this in the book?

Because it's boring. Hell, if we learned anything from "The Phantom Menace" it's this: never start a sci-fi story with a description of complex macroeconomics.

You might not even make it through this paper. That's okay, it's not supposed to be entertaining. If you get bored, stop reading. This paper is for the one percenters — the folks who have nagging doubts in their suspension of belief because something sticks in their craw. I'm one of those people, and for me the economics has to make sense for a setting to work.

Moon Article
Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
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Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby Tanada » Sun 06 Jan 2019, 08:21:44

Lots more with pictures at link below quote.

A robotic Chinese spacecraft named Chang’e 4 braked out of lunar orbit and slowed to a controlled touchdown on the far side of the moon Thursday, a first in the history of space exploration. The lander later deployed a small rover to explore the surrounding landscape.

The spacecraft landed at 0226 GMT on Jan. 3 (9:26 p.m. EST on Jan. 2) in the 110-mile-wide (180-kilometer) Von Karman crater, located in the southern hemisphere on the back side of the moon. Chinese websites released several images captured during the lander’s descent, and then revealed several more pictures taken of the mission’s six-wheeled rover as it drove down a ramp and onto the lunar surface.

But Chinese state television did not provide a live broadcast of the landing, and reporters and space enthusiasts were kept in the dark, waiting for basic updates released on Chinese Weibo social media accounts. Chinese media also released few updates on the mission since its Dec. 7 launch aboard a Long March 3B rocket.

Finally, after Chinese officials confirmed a successful landing, the country’s television news networks trumpeted the achievement in a series of broadcasts and feature stories. The state-run Xinhua news agency said the Chang’e 4 mission arrived at the targeted landing site at 10:26 a.m. Beijing time Thursday.

Overall, Chang’e 4 accomplished the 20th soft landing on the moon’s surface.

A press release from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., or CASC, the government-owned prime contractor for the country’s space programs, said the Chang’e 4 spacecraft fired its liquid-fueled variable-thrust engine beginning at 0215 GMT at an altitude of around 9 miles (15 kilometers) above the moon. The lander slowed its horizontal velocity from 3,800 mph (1.7 kilometers) per second to close to zero, then changed its orientation to begin a vertical descent before settling to a soft landing on four legs cushioned against the shock of touchdown.

The far side of the moon is more rugged than the near side, so Chinese officials adjusted the descent trajectory for the Chang’e 4 mission to a more vertical profile from the curved profile used on Chang’e 3, China’s previous lunar lander which touched down on the near side in 2013.

“We chose a vertical descent strategy to avoid the influence of the mountains on the flight track,” said Zhang He, executive director of the Chang’e 4 probe project from the China Academy of Space Technology, said in a report published by the Xinhua news agency.

The Chang’e 4 spacecraft’s downward-facing camera took pictures of the landing zone from an altitude of around 6,500 feet — or 2 kilometers — to identify large obstacles such as boulders or craters. The lander paused its automated descent at around 330 feet (100 meters) in altitude to search for smaller obstacles and measure slopes on the surface, then used hazard avoidance algorithms to identify the safest place to set down, according to Xinhua.

Chang’e 4 took the first picture from the surface of the far side of the moon at around 0340 GMT on Jan. 3 (10:40 p.m. EST on Jan. 2), showing a small crater in the foreground.

Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 16 Jul 2021, 13:50:13

NBC News~Denise Chow wrote:The moon's natural wobble alters Earth's tides. With climate change, that's bad news.

A flip in a natural moon cycle combined with rising seas from climate change will cause rapid and "dramatic" increases in flooding along U.S. coastlines by the mid-2030s, according to a NASA study.

The research, published last month in the journal Nature Climate Change, found that changes in the coming decades to the angle of the moon's orbit and its alignment with the Earth and sun will amplify the effects of sea-level rise, leading to a sharp rise in high-tide flooding in coastal communities.

The findings add new urgency to address rising sea levels in many Atlantic and Gulf Coast cities, where high-tide flooding is already an issue. But the study also highlights how flooding could become widespread for almost all coastal communities in the country by the middle of the next decade.

"This is the point in time when things will begin to rapidly change," said Philip Thompson, an assistant professor in the department of oceanography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and lead author of the study. "When we think about when we need to improve and have things ready with our drainage systems and infrastructure, this gives a target point."

The surge in high-tide flooding will be driven in part by the moon's natural "wobbling" as it orbits the Earth. The moon's tilt changes over an 18.6-year cycle, and that motion affects the ebb and flow of Earth's tides.

For half of the cycle, the planet's regular, daily tides are suppressed, essentially counteracting the effect of rising seas. For the remainder of the cycle, the moon's wobble boosts the effects of sea-level rise.

"It doesn't change the strength of tidal forces or the gravitational forces of the moon, but it tends to increase the range between the highest and lowest tides of the day," Thompson said. "In other words, it tends to make the highest tides even higher and the lowest tides even lower."

By the mid-2030s, the lunar cycle will be set to amplify Earth's tides once again. When combined with rising sea levels due to climate change, the cumulative result is a significant increase in high-tide flooding, the researchers found.

Climate change contributes to sea-level rise because ocean water expands as it warms and higher temperatures cause land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets, to melt. It's against this backdrop of rising seas that changes to Earth's tides could have the most damaging effect.

"If you have water in a bathtub and the height of that water is changing over time, that is sea-level rise," said study co-author Gary Mitchum, associate dean at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science. "If on top of that you put your hand in and slosh it back and forth so that waves spill over the side of the tub, those are the tides. The tides and sea-level rise are different, but they add up."

The researchers found that from the mid-2030s into the following decade, the changing lunar cycle will cause clusters of flooding in coastal communities. In St. Petersburg, Florida, for example, high-tide flooding is projected to increase from six or seven events a year to 10 times that amount in just over a decade.

This increase in flooding could have significant economic implications, in addition to disrupting day-to-day life, particularly because the high-tide flooding events could be clustered together based on seasonal cycles.

"In some cases, there might be flood events up to 20 times a month, or almost daily," said Benjamin Hamlington, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a co-author of the study. "If you're dealing with that for a whole month, that starts to impact life in a different kind of way."

High-tide flooding is sometimes known as "nuisance flooding" or "sunny-day flooding," but Mitchum said those terms can be deceiving because they often downplay the severity.

"They sound like no big deal, and while each event may be minor in and of itself, it's death by a thousand cuts," he said.

Thomas Wahl, an assistant professor in the department of civil, environmental and construction engineering at the University of Central Florida, who was not involved with the research, said the report should be a wake-up call for coastal communities.

"What this shows us is that we're at a point where we need to make some decisions if we're going to be prepared in the 2030s," he said.

The findings also provide a realistic timeline for city planners to boost resilience into regions that will be increasingly affected by high-tide flooding.

"This helps illuminate the time scales that we're operating under," Wahl said. "Knowing how long it can take from having an idea of what to do to having something implemented, 10 years is not a very long time."

NBC News
Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
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To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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Re: THE Moon Thread pt. 2

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 17 Jul 2021, 10:22:42

I think stories like that serve to further underline America's problem with addressing its future. In a country that has gotten used to allowing the markets to drive everything concerning its infrastructure to the bone, increasing profit, it is hard to turn around and camp around the idea of planning.

America doesn't know how to deal with reasons that aren't economic, or, at least, cannot be easily turned into money so that it can be treated like everything else. We like a great equalizer, but we like ours to be money. Dreams about a better democracy are for children's books.

The fact that the climate wouldn't respond to our efforts, no matter how much money we spend, makes a lot of people think there is nothing to it. Because we can respond in two ways. We can try to reverse climate change, good luck. Or, we can try to adapt. Spending money on adaptation is never going to show enough results for some people. Those tend to be the same people whose idea about taxation would have us all still driving on dirt roads because they don't want any of their tax money going towards any of "those indolent people."
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