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Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

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Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Dec 2015, 15:22:34

As the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group loses ground in Syria, diplomatic sources report that IS militants have “most probably” used chemical weapons against Kurdish forces in Iraq.

When exposed to Sulphur mustards, the human body can become covered in blistering chemical burns within 24 hours. If inhaled, it can cause severe respiratory problems, and even those who don’t die from the exposure suffer through a painful and slow recovery process.

It’s also known as mustard gas, and it’s reportedly in the hands of the Islamic State.

According to Kurdish authorities, 35 troops stationed near the Iraqi city of Erbil fell ill after a chemical attack in August. Earlier this month, blood samples taken from those individuals seemed to indicate that they had become infected by Sulphur mustards.

"Most probably it was mustard gas," a diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters. "But we want to make sure and we want to know where it came from because it is very difficult to get."

To investigate these suspicions, a team of inspectors with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will travel to Iraq, according to Reuter’s sources.

If the OPCW does, in fact, verify the terrorist group’s use of a banned WWI chemical agent, then that raises an important question: where are they getting it from? There are no known mustard gas stockpiles anywhere in the Middle East. A signatory of the Chemical Weapons Convention, Syria has no such supplies, and none have been reported in Iraq since the American occupation.

With the success of Russia’s airstrikes against IS targets in Syria, the Iraqi government has shown an increased willingness to work with Moscow. Russia, Iraq, Iran, and Syria are already coordinating military actions through an information center in Baghdad.

On Monday, the office of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi which stressed “Iraq’s desire to build better relations with Russia in order to serve the interests of the two peoples.”

Stemming the tide of IS is likely to be one of those goals.


Now we know what the 2 tons of Sulfur seized at the Turkish border were for. Turkey released the drivers without trial, and let the trucks proceed, which also included white phosphorus.

Islamic State now has both Sarin and Mustard Gas capability. Thanks to Turkey.
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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Fishman » Wed 23 Dec 2015, 18:54:25

Yep, a complete lack of leadership in the Whitehouse lead to things like this. That apology tour back in 2009 with total chaos to follow.
Obama, the FUBAR presidency gets scraped off the boot
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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Dec 2015, 19:27:45

Well, you know Fishman, the President is only a middle level manager for those who are really in charge. Kennedy showed what happens when you challenge them. And he has children. Makes you very vulnerable.
Eisenhower's warning really came too late.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Fishman » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 10:06:15

So who's in charge Cid? Sounds like you've gone the conspiracy route now to avoid accepting O's incompetence
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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 10:11:12

Not conspiracy, fact.

Eisenhower's Farewell Address

Do you really think those that own everything, don't really use that power?
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cog » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 10:57:23

Cid will be supporting Obama until his last day in office. Then he will transition to Hillary. Nothing changes in his world except support of Democrat policies, which have wrecked the MENA.
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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby dissident » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 11:08:56

Oh look, the two hater maggots are disrupting the thread with their ad hominem trolling.

Americans need to grow some brains. There are more than two choices (Democrat or Republican) in a real democracy. What you have is a one-party dictatorship. And it uses the good cop, bad cop "split" to lead you all around by the nose.
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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 11:52:11

Cog wrote:Cid will be supporting Obama until his last day in office. Then he will transition to Hillary. Nothing changes in his world except support of Democrat policies, which have wrecked the MENA.

No and No. PRESIDENT Obama's tenure confirmed that our owners have the Presidency and Congress by the throat. Some follow willingly, some require a little arm twisting. Hillary Clinton sold her soul to them years ago. She probably sees that as being a realist.

I am a financial backer of Bernie Sanders out of pure stubbornness. He hasn't sold out, but they will kill him for sure if he gets too close to the reins of power. In the meantime, he's getting the message out. The hardest thing to kill is an Idea who's time has come. Truth is his sword.

As for the Middle East, PRESIDENT Obama is following orders, as he knows what's good for him, and he's almost out of office. That also applies to Ukraine.

And you are just a ditto head. Aren't you missing Rush or something?

Ben Carson Tormented By Periodic Rational Thoughts
Calling the disturbing incidents a persistent source of anguish, GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told reporters at a Monday campaign stop that he has been tormented by periodic rational thoughts for the past several years. “They certainly aren’t around all the time, but every now and then I’m afflicted by these very distressing impulses to do or say something logical about immigration or gun control,” said Carson, describing the severe mental discomfort that he has suffered from intrusive coherent thoughts on climate change, abortion, and homosexuality. “When they do appear, it’s like a dagger in my mind urging me to act reasonably. If I really concentrate and calm myself down, I can make them go away. But I can only ignore them for so long. One day, I might slip up and behave sensibly if I don’t remain vigilant.” At press time, a visibly upset Carson had reportedly closed his eyes and quietly repeated, “Just go away” in an effort to silence the voices in his head urging him to apologize for equating the Affordable Care Act to slavery.

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 13:17:36

And gee, Fishman, what do YOU think should be done about Turkey? Any ideas of your own, or just trolling?
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Islamic State using Mustard Gas in Iraq

Unread postby Cog » Thu 24 Dec 2015, 19:14:31

Rush is taking a vacation. Millions of ditto-heads are having to fend for themselves.
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