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Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

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Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 18:46:15

New Greek Government stiffs EU, sides with Russia and calls for leaving NATO.

So, the gloves are off. Anyone who thought negotiations between the new radical-Left Greek government and its creditors were going to be conciliatory, or even rational, must think again.

It is only a few days since Syriza’s seismic election victory and the installation of Alexis Tspiras as prime minister. Yet discussions over Athens’ €350bn (£240bn) debt mountain – owed mainly to other eurozone governments, the International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank (ECB) – have already turned ugly.

Greece and its official creditors are now issuing full-blooded threats and counter-threats, regardless of the impact on financial markets. The Athens stock exchange endured single-day, double-digit percentage falls last week. On Tuesday, Greek banks, effectively controlled by official foreign creditors, lost over a quarter of their value.

Banking fears extend way beyond capital flight – as savers worry about Greece crashing out of the eurozone. There is concern the Syriza-led coalition could take direct control of Greek lenders and write off billions of euros in household loans, destroying bank balance sheets in a frenzy of populist contractual vandalism.

Since last weekend, Syriza has blocked the sale of the government’s controlling stake in the Public Power Corporation, which generates two thirds of Greek electricity, vowing to re-employ sacked workers and reverse pension cuts. The privatisation of Greece’s main port, another key plank of the sell-off programme which forms part of the bail-out conditions, has also been halted. Tspiras then appointed Yanis Varoufakis as economics minister, the man who will lead negotiations with international creditors. He says his country has been subjected to “fiscal waterboarding”.

Into this heady financial and political mix, we must now add something else. Within a week of taking office, Syriza played the geopolitical card. A formally worded complaint, issued by a spokesman for Tsipras, said the new Greek administration had not approved a European Union heads of government statement on possible further sanctions against Russia.

“The aforementioned statement was released without the prescribed procedure to obtain consent by the member states and particularly without ensuring the consent of Greece,” the complaint read. “In this context, it is underlined that Greece does not consent to this statement.”

This amounts to a diplomatic hand grenade, lobbed directly at Brussels. EU sanctions against Russia will expire in March unless renewed by the unanimous decision of member states, giving Greece an effective veto.

The question of Russian sanctions renewal will loom extremely large over the upcoming row over keeping Greece in the eurozone. Syriza has carefully laid the groundwork, voicing early support for the annexation of Crimea last March, then accusing the EU of “shooting itself in the foot” with sanctions and pointing to “neo-Nazis” within Ukraine’s Western-backed government.

Just before topping the Greek poll in European parliamentary elections last May, Syriza’s high command met in Moscow with pro-Putin politicians subject to EU travel bans. In September, Syriza’s MEPs voted against the European Parliament’s ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Then last week, Tspiras announced that his new defence secretary is the leader of Greek Independents, Panos Kammenos – who last year stated that his party “publicly supports President Putin and the Russian government who have protected our Orthodox brothers in Crimea”. Oh, and Syriza’s manifesto also calls for Greece to leave Nato.

If these Greek debt negotiations go wrong, and an outright default prevails, or even looks very likely, financial markets across the eurozone and the entire world could endure a Lehman-style systemic lurch.

Greece has emboldened other potential defectors within the EU. The reality is, that across the EU, support for sanctions against Russia is crumbling in capitals a long way from Athens.

Sebastian Kurz, foreign minister of Austria, recently said the EU should normalise relations with Russia. “It’s not about sharpening or easing sanctions,” he said. “It’s about coming away from pure reaction.” Federica Mogherini, the EU’s Italian foreign policy chief, also suggested in a leaked memo that EU governments should start talking to Russia again about global diplomacy and trade.

France is also clearly keen to ease sanctions, so as to rebuild valuable commercial ties to Russia – and lessen the serious impact of Russia’s European food import ban on the powerful French farming lobby.

Last week, Paris was slapped down by Brussels after seeking to forge a bilateral deal with Russia over trade in certain farm products.

And then there is Germany – where influential companies like Siemens and Volkswagen are very heavily invested in Russia. German exports to its massive eastern neighbour, over €30bn in 2013, fell by a fifth last year – and the pace of that decline is accelerating. Last week, an influential group of government-funded German economists argued for a free trade zone between the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union – which was formed at the start of this year and currently includes Russia, Belarus and a clutch of Central Asian states.

Even Chancellor Angela Merkel, a fortnight ago in Davos, called for a free trade zone “from Lisbon to Vladivostok”.


"On Nato, Syriza describes its approach as a 'multi-dimensional, pro-peace foreign policy for Greece, with no involvement in wars or military plans.' It seeks 'the re-foundation of Europe away from artificial divisions and Cold War alliances such as Nato.'

"The new Greek government is cause for concern, especially because Tsipras has voiced his opposition to NATO membership in the past," Ian Bremmer told Business Insider last week. "And his early actions — these comments regarding sanctions, as well as his meeting with the Russian ambassador to Greece without hours of taking office — demonstrates that he is willing to engage differently with Moscow."

"Greece and Cyprus can become a bridge of peace and cooperation between the EU and Russia," the new prime minister Tsipras reportedly said on Wednesday.

For Russia, this is just the latest news of a budding military alliance. Over the year, Russia has been increasing its military cooperation with non-NATO members, including China , India , North Korea , and Iran .

Even a distant threat that Greece might leave NATO and sell a naval base to Russia would be a serious matter not just for Europe but also for the United States.

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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 19:41:27

The completely clueless Left Wingnuts are about to be bitten by the Russian Bear.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 19:48:04

One EU country that has already formed close ties with Russia is Hungary.

Angela Merkel made a rare visit to Hungary on Monday for talks with prime minister Viktor Orbán. Being a EU member Hungary has veto power over new sanctions against Russia when the current sanctions expire in March.

Vladimir Putin is due to visit Hungary later this month, despite an agreement by EU leaders not to hold bilateral talks with Russia.

Mr Orbán has been openly critical of EU sanctions, and has said he will use Mr Putin's visit to negotiate a new gas supply deal.

There was little sign Mrs Merkel had been able to sway Mr Orbán's intentions, as the two leaders traded barbs at an uncomfortable joint press conference.

Neither leader said much of substance on the question of sanctions, but a spat over Mr Orbán's domestic policies was seen as an indication the talks had not gone well.

As a member of the EU, Hungary has so far grudgingly agreed to imposing sanctions, but made a point to stress that it is against the practice. Orban has repeatedly said that these sanctions hurt Hungary's economic interests as well as those of the European Union and don't have the desired political effect.

"That's why Merkel's visit is a sort of test," said former diplomat and foreign policy expert Attila Ara-Kovacs. "The Chancellor wants to test the waters and see how far Orban is prepared to go and whether she can control him."

And it's not just about the highly controversial issue of sanctions, but about Hungary's look-east policy in general. In order to reduce being economically dependent on the EU, Orban has been pushing for intensified relations with Russia and China, as well as Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

Russia is a key player here: Last year, Orban and Putin agreed on a loan worth ten billion euros ($11.34 billion) to expand the nuclear power plant in Paks, south of Budapest. In a speech last summer, Orban praised Russia as a model of success.

Recently, Orban said he wanted non-governmental organizations, which operate in Hungary and get funding from abroad, to undergo a special registration process - as in Russia. (NGO's have become a key means by which intelligence agencies undermine foreign governments.)

And just two weeks after Merkel's visit, Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected in Budapest. According to Hungarian government spokesman, Zoltan Kovacs, the two heads of state will be discussing Hungary's energy policy. In addition to finalizing details on the secret agreement of the nuclear power plant expansion, they will also negotiate a new contract on Russian gas exports to Hungary.


Since EU sanctions require unanimous consent of member states, don't count on them continuing after the current sanctions expire in March.
Last edited by Cid_Yama on Tue 03 Feb 2015, 20:02:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 19:55:24

KaiserJeep wrote:The completely clueless Left Wingnuts are about to be bitten by the Russian Bear.

No, the people of Greece finally wised up to who the real enemy is, and DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED this government to do what they are doing.

The IMF and World Bank are losing control. I believe several defaults are on the horizon. And it won't be easy to use the US military to correct the situation anymore.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby basil_hayden » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 20:20:02

They can't owe us much, seems like they sent most of the greasy spoon diners and pizza places already.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 20:33:55

And so the Revolution begins.

A spanish mob rises in sympathy for Greece
Tens of thousands of protesters affiliated with the leftist Podemos party also rallied this weekend after the anti-austerity triumph in Greece last week. Podemos, which means “we can” in Spanish, has jumped to the number-one political party in Spain in opinion polls. The party is promising higher wages and more public control of the economy, exactly what Europe’s austerity policies have been trying to prevent. According to the Guardian, 100,000 people filled Madrid’s central Puerta del Sol this weekend, chanting “tick-tock, tick-tock” as Spanish local and national elections loom closer. Many Spaniards have been seen waving Greek flags in the square.


A financial 'domino effect' of national defaults looms.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 20:57:44

Less than a week after the victory of its hard-left ally Syriza in Greece, Spain's Podemos party launched an election-heavy year by assembling more than 100,000 supporters for a rally in Madrid.

Podemos used its "March for Change" Saturday to assail government austerity measures, and paint a portrait of Spain in starkly contrasting hues of "privileged" versus "humiliated" social camps.

In doing so, Podemos amped up the populist themes that have won it considerable support in its mere year of existence.

In carefully preparing Saturday's show of force, Podemos worked social networks to mobilise maximum participation by supporters from all over Spain, who converged on Madrid's Puerta del Sol plaza -- quickly filling it to capacity.

The photo of that large crowd ran on front pages and as lead stories on media around the world covering the massive turnout.

"We will win elections against the PP," in 2015 vowed Iglesias, 36, sending ripples of excitement through the tightly-packed crowd.

Prior to that Inigo Errejon, 31, and Juan-Carlos Monedero, 52 -- number two and three officials in Podemos respectively -- described a modern Spain in which two contrasting camps co-existed with increasingly difficulty.

They spoke of a Spain "on top" versus one "on the bottom," of "the powerful" opposing "workers," and of a "privileged" caste lording over the descendants of Spaniards who toiled "to build a country where no one would be cold."

And those people, Iglesias echoed, now suffer "humiliation and increasing poverty," and want to take their fate back into their hands.

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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby kublikhan » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 21:05:23

To me, it seems both sides are softening somewhat. The EU finance minister said there was room to discuss lengthening debt repayments and other options. And the Greek side said they ruled out leaving the Euro or seeking aid from Russia. I would guess they are going to meet in the middle somewhere and ease some of the austerity measures and give the Greeks some breathing room.

A surge in Greek bond yields stalled on Monday as the new Syriza-led leftist government pitched a new debt deal to its European Union partners, sounding less confrontational than before in the view of market analysts.

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said after meeting his new Greek counterpart Yanis Varoufakis that Athens could not expect a straight debt write-off, but he left the door open to other options including giving Athens more time for repayment.

"The tone from the Greek officials sounds not as confrontational and harsh as (before)." Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in Nicosia, ruled out seeking aid from Russia and again ruled out leaving the euro.
Greek sell-off pauses as Syriza pitches debt deal to EU partners
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 21:13:04

basil_hayden wrote:They can't owe us much,...

Not us, the IMF, ECB, and World Bank. This is poor nations rising up against the Western Banking Elites. Just think what happens if both Greece defaults, then Podemos wins in Spain and defaults next winter when they take power, followed perhaps by Italy and several other nations being subjected to Austerity (abject poverty). So called "financial waterboarding".(I love that term)

What happens when, now emboldened, they all refuse to pay.

That's called a financial nuclear war.

Argentina was the first, and they are still alive and ticking.

If I were Greece, I would tell the ECB to stuff it up their collective asses. You don't need additional loans if you defaulted.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 21:23:29

Kub, your link doesn't work.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby kublikhan » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 21:40:47

My bad, try the first story at this link: Greece

Greece's new government dropped calls for a write-off of its foreign debt. Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, in London to reassure private investors that he was not seeking a showdown with Brussels over a new debt agreement, said the new left-wing government would spare privately held bonds from losses. The reported proposals contrast sharply with the government's strident vows in Athens last week to ditch the tough austerity conditions imposed under its existing bailout.

Varoufakis called his plan a "menu of debt swaps" that meant Athens would no longer call for a write-off of Greece’s 315 billion euros ($360 billion) of foreign debt. Varoufakis said he was confident he could reach a negotiated settlement soon.

After a tumultuous first week in which the firebrand government indicated it intended to keep campaign promises to ditch the tough austerity conditions imposed under its existing bailout, the emphasis this week appears to be on maintaining that a new deal is still possible.

When asked whether Greece would seek aid from Russia, which is a worsening standoff with Europe and the United States over Ukraine, he said: "Right now, there are no other thoughts on the table."

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said after meeting Varoufakis that Athens could not expect a straight debt write-off, but left the door open to other options that include giving Athens more time for repayment.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby dissident » Tue 03 Feb 2015, 21:57:25

Quick, Greece, run! You are about to be attacked by the Russian bear!

Any more such "finger painting" wisdom?

The Greeks should pull an Iceland on the money speculators and make them take a haircut. If things were run rationally, Greece would be paying 1% on its loans (the Fed treasury rate) and not the pulled from the ass rates of 7% and higher. Then it could maintain its debt servicing instead of being thrown into a crisis.

Note how under the noise of the debt servicing crisis we have the usual suspects pushing their Shock Doctrine to loot Greece of its assets.

Yeah, that Russia bear scarecrow is sure useful for the racketeers.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Quinny » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 03:57:15

Think if I were a Russian Bear, I'd be ensuring the new democracy had an easy ride with the electorate by favourable oil & food deals. This would strengthen anti-austerity movements throughout the EU and cause more damage to the IMF/ECB than any war in Ukraine and it would be cheaper in financial, resource and more importantly image terms.
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Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 05:35:47

Thanks for the updates, bit of ranting, massmedia here do not cover the whole story.

Finally some sense, people opposing the military dictatorship of NATO/banking mob
Feels like history repeating, Nazi Germany tried to control Asia with help of fascist Italy and that Japanese Emperor. These criminals were backed by western elites, industry to built all those machines of sheer idiocy.

Florida were overthrown with the 2000 elections with Bush/Clinton mob selling the show designed by Bilderberg families, the long war. Soon after that war of terror started with massive resource take overs in Middle East and around. Create problem, false flag attack/install puppet and offer solution.

I have trucked NATO Patriot parts for Adana Turkey, The Dutch airforce will stop after a few years guarding that Syrian border against them terrorists.........does that make we a criminal?
Working for a terrorist group responsible for the death of millions of children worldwide? On the edge...
We drove from Italy through Greece, fine people and I hope they will make a stand and succeed in being free from finacial and military ties to the west.

Greece is not the problem, but Spain and others following is a financial/economy disaster for world banking of the west and thus military adventures, slavery of people.
When people have nothing to loose, food and water scarcity, they will finally fight against local tyrants.
Global economy will collapse abruptly I guess, we will have to depend on our own resources.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 06:57:34

My prediction is that within five years, there will be no important differences between Greece and the Ukraine. I expect that there will be Russian tanks in the streets of both. Greece will owe the Russians even more money than they owe now, and they will be totally dependant upon Russia for gas and oil.

The cradle of Democracy is about to lose their precious Liberty. Russian politics is for the benefit of Russians alone.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 07:26:51

Cid_Yama wrote:One EU country that has already formed close ties with Russia is Hungary.

At least be balanced and also note the protests in Hungary, against Orban.

Hungarians protest against PM’s pro-Russian policies

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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby Withnail » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 07:39:23

KaiserJeep wrote:The completely clueless Left Wingnuts are about to be bitten by the Russian Bear.

Greece has had good relations with Russia for longer than America has existed.

Don't presume to tell Europeans about their own continent.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby radon1 » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 08:51:54

KaiserJeep wrote:The cradle of Democracy is about to lose their precious Liberty.

The cradle of democracy are simply negotiating better borrowing terms, they don't care about Russia. Nor does Russia particularly care about them.
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Re: Greece next to be declared Enemy by Western Media

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Wed 04 Feb 2015, 11:48:22

radon1 wrote:-snip-
The cradle of democracy are simply negotiating better borrowing terms, they don't care about Russia. Nor does Russia particularly care about them.

I believe that is wrong - Greece is ideally positioned for Russia to dominate the Mediterranean Sea. That body of water gives access to much of Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. It will be a strategic country for Russia to fortify - and once there are troops there, the original Democracy is gone forever.
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