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Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

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Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 09:51:21

Senate backs military force to stop Iran from getting nukes
Watch the video:

“It is a statement to Iran, the international community and President Obama that if Iran refuses to negotiate an end to their nuclear weapons program and President Obama, therefore, decides that a military strike against that program is necessary in the interest of our national security, then he can count on strong bipartisan support in Congress for that decision,” said Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn.

The resolution states that containment is not good enough and should not be a “fall back” position.

“If it takes military, that needs to be an option on the table and we are absolutely committed on a bipartisan basis for addressing this national security threat to our country and our allies,” said Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.

The senators hope the resolution will add an extra sense of urgency to the administration’s handling of the issue.

“This moment is the equivalent in historic and strategic importance as the Cuban missile crisis,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. “It is unfolding more slowly, perhaps in greater complexity. But the sense of urgency is absolutely there.”
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 10:01:30

Go on! rattle that sabre!!!

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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 10:06:53

I found it extrange the Fox is the only one on this, why no other mayor media? still, the video is there and is legit.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Cog » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 10:07:43

How many of these Senators intend to put on a uniform and fight in this war that they are promoting?
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Cloud9 » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 10:49:21

Gotta get the oil boys. This ain't about nukes. Remember that Pakistan has nukes. They are Islamic and want the death of Isreal and India. :(
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 10:55:05

Taht little 100 mpg scooter is starting to look better and better.

mainstream media whores burst out truth attack...'s coming....just a few days away...prepare your ears now...get your mind'll never have heard such words from mainstream media ever before in your life and it is going to start a flood of such huge proportions that the world will not be the same ever again in the future and it will change more in each minute than in all the minutes that have ever come before and you will feel like you just do not have a second to catch your breath and shouldn't you have gone to work or bed or fed someone or something but you are paralyzed with the novelty rush pouring out of the pent up frustruations of decades of pressurized mainstream media whoredom as all hell breaks loose with a single word that a single mind will not be able to contain......(no, not that one...)

wait for it, days and temporal markers falling rapidly now and precursor events spreading rippling influences outward....

you'll hear it, then you'll know it. All prior to the break out is speculation. Afterward all will be lost in the torrents (hint hint) of the breaking dam, which is why i thought to just get a few days advance notice for naps and pies. We will need all the energy we have (us old farts) to just keep up with the trailing edge....which begins to race away from us by March 19th with release language compounding beyond our ability to chase.

posted February 16, 2012 by clif high

Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 16:45:48

I am so looking forward to $20 a gallon gasoline.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby rangerone314 » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 17:36:19

War should be here by about May; that's when the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia will have all the chess pieces on the board, assuming Iran doesn't try to preempt the preemption.

The troops, planes, missiles, ships, and logistics should be ready by then.

Did notice Senators Richard Blumenthal & Joe Lieberman, both Jewish. Dual loyalty?
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Cog » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 18:10:00

From Joe Liberman's record, there is no bomb dropped on an Arab that he isn't solidly behind. I guess he feels the same way about Persians.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 18:19:17

rangerone314 wrote:War should be here by about May; that's when the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia will have all the chess pieces on the board, assuming Iran doesn't try to preempt the preemption.

The troops, planes, missiles, ships, and logistics should be ready by then.

Did notice Senators Richard Blumenthal & Joe Lieberman, both Jewish. Dual loyalty?

Hi ranger, do you really think so? i have that deja vu sensation again (remember Iraq?) but the situation right now is totally different, economy in the west IS tethering on depression, Iran has Russia and China backup, at least diplomatically, if there are hostilities of any kind i believe oil will jump to $150 and let´s not mention what happen if the hormuz strait is blocked and/or facilities in SA are targeted.
Is too much risk for too little gain and TPTB should be aware of that.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Cloud9 » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 18:36:45

Preston it will clear up a lot of traffic. But if there is no traffic then their will be no money in speeding tickets. The highway patrol may be grounded. Then their will be nothing on the road but you and the road warriors.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Mesuge » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 19:04:47

Hm, what about TPTB's line of reasoning: risking few weeks/months of blocked Hormuz with couple of sunken tankers and onshore ablaze oil installation from Iranian rocket attack in the Gulf is worth it aka quite repairable damage in realistic time. The window of western capability is closing fast.

It's a freekshow on steroids for TPTB, they fight for continued signorage of petrodollar/Fed as their own stash of fortunes to be passed on their kids after the reset or yet to be blown on their own orgies or what ever they prefer.

Should the int. energy trade realistically start to "disorderly" depeg into metals, other currencies denominated barter (ruble, yuan) they are finished in short order and no where to hide.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby gollum » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:11:00

Cog wrote:How many of these Senators intend to put on a uniform and fight in this war that they are promoting?

Sadly none, and very few have any famil who serve. Sometimes I don't know if I should scream, cry, or puke.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby radon » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 21:59:04

Generalization is a bad thing, but Uncle Sam reminds an alcoholic whose recollection is that whenever he had a hangover, a screw up at the backyard of his neighbour aunty Europe pulled him back on high. So he instinctively tries to make a mess of the aunty's garden whenever the things turn a bit odd with him.

Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby jbrovont » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 22:02:21

It is also different in the sense that a major nuclear power (Russia) has a pre-emptive strike policy and just publicly stated that they would not 'hesitate' to use their nuclear arsenal to hit any force jeopardizing their strategic interests. We can read that any way we like - they could be talking about the NATO missile shield, advisory forces in Syria, or energy supplies in Iran. Either way, they appear to have issued an ultimatum to 'simmer down, or else.' Unlike the US policy of only using nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack, Russia's strategic nuclear deployment policy doesn't rule out a counter-force pre-emptive strike, nor does it rule out an overwhelming first strike against a country that doesn't possess nuclear weapons.

In fewer words, Putin's warning sounded a lot like don't poke the bear. (pun intended of course)

eXpat wrote:
rangerone314 wrote:War should be here by about May; that's when the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia will have all the chess pieces on the board, assuming Iran doesn't try to preempt the preemption.

The troops, planes, missiles, ships, and logistics should be ready by then.

Did notice Senators Richard Blumenthal & Joe Lieberman, both Jewish. Dual loyalty?

Hi ranger, do you really think so? i have that deja vu sensation again (remember Iraq?) but the situation right now is totally different, economy in the west IS tethering on depression, Iran has Russia and China backup, at least diplomatically, if there are hostilities of any kind i believe oil will jump to $150 and let´s not mention what happen if the hormuz strait is blocked and/or facilities in SA are targeted.
Is too much risk for too little gain and TPTB should be aware of that.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Sys1 » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 22:44:09

This is THE event that will mark the beginning of world war 3.
If USA want to attack Iran, they should begin with Russia. I think it is a wise move to get out of large cities if you have the chance to do so.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 18 Feb 2012, 23:10:57

Sen. Joe Lieberman is leading a group of nearly one-third of the U.S. Senate urging that the red line on war with Iran be shifted from building a nuclear weapon to the vague notion of Iran having the "capability" to build one. The neoconservative senator from Connecticut has introduced a "Sense of the Senate" resolution that would put the body on record as rejecting a situation that arguably already exists, in which Iran has the know-how to build a bomb even if it has no intention to do so.

The resolution tracks with the positions of hardline Israeli leaders, such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and undercuts the position of President Barack Obama, whose administration has been exploring ways to negotiate an agreement with Iran, which insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies also agree that Iran has NOT decided to build a bomb. [See's "US/Israel: Iran NOT Building Nukes."] However, in recent weeks, the goal posts have been subtly moved not only by American neocons and Israeli hardliners but by the major U.S. news media, which has inserted the new weasel word "capability" in mentions about of Iran's supposed nuclear weapons ambitions.

Of course, many consumers of U.S. news haven't noticed this slight change in wording from Iran's alleged "pursuit of a nuclear weapon" to its alleged "pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability." But the distinction is important because a "capability" can mean almost anything, since peaceful nuclear research also can be applicable to bomb building.

To deny Iran the "capability" would almost surely require a war between the United States and Iran, a course that some neocons have been quietly desiring for at least the past decade when the Iraq invasion was seen as a first step to bringing "regime change" to Iran -- or as some neocons joked at the time, "real men go to Tehran."
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 19 Feb 2012, 00:16:55

First Iran threatened to destroy Israel
Then Israel threatened to destroy Iran's nuclear labs
So the US threatened to close down Irans ability to sell their exported oil
And Iran responded by threatening to close down the gates of Hormuz
The US Senate threatened the use of US military force against Iran
And, most recently, Russia threatened everybody.

No wonder Secretary of State Hillary looks so nervous.

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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby rangerone314 » Sun 19 Feb 2012, 00:17:19

eXpat wrote:
rangerone314 wrote:War should be here by about May; that's when the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia will have all the chess pieces on the board, assuming Iran doesn't try to preempt the preemption.

The troops, planes, missiles, ships, and logistics should be ready by then.

Did notice Senators Richard Blumenthal & Joe Lieberman, both Jewish. Dual loyalty?

Hi ranger, do you really think so? i have that deja vu sensation again (remember Iraq?) but the situation right now is totally different, economy in the west IS tethering on depression, Iran has Russia and China backup, at least diplomatically, if there are hostilities of any kind i believe oil will jump to $150 and let´s not mention what happen if the hormuz strait is blocked and/or facilities in SA are targeted.
Is too much risk for too little gain and TPTB should be aware of that.

The military experts I've heard believe that Iran could at best close the straights for maybe 10 days. Of course they could escalate by launching a missile strike on Ras Tanura, if they wanted to escalate things much further.
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Re: Breaking: Senate backs military force to stop Iran

Unread postby ItalyRules » Sun 19 Feb 2012, 00:27:39

It isn't Russia you should be worried about. China gets 10% of it's oil from Iran and is hoping to get another 200,000 barrels per day from them.

eXpat already posted a story about Hu Jintao ordering the Navy to prepare for war. I believe the wording was extended war.

Also there was a story a while back that the Pakistani Intelligence service may have provided Iran with a nuclear warhead. So they may have an ace in the hole that isn't being figured into other's calculations.

Also, a couple years back, there was North Korean freighter that was suspected to be carrying a nuclear warhead that US shadowed to the Middle East but didn't intercept as they were not certain. Where did that ship dock? Even if they weren't certain wouldn't you intercept it anyway?

How much do those looking for war not know about? Ahmadinajad has been downright cocky, like they have that Ace that no one knows about. And like he can't wait for an excuse to play it.
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