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If I take your resources

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If I take your resources

Unread postby lutherquick » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 16:00:44

A simple analogy.

I ran out of beer (oil/gas), I'm taking your beer.
If you don't give up your beer then you are not advocating democracy.
If you don't allow me (US) to print propaganda in your home news paper (NGO) about my beer in your house, then your are evil.
If you insist on charging me then don't you dare charge me market value (Ukraine / Georgia), or you are not conforming to human rights.
And if you somehow force me to pay market value, then let us all use the money that I am printing, then this is acceptable (dollar hegemony).

Next, I will go into your home, and pay your daughter (Yukos) and son (Yeltsin), and wife some cash (well below market value), and convince them to give me your beer by sneaking it out the window at night (transfer pricing).

This is absolutely about democracy, but specifically it's really about American democracy. Other democracies are expendable and are only acceptable if they subsidize the US democracy and economy.

Folks, this is the US.
We pissed away all our own beer, now we look at our neighbors and see their beer as ours.

Now if some other country came to America, and went into our refrigerator and took our beer, you had better believe there would be a nuclear war. And when some other country (China) uses an NGO to give money to our president (Clinton), you bet your life we would sound the alarms. But when we do the same, well, it's ok, we are Americans. When we do it to them, it's called human rights & democracy, when they do it to us, we stop them with American RICO laws by the IRS and FBI.

So far, the last 6 years have proven that our double standards and hypocrisy are all collapsing. Nothing is working, not one distorted plan coming out of DC to annex our neighbor's beer (Russia, Iraq, Venezuela, Iran) is working.

Honestly, I think nukes will keep America at bay. Nukes will keep America's hands out of other's refrigerators and keep America in her corner. Nukes will keep the world safe. Because America will think twice about taking her neighbor's beer if that neighbor has nukes. America, go make your own beer. Stop with the NGO activity, stop with the fairy tales that Iraq has wmd, or Saddam did 9/11. Get to work America, and make your own damn beer.

I write these words because Sen. John McCain says the US is being held hostage because we are out of beer and nobody wants to gift us more. I say the world is held hostage because America is eying beer that she never paid for.
Last edited by lutherquick on Sun 22 Jan 2006, 20:20:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby Atlantean_Relic » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 17:20:03

Trick is no one can make this beer.
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby gt1370a » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 17:20:18

Have you read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by Perkins? This guy claims that he was one of the people implementing the strategy you talk about, that he full well understood what he was doing, and his conscience bothers him so bad that he had to confess. And you are also right, now that the plan is understood, people like Chavez are trying to fuck it up.

This was a Cold War strategy initially, to defeat the Soviets without a direct war with them. So, maybe it is better than the alternative.... we live in a world where there are no good choices, only the "least bad options."
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby Zardoz » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 17:41:12

lutherquick wrote:...Nukes will keep the world safe...

The great irony of our times. We thought the policy of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) was crazy when it was first advanced, but look how well it has worked.

It will apply with small nations as well as it did with the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

MAD works. Nukes stop aggression. The great curse of nuclear weapons has turned out to be a blessing.
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby sameu » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 20:07:46

MAD is just another word for a power equilibrium

things are ok when there is such an equilibrium, problem is, with PO, the middle east and russia are gaining extra power, power that can't be balanced out with something else.

so what are the options for stopping this shift in equilibrium?

and you have to act fast because once they have too much power, you become their bitch and it's game over

so basicly there are only two options, get of oil or get theirs
it probably will be the last one
not only because you need the oil for the oil, but you have to make sure their economic power doesn't become too strong
so there even would be a third possible option, the least favourable one, but better then sitting with your ass on your hands, destroy the other ones oil.
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby lutherquick » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 20:30:13

Dear sameu,

You said:

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things are ok when there is such an equilibrium, problem is, with PO, the middle east and russia are gaining extra power, power that can't be balanced out with something else.

well, not quite. The middle East and Russia are not ginaing extra power. I think they never lost it. America 'lost' it's power because it does not understand how to protect it's natual resource 'oil'. America believes in an economy that is 100% private, or aproaches that. The problem is that anything that can depleat must be managed by the government. Uncontrolled exploitation of a depletable resource is crazy.

America is in a bad position because she placed her self there, she can't think into the future, she can't plan long term.

As hard as America tries to spead democracy 'only' in countries with oil, I don't think she will succeed. True democracy is spreading fast than America's "fake democracy". And nukes will keep her honest.
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby lutherquick » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 21:12:46

Dear gt1370a,

You said Chavez. Well, that's real democracy. Be it Chavez of Venezuela, Morales of Equator, or Putin of Russia, these leaders have pledge allegiance to their 'host' countries where they were born. They owe their own countrymen, not American SUV consumption, not Bush, not even THIS generation in their country. Their responsibility is to the future generations as well as the current generation. These leaders are "optimizing" and they must do so with raw materials and energy and whatever else will depletes.

A drunk like Yeltsin was an America at heart. People like Yeltsin are history as long as peak oil is real.

Democracy has nothing to do with a choice of communism or capitalism. Democracy IS choice. Iranians chose to say "screw American", then so be it, that is true democracy.

People in Venezuela chose Chavez, period, it's done, it's over. Having US NGO money pumped in has nothing to do with democracy. Having US fund a coup or even put a bullet in Chavez's head, these are not democracy. Democracy is Chavez promising his people to nationalize energy, his people like the promise and vote for him as a majority, and now he executes his promise.

And it come back to my beer analogy. We Americans are going to lose our country because our form of democracy said it was ok to piss away our energy resources like someone with new credit cards that plans on going bankrupt. We did not manage our resources, we did it collectively, we did it together, now we lose.

Chavez is doing what his constitution said he must do, and frankly his only problem is Bush and American hegemony. He has no other problems, not with human rights, not with democracy, not with debt, not with energy, ZIPPO.

Chavez basically is protecting his countrymen's beer from America.
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Re: I'm out of beer (oil), I'm taking your beer

Unread postby merecat » Sun 22 Jan 2006, 22:55:47

Great analogy, shows just how ill mannered and hipocritical american global policies are.

To carry the analogy a little further, maybe america will get a splintered pool cue rammed repeatedly up its arse 8O if it carries on stealing beer willy nilly. Worse things have happened!
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