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Repression in South & Central America

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Repression in South & Central America

Unread postby onlooker » Sat 19 Mar 2016, 13:26:08

Thought I would start a thread devoted strictly to South and Central America and the quelling of rivals to Capitalists intentions and policies. Those who may be reading should be familiar with the so called Bolivarian revolution started by Chavez in Venezuela. The inspiration I must believe coming from Cuba and Castro. In reality, this revolution is a response to decades of covert and overt meddling by the US and allies in the affairs of South & Central America with the purpose of insuring compliant docile States subservient to the international prerogatives of the Neo liberal western countries. Well again most should be familiar with the history of repression of the masses via violence , death and torture. The School of the Americas in Panama serving as a training ground for these unsavory methods of control of populations. Well fast forward and the legitimate grievances of the people mount as environmental abuses and degradation threaten livelihoods of farmers and other humble people. So they have arisen primarily out of need as their way of life and life itself is threatened. What is the response of the puppet regimes in South and Central America? To clamp down brutally on the people via quasi hired assassins and instill a climate of fear to thwart any opposition. Here is a link to the most recent murders of activists in Honduras. Again nothing new here same things have been happening for decades. ... w-activist
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Re: Repression in South & Central America

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 20 Mar 2016, 17:37:58 ... -0021.html
Guatemala: Another Environmental Activist Shot to Death
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Re: Repression in South & Central America

Unread postby onlooker » Tue 24 May 2016, 15:56:06
The Turning of Latin America’s Pink Tide
The Crisis of Democracy
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