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Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby eclipse » Sat 28 Apr 2018, 20:42:26

The "mob, mow, and move" strategy of rotated grazing of livestock implemented by Allan Savory and Joel Salatin has been peer-reviewed.
The bottom line? North America could sequester about 1.2 Gigatons of Carbon a year. Multiply by 3.67 to convert to CO2, and that's 4.4 Gigatons of CO2, or 1/8th of the 36 Gigatons CO2 we release each year.
So we need 8 times the pastureland to sequester all our CO2. The USA has 2.38 million km2 under permanent pastures in 2008. ... alland.htm
The world has 35. That's 14 times the pastureland of the USA, or 1.8 times the land necessary to sequester all our CO2.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 29 Apr 2018, 03:31:08

eclipse wrote:So we need 8 times the pastureland to sequester all our CO2. The USA has 2.38 million km2 under permanent pastures in 2008. ... alland.htm
The world has 35. That's 14 times the pastureland of the USA, or 1.8 times the land necessary to sequester all our CO2.

I have little doubt that with enough money, time, and effort, that a great deal of CO2 could be sequestered by a variety of methods.

However, there's no doubt that with some money, time, and effort, the world could produce a HELL of a lot less CO2 than it does, merely by introducing a large CO2 tax to replace a chunk of income taxes, and let the obvious economic incentive work.

But the world doesn't do that, because, among other things, politicians place being (re)elected above all else, and voters place their perceived self-interest above all else.


So it's not about what's possibly feasible -- it's about what's likely in the real world.

Meanwhile, BAU growth continues apace, the production of CO2 grows accordingly, and the problem worsens as our time to deal with the problem proactively is running out.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 29 Apr 2018, 06:06:09

George Wuerthner, writing in The Wildlife News in a 2013 article titled, "Allan Savory: Myth And Reality" stated, "The few scientific experiments that Savory supporters cite as vindication of his methods (out of hundreds that refute his assertions), often fail to actually test his theories. Several of the studies cited on HM web site had utilization levels (degree of vegetation removed) well below the level that Savory actually recommends."

Also, I tend not to trust a guy on whose recommendation 40,000 elephants were annihilated for no good reason.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby Ibon » Sun 29 Apr 2018, 09:04:58

These bio-engineering or geo-engineering proposals are blatant attempts to fix the problem with no sacrifice to the dominant consumption / population origin of the problems. As often mentioned we could be wasteful and inefficient and free to wallow in abundance if we were only a couple hundred million on the planet.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 29 Apr 2018, 13:00:12

Bingo! Earlier in his career, Savory 'solved' an elephant problem by obliterating thousands of elephants.

This time it's us he will be obliterating if his experiment doesn't work out, along with much of the rest of complex life on the planet.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby eclipse » Tue 01 May 2018, 08:24:12

dohboi wrote:
George Wuerthner, writing in The Wildlife News in a 2013 article titled, "Allan Savory: Myth And Reality" stated, "The few scientific experiments that Savory supporters cite as vindication of his methods (out of hundreds that refute his assertions), often fail to actually test his theories. Several of the studies cited on HM web site had utilization levels (degree of vegetation removed) well below the level that Savory actually recommends."

Also, I tend not to trust a guy on whose recommendation 40,000 elephants were annihilated for no good reason.

Have you seen his TED talk? He admits that mistake was based on flawed scientific thinking of his day, and that ecology as a discipline has changed since then.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby eclipse » Tue 01 May 2018, 08:37:27

Ibon wrote:These bio-engineering or geo-engineering proposals are blatant attempts to fix the problem with no sacrifice to the dominant consumption / population origin of the problems. As often mentioned we could be wasteful and inefficient and free to wallow in abundance if we were only a couple hundred million on the planet.

Don't forget, IPAT involves the T, which can either be a multiplier of harm or strong divider.

Basically, yes, guilty as charged! "are blatant attempts to fix the problem with no sacrifice to the dominant consumption / population origin of the problems" Exactly write, and exactly wrong, at the same time! Anyone who barters in a stone age village 'consumes' if they didn't produce the thing themselves. They've paid for it in some means, and become a 'consumer'. Wow, they must be a terrible person! [smilie=5bomb.gif] But consumption of what, by what technology?

We have the potential to a world of 10 billion (or more) people a convenient, dignified, beautiful modern life. No, it won't be the same as today, but will involve a bunch of different tech, including how we design our cities. But yes, it's a blatant attempt to fix the world as pain-free as possible. Guilty as charged!

EG: 100 million running on fossil fuels do more harm than a billion on carbon neutral energy sources like the abundant reliable electricity that comes from nuclear-waste eating breeder reactors.

7 billion in a suburban McMansion car based lifestyle do more harm than the same number in New Urbanism, which occupies 10% of the land and enables a cosy, convenient, community building culture NOT based on the car! (But can of course have some cars and trucks in a car-disciplined life maybe a little bit more European than Europe.)

Industrial agriculture is a multiplier of harm where this regenerative wholistic agriculture might actually heal the land and feed billions. Indeed, massive kelp farms might feed billions with hardly any input from the land itself! And we solve population growth by giving everyone everything they need to live a dignified, prosperous life, especially in educating and empowering women and children.

So unless you're addicted to some kind of Book of Eli doomer scenario for the future, what's wrong with admitting where the Technology can actually reduce the Impact of Affluence and Population in the IPAT equation?
Dr James Hansen recommends breeder reactors that convert nuclear 'waste' into 1000 years of clean energy for America, and can charge all our light vehicles and generate "Blue Crude" for heavy vehicles.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 01 May 2018, 10:03:45

Its all just noise until it isn"t.
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Re: Can rotational grazing sequester all our CO2 emission?

Unread postby eclipse » Wed 02 May 2018, 01:50:24

So you dispute nuclear's potential to power the world, educating girl's potential to reduce population growth, giant kelp farm's potential to feed the world many times over, wholistic grazing's potential to capture carbon, biochar's potential to capture carbon, the kelp farm's potential to capture carbon? If so, based on what science?

The stupendous potential of seaweed farming as a tool to combat climate change was outlined in 2012 by the University of the South Pacific’s Dr Antoine De Ramon N’Yeurt and his team. Their analysis reveals that if 9% of the ocean were to be covered in seaweed farms, the farmed seaweed could produce 12 gigatonnes per year of biodigested methane which could be burned as a substitute for natural gas. The seaweed growth involved would capture 19 gigatonnes of CO₂. A further 34 gigatonnes per year of CO₂ could be taken from the atmosphere if the methane is burned to generate electricity and the CO₂ generated captured and stored. This, they say:

…could produce sufficient biomethane to replace all of today’s needs in fossil-fuel energy, while removing 53 billion tonnes of CO₂ per year from the atmosphere… This amount of biomass could also increase sustainable fish production to potentially provide 200 kilograms per year, per person, for 10 billion people. Additional benefits are reduction in ocean acidification and increased ocean primary productivity and biodiversity. ... mate-81761
Dr James Hansen recommends breeder reactors that convert nuclear 'waste' into 1000 years of clean energy for America, and can charge all our light vehicles and generate "Blue Crude" for heavy vehicles.
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