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ISideWith testing

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ISideWith testing

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 27 Apr 2015, 20:07:54

Pops wrote:I just took a quiz at and turns out that 96% of dems, 93% of Greens, 64% of Libs & 23% of Rs side with me on a range of issues. That one was kind of interesting.

Thanks for the link, I looked that up that's a neat site Pops. I took the test. Okay you're:

green: 93%
Lib: 64%
Repub: 23%


green: 80% (im almost as green party as you)
democrat: 76% (I'm more democrat than you)
Repub: 61% (I'm a lot more republican than you. This test makes sense to me, see how I am on the issues, just 10% over onto D side and that matches up with my party affiliation, I'm a registered Democrat but just barely and could swing back over.

And despite what I say on this forum, and despite the fact I do not like hipsters with their goat cheese and arugala at Whole Foods, and I really do not like Al Gore and the eco "movement" -- on the issues, I'm actually for most environmental things, if you just put the question in front of me without any Al Gore in it.

I'm definitely an independent type and you can see on a test like this my various views put me in the middle between parties.).

One question I found interesting: that thing about drug testing "welfare recipients."

First of all -- I thought there really was no federal welfare anymore, no? That all ended like 25 years ago with Bill Clinton. So what is that question even about, there is no "welfare."

(is it that some states have a state dole?)

So anyhow my stand on that is, ok yes drug test welfare recipients BUT ***you should also drug test every congressman and staffer and federal employee***.

It's not right for congresscritters to be doin' cocaine and all that, either.

Anyhow -- the moral wedge issues are always just fodder to confuse and divide the masses.

The REAL problem has been the trade deals, the gargantuan offshoring of all jobs over the last 30+ years and it's finally to breaking point now -- with riots in Baltimore right now too, people that live in places where there used to be jobs way back when, but the jobs long since went to China and now Obama and Clinton and Bush want to send even more jobs to China.

IF YOU FIXED THE JOBS problem, if there were a living minimum wage, then guess what -- ALL THESE SOCIAL dysfunctions WOULD FIX THEMSELVES. Give a man a full time living wage job and guess what, he won't turn to crime, he won't be a dysfunctional hoodlum. That's the truth. We don't have any jobs in the country anymore, that's the problem.
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Re: May Elizabeth Warren run for president, after all?

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 27 Apr 2015, 20:57:03

I took the quiz as well

Green 94%
Dem 92%
Lib 75%
Soc 70%
Rep 31%
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Re: May Elizabeth Warren run for president, after all?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 Apr 2015, 23:00:57

I took the test as well.

I slightly tilt toward the Rs on economic and foreign policy, and I slightly tilt toward the Ds and Gs on social and environmental issues.

When you add it all up I plot exactly in the middle of the political spectrum on their graph----I'm the perfect everyman! I'm the perfect centrist swing voter!

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Re: May Elizabeth Warren run for president, after all?

Unread postby Subjectivist » Tue 28 Apr 2015, 06:10:56

Constitution party 91, Republican 89, Conservative 87, Libertarian 74, Democrat 44.

It is a pretty detailed survey which makes it more useful, but the problem is it goes by what the parties claim to be working for rather than the reality of what they actually do. I think the Republican Party is a sad joke, they don't actually even try to do half of what they claim are the goals of the Party, and the Democrats are the same way, lip service but little actual action on the things they talk talk talk about doing.
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Re: IgoWith testing

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 28 Apr 2015, 13:11:21

Pops wrote:--
I just took a quiz at and turns out that 96% of dems, 93% of Greens, 64% of Libs & 23% of Rs side with me on a range of issues. That one was kind of interesting.

Obviously I'll vote D unless something crazy happens, in 30 years I vote once for another party, a Lib, and that was because my vote was a throwaway in that district anyway.

I split this off as a separate thread because I took the survey as well and we were starting to clog up the Elizabeth Warren thread with survey results.

I consider myself a die hard Libertarian, I have voted L for all of my adult life with a few D's and R's scattered in when I thought it might make a difference. Sadly the survey thinks I am only 71 percent Libertarian.

My results,
88% Constitutional (which is what Libertarians are supposed to be, pro constitution)
87% Republican, there is a laugh, they do not follow the Constitution for beans.
84% Conservative, fair enough most of their stances are Libertarian.
71% Libertarian, already said I think this is a low score.
34% Green, yup, they are sensible about a third of the time IMO.
28% Democrat, that was a surprise, I thought my stance on drug legalization/environmental issues would count more.
04% Socialist, I am surprised it was this high LOL!

Now in the detail report below the percentages I sided most strongly with Libertarian stances on Healthcare, The Economy, and Domestic Policy. I scored Republican in Education and Immigration. I scored Constitution Party in Social and Foreign Policy, and I scored Green Party in Environmental policy. That means the percentages must be skewed by the additional questions in each subset, otherwise I would have scored higher in Libertarian than Republican in the first set of data results.
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Re: IgoWith testing

Unread postby careinke » Tue 28 Apr 2015, 14:26:20

Here is the link for others who want to take the quiz

I consider myself a Libertarian/Minarchist (sorry six). I was surprised to be rated higher on Democrat than republican (probably my drug stance).

My results:

Green Party 80% - Immigration, environmental, healthcare, foreign Policy and economic issues. Note I have never studied the green party, maybe I should.

Libertarians 79% - Domestic policy, social, economic and foreign policy.

Democrats :shock: 70% - Environmental, foreign policy and healthcare issues. (Probably because I think despite its flaws, Obamacare allows people more freedom when switching jobs).

Republican 63% - Domestic policy and educational issues.

Conservative 58%- Domestic Policy and education.

Constitution party 52% - Domestic and education.

Socialist 33% - Foreign Policy and healthcare.

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Re: ISideWith testing

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 28 Apr 2015, 15:16:54

Whoops corrected thread title, don't know what I was thinking LOL. Anyone on the Warren thread who wants to should repost their results here so we can all respond consistently.

The link I used was which takes you to the front page, the link Careinke posted takes you straight to the quiz instead of the front page,
Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
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