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Unread postby rachelmc » Mon 22 Jul 2019, 05:32:20

I'm new!

I stumbled onto these forums after watching Chernobyl. I became fascinated with Nuclear energy and how dangerous it potentially is. I wasn't even aware before looking into this that there is a nuclear plant only a few miles from where I live!

Anyway, this led me to read up on many more forms of energy production and everything that goes along with it. Somehow I ended up here and started reading all the great content on this site. Thought I best say hello and keep up the good work.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby Cog » Mon 22 Jul 2019, 09:23:52

Welcome. Nuclear energy is among the greenest energy that we will ever have. Instead of fearing it, we should embrace it going forward.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby rachelmc » Mon 22 Jul 2019, 13:41:57

Hi Cog. I generally agree now after doing more research, though there are some concerns. Many of the plants in operation are operating well beyond their expected and designed lifespan. They are well out of date in some cases.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby Ibon » Mon 22 Jul 2019, 13:56:39

rachelmc wrote:Hi Cog. I generally agree now after doing more research, though there are some concerns. Many of the plants in operation are operating well beyond their expected and designed lifespan. They are well out of date in some cases.

Nuclear accidents are rare and the newest plant technology far safer. But when accidents do occur they are dramatic. Fossil fuels have killed and weakened far more humans and ecosystems than nuclear energy, but the death caused is slow, accumulating and not immediate..... there is no comparison. Fossil Fuels are far more dangerous.

Of course embracing conservation and powering down could exclude expanding nuclear. But this is a pipe dream, Kudzu Apes will go the whole mile with expending all the energy they can so we should just face this fact and re invigorate the nuclear industry.......

But we might not do that also..... there is another strategy that I think is embraced by those in power.

Exploit the resources of the middle class and poor. If I was an asshole rich elite person in power I would embrace a strategy to intentionally weaken the most egrigious consumers on the planet, the lower and middle classes.

It is the logical direction to follow as constraints increase.

Back to serfdom but with an internet connection acting as a digital opiate to make you compliant.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 22 Jul 2019, 19:07:38

Humanity won’t give up the idea of cheap energy easily. Nukes could soften the blow we are facing. I think they are inevitable no matter what we think of them. Might as well work to make them as safe and efficient as possible.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby Jibdul » Mon 22 Jul 2019, 21:57:02

Hi Rachel,

Nuclear energy, like far too many human endeavors on Mother Earth, appears a very bad idea.

For one, and speaking as an anarchist, it ostensibly needs a tax-coerced public (and/or somesuch financial instrument from a governpimp outfit) to fund it.

From an engineering standpoint, it doesn't appear to fall under the KISS principle.

Energy sufficiency is what we need. We already have more than enough energy. Rationalizations for more appear to be just that; rationalizations.

I'd be cautious about the kind of responses you/we receive to our questions/comments on sites like these, since they may be infested with crony-capitalist plutarchy drones with assorted agendas and vested interests and who haven't thought things out too thoroughly.

The birds and the bees don't need nuclear energy, except from the sun.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 06:00:15


The birds and the bees don’t need energy except from the sun.

That’s a nice sentiment and correct. It would also be nice if humans adhered to that principal. Unfortunately they don’t. One might say a characteristic of humans is they, as a species, don’t play nice with others.

As much as I dislike the idea of nuclear power it seems inevitable. I don’t think we can stop it. We MAY be able to make it safer, but even that is doubtful.

But I’m open to suggestions.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby radon1 » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 08:14:31

Jibdul wrote:I'd be cautious about the kind of responses you/we receive to our questions/comments on sites like these, since they may be infested with crony-capitalist plutarchy drones with assorted agendas and vested interests and who haven't thought things out too thoroughly.

What a gem.
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Re: Hi Everyone

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 10:05:02

rachelmc wrote:I'm new!

I stumbled onto these forums after watching Chernobyl. I became fascinated with Nuclear energy and how dangerous it potentially is. I wasn't even aware before looking into this that there is a nuclear plant only a few miles from where I live!

Anyway, this led me to read up on many more forms of energy production and everything that goes along with it. Somehow I ended up here and started reading all the great content on this site. Thought I best say hello and keep up the good work.

Welcome Aboard! Please be advised a number of members here have settled into their preferred choice of solution and have become somewhat dogmatic on the topic. I am the "Nuclear Advocate" but you will also find "Solar Advocate" "Wind Advocate" "We Are All DOOMED Advocate" "Socialism Advocate" "Capitalism Advocate" and so on and so forth. I will let you figure out who fits in each category as you get to know the group, it wouldn't be fair to prejudice your opinions of other members.
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Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
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To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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