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PeakOil is You

PeakOil is You


General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Unread postby jato » Fri 31 Dec 2004, 04:38:47

Break it down for me. What does it have to do with oil?


What is your point?

Unread postby Sencha » Fri 31 Dec 2004, 07:29:04

Don't worry I'll tell you- absolutely nothing.

John Titor isn't real and the Mayan's prediction of the end of the world is no more or less accurate than anyone else's.
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Unread postby Cash » Fri 31 Dec 2004, 09:40:19

You have to give the John Titor perpetrator(s) credit for coming up with one of the best con jobs in recent times. The story still attracts wide-eyed naifs all over the Web, despite its obvious fallacies. Since we're already into the period when Titor's "predictions" would have us fighting a civil war in the United States -- and that hasn't happened last time I checked CNN -- it's interesting that the true believers are still pushing the story. Of course, Titor gave himself an out -- he said that the right actions could change history and avoid the holocaust that was part of "his" reality.

Now if he had said the wars and disease were caused by competition for and scarcity of petroleum ... ;-)


Unread postby Guest » Sat 01 Jan 2005, 16:39:55

I'm the original poster.

And i belive in the mayans predictions, but i'm not so sure about the timetraveler - th@ seems a load of crap to me, really, ther's no evidence th@ he's one, & i also noticed how he contradicte his answers, and thought them through. Now, the reason i put these to VERY inresting, informative sites up, is because they DO have a connection with the immenint peak oil disater, awaiting us.But, th@ is just obvious, to anybody norm, so i'm not going to explain why. And you say th@ the mayans - in particular, are all a load of tosh, but remember they were far more intelligent than you, or me - truth wise etc. And also this peak oil crisis, isn't a world wide known, pblic thang, so i could say just the same and say you have 'paranoia', as there is no real concrete proof of your claims. So since you hav'nt given me any eveidence, th@ te mayans are'nt 'real', your wrong. :-D

Unread postby Guest » Wed 19 Jan 2005, 02:15:42

Mayan/Nostradamus/Any-other-random-person-or-group-of-people-who-made-vague-predictions-about-the-end-of-the-world-without-any-rational-explanation-as-to-why fantasies are different than an issue that - although also not believed by every man, woman and child on our planet - is researched (from both sides of the arguement) by intelligent, logical minds seeking truth rather than self-affirmation of their own preconceived notions?

What sort of proof do you use to decide wether to believe something or not? If it's something you want to believe is true or if it's spewed forth by the heartless lips of the proverbial beast himself, Bill O'Reilly, or some similarly useless tit on the Ruppert Murdoch Partisan Network?

Credible Source

Unread postby everything-is-fine » Wed 19 Jan 2005, 03:02:06

Haven't you even considered the fact that the Mayans were naked, sinning non-Christians? You should think about what Jesus would say.
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Unread postby Guest » Wed 19 Jan 2005, 03:23:11

Anonymous wrote:

Or, the cycle resets at 2012, so therefore no need to count beyond that, just go back to the beginning.

(Hint: You can 'plan' for 'the end' in 201X, but 'the end' has been predicted before...and we are here now. So as investing advice says: Plan like you will live for 150 years, but live the moment.)

Unread postby skiwi » Wed 19 Jan 2005, 09:08:47

Anonymous wrote:I'm the original poster.

And i belive in the mayans predictions, .... Now, the reason i put these to VERY inresting, informative sites up, is because they DO have a connection with the immenint peak oil disater, awaiting us.But, th@ is just obvious, to anybody norm, so i'm not going to explain why. And you say th@ the mayans - in particular, are all a load of tosh, but remember they were far more intelligent than you, or me - truth wise etc. And also this peak oil crisis, isn't a world wide known, pblic thang, so i could say just the same and say you have 'paranoia', as there is no real concrete proof of your claims. So since you hav'nt given me any eveidence, th@ te mayans are'nt 'real', your wrong. :-D

How true especially their intelligence compared to most of us alive today
You may find this article interesting
The Forth Day Of The Galactic Consciousness Cycle

[quote]"The 4th “Dayâ€
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked; to be remembered in the earth.
We have tried with our first creatures but we could not make them venerate us.
So let us try to make obedient respectful beings who shall
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Dear God

Unread postby everything-is-fine » Wed 19 Jan 2005, 19:54:15

Dear God, are any of you actually serious?

I thought this whole thread was joke.
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