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US Gasoline Tax

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Re: Gasoline taxes on the rise- effects?

Unread postby kublikhan » Sun 22 Jan 2017, 16:51:45

careinke wrote:Using 15,000 as a base, the person spending $30,000 per year would effectively be paying 50% of the tax rate, because his first $15K is untaxed with the prebate. Someone spending $60K/yr would be taxed at 75%. No one pays 100% because of the prebate, but the rich would certainly be very close.
Even with $15k covered by the prebate, the remaining $15k still represents a sizable jump in taxes. Under the existing system, it's around $2.9k in federal taxes. Under fairtax, it would be over $5k in taxes(15k * .34). For $60k in income, it's around $9k in taxes currently. Under FairTax, it's over $15k in taxes. Even after the prebate taxes still went up on these income groups. You have to go all the way past $200k in annual income to see a fall in taxes.

careinke wrote:Consumption taxes implemented well, offer some valuable benefits including: Untaxing the poor, economic privacy, vastly reduce/eliminate tax lobbyists, discourage overconsumption, eliminate the IRS, encourage more robust longer lasting products, just to name a few.
One of the most powerful lobby groups is the AARP. Guess which group also gets hammered the hardest by Fairtax? Retired folks. They already paid income taxes all their life on their accumulated assets. Now they are going to get doubled taxes again via the FairTax. I think the AARP might just have something to say about that. Not to mention all the other special interest groups clamouring for an exemption. Then there's the prebate program would cost $700 billion annually, making it the largest government program. So forget about eliminating the IRS. Someone would still have to be around to administer the program.

careinke wrote:Of course it will never happen because it eliminates a revenue source for our corrupt politicians. Then again, Pence was a co-sponsor of the Fair Tax Bill.
Are you even aware of the roots of the FairTax? It was created because the IRS refused to recognize the Church of Scientology as a legitimate church. And in response the Church of Scientology declared war on the IRS. They used their typical slimy tactics to try and intimidate: they tried to infiltrate the IRS, hired private investigators to examine the private lives of IRS officials, and ended up creating what would one day be known as the fairtax(one of the goals of the fairtax is to eliminate the IRS). You want to talk about corruption, it was there from the very birth of the FairTax.

Scientology's Fair Tax Plot
The oil barrel is half-full.
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