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The world changed before my eyes

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The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby BrianDavid » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 12:03:58

Though an avid reader, I only recently stumbled on the topic of Peak Oil. I've spent the past week absorbing everything about it I could find on the Web, and I have to say, it was like putting on a new pair of glasses and seeing the world for the first time. My head is spinning and I'm still confused about the pros and cons of the Peak Oil concept. I did find one seeming contra post this morning about extracting synthetic crude from Colorado oil shale.

Maybe someone could help me with this....?
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby Jack » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 12:20:04

Welcome to Peak Oil!

You'll find that you've begun a journey - one that will take some time. I encourage you to read some of the posts here, and form your own conclusions. You might wish to read some other books as well.

The issues and implications are complex; they will take time and thinking to resolve in your own mind.
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby RonMN » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 12:48:45

Welcome to PO...

I agree that it's best if you read and come to your own conclusions, but keep in mind a few things.

PO is mostly an economics issue (it's not that we're running out of oil...we are running out of CHEAP oil).

There are alternatives to oil (shale, sands, ethanol, etc) but there are no ECONOMICALLY VIABLE alternatives to oil.

There's a tremendous amount to read on the subject...i look forward to your comments/suggestions.
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby LadyRuby » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 13:11:57

Welcome BrianDavid, I felt very much like you when I first came to understand peak oil. As I began to understand what this meant, I really looked at the world differently, and was a little depressed realizing that some of my "dreams" were likely not going to come true. But now I'm more mentally/emotionally resigned to these changes and more accepting and comfortable with it. As a warning, this board is full of quite a few people who see apocalypse from this, end of the world, return to stone ages. I don't. I see something more like some years of global economic depression, hard times ahead, suffering, but maybe we'll be better in the long run... Think about being prepared financially, etc. but no need to run for the hills with a cache of weapons and lifetime supply of MREs.
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby rogerhb » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 14:04:55

I encourage you to dig deeper into the economic issues, especially the way that current economic theory does not address energy as anything special. Then dig into the political posturing that is occuring at the moment.

If you wanted one magic key to start unlocking the mysteries of economics and geopolitics this is it!

To keep your sense of humour look at doonesbury or Steve Bell cartoons at
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby bobbyald » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 15:42:01

Hi BrianDavid, welcome to the forum.

You have now entered a strange new world where everything you thought you understood about the world changes. You will experience many different emotions as this new world comes into focus but remember you are way, way ahead of Joe Public who is not even close to comprehending what PeakOil is all about.

Try sitting down one day and looking at the world in terms of energy. Not possessions, money, people, politics etc. just energy. If you can do this then you get it.

There are lots of great PO sites but start here. Some of the others can be a shock to newbies.

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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby FatherOfTwo » Tue 27 Sep 2005, 16:46:58

Also remember that not everything is as it is claimed to be.
Some statements made by the PO doomer crowd are flat out incorrect. Whatever you read here, do your own research to verify it. That said, from what I've learned, we’re in for at a minimum some tough economic times. When? Anytime from now to, IMO, 2015. The closer the peak oil date is to 2015, the more chances we have to mitigate the problems. However, the closer we get to peakoil 2015 without making changes, the worse it'll be.

Read, read, read.
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby erl » Wed 28 Sep 2005, 01:19:07

FatherOfTwo wrote:Some statements made by the PO doomer crowd are flat out incorrect.

As is equally true of some of the statements made by the P.O. Optimists Club. :P
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Re: The world changed before my eyes

Unread postby Ayoob » Wed 28 Sep 2005, 02:06:34

Buy the following:
One sleeping bag (synthetic)
One jar butter (peanut)

You may now begin drinking heavily.

Also, buy a scooter.

That is all.
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