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THE Vaccine Thread Pt.2

Discussions related to the physiological and psychological effects of peak oil on our members and future generations.

Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby POAlex » Sat 26 Sep 2009, 22:41:50

Hey, its a Chick tract.
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Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby mos6507 » Sun 27 Sep 2009, 11:14:19

Novus wrote:The point is to kill off as many of the sheeple as possible before they get a chance to turn into unruly mobs.

If that's the case, they are doing a terrible job.

Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby Ferretlover » Sun 27 Sep 2009, 13:54:17

mos6507 wrote:
Novus wrote:The point is to kill off as many of the sheeple as possible before they get a chance to turn into unruly mobs.
If that's the case, they are doing a terrible job.
And, isn't that, pretty much, SOP for TPTB? Actually, they're just doing it slowly, and, in different ways, so that they have time to collect all the data. : 8O
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Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby mos6507 » Sun 27 Sep 2009, 16:45:13

Ferretlover wrote:And, isn't that, pretty much, SOP for TPTB?

Then what do we have to worry about?

Could it be maybe we have more to fear from, you know, intractable problems that don't have arch-villains associated with them like, um, overshoot?

Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby Ferretlover » Sun 27 Sep 2009, 20:06:58

mos6507 wrote:Then what do we have to worry about?
Could it be maybe we have more to fear from, you know, intractable problems that don't have arch-villains associated with them like, um, overshoot?

Probably nothing; many of us will be "dead and gone" by the time they get around to getting us! :lol:
I must admit that it is rather a clever idea to take from us all the intangible things Before going after our tangible things.
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Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby Roy » Mon 28 Sep 2009, 10:13:30

Novus wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote:
Novus wrote:Those who refuse the vaccine will have their lives turned upside down. Children kicked from schools or even taken away, drivers' licenses revoked, employment terminated without mandatory vaccination, SS transfer payments halted, etc. There will still be those who refuse but the cost will be high for them so for most they will buckle under the pressure.

See you in the camp!

Seriously though, if 30% of the pop refuses it, for whatever reason, that's 100M people.

They can't do a thing about it. So to those of you that will take the shot :thumbsup:

Let us know how it goes.

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Re: Are you going to take the Swine Flu vaccine?

Unread postby mos6507 » Mon 28 Sep 2009, 11:38:05

Yes, these sorts of things never have a followup poll to add up the bodycounts. I would make a wild guess that those who refuse the vaccination get the flu (and blame it on the vaccine) and those who do get the vaccination, don't get the flu and don't whine about anything afterwards.

New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 28 Sep 2009, 18:58:18

Despite a planned rally in Albany Tuesday to protest a state regulation requiring health care workers be vaccinated against influenza — both seasonal and swine flu — New York’s top public health official predicts dissenters will ultimately extinguish their anger and roll up their sleeves.

The regulation, which was approved in August, comes with a stinging addendum: Get vaccinated or get fired.

But some nurses and many other health care providers say the regulation violates their personal freedom and leaves them vulnerable to vaccine injury. And they cite deaths associated with the last federal government swine-flu vaccination program in 1976.

Refusing to be immunized against H1N1 because of the vaccine debacle in 1976 “is like saying a plane crashed 33 years ago so I’ll never fly again,” said Dr. Richard Daines, New York State health commissioner.

New York is the only state in the nation to require that health care workers be vaccinated, though other states are considering such measures. Health workers, including doctors, must be immunized by Nov. 30. Opponents say it’s simply unnecessary.

Several registered nurses said they will neither contract nor transmit the flu because they’re constantly washing their hands.

Daines said the vaccination directive stemmed from particular concern about institutional outbreaks — in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice centers. In a typical year, only 40 percent to 50 percent of health care workers take advantage of voluntary flu vaccination programs, and the state has about 150 institutional outbreaks of influenza. But with seasonal and H1N1 in circulation in the fall, institutional outbreaks could worsen.

“Anyone who is concerned about the safety of the vaccine should read about the death of a previously healthy nurse in California who died of H1N1,” Daines said.

Well.. several misrepresentations from both sides. It's scary to think there are registered nurses out there who think hand washing can prevent swine flu.. that works for the common cold, but not the flu. Silly nurses, you catch the flu by breathing it in.

And then we have another whopper from the other side, the state health commissioner. He suggests that just because the '76 vaccine made so many sick, that's no reason to fear the new vaccine. Give me a break.. how many drugs have earned FDA approval, only to be removed later when fatal side effects surface? Every treatment has a risk, some more than others, and none of those risks are fully known until a lot of people have been exposed to said treatment.

And so, I don't think healthcare workers should be forced to vaccinate -- but on the other hand, I'm worried they think they're safe just because they wash their hands.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby POAlex » Mon 28 Sep 2009, 19:21:51

That's quite the ultimatum.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby dukey » Tue 29 Sep 2009, 05:12:08

in 76 the vaccine killed more people than the outbreak
It seems gone are the days when people had health freedom. Just another one to add to the list.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Tue 29 Sep 2009, 10:24:08

Washington State Allows Thimerosal (Mercury) in H1N1 Vaccine ...
Sep 28, 2009 ... Washington State Allows Thimerosal (Mercury) in H1N1 Vaccine. Washington State Department of Health. 9/25/2009. State health officials are ...

At what dosage is mercury safe?

Mercury is a neurotoxin. There is no safe level.

Want autism? Vaccinate your kid.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby Jotapay » Tue 29 Sep 2009, 10:30:28

When I worked in my neighborhood small grocery and beer store in college, we used to say that people who bought lottery tickets were paying the "stupid tax".

I think vaccines are the same thing. Line up for your "stupid shot". Vaccines introduce cancer viruses into your system, contain squalene and adjuvants that cause auto-immune responses and infertility, and also contain mercury. Some are made from dead human fetus tissue. I'll only take the bare minimum of vaccines, like for polio and smallpox.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby bromius » Tue 29 Sep 2009, 19:00:30

New York is a very litigious state. If they make everyone in healthcare get vaccinated (that's a lot of people) and there are widespread, severe side effects from taking it, well, not a good situation. That is, unless you are a lawyer. My mom is a nurse, so I am concerned :(
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby SFDukie » Tue 29 Sep 2009, 20:04:49

mcgowanjm wrote:
Washington State Allows Thimerosal (Mercury) in H1N1 Vaccine ...
Sep 28, 2009 ... Washington State Allows Thimerosal (Mercury) in H1N1 Vaccine. Washington State Department of Health. 9/25/2009. State health officials are ...

At what dosage is mercury safe?

Mercury is a neurotoxin. There is no safe level.

Want autism? Vaccinate your kid.

Thiomersal preservatives in vaccines have been thoroughly debunked as a cause of autism. Until the data were in, the US phased out thiomersal preservatives in childhood vaccines, as a precaution. Vaccines administered to infants in the US were mostly free of thiomersal by 2001. The autism rate hasn't dropped at all.

The only vaccines routinely recommended for children under 6 in the US which contain thiomersal are some influenza vaccines. Anyone worried about thiomersal (irrationally, IMO-and those of bodies of medical experts in countries around the world) can obtain a thiomersal free version of an H1N1 vaccine.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby Daphne64 » Wed 30 Sep 2009, 10:36:18

SFDukie wrote:Thiomersal preservatives in vaccines have been thoroughly debunked as a cause of autism. Until the data were in, the US phased out thiomersal preservatives in childhood vaccines, as a precaution. Vaccines administered to infants in the US were mostly free of thiomersal by 2001. The autism rate hasn't dropped at all.

The only vaccines routinely recommended for children under 6 in the US which contain thiomersal are some influenza vaccines. Anyone worried about thiomersal (irrationally, IMO-and those of bodies of medical experts in countries around the world) can obtain a thiomersal free version of an H1N1 vaccine.

Thimerosal has been debunked as a cause of autism about as well as tobacco was cleared of causing cancer in the 50s and 60s.

Read the IOM 2004 report, as well as the studies that were presented to IOM. Read how the Geier's were ripped apart for using a wrong statistical term in one spot in their report, and their results ignored. Read how Boyd Haley's work (mercury excreted in the hair strongly negatively correlated with autism - indicating that the kids with autism were not able to excrete mercury - these same kids threw off mercury when chelated) - was ignored for no particular reason.

Mady Hornigs mouse study wasn't even presented because the IOM rushed their study ahead of her publishing date.

The Verstraeten study, on the other hand, was given the green light despite the obvious reworking of the results after the first draft showed an increase in autism rates of 150% after kids were given thimerosal containing vaccines. One Danish study was relied on despite the fact it compared INPATIENT populations before a certain date in time with INPATIENT AND OUTPATIENT populations after thimerosal was removed.

True autism is now more prevalent than ever (1 in 100), and the powers that be still aren't studying much besides genetic markers.

Will they start to care when the prevalence hits 1 in 50? (That will be in about 5 years at current rates of increase)
1 in 25? (In 10 years?)
1 in 10? (in 20 years?)

Boys are already starting to be aborted because of their higher risk of autism. And considering that autism hits nerdy boys worst of all, we will have very few adults in 20 years that will be able to do science and medical research as it is.

Lastly, just because a kid escapes the autism spectrum, that doesn't mean his or her potential is what it should be. ADHD and dyslexia are legion these days. And if those vaccines shaved 5 IQ points off kids on average, no one would be looking for it.

Oh yeah, autism rates are very low among the amish and one large doctors practice in chicago that has mostly unvaccinated patients.
Last edited by Daphne64 on Wed 30 Sep 2009, 10:51:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby Daphne64 » Wed 30 Sep 2009, 10:50:43

Back to the original topic - I sure wouldn't want this vaccine. No one has done followups for more than a few weeks. None of the vaccines ever are followed up formally for more than 6 weeks, but with this one, the longer term results just haven't happened yet.

Guillain-Barre syndrome and multple sclerosis are a well known side effects in adults of several vaccines. And there is a fair amount of evidence that "gulf war syndrome" is largely vaccine caused - soldiers didn't have to be deployed overseas to get it, for example.

Big pharma is just as corrupt as wall street - they want the forced uptake AND liability immunity for their bottom lines.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby smallpoxgirl » Wed 30 Sep 2009, 13:55:36

I'm not planning on getting the vaccine, and I'd be pretty surprised if they get above 90% compliance in New York. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Are they really going to yank the nurses' licenses? I doubt it.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby TheAntiDoomer » Wed 30 Sep 2009, 14:01:57

SFDukie wrote:
mcgowanjm wrote:
Washington State Allows Thimerosal (Mercury) in H1N1 Vaccine ...
Sep 28, 2009 ... Washington State Allows Thimerosal (Mercury) in H1N1 Vaccine. Washington State Department of Health. 9/25/2009. State health officials are ...

At what dosage is mercury safe?

Mercury is a neurotoxin. There is no safe level.

Want autism? Vaccinate your kid.

Thiomersal preservatives in vaccines have been thoroughly debunked as a cause of autism. Until the data were in, the US phased out thiomersal preservatives in childhood vaccines, as a precaution. Vaccines administered to infants in the US were mostly free of thiomersal by 2001. The autism rate hasn't dropped at all.

The only vaccines routinely recommended for children under 6 in the US which contain thiomersal are some influenza vaccines. Anyone worried about thiomersal (irrationally, IMO-and those of bodies of medical experts in countries around the world) can obtain a thiomersal free version of an H1N1 vaccine.

Good post. I'm glad that someone pointed out that the vaccine autism link is pure Junk Science.
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Re: New York state: "get vaccinated or get fired"

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 30 Sep 2009, 14:07:12

smallpoxgirl wrote:I'm not planning on getting the vaccine, and I'd be pretty surprised if they get above 90% compliance in New York. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Are they really going to yank the nurses' licenses? I doubt it.

I was watching MSNBC today, and their chief medical correspondent (Dr. Nancy something) said it's "irresponsible" for healthcare workers to not get vaccinated. She also said all the vaccine fears are just "nuts," that these people think HN1N was created by the government just so they could release a vaccine that will "sterilize the populace."

So, everyone had a good laugh and shook their heads at the tinfoilers. What has me annoyed is that it's somehow acceptable for medical corespondents to be so biased.. unlike a real reporter, the Dr. Guptas and Dr. Nancys of the world throw their opinions out like it's news, and because they happen to be physicians there's no counter-argument presented.
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