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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 22 Oct 2016, 23:42:02

If you were paying attention Planty, you would know that the rest of ASEAN is flabbergasted with Duterte. Indonesia has been sinking Chinese fishing ships in it's territorial waters all year & has refused to accept Chinese attempts at buying them off in the way they just bought of Duterte. Vietnam has been warning Philippines of Chinese malignancy for months, to no avail. Your claim Obama has destroyed US credibility in this region is completely wrong, in fact his diplomacy here has been widely accepted. The journals you are quoting are ignorant about how the relationships work in this region. It is Duterte out on a limb, & let me remind you, he has no mandate to be doing & saying the things he has, they were not in his election platform & he does not have authority in the Constitution to act unilaterally in the way he is.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 01:53:44

Plantagenet wrote:In 2012 Hillary actually went to Manile and gave a speech from the deck of a US destroyer Jin Manila Bay promising the US would help the Philipinos against China.

That was then.....this is now. Six years have gone by since

Right, but an ongoing issue in the Obama administration was that she was more like a Republican type on foreign policy, but she got over-ruled quite often, by the rest of the administration.

If she wins, then SHE will be the President, and have the top job.

Duterte asked Obama for help after the ICC ruling against China and Obama refused and told Duterte to work something out with the Chinese himself.

Can you link any citation, for that?
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby ralfy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 02:16:55

"Duterte’s Flip-Flop Into Bed With China Is a Disaster for the United States" ... china-sea/
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 02:29:13

SeaGypsy wrote:Your claim Obama has destroyed US credibility in this region is completely wrong, in fact his diplomacy here has been widely accepted.


It isn't my claim. It's Duterte's claim. Don't you read the news? Obviously Duterte thinks Obama has destroyed US credibility. He has said that in no uncertain terms on multiple occasions.

If Duterte succeeds in making a bilateral deal with China it completely undercuts Obama's diplomatic efforts to forge a united front of SE Asian countries aligned together against China. It puts pressure on other nations to also pull away from the US in order to cut their own bilateral deals w China.

Get it now? Do you see the implications of this now? :roll:

No? If you still don't get it then please read ralfy's link in the post above. This is clearly potentially disasterous for US foreign policy in your region

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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 05:07:32

Duterte is completely full of shit. His 'deal'- $24 billion, $9 bil loans, $15 bil 'investments' over 15 years, is 1 year's US trade income. It's a moron's bargain. As for expecting the world to back up his insane advocacy for vigilantism, who would really expect silence on that from any first world leader? Nobody with any common sense. Duterte hates the US because of his own personal visa refusal, this gives him no right to derail the bilateral relationship. He also has zero authority to speak for Asia, less even than for his own basket case of a country. Why are you sticking up for this self confessed serial killer anyway Planty?
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 05:12:13

ralfy wrote:"Duterte’s Flip-Flop Into Bed With China Is a Disaster for the United States" ... china-sea/

It's more of a disaster for him personally & his Presidency. As soon as he got back he was immediately forced to restate & redefine what he meant, something normal for this shit talking Hitler worshipping serial killer. Anyone with any sense in Asia is laughing at this idiot.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 05:26:25

Duterte said Goco bullied him over his being a Visayan. Muslim students also suffered from Goco’s bullying, he said.

Duterte said they were in the corridor and Goco was pushing people around.

“I said you son of a bitch if I get hit I will shoot you. I was hit in the nose. Aaah! Bang,” he said.

Goco was hit, but not killed, according to a Lex Talionis member who asked not to be identified.

The incident was settled because the school authorities did not want to drop him, the fraternity member said. But Duterte was not allowed to join the graduation rites.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 08:08:33

SeaGypsy wrote:Duterte .....his 'deal'- $24 billion, $9 bil loans, $15 bil 'investments' over 15 years, is 1 year's US trade income. It's a moron's bargain.

You are assuming the US trade income will end. That isn't going to happen. The US will continue to trade w the Phillipines just as the US trades with China itself.

The Phillipines is also set to be part of the TPP, which President Hillary will support again as soon as she is elected. That will likely produce large INCREASES in trade with the US.

This really isn't about economics anyway-----this is about politics. Duterte is saying Obama is a #$@%# and the US is weak and getting weaker and China is strong and getting stronger.

That's actually a pretty rational viewpoint.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 10:22:52

That's actually a pretty rational viewpoint.

Exactly. I venture to say that those advising Duterte are doing it well. China is right next to the Philippines. China has much more of an influence in that region than the US and thus much more to offer Philippines than the US. China is stronger than the Philippines so better to be their friend than their enemy. Whether us Westerns like it or not, the West has been losing power and influence the last few years while Asia and Russia have been gaining. So all and all pretty darn rational.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 13:11:31

Neither of you have been actually paying attention to what this moronic dog muncher actually says & it's not my job to repeat it. He is about as far from honest & rational as it is possible to get. I have tracked him for years, you guys have read a couple of opinion pieces by people who don't know what they are talking about. I don't assume anything Planty & you are sticking up for a murderous madman.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 13:23:43

I'm done arguing about this scumbag coddler of assassins. I hate the mofo & hope he's dead soon, that's it. I hope whoever runs the Whitehouse decides to teach his stupid arse cronies a lesson in real politic. Planty should go hunting over there, kill a few petty criminals, Duterte might give him a medal.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 13:29:57

onlooker wrote:
That's actually a pretty rational viewpoint.

Exactly. I venture to say that those advising Duterte are doing it well. China is right next to the Philippines. China has much more of an influence in that region than the US and thus much more to offer Philippines than the US. China is stronger than the Philippines so better to be their friend than their enemy. Whether us Westerns like it or not, the West has been losing power and influence the last few years while Asia and Russia have been gaining. So all and all pretty darn rational.

Instead of worshipping your Filipina gf, have a read of the most honest page on the net aboit what really happens in the Philippines, its called phillippinefailblog.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby ralfy » Sun 23 Oct 2016, 23:17:13

"The Philippines Just Blew Up Obama's Asia Pivot" ... asia-pivot
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 01:28:08

The US has had no independent military bases in the Philippines since 1990, it does have in Australia & Japan & you can bet there will be no shortage of offers to replace whatever 'pivot' is supposed to mean in this context. The Philippines has been a very expensive & ungrateful partner in military & donor terms. Unfortunately it is not the selfish scumbag Duterte will go hungry if & when the relationship truly sours, which it has only in his boofy gorilla head.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 03:02:14

MANILA (Reuters) - The United States remains the "closest friend" of the Philippines but Manila wants to break away from a "mindset of dependency and subservience" and forge closer ties with other nations, the Philippine foreign minister said on Saturday.

Yasay said in a Facebook posting that Duterte had "unmistakably" stated that severing ties with Washington was not in the nation's interest.

However, he wrote that separation "implies breaking away from the debilitating mindset of dependency and subservience - economically and militarily - that have perpetuated our 'little brown brother' image to America, which has stunted our growth and advancement."

He said Duterte had told Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders during a visit to Beijing that "if they are not willing to lend their support... the Filipinos will chart their destiny alone, despite great odds."

Yasay's posting is the latest sign of an administration once again scrambling to put out fires after Duterte's stunning declarations, which if delivered upon could upset the geopolitical balance in a region where China and the United States are vying aggressively for influence.

On Friday, Duterte's economic managers were quick to clarify the Philippines was not cutting economies and trade ties with the United States.

Prior to Duterte taking office in late June, China was a bitter rival of the Philippines, and Manila was one of Washington's most dependable Asian allies.
Duterte's efforts to engage China, months after a tribunal in the Hague ruled that Beijing did not have historic rights to the South China Sea in a case brought by the previous administration in Manila, marks a reversal in foreign policy since the 71-year-old former mayor took office on June 30.

"It is not severance of ties. When you say severance of ties, you cut diplomatic relations. I cannot do that," Duterte told reporters at a midnight news conference in his southern home city of Davao after he arrived from his four-day trip to Beijing.

Duterte's abrupt pivot from Washington to Beijing is unlikely to be universally popular at home, however. On Tuesday, an opinion poll showed Filipinos still trust the United States far more than China.

This is what happens every time Boofhead opens his mouth. Out come the Beaureau of Interpretation, to 'clarify' his bullshit.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 03:35:32

The US state department sent its senior southeast asia diplomat, to the PH to have consultations and assess the situation:

US: Philippines' Duterte Sparking Distress Around the World

"I've pointed out to Secretary Yasay that the succession of controversial statements, comments and a real climate of uncertainty about the Philippines' intentions has created consternation in a number of countries, not only in mine," Russel told reporters Monday in Manila after a meeting with Yasay that went overtime.

The unease, Russel said, was also palpable "not only among governments, but also ... in other communities, in the expat Filipino community, in corporation board rooms as well."

"This is not a positive trend,"
he said, adding that the U.S. remains committed to continuing a solid alliance with and providing assistance to the Philippines, including in fighting the drug menace.

Russel said that while Washington welcomes the relaxation of tensions between Manila and Beijing under Duterte, the rapprochement should not come at the expense of the U.S. or other nations.

"It's a mistake to think that improved relations between Manila and Beijing somehow come at the expense of the United States," he said. "This should be addition and not subtraction."
Last edited by Sixstrings on Mon 24 Oct 2016, 04:22:23, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 03:43:03

UK Guardian, Philippines senator calls for Duterte to face inquiry, for crimes against humanity:

Philippines senator calls for Duterte to face crimes against humanity inquiry
Leila de Lima tells the Guardian she fears for her own life after challenging president on a mission to wipe out drug dealers

A leading member of the Philippines’ senate has called for an international criminal investigation into the country’s president in an effort to stop a vicious war on drugs that has killed more than 3,800 people since June.

Senator Leila de Lima, a human rights advocate and former justice secretary, has told the Guardian that foreign intervention was the only hope of putting an end to “state-inspired” extrajudicial murders that have terrorised parts of the population since president Rodrigo Duterte came to power four months ago.

The senator fears for her own life after she was ousted last month as chair of an inquiry looking into the vigilante death squads targeting drug dealers and users, and her address and mobile number were made public.

“For a few weeks after that I was unable to go home, I slept in other places although I was able to sneak into my house from time to time, so I felt like a thief in the night in my own home,” she said.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 15:24:07

That's your guy Planty. Horrible POS.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 16:41:41

Sixstrings wrote:The US state department sent its senior southeast asia diplomat, to the PH to have consultations and assess the situation:

US: Philippines' Duterte Sparking Distress Around the World

"I've pointed out to Secretary Yasay that the succession of controversial statements, comments and a real climate of uncertainty about the Philippines' intentions has created consternation in a number of countries, not only in mine," Russel told reporters Monday in Manila after a meeting with Yasay that went overtime.

The unease, Russel said, was also palpable "not only among governments, but also ... in other communities, in the expat Filipino community, in corporation board rooms as well."

"This is not a positive trend,"
he said, adding that the U.S. remains committed to continuing a solid alliance with and providing assistance to the Philippines, including in fighting the drug menace.

Russel said that while Washington welcomes the relaxation of tensions between Manila and Beijing under Duterte, the rapprochement should not come at the expense of the U.S. or other nations.

"It's a mistake to think that improved relations between Manila and Beijing somehow come at the expense of the United States," he said. "This should be addition and not subtraction."

According to Mr Russel the US is COOPERATING with Duterte's war on drugs and WELCOMES his outreach to China.

That's not quite an apology but it sure Sounds like the US is pulling back from Obamas personal attacks on Duterte and just wants to make nice now. A personal apology from Obama would be helpful about now but this is as close to it as you can get

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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 24 Oct 2016, 17:44:22

Yeah sure, apologize for criticism of a Presidential decree for freedom of murder. Bollocks.
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