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The Philippines

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Re: And yet another potential new play?? - offshore Philippi

Unread postby TonyPrep » Fri 09 May 2008, 00:23:39

OilFinder2 wrote:Indonesia, Falkland Islands, New Zealand, India, Australia, and now the Philippines. One or more of these is bound to eventually strike it big.
I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, OF2. There is no "bound to". You may increase the likelihood but it all depends on whether there are any big ones left to find. We could have a thousand New Zealands but, if the big oil fields aren't there, we still wouldn't find them.
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Re: And yet another potential new play?? - offshore Philippi

Unread postby copious.abundance » Fri 09 May 2008, 00:43:13

TonyPrep wrote:
OilFinder2 wrote:Indonesia, Falkland Islands, New Zealand, India, Australia, and now the Philippines. One or more of these is bound to eventually strike it big.
I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, OF2. There is no "bound to". You may increase the likelihood but it all depends on whether there are any big ones left to find. We could have a thousand New Zealands but, if the big oil fields aren't there, we still wouldn't find them.

The odds of these seismic and drilling readings telling us there are tens or hundreds of billions of barrels of hydrocarbons in these areas all being wrong are low.
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Re: And yet another potential new play?? - offshore Philippi

Unread postby TonyPrep » Fri 09 May 2008, 03:49:49

OilFinder2 wrote:
TonyPrep wrote:
OilFinder2 wrote:Indonesia, Falkland Islands, New Zealand, India, Australia, and now the Philippines. One or more of these is bound to eventually strike it big.
I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, OF2. There is no "bound to". You may increase the likelihood but it all depends on whether there are any big ones left to find. We could have a thousand New Zealands but, if the big oil fields aren't there, we still wouldn't find them.

The odds of these seismic and drilling readings telling us there are tens or hundreds of billions of barrels of hydrocarbons in these areas all being wrong are low.
How low? Is that your gut feeling, or has someone done some probability analysis?
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The Philippines

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 07 Apr 2010, 08:28:15

As I am currently in the delightfull Philippines once again I will mind my manners in this little article on the upcoming election in the most Americanised country in Asia.
The death count so far in the lead up to this year's election currently stands at 77, including the hideous murder of 57 including 23 journalists.
In the ground here though it's like water off a duck's back. Frivolity and entertainment combine with teaspoon campaigning in a vivid display of Asian democracy, gun's & all.
The fact that life is so cheap here has undermined democracy here in a very major way. Yet, there are still some really amazing people in politics here. The courage required to push oneself into a political life in such a cauldron of fear is truly knights and dragons.
Despite the fear Filipino's expect their politicians to be available, within reach, speaking at street rallies and actively personally capaigning.
The world's greatest crucifiers, self flaggelants and tricycle drivers will soon elect based on such issues as condom availability being central party policy and vital.
Of course nobody here is talking peak oil.
Asia is in monofocus. Center of gravity is rapidly shifting towards Asia and people are aware of that.
Despite the gloom in many markets the Philippines just posted the highest optimism in business in 17 years.
The average family car in Asia has 2 wheels and gets 100 MPG+.
The feeling here is that people will struggle on with whatever government. They will continue to avoid tax like the plague and generally continue to live as if there were no government, besides that of good manners and decorum. The government will continue to get rich only personally and only by graft.
For those interested in Asia.
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Re: The May 10 election/ Philippines

Unread postby Leanan » Wed 07 Apr 2010, 09:20:15

Luzon faces 2 weeks of rotating blackouts

MANILA, Philippines - Power outages in Luzon will continue for the next 2 weeks but will not affect the country's first nationwide automated elections on May 10, the Department of Energy said Wednesday.
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Re: The May 10 election/ Philippines

Unread postby JJ » Sun 25 Apr 2010, 06:38:51

Luzon has had rolling brownouts since I married Bing (15 years) Old news.
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Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has lost

Unread postby vox_mundi » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 19:33:39

Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has lost

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced his "separation" from the United States on Thursday, declaring he had realigned with China as the two agreed to resolve their South China Sea dispute through talks.

Duterte made his comments in Beijing, where he is visiting with at least 200 business people to pave the way for what he calls a new commercial alliance as relations with longtime ally Washington deteriorate.

"In this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States," Duterte told Chinese and Philippine business people, to applause, at a forum in the Great Hall of the People attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.

"Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost."

His trade secretary, Ramon Lopez, said $13.5 billion in deals would be signed during the China trip.

"I've realigned myself in your ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," Duterte told his Beijing audience.

China has pulled out all the stops to welcome Duterte, including a marching band complete with baton-twirling band master at his official greeting ceremony outside the Great Hall of the People, which is not extended to most leaders.

... Duterte's tone towards Beijing is in stark contrast to the language he has used against the United States, after being infuriated by U.S. criticism of his bloody war on drugs.

He has called U.S. President Barack Obama a "son of a bitch" and told him to "go to hell", while alluding to severing ties with the old colonial power.

On Wednesday, to the cheers of hundreds of Filipinos in Beijing, Duterte said Philippine foreign policy was veering towards China.

"I will not go to America anymore. We will just be insulted there," Duterte said. "So time to say goodbye my friend

Duterte's abrupt pivot from Washington to Beijing is unlikely to be universally popular at home, however. On Tuesday an opinion poll showed Filipinos still trust the United States far more than China.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 19:39:19

We both posted this same news, I deleted my thread and will just post it here:

This was during a state visit to China:

"America has lost. I realign myself, in your ideological flow. And maybe I will go to Russia, and talk to Putin and tell him there are three of us against the world -- China, Philippines, and Russia.

I announce my separation from the United States


I've posted before, how "crazy strongman that will say crazy politically incorrect things to just shock everyone" / volatile roller coaster Duterte style, is so much like Trump. Or vice versa, whichever. (to be clear, I'm not saying Trump is as bad as him obviously, but it's a similar style)

It's ironic that Duterte has announced "maybe I will go to Russia and talk to Putin" -- TRUMP SAID the same thing! That if elected, he'd like to meet with Putin even before inauguration day.

But anyhow, this thread is about Duterte and the Philippines..

For my opinion, IF there really were a genuine deal coming out of China that really would cut the Philippines in on south china sea development profits, then okay, that's understandable.

But, there are also potential consequences to being too close to China. China may invest more, but maybe Japan would invest less and pull out.

As of right now, the Obama administration is waiting for some more official clarification of what Duterte means, by "separation." Whether the base leases signed will be annulled, and military cooperation, and US foreign aid going to the Philippines.

Duterte is angry that Obama spoke out, about Duterte's death squads crackdown on the drug problem. Apparently, the Duterte government is just shooting thousands of suspected drug addicts and traffickers, extra judicial. No arrests, no court process.

Obama was supposed to meet with Duterte, but the trip was canceled because he gave a speech saying "Obama is a son of a whore."

Duterte also said awful things about the Australian foreign minister.. and, he called the US ambassador a gay slur.

Australia has been criticizing Duterte since during his campaign for president. He made horrible comments about attacks on Australian Christian missionaries.

So, Duterte just doesn't like any criticism, and now he's announced separation from the West and alignment with Xi and Putin.

It's sad, what's going on, in the Philippines. Duterte seems to be like a cult leader warlord, type of thing. Not exactly a renaissance man.

His wildly supportive followers stormed the US embassy the other day. His followers seem to just go after, whatever Duterte speaks out against.

So.. we'll see what happens with this.. the problem is that the Philippines is actually so tied in with the US. Filipino immigration is 4th largest, in the US, with a lot of money getting sent back home.

And there are historical ties too, going back a hundred years and more.

Duterte said the military and economic relationship with the US will end, but not necessarily social ties.

We'll see how Obama handles it, and then likely President Clinton thereafter.

For now, the US government is just very surprised by it, and they're waiting to find out what the Philippines government really wants to do. (Duterte is so crazy, sometimes he just says one thing but then does another, so who knows, he may never actually cancel the agreements with the US)
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 20:35:57

US to seek explanation of Duterte's comment on Philippines' 'separation' from Washington

Potentially at stake is the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, reached under Duterte's predecessor, allowing the United States to rotate ships, aircraft, and personnel through five Philippines bases, an arrangement seen as crucial to projecting U.S. military power on China's doorstep.

Mindful of Duterte's volatile nature, the Obama administration has trod carefully so far, seeking to avoid provoking him even as it chides him over his deadly war on drugs, U.S. officials say.

One U.S. official, who did not want to be identified, said there had been an active internal debate in recent months on how far to go in criticizing Duterte's government on human rights and that the measured tone adopted was not as strong as some aides would have liked.

U.S. attempts to raise questions about Duterte's campaign against drugs, in which more than 3,000 people have been killed since he took office in June, have drawn angry denunciations by Duterte. He has derided Obama as a "a son of bitch" and said he should "go to hell."

"It doesn't seem to help to say anything because the minute you say something, he just lets loose his barrage of obscenities," said Murray Hiebert, deputy director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "I think for the U.S. to just blast him constantly is probably not very effective."

There is a suspicion in Washington that Duterte could swing back to the United States - if he decides it suits his interests.

"There is no question that Duterte is...trying to play the well-worn game of playing us off against the Chinese," another U.S. official said, on condition of anonymity.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said on Thursday that the United States will seek an explanation from Duterte over his "separation" announcement, which he made during a visit to China. But he limited criticism to calling the remarks "baffling" and "inexplicably at odds" with close ties between Washington and Manila.


U.S. officials are concerned about Duterte's unpredictability, but say that despite his words the Philippines has not yet canceled military exercises or formally requested any tangible change in the security relationship.

With relations souring further, the senior U.S. diplomat for Asia, Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel, was due to visit Manila this weekend on what the State Department said was a previously scheduled trip. He would seek to clarify Duterte's comments, the State Department said.

If it chose to respond more vigorously to human rights concerns, the United States could decide to cut military aid to the Philippines, or make it contingent upon an end to the drug killings or more careful judicial procedures.

But Philippine officials have suggested their country could live without the U.S. assistance, and overtures to China and Russia suggest they might seek assistance elsewhere.

Duterte's trade secretary, Ramon Lopez, said $13.5 billion in deals would be signed during Duterte's China trip, though it was unclear how much of that amount was in the form of final deals rather than preliminary agreements. The White House said current U.S. direct investment to the Philippines is over $4.7 billion.

Members of the U.S. Congress, including Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, a strong voice on foreign policy issues, have indicated they will consider conditions on U.S. aid to the Philippines if the killings continue apace.

Washington has provided the Philippines with millions of dollars in extra military aid in the last two years as part of an effort to bolster allies to counter China's pursuit of expansive territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Kurt Campbell, a former assistant secretary of state for East Asia under Obama who may have an administration role should Hillary Clinton win the U.S. election, has been among those urging a tougher line on the human rights issue.

"What's happening in the Philippines is starting to raise larger questions and concern," he said.

"This idea, that 'No, no, we'll ignore this and maintain quietly our military and strategic operational activities,' (I) think is going to be difficult."

Per the above article, there's been an ongoing internal debate in the Obama administration, about how much to speak out about the human rights abuses in the Philippines.

"It doesn't seem to help to say anything because the minute you say something, he just lets loose his barrage of obscenities,"

Also, it looks like congress may set a condition that the Duterte government has to improve the human rights situation, or lose the foreign aid money.

If Clinton wins the WH, it seems that her administration is likely to be more assertive than the Obama administration has been, about human rights issues.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 21:08:23

Some more US reaction, and also the international crime court in the Hague has said it's watching the situation in the Philippines, and may start an investigation:

Kirby said Daniel Russel, a U.S. diplomat for East Asian and Pacific affairs, will move ahead with long-scheduled plans to travel to Manila this weekend and meet with government officials.

The State Department isn’t panicking yet, Kirby said, adding that the alliance between the U.S. and the Philippines is "some 70 years old [and] has weathered all kinds of storms.”

"We remain rock solid in our commitment in the mutual defense treaty that we have with the Philippines,” he said.

The White House has taken a similar stance. “We have not received any official requests from Filipino officials to alter any of our many issues where we bilaterally cooperate," White House spokesman Eric Schultz said today.

Duterte has been a subject of criticism in recent weeks for calling President Obama "son of a b----" and telling him to "go to hell." Most recently, he's the subject of criticisms about possible human rights violations in his war on drugs via extrajudicial killings of Filipino drug addicts and dealers.

Last week, the International Crime Court in The Hague announced that it would be closely monitoring the Philippines and that it was considering launching a full investigation.

From best I can tell overall, the US government really doesn't mind if the Filipino government ever wanted to make a deal with China, regarding oil and gas in the south china sea.

Just strategically, Duterte could make those deals -- assuming Filipinos trust China, and that China is actually serious this time and actually willing to give Filipinos anything -- and THEN, the Philippines could have those deals and keep the US foreign aid money and alliance, too.

It's the old cold war game of playing the middle, although it's not clear that Duterte is actually that smart. He's so volatile, he may wind up angry at China before long, and be friendly to the US again, and meanwhile it's possible nothing will have ever changed as far as actual agreements with the US.

If what they want is just deals with China, if China is actually ready to pony up and get serious and really cut them in on oil and gas development and invest money, then really the US gov doesn't mind at all, so long as the Philippines keeps the military alliance with the US.

And, of course, China must still follow the international martime tribunal ruling, and make things right with all the other claimants too, per the ruling.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Subjectivist » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 21:40:14

Since the 1970's the Peoples Republic of Chna has had a clear, firm cure for drug addicts and dealers. Duarte fits perfectly in line with the Chinese cure.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 21:45:25

Sorry to post so much, but it's a breaking news topic.

Just to add one more thing, another concern about the Philippines and wacky Duterte, is that there's a significant number US citizens retired / living there, and other Westerners too.

So.. really, Europe and Australia and the US can't let things get too crazy and Duterte cult-land, in the Philippines.

Westerners living there, could be at risk:

Americans in Philippines jittery as Duterte rails against United States

"The biggest fear is that one day he's going to wake up and say 'everybody from the U.S., get out of town' and we'd have to leave our loved ones behind," said Jack Walker, a retired Marine sergeant who has lived in Olongapo, the town around the base, for five years.

For more than a century the Philippines and the United States have had a shared history of colonialism, wars, rebellion, aid and deep economic ties. That could change as Duterte's three-month-old administration re-examines the relationship. ...

The comments have left Americans and U.S. businesses in the Philippines jittery about their future, said Ebb Hinchliffe, executive director of the American Chamber of Commerce.

"Every time he opens his mouth and says something negative about America, that hurts me personally ... and from a business standpoint, it's not helping," he said.

He said three trade delegations representing American technology, financial services and manufacturing companies had canceled trips to the Philippines in recent weeks.

At least two American companies have opted to do business in Vietnam instead "because of the president's anti-American sentiment". Hinchliffe declined to name the companies or give further details. ...


The United States effectively ruled the Philippines from 1898, when it acquired the country from Spain, until recognizing its independence in 1946.

About four million people of Philippine ancestry live in the United States, one of its largest minorities, and about 220,000 Americans, many of them military veterans, live in the Philippines.
An additional 650,000 visit each year, according to U.S. State Department figures.

According to a Pew Research Centre study last year, the Philippines is the most pro-U.S. country in the world.

Despite the shared history, though, the Philippines has a strong nationalistic movement that has questioned the U.S. alliance. ...

Philippine government officials have sought to play down Duterte's comments.

"Where the president is coming from is that he wants to encourage the Filipino people to be more independent," said government spokesman Ernesto Abella. "It's not so much an anti-American relationship as a pro-Philippine sentiment." ...

Still, the mood was somber at Dynamite Dick's bar in Olongapo when a Reuters reporter dropped in recently.

Edward Pooley, a former Marine colonel who has lived in the Philippines for nearly 30 years, said Duterte's words were "heartbreaking" but he remained optimistic about the bilateral relationship in the long term.

"We've always done a lot of charitable activities and ... we feel the appreciation. Don't give up on us," he said.

The mayor of the city of 220,000, Rolen Paulino, said his people were "pro-American" but that he supports Duterte's shift in foreign policy.

"If the president wants to invite Russia and China ... I will teach my people Russian and Chinese because we have to adapt," Paulino said.

But many in the business community have labeled Duterte's rhetoric as largely bluster and take comfort in the fact that he has yet to translate it into action.

I think this article was BEFORE Duterte supporters stormed the US embassy (and then Filipino police didn't handle it right and that was a tragedy too).

It's all Duterte's fault, the country isn't even anti-US, it's just that Duterte is a crazy man with a cult-like following. He shouldn't be whipping up sentiment against Westerners, not good.

Obama admin and Congress should definitely keep an eye on anti american sentiment there, and safety overall, given the large number of retired American vets living there.

Duterte’s deadly drug war reaches former US bases in the Philippines

Shot in the stomach and knee, the man crumpled in the parking lot in front of St. Therese, the old Naval Air Station Cubi Point chapel.

Arman Q. Juaneza’s wounds appeared to be treatable, and a hospital was nearby. But no one wanted to get involved, said Victorio Vizcocho Jr., publisher of the Subic Bay News.

“There were authorities in the area but they didn’t try to save him,” said Vizcocho, whose newspaper was formerly the official publication of the U.S. naval base here.

The 43-year-old man died. Vizcocho said the killing was thought to be connected to Chinese drug operations. ...

“Hitler massacred 3 million Jews … there’s 3 million drug addicts… I’d be happy to slaughter them,” Duterte said recently, before apologizing to Jews.

But the man who earned the nickname “Duterte Harry” while carrying out a similar purge as mayor of the southern city of Davao isn’t apologetic about his extrajudicial campaign, bristling profanely at U.S. and U.N. suggestions that he should back off.

Drug war battlefields surround the Freeport, which retains much of the character from its time as a U.S. military installation, including guard posts at its main entrances. The vacated Navy facilities have been occupied by commercial operations, including restaurants, shops and schools.

There’s a striking contrast between the American-style development inside the fence and the hustle and bustle of ordinary Filipino towns outside, where motorcycle taxis and open-sided jeepney buses weave along narrow lanes made narrower by roadside vendors hawking everything from Chinese Christmas lights to bows and arrows.

Robert Jessop, left, 73, a Canadian veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam and Scott Sims, 57, a retired Navy chief warrant officer pose outside the Veterans of Foreign Wars post in Subic Bay, Philippines
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 23:21:39

Sixstrings wrote:It's all Duterte's fault ...

Actually it's all Obama's fault. He's the one who insulted president Duterte and the Philippines and started this quarrel.

Obama is so arrogant he often screws things up. This reminds me of when he went to the UK and threatened the Brits if they didn't vote against Brexit. Brexit immediately shot up in the polls and went on to win. Now this time O has insulted Duterte and the Philipino people and they really don't like it and they're responding by cutting ties w Obama and the US

Sooooprise soooprise. --- Obama screwed something else up 8)
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 20 Oct 2016, 23:28:00

Well I'm on a posting roll, I may as well keep rolling. :lol:

Just to add more info to the thread, here's an article about some political opposition in the Philippine senate:

Maintaining his independence, Gordon lambastes Duterte over US breakup

Gordon, who earlier this week scoffed at being tagged an ally of the President, called out Mr. Duterte over his statements as the latter courts favor with China where he is on a state visit.

“I don’t agree with that. I think the President is wrong on that matter,” Gordon told reporters when sought for comment yesterday.

“You don’t have to leave your old friends that have been reliable—and not be totally reliable just because you want to get a few things. That’s shortsightedness,” he said.

“It’s also incumbent upon us in the Senate to advise [the President] as a friend, not an ally, and tell him, ‘boss, don’t get upset, but if you do we can’t do anything, but what you’re doing is wrong.’ And I disagree with him on that,” Gordon said.

He said that a delegation from the US Congress came to his office on Tuesday night to seek clarification of the Duterte administration’s policies.

“They are concerned with the policy. I told them not to worry and look at the acta (acts) not the verba (words),” he said.

“[I told them] this one is different. He is venting hurt feelings, but that doesn’t mean that’s policy,” Gordon said.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 21 Oct 2016, 00:45:00

Plantagenet wrote:Actually it's all Obama's fault. He's the one who insulted president Duterte and the Philippines and started this quarrel.

Obama is so arrogant he often screws things up. This reminds me of when he went to the UK and threatened the Brits if they didn't vote against Brexit. Brexit immediately shot up in the polls and went on to win. Now this time O has insulted Duterte and the Philipino people and they really don't like it and they're responding by cutting ties w Obama and the US

Sooooprise soooprise. --- Obama screwed something else up 8)

The administration stayed as quiet as they could, so as not to provoke Duterte, but they had to speak out at least a little bit, because it was the right thing to do.

And Australia did, too -- actually, the Australian government has been far more inflaming and MUCH more vocal, than the Obama administration.

Plant -- I agree with the Australian government, and I agree with senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont about his bill to end the foreign aid if Duterte doesn't clean up the human rights situation.

And I agree with the court in the Hague that said they're going to start watching the situation closely, and I agree with Madame President:

Hillary Clinton Tells Philippine President Duterte to Show Some 'Respect'

The ultimate concern is just for the Americans (mostly US military veterans) living there, and the Canadians and Aussies and Europeans there too; our government needs to be looking out for American citizens there, if nothing else.

International Criminal Court puts Duterte on notice as critics begin to speak up

In a statement on Thursday, ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said her office is watching for signs of officials “ordering, requesting, encouraging or contributing” to crimes against humanity.

Manila is a party to the ICC, which gives the court jurisdiction over genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Philippines and those committed elsewhere by Philippine nationals.

P.S. Your brexit analogy doesn't apply anyway, it's not like Boris Johnson is getting investigated by the Hague for crimes against humanity. And Brits didn't storm the American embassy, in London.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 21 Oct 2016, 02:59:30

Duterte is a raving madman with no mandate to say or do the things he says & does, almost none of which were in his election agenda, aside from 'war on drugs'. He is a filthy liar who needs killing asap. His popularity has slid from 90% to 64% in the last few weeks. It will continue to slide. A truly horrible person leading a nation of gullible idiots.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 21 Oct 2016, 05:06:07

Article by a Filipino American:

Pied Piper of the Philippines

Like many of the three million Filipinos in the United States and millions others scattered around the world, I wake up in the morning wondering what is happening to the Philippines.

Since Rodrigo Duterte assumed the presidency three months ago, the nation has gone through so many transmogrifications that the Pearl of the Orient Seas is hardly recognizable.

One reads about a populist strongman who rants and raves, vowing to radically purify a country hopelessly overridden with drugs and criminals.

Duterte curses anyone standing in his way – whether Barack Obama, UN’s Ban Ki-moon or the European Union. He flicks a middle finger at the world community, and his 16 million supporters cheer.

One clicks on another website and learns that 3,000 people suspected of links to the drug menace have been slaughtered by police, vigilantes, or unknown assailants. Human rights groups are horrified. But, many claim they now can wander through the streets of Manila safely. Not bothered by the continuing bloodbath, they sleep peacefully at night.

Duterte severs a 65-year strategic alliance with the United States, ordering Yankees to go home and runs to Beijing, the same bullying country that is poised to take over the West Philippine Sea. Never mind that China is the pipeline of the narcotrade plaguing the country.

But people give Duterte a pass because the visionary president is implementing a nationwide 911 hotline, modernizing transportation, subsidizing farmers, increasing the salaries of police and military, etc. The president is a brilliant tactician, they say, as he implements socio-economic programs to alleviate poverty and dismantles decades of entrenched graft and corruption. ...

One goes through social media and wades through much garbage, looking for the gem of truth. But, perhaps that is to be expected. The first casualty of war, after all, is the truth. The words of California Senator Hiram Warren Johnson uttered in 1918 couldn’t be truer today.

Duterte’s unrelenting war on drugs – a program he proudly compared to Hitler’s Holocaust – has killed thousands of Filipinos. It has also killed the truth. A culture of death and a network of deception today enshroud the Philippine landscape.

The Presidents says there are three million drug users. The Dangerous Drugs Board pegs the number closer to 1.7 million. He says these drug users are scumbags and therefore subhuman. They have no human rights. They do not deserve due process.

Duterte’s condescending view of human dignity is far removed from that of St. John Paul II. ...

Murder, i.e., the extrajudicial killings brought about by Duterte’s drug war, is wrong. As St. John Paul said: “Like the first fratricide, every murder is a violation of the ‘spiritual’ kinship uniting mankind in one great family, in which all share the same fundamental good: equal personal dignity.”

People say that only experts in their fields should criticize the president. That if one is not a geopolitical expert, he or she should not comment on Duterte’s wild international strategies. That unless one is a psychiatrist, he or she should not comment on Duterte’s unstable mental condition.

Perhaps, there is some validity to that charge. But setting other issues aside for the sake of achieving clarity, it does not take an academic degree or expertise in ethics or moral theology to recognize right from wrong, justice from injustice, compassion from cruelty.

God, in his kindness, has inscribed the natural law in every individual heart and soul. Anyone should be able to recognize that the administration’s strategy of killing of thousands of its citizens is wrong.

To defend the unjustifiable, Duterte has spinned the narrative and blamed the international community for interfering in Philippine affairs. He resorts to nationalistic hot buttons, which many find assuring. Yes, the Filipino needs to keep his head up high. We cannot be the door mat of foreign powers. Who can argue with that?

Patriotism is as delightful as warm puto and hot sikwate in the morning, after all. But whipping nationalistic frenzy in order to cover crimes against humanity is a different animal. It is called smoke-screening, not patriotism.

This national frenzy brings to mind the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The eccentric character did get rid of the rats that had infested the town. But there was a steep price to pay. The town’s 130 children joyfully followed the Pied Piper into a cave never to be seen again.

Filipinos who support Duterte are cheering now that so-called rats are being run out of town. Soon, like the townsfolk of Hamelin in 1284, they will realize the cost of such a campaign – the loss of basic human rights, freedom of speech, habeas corpus, etc.

The question now is this: Are we prepared to face another episode of martial law?
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 21 Oct 2016, 06:54:23

Sixstrings wrote:
Hillary Clinton Tells Philippine President Duterte to Show Some 'Respect'

Obama attacked Duterte just before the ASEAN meeting, humiliating him in front of other Asian leaders. That was stupid Of course Duterte is going to stand up for himself.

Now Hillary tells Duterte to "show respect" like Duterte is a wayward child.

This is just more stupidity. The problem here is that Obama and Hillary are disrespecting Duterte and the Philippines

Yes there are human rights issues in the Phillipines. But Obama himself is no paragon of virtue-----it just came out that our Shia allies in Iraq are torturing Sunni male refugees from Mosul with HAMMERS for Chrissakes, but Obama is silent about that.
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 21 Oct 2016, 07:17:46

If you had been paying attention Planty, there has been overabundant restraint by all long term allies in criticism of this complete nutcase gorilla President. He deserves a lot less respect than he gets. Right now he is completely out of his depth, completely absorbed in his own egotistical myth, & is becoming very dangerous. (I'm pretty sure I spent more time in the Philippines in the last 10 years than any of our regular posters, several of who have family there as I do. I completely despise Duterte. My wife & family started off fans, now all silent or beginning to doubt. He seriously has zero mandate to asshole long term allies & suck Chinese dick, none at all, but that is what he is doing. The Philippines is a basket case, desperate for miracle solutions, thus the election of a braggart murderous lying psychopath for President. One way or the other, he will fail. The sooner the better)
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Re: Duterte aligns Philippines with China, says U.S. has los

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 21 Oct 2016, 07:21:44

Duterte is in China right now. The Chinese are showing him every bit of respect and honor the leader of a country deserves. For some reason Duterte likes that better then being insulted by Obama and Hillary
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