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THE Kamala Harris Thread

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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 05 Dec 2021, 04:56:43

vtsnowedin wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote:They will push out enough of these babies to push *YOU* out of existence within few coming decades.


I will be "out of existence"in a few decades reguardless of the demographics of the coming generations.

*YOU* mean "white Americans".
Latinos are outbreeding you by large margin.
In age group up to 21 you are no longer majority.
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 05 Dec 2021, 05:12:29

The fate of the rest of the "White Americans" is not my problem.
Also I am not too concerned about a Latino takeover. My extended family already contains French Canadian-Puerto Rican and French Canadian -Dominican Republic young people that are doing just fine with one in the Marines and another in the Air-force and yet another about to graduate from UMass as a mechanical engineer.
This mixed in with Italians, Jews, and WASPs like myself.
The American melting pot is still hot enough to melt whatever gets thrown into it.
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 05 Dec 2021, 16:08:46

vtsnowedin wrote:The fate of the rest of the "White Americans" is not my problem.
Also I am not too concerned about a Latino takeover. My extended family already contains French Canadian-Puerto Rican and French Canadian -Dominican Republic young people that are doing just fine with one in the Marines and another in the Air-force and yet another about to graduate from UMass as a mechanical engineer.
This mixed in with Italians, Jews, and WASPs like myself.
The American melting pot is still hot enough to melt whatever gets thrown into it.

No problem.
It is time to learn to embrace Mexican and Puerto Rican life standards too!
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 05 Dec 2021, 16:51:30

EnergyUnlimited wrote:No problem.
It is time to learn to embrace Mexican and Puerto Rican life standards too!

Culture customs and holidays? Sure but the ones I know are working hard to adapt to American life standards. There are good reasons for them to come here as it is still a lot better here then there.
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 18 May 2023, 10:01:06

US elections 2024: Addressing the Kamala Harris question

Here is a counterfactual: if Gina Raimondo were US vice-president, rather than commerce secretary, would Democrats be so accepting of Joe Biden’s decision to run again? My guess is almost certainly not.

Since it is Kamala Harris, not the highly regarded Raimondo, who is next in line, almost no Democrat is pressing for Biden to step aside. Fairly or not, few think Harris could beat Donald Trump. As a result, Democrats and much of the “mainstream” media are working off an invisible memo that tells them to avoid talking about Biden’s age.

This cannot last. Forget Republicans and independents: a majority of Democratic voters think Biden, who will turn 81 in November, should not run for a second term. That means the vice-president will be an unusually big factor next year. To those who say a running mate’s popularity never alters US election outcomes, there are two responses.

First, history is a useless guide. It has twice told us that Trump could not be the Republican nominee. That looks on course to being twice disproved.

The second consists of two words: Sarah Palin. I defy any US political scientist to put their hand on heart and say Palin’s presence on the ageing John McCain’s ticket did not harm his chances against Barack Obama in 2008 — especially after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Either way, Republicans, such as Nikki Haley, one of next year’s presidential contenders, have made it clear Harris will be the target. “If you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris,” Haley said recently.

Assigning the blame for Harris’s languishing profile — the vice-president’s office or the Oval Office — is an exercise in futility. It is hard to believe Biden was trying to boost Harris’s profile when he asked her to tackle the root causes of illegal immigration.

No foreigner can transform the “northern triangle” of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador into secure places for their poor. Though those countries could reap long-term benefits from the investments Harris has been drumming up, illegal US border crossings surged to a record last year of more than 2 million people. Now that America has scrapped its pandemic border rules, more migrants are likely to come. On this most populist of touchstones, Republicans have a ready-made scapegoat in Harris.

But Harris can hardly pin all the blame on Biden’s people. Her public appearances have been erratic at best. Staff turnover has been unusually high even by the backwater standards of a vice-president’s office, although that exit rate has slowed in the past year.

Harris also conducted her recent nine-day tour of Africa without incident. Since last year’s Supreme Court scrapping of the Roe vs Wade right to abortion, she has found some of the passion that eluded her in 2019 when she dropped out of the primaries before they had begun.

Even if no such glimmers were visible, Biden has to make a virtue out of necessity. He cannot drop Harris — the fallout from dumping America’s first female vice-president could spark a Democratic civil war. Biden must therefore elevate her.

This ought to be simpler than conventional wisdom supposes. It means giving Harris a far higher profile to speak on issues that voters care about, such as women’s right to choose, child care, parental leave and education. It would also make sense for Harris to distance the White House from some of the more exotic variants of left identitarianism. Whether the opponent is Trump or Ron DeSantis, Republicans are betting big in their “war on woke” — and Harris is seen as woke.

But anxieties about Harris’s deficiencies are overwrought. To be sure, she flamed out of the last race. So did Biden in 1988 and 2008. Moreover, most vice-presidents are kept out of the White House loop. Harry Truman, one of America’s best 20th-century presidents, was not even told America had an atomic bomb until after he was sworn in.

An isolated Lyndon Baines Johnson was routinely mocked by John Kennedy’s aides. The job is almost designed to make its occupant look redundant. It says little about how they would handle the presidency.

Biden has compelling reasons to thrust Harris to prominence as soon as possible. He lacks the energy for a modern campaign. Last time round, he was shielded by Covid and did it mostly on Zoom.

Harris has to compensate in 2024′s more normal in-person environment by taking up some of Biden’s slack. The more exposure she is given now the better. Harris needs to be prepared to be president. Biden picked her in 2020. Now he must invest in her. - The Financial Times Limited

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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 19 May 2023, 06:39:39

I presume Pence will NOT be Trumps VP candidate this time.

The article makes some good points. But it is very hard for me to see Harris as being a plus, she has a difficult record to overcome in short order.

What a mess.
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 14 Sep 2023, 12:21:32

A rather snarky piece on our current Vice President.

Donald Trump Leaves Kamala Completely Confused!

It seems Kamala Harris was unaware of Donald Trump’s intentions for 2024. She’s so surprised by his plans that she frankly made a fool of herself. But that’s not really anything new…

Recently, CBS host Margaret Brennan, asked Harris if she was taking the possibility of another Donald Trump presidency “seriously enough.”

Harris actually said, “I don’t understand the question.” Just off the top of my head, I can think of ten different ways to word it! Maybe Kamala will connect to one of these:

Are you ready to back your bags and get out of town?
Have you prepared yourself to leave PeeWee’s playhouse?
Did you get some boxes from UHaul this week?? Maybe some bubble wrap?
Have you considered a new line of work?
Are you having nightmares about America’s return to WINNING?
Did you update your profiles on Indeed and LinkedIn?
Are you planning to visit the Big Guy in the nursing home next year?
Do you have a title for your upcoming the book—
the one you will write when you LOSE the next election?
Are you ready for the scary orange man to make a big return?
Do you really think it’s worth your time to put your name on another ticket?

But hey, Kamala doesn’t think on her feet the way I do. So, Brennan continued to push the VP:

“You were dismissive of some of the Republican criticism of you and the president. When you look at current polling, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination is the former president, the 45th president.”
Kamala’s confusion continued…

She believes the winning ticket would be the Harris/Biden ticket because, as Kamala put it, “there is too much at stake” and “the American people know it.”

FNN elaborated:

Brennan also asked the vice president if she was prepared to be president as a majority of voters are concerned about Biden’s age.

“Yes, I am. If necessary. But Joe Biden is going to be fine. Let me tell you something. I work with Joe Biden every day. Under Joe Biden’s leadership, we have transformed and are in the process of transforming America’s infrastructure… I could go on and on,” Harris said.

Brennan also pressed Harris on abortion and about what limits the administration supports.

“What is it that you believe? I mean, what week of pregnancy should abortion access be cut off?” she asked.

“We need to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade,” Harris began. “We’re not trying to do something new—”

Brennan interrupted, “Well, that was nebulous, because it was about viability, which could be anywhere between 20 to 24 weeks—”

“That’s, that was in the Women’s Health Protection Act that the White House also endorsed—,” Brennan added.

Harris concluded by arguing she and Biden have been “clear” about restoring Roe v. Wade protections, saying, “that is what we want.”

“Let me be very clear. From day one, the president has been clear, I have been clear. We need to put back the protections that are in Roe v. Wade into law. Since the Supreme Court took it, Congress has the power and ability to pass legislation to put those protections back in law and Joe Biden will sign that bill. So, that is what we want,” she said.
What does Trump think?

We don’t even need an updated comment to know what Trump would say about Kamala at this point. He made his opinion quite clear long ago.

However, Trump did mention Harris is his epic interview with Tucker Carlson during the GOP Debate. “Her moments are almost as bad as it is. I think his (Joe Biden) is worse, actually. Yeah. She speaks in, in rhyme. And, it’s weird., but she has bad moments.”

Sadly for Harris, she has a really bad moment heading her way– one where she finds out she’s out of the job. But hey, millions of Americans have experienced the same thing, all thanks to Biden-Harris and everything they’ve managed to do to the American economy. #Winning is definitely not the Biden-Harris ‘forte’.

Alfred Tennyson wrote:We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 14 Sep 2023, 18:42:04

I continue to be amazed Biden keeps her in the ticket.

That itself is enough to disqualify him.

Not that I like Trump any better.
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby careinke » Sat 16 Sep 2023, 01:35:59

I'm pretty sure the Dims are going to find a way for Brandon to drop out of the election. When/if that happens, Ms Kackles will no longer be relevant. The new nominee will chose their own VP.

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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 16 Sep 2023, 12:43:55

careinke wrote:I'm pretty sure the Dims are going to find a way for Brandon to drop out of the election. When/if that happens, Ms Kackles will no longer be relevant. The new nominee will chose their own VP.


It will be easy for TPTB to get Biden to drop out of the election.

All they have to do is put the words "I AM DROPPING OUT OF THE ELECTION" on the teleprompter screen when Biden is reading one of his speeches and he is so oblivious to what is going on that he will just mindlessly bumble on and read it and then people everywhere will cheer because Biden has dropped out and he'll be gone.


Getting Kamala out will be a little more difficult, but the Ds are now so undemocratic that they have many many special unelected delegates who will be seated at the convention. This makes the primaries much less important then for the Rs, who actually choose their nominee through the primary elections. The D party leaders control enough votes even before the primaries start that they can pretty much select whoever they want to be their nominee.

Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f#@% things up---Barack Obama
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Re: THE Kamala Harris Thread

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 17 Sep 2023, 08:49:16


I don't know about that. My sense is that if he is running OK by July 2024 he will remain.

These old die-hards are just that, die-hards. My Wife just read a National Security Risk Analysis which identified our geriatric law makers as a serious national security risk.
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