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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby dorlomin » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 17:53:35

Withnail wrote:how could calling revolutionaries in Hong Kong maggots
The appartheid system regarded black authority figures like tribal chiefs as more equal than their fellow blacks. It is well known in racist systems to see the leaders of a subhuman group as being above the masses of them.

You are a racist who seeks to deny that Chinese people in Hong Kong could want democracy and you justify this with your clownish allegations of a CIA coup.

Whats more what kind of coward threatens people with moderators!
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby dissident » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 18:55:16

dorlomin wrote:
Strummer wrote:Yeah, seems like Ukraine was the last US-sponsored successful coup. There are currently some pretty pathetic attempts in Hungary and Slovakia (both currently have somewhat pro-Russian governments)

Its the total lack of the intellectual capacity to understand that those people have their own agency and sense of purpose. So genuinely dim they can only understand the world where all humans are stripped of all motive bar "Amerikkka vs the goodies".


You clearly have nothing to reply, you blubbering chauvinist. You don't get to decide for Hungarians, Chinese, Ukrainians, Russians and the rest of world outside your UK-USA bubble.

You have spent ZERO time in any of those countries but I have been in Canada since the 1970s. You are an ignoramus who gets offended when his childish perceptions of the world get challenged. All butt hurt and no substance.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby dorlomin » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 18:58:46

dissident wrote:You clearly have nothing to reply, you blubbering chauvinist. You don't get to decide for Hungarians, Chinese, Ukrainians,
I have been in Canada since the 1970s.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby sjn » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 19:29:50

Can everybody please just take a step back and cool off? There's really no need to attack each other.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 19:34:22

This thread is badly degenerated from not a great start. A thread about itself, twisted yarn, like the conversation after a no sleep all night piss up (where 'someone' may have had a little more than beer).

Hey Steam, long time no joust with us! Nice to see you in fine form!
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 19:42:26

Withnail wrote:Strange, I was able to read the full article when i went in via Google, but you are correct, the direct link doesn't work.

To get around paywalls, just google the article's title and click on the link you find there.

KJ suggested this trick. I don't know how often it works (or how/why).
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 19:45:02

GHung wrote:Withnail: "No they didn't. They were a colony of the UK, under the control of the unelected British Governor."

I won't argue this point since I was in Hong Kong shortly before the 1984 agreement and witnessed freedom of speech and assembly first-hand.
Did they camp out on main roadways?
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 19:49:10

Honestly I could not give a hoot. There is no news in this thread, not one iota, we all knew the CIA sponsors hundreds of political agitants around the world, sometimes the results are pretty dire, but often would have been anyway, other times fantastic world headline grabbing protests like the one the thread purports to be about. Sponsorship does not always imply orchestration. Whoever orchestrated the HK protests did a flipping brilliant job in my book.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby dorlomin » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 19:49:25

I know two people who have long term involvement in the pro democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Clearly I am the kind of scumbag who associates with "maggots" i.e. non whites who want a democratic, free society.

I have "been a body" often enough, between the police lines and the less physical protesters. The odd truncheon or kick in the nads along the way. I am not going to step back from calling what I see online.

I have no doubt that come the real peak oil crunch, I will not be seeing any other peak oil dot com types anywhere near pro democracy protests. :twisted: All hat and no trousers.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 20:03:43

All people with any sense want to be able to peacefully sack their government when the government goes too far against the people. This is the foundation of the greatest political doctrine ever penned, the US Constitution. The right of the people to kick out the government by force if necessary is an afterthought, one making the document no less grand. If that is what we are talking about, by 'democracy', I'm in. However corrupted the system has become, the USA has it's greatness through the Constitution, not through the nasty meddling done at times, in the interests not of Constitutional Democracy, but big international business.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby dbruning » Fri 12 Dec 2014, 20:54:13

So I finally got some free time today to catch up on the threads....

"You need to prove yourself to me, a citizen of the most advanced culture on the planet. I don't need to prove myself to you."

You don't seem very advanced, you seem young and full of anger. Given the current worldwide situation I thought that could be forgiven, and kept reading. You then continued to pretty much act out the definition of internet troll.

"I don't want to waste my time with morons."

I can totally agree with this sentiment. And in fact, congratulations, you are 2nd people here I have ever found obnoxious enough to add to my ignore list.

And to save you the time posting how little you care, I know - but it's a Friday and it's been a long day, and I feel chatty. Just not with you.

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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby SILENTTODD » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 04:35:51

Withnail wrote:
Was this guy one of those CIA Maggots too?

off topic post reported. We're talking about Hong Kong in 2014, not Beijing in 1989.

If your not aware Withnail, it's the same government, same dictators they had in 1989.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby sjn » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 05:08:38

SeaGypsy wrote:Honestly I could not give a hoot. There is no news in this thread, not one iota, we all knew the CIA sponsors hundreds of political agitants around the world, sometimes the results are pretty dire, but often would have been anyway, other times fantastic world headline grabbing protests like the one the thread purports to be about. Sponsorship does not always imply orchestration. Whoever orchestrated the HK protests did a flipping brilliant job in my book.

This comment hits the mark. There are plenty of grass roots movements in the world made up of people wanting to instigate positive change in their societies, whether the US supports them [or the opposing factions/government] is determined whether their activities are in US geopolitical interests. The trouble is, once the US starts meddling, some of the legitimacy is lost, and the direction and purpose of the movement ends up subverted. Withnail's interpretation of the protests in HK is obviously lacking any nuance, there has been manipulation and meddling by the US and British governments, so to him it's all just neo-colonialism, and there certainly is a significant aspect of that, but there is very much a grass roots "pro-democracy"/anti-authoritarian movement in HK and suggesting otherwise is foolish and disrespectful to those who put themselves on the line.

It must be a very difficult thing if you're a dissident in an authoritarian regime (as is pretty much the norm today to a greater or lesser extent), and you're offered support from a US agency to turn it down. If you accept it you become a US pawn, if you don't you'll probably never have the resources to achieve your goals.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby sjn » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 05:36:13

Withnail wrote:
Was this guy one of those CIA Maggots too?

off topic post reported. We're talking about Hong Kong in 2014, not Beijing in 1989.

If your not aware Withnail, it's the same government, same dictators they had in 1989.

This isn't really true. Quite a lot has changed in the last 25 years, the social reform program was pretty much cancelled as a result of the backlash from 1989 protests; but the Capitalist reforms pushed on, and have travelled a long way in the last quarter-century. The Chinese political-economy today is driven by the same Neo-liberal Economic agenda as "The West", big finance and maximal exploitation of resources and the environment in the name of growth.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby sjn » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 05:43:14

On the moderation front, I'm hoping tempers have calmed now. It would be helpful if everybody could please remember to treat each other with some respect.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 07:31:57

Withnail wrote:By that I mean Athens at the time was a much worse society than ours in many ways, but was also much more genuinely democratic.

These days it's just simply a word that's abused in order to justify the crimes of our rulers.

We live in capitalist authoritarian societies, with trappings of democracy, is what I think.

Athens was just one city state. Spartans were the fascists, of their day. Those Greeks were sure smart though. One philospher deduced the nature of matter, that it is made of "atoms" -- small spheres that are in motion and don't quite touch each other. He turned out right about that, exactly!

And another one figured out the circumfrence of the earth. And Plato's allegory of the cave.. genius.. and Socrates, and Aristotle.

The more democratic a place is, the more freedom there is, the more free thought there is, the more innovation you have. Ancient Rome picked up on the Greeks, and the Roman Empire had a lot of similarities to today. The empire was a military dictatorship. But the Republic before that was about he same as what we have. Senators had clients, like our lobbyists today, and a lot of money changed hands.

The Senate were rich patricians, mostly, and then a few new money men too. About the same as the modern US Senate. And then there were the People, the plebs. SPQR -- the Senate and People of Rome. The plebs got to vote for tribunes, which had a fair amount of power. Even if tribunes got bought off by the patricians, usually. There was a bourgoise class, the "knights," and I can't remember it all exactly but I guess they got to elect a tribune too. It was a system of checks and balances.

It's not so simple to just say, "there is no democracy." There was "republican," representative democracy in Rome, and the modern world now too of course. It's not the same as empire, or dictatorship, though it is different than pure democracy like an ancient Athens or Iceland.

The thing about total democracy is that it only works in a small place, like a city state.

The internet actually makes democracy workable again, in the modern world.

But total democracy isn't perfect either -- there's a lot of chaos with these state voter initiative referndums.

There are just different systems Withnail, all of them can work, some are the best of both worlds, and one thing is for sure is that with the most freedom comes the most innovation. Freedom yet rule of law, and order.

P.S. Bringing this back around to Hong Kong, you say the protesters are just backed by the CIA. Well, Roman patricians used to blame 'demagogues" for stirring the plebs up and getting them worked up.

The root causes are the same though, sometimes the plebs get worked up about something and then Rome -- or Hong Kong -- or Kiev -- is facing King Mob and the patricians -- oligarchs -- communist party tyrants -- can either BEND, or they can CRUSH IT, or they may COLLAPSE.

The Roman mob used to riot over various things, akin to Michael Brown type issues, or maybe low wages and bread, or in Julius Caesars rise they were complaining about slave labor taking free men's jobs. Caesar took the plebs cause, a patrician adopting populism to use it as a power base, but also seeing the overall good for society. Unlike a FDR, he went a bit far with it and made himself dictator, as a few others had before.

It's just the same old sh*t man, history just repeats itself. :lol: Power struggles between rich and poor and middle, patrician and pleb.

The plebs in Hong Kong have a right to elect their town council members. Ain't like they're asking for the world.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 07:46:24

Withnail wrote:And by the looks of it Hong Kong has also seen through this US inspired bullshit.

US hasn't stoked anything in Hong Kong. If anything, have you not noticed that Washington hasn't jumped to the protester's side on this? And same with Canada too, how quiet they've been? Trade pacts and deals to be made with China, that's why, and screw the People that just want some democracy and a vote for their town council like they were promised.

USA's done nothing to stoke or help this out, zip.

It's organically Hong Konger. These same student groups protested the communist party wanting to make a pro Chinese nationalist curriculum in the schools. The student protesters won that fight. And now, they're demanding the elections that were promised when Britain handed Hong Kong over to China.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby Strummer » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 07:49:04

Just like Ukraine, right?
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby dissident » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 10:17:46

Most of the people posting in this thread treat these rent-a-crowd coups as entertainment. They feel all warm and fuzzy inside for supporting "freedom and democracy" (i.e. the power grab by oligarchs and interests the US favours) and could give a flying f*ck about the consequences for the people supposedly being "liberated from tyranny". Ukraine is exhibit A. Now that the country is flushing down the toilet the interest level has disappeared.

You will note it is always the same narrative with these coups. Some students and activists make a big demonstration (how are they allowed to make such demonstrations if they are so oppressed?) and then we have "regime change". No voting, just a very localized street mob with numbers exaggerated by a factor of 10 like for the Maidan. In Ukraine, when the Maidan organizers called for a general strike there was no hint of one. If they are so popular and are the voice of the people as claimed by the lie factory western media (which people in this thread trust implicitly) then there would be general strikes every other day. Recall Solidarnosc and the massive strikes in Poland.

So Hungary is in the cross hairs of the regime changers in Washington. Instantly it is forgotten that Hungary is a democracy and the same BS narrative is trotted out. I hope Hungarians avoid having to go through what Ukraine is suffering through. They will be victims while western media-fed lemmings will feel all good about themselves.
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Re: Hong Kong Police remove CIA backed maggots from the stre

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 13 Dec 2014, 10:52:12

Have you ever been south of the Himalayas Dis? I doubt it. The USA is broadly respected as a matter of course in the subcontinent & SE Asia, Japan & the Pacific. The last act of infamy by the USA was related to the early demise of the first elected President of the Federated States of Micronesia, which was detailed in that radical fringe rag called National Geographic.

We all have our place in the world. The influence of huge powers, which there are now 3, is unfathomable to the people living inside those powers. We have a billion people in the region, spread across about a dozen countries, with essentially NO significant defences against any of the these powers. We must choose our masters is the fact of life for our part of the world. Of the three options, most of us would choose an American ideal over Russian or Chinese.

Don't assume so much.
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