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THE Global Dimming Thread (merged)

Re: Chemtrails

Unread postby AirlinePilot » Mon 06 Aug 2007, 02:05:22

oswald622 wrote:Trust him, he's an airline pilot! (Even if he sounds kind of like a bot.) Maybe an airline mechanic might have a better idea: I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered some information that I think you will find important: Link
You can also do some simple internet searches and find all kinds of pictures of contrails that are clearly not normal. There are even plenty of satellite photos, like this one:
Or this one:
Or you could just trust your own eyes and common sense. Start watching the sky a little more and it will become obvious that chemtrails are real - they get laid in the same patterns over and over, they sometimes refract light in weird shades, they spread out, they linger, they become what you might normally swear were just clouds. But don't take my word for it, just look up!

Trust your own eyes but first acknowledge the facts. There is a thing called a contrail. Its a meterological phenomenon pure and simple. Your mechanics "letter" is a construct. That "letter" has been around for at least a year or two. Its a fabrication by a chemtrail CT, pure and simple. It is NOT from a mechanic.

Air traffic today is EVERYWHERE. Those pictures( and many other chemtrail lunatic shots) are explained simply by the standard routes which are flown day in and day out by THOUSANDS of aircraft. When conditions are right, contrails form. Just because you can produce sat pics of contrails from orbit does not mean we are being sprayed with chemicals.

I have seen contrails up close, they form in the exhaust plume of the engine and never have I seen them emanate from nozzles.
dukey, Is it possible to find out where and on what date that movie you posted was shot?
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Re: Chemtrails

Unread postby AirlinePilot » Mon 06 Aug 2007, 02:21:26

Polemic wrote:If you want to understand chemtrails, you must watch this video: AEROSOL CRIMES
This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Five plus years into the ... all » operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs.

I cant even begin to talk about how wrong this idiot's conclusions are. He totally and utterly rejects classic meteorology in this video. He incorrectly conjectures that some contrails are solid. If you want to find out how contrails are formed, find a meteorologic textbook and learn about the upper atmosphere and how it is complex, and not "uniform". Learn about how jet engines work and why contrails form.
The video begins with a classic truther warning and disregard for expert analysis.

This video is a pile of steaming CT hogwash.
It is true that the increasing number of contrails inducing cloud formation are having some effect on climate, but the only effect of "chemtrails" is obviously the poisoning of anyones brain to believe this is some plot to spray mankind.
By the way, contrails like these have been forming over our heads for far more than 5 or 6 years. I guess these dolts were just too stupid to notice.
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Re: Chemtrails

Unread postby AirlinePilot » Mon 06 Aug 2007, 02:51:18

Quote from loony video (The piano player)
" Nothing in physics supports the long, persistent type contrails"
I guess he totally denies the fact that high level cirrus clouds can form and remain for long periods of time born on the upper level winds. That quote is a patent denial and obfuscation of a scientific fact.
I guess God must be spraying us daily.
The part about the loss of the "Deep Blue Sky" is just humorous. I guess these folks just dont look up on those days.
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Re: Chemtrails

Unread postby jboogy » Mon 06 Aug 2007, 03:15:54

chemtrail,shmemtrail-repetative post? perhaps,....but I think those two words sum it up.
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Re: Chemtrails

Unread postby oswald622 » Mon 06 Aug 2007, 06:33:57

AirlinePilot wrote: Trust your own eyes but first acknowledge the facts. There is a thing called a contrail. Its a meterological phenomenon pure and simple.

I don't think anyone doubted the existence of contrails, sir. Don't strike the straw man too fiercely, you might work up a sweat!
Your mechanics "letter" is a construct. That "letter" has been around for at least a year or two. Its a fabrication by a chemtrail CT, pure and simple. It is NOT from a mechanic.

Sir yes sir! Thank you for the convincing proofs! I gracefully acknowledge that there is actually no proof that he is an airline mechanic - but then there's actually no proof that you aren't an unwitting dupe or disinformation agent either!
Air traffic today is EVERYWHERE. Those pictures( and many other chemtrail lunatic shots) are explained simply by the standard routes which are flown day in and day out by THOUSANDS of aircraft.


My lunatic eyes, they burn! My silly primate brain, seeking patterns where none exist!
When conditions are right, contrails form.

Oooooh, I get it now!
Just because you can produce sat pics of contrails from orbit does not mean we are being sprayed with chemicals.

You're right...that one satellite picture probably only indicates the heavy air traffic between Easter Island and Anchorage! And the fact that mere water vapor coming out of airplanes stretches for hundreds of miles and is dozens of miles thick...that just means...oh yeah, the conditions were right for it!
I have seen contrails up close, they form in the exhaust plume of the engine and never have I seen them emanate from nozzles.

Absence...very dense...evidence...absinthe? Something like that.
find a meteorologic textbook and learn about the upper atmosphere

Or you can just dig through some old Air Force files, and learn about the same stuff! Like this!
A number of methods have been modify the [upper atmosphere], including injection of chemical vapors and heating or charging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams

Gee whiz, am I exhausted after all those exclamation marks!
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Re: Chemtrails

Unread postby wxman » Mon 06 Aug 2007, 09:40:40

I can't decide which conspiracy theory is more stupid, chemtrails or Cheney ordering 9/11.
Not only are contrails normal, they are well-studied, and their reasons for formation are well-known. link
There are even climate studies that debate the role of contrails on global temperature. Somebody did a study that showed a statistically significant temperature difference in the few flight-free days following 9/11. link

Sometimes contrails will actually take on the characteristics of a natural cirrus cloud and no longer look like contrails after only a half hour or so. Persistent contrails can exist long after the airplane that made them has left the area. They can last for a few minutes or longer than a day. However, because they form at high altitudes where the winds are usually very strong, they will often move away from the area where they were born. When we look up into the sky, we may see old persistent contrails that formed somewhere else but moved overhead because of the wind. An example of several very persistent contrails is shown in the S'COOL cloud chart. Persistent contrails are those most likely to affect climate.
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Re: Global Dimming

Unread postby NEOPO » Tue 21 Aug 2007, 17:57:47

That is a GD good question and to date I do not know why we are being fed only half of the real story. I have theorized abit yet the dot's certainly do not seem to connect. Anyone? class?
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Re: Global Dimming

Unread postby Lore » Tue 21 Aug 2007, 21:38:51

This issue of Global Dimming, pertaining to climate change has been discussed many times here. There has also been a good documentary made by the BBC discussing the causes and effects of Global Dimming that was broadcast a couple of years ago.

This was not left out of the IPCC AR4 Summary. Although a greater study needs to be conducted:
Anthropogenic contributions to aerosols (primarily sulphate, organic carbon, black carbon, nitrate and dust) together produce a cooling effect, with a total direct radiative forcing of –0.5 [–0.9 to –0.1] W m–2 and an indirect cloud albedo forcing of –0.7 [–1.8 to –0.3] W m–2. These forcings are now better understood than at the time of the TAR due to improved in situ, satellite and ground-based measurements and more comprehensive modelling, but remain the dominant uncertainty in radiative forcing. Aerosols also influence cloud lifetime and precipitation. {2.4, 2.9, 7.5} LINK
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Re: Global Dimming

Unread postby JJ » Tue 21 Aug 2007, 22:06:00

Hi I've been reading this site for awhile, really like it...I posted something about global dimming awhile back on another forum (for flowers which I raise as a hobby) and got a very hostile reaction and now they treat me as "a weirdo..." oh well....
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Re: Global Dimming

Unread postby Roccland » Tue 21 Aug 2007, 22:26:12

JJ wrote:Hi I've been reading this site for awhile, really like it...I posted something about global dimming awhile back on another forum (for flowers which I raise as a hobby) and got a very hostile reaction and now they treat me as "a weirdo..." oh well....

Welcome JJ!! You will fit right in here!
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Re: Global Dimming

Unread postby Lore » Tue 21 Aug 2007, 22:29:36

JJ wrote:Hi I've been reading this site for awhile, really like it...I posted something about global dimming awhile back on another forum (for flowers which I raise as a hobby) and got a very hostile reaction and now they treat me as "a weirdo..." oh well....

Typical reaction of those who think they are the Three Wise Monkeys "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil", and hence no evil can ever hurt them. Glad to see your expanding your horizons. Here is a little more research done on the subject by Steven Schwartz of the Brookhaven National Labs: LINK
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Re: Global Dimming

Unread postby Bas » Wed 22 Aug 2007, 04:52:58

here's the BBC documentary: Global Dimming on Google videos.
As far as media attention goes, there was a short burst of attention on public tv here in Holland back in 2005; I saw several reports on it back then and also the BBC doc was aired. (and it made me mistakenly assume it had gone mainstream)

Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby static66 » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 18:59:11

Watched NOVA last night while I was "Baking" and it was on the phenomenon of Global Dimming.... apparantly this is saving us from even worse warming and when we cut back on air pollution because of decreased oil supply we will be shooting the other foot... so much good freakin news all at once!
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Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby Bas » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 19:02:19

are you kidding me? This was all over the news for a year in Holland and it kept surprising me as it came up in this fashion as if nobody knew about it for years...

Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby Bas » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 19:03:59

watch this for you ignorant ones.

Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby jupiters_release » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 19:06:11

Unlike the obscurity of peak oil seven years ago with $25 oil, global dimming's been observed and pretty commonly acknowledged for at least that long by now. It's more surprising that this is news to you!
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Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby Bas » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 19:13:12

jupiters_release wrote:Unlike the obscurity of peak oil seven years ago with $25 oil, global dimming's been observed and pretty commonly acknowledged for at least that long by now. It's more surprising that this is news to you!

mwech, ok agreed, you unagreeable person.

Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby roccman » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 19:14:02

"There must be a bogeyman; there always is, and it cannot be something as esoteric as "resource depletion." You can't go to war with that." Emersonbiggins
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Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby Bas » Wed 24 Oct 2007, 19:15:33

roccman wrote:Global Dimming Thread

I'm not a robot yanno. Merging every thread when someone finds out about global dimming.....

Re: Anyone know about "Global Dimming?"

Unread postby static66 » Thu 25 Oct 2007, 07:55:54

Wow guys, thanks alot for the information! Golem, you can go back to the laboratory and finish up that cold fusion project now! I am so glad to be a part of this site. Bas, thanks for the link to the BBC show, looks like the same show as NOVA here in the U.S. , I am learning every day!
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