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Georgia vs Russia Dispute (merged)

Unread postby stu » Tue 08 Mar 2005, 15:23:52

Seems like the Russians are pretty mad at the Georgians.
Russia Condemns Georgia's ‘Ultimatums over Military Bases
Spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry Col. Viacheslav Sedov said language of ultimatum, blackmail and pressure is unacceptable while considering the issue of withdrawal of Russian military bases from Georgia, Interfax news agency reported.
The Russian official commented regarding the Georgian Parliament's intention to discuss draft resolution on March 9, envisaging an announcement the Russian military bases stationed in Georgia illegal.

Georgian PM Calls for Speeding up Closure of Russian Bases
Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli said, on March 8, that the two Russian military bases stationed in Georgia should be pulled out in the shortest period of time [possible].
We [the authorities] were ready to reach an agreement with the Russian side, however, the timeframe for the pullout, proposed by Russia, was unacceptable for us, Nogaideli said at a news briefing.
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Unread postby stu » Wed 09 Mar 2005, 09:07:08

U.S. Official: No Plans to Station U.S. Bases in Georgia

[quote]John Tefft, the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, said, while addressing the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on March 8, that the United States has “no plans for establishing U.S. bases in Georgia.â€
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Unread postby stu » Thu 10 Mar 2005, 09:59:19

Georgia-Russian relations still 'fragile,' says Georgian

Georgian Foreign Minister Salome Zurabishvili said here Thursday that her country's efforts to reconcile with Russia were still at a "very fragile" stage, but hoped the two countries would succeed in resolving their disputes.

Russia Needs 3-4 Years to Withdraw Troops From Georgia — Ministry ... awal.shtml

Russian military bases in Georgia will be withdrawn no earlier than three to four years from now, after new alpine riflemen brigades have been set up in the Caucasus, the RIA-Novosti news agency reported on Thursday, citing a high-ranking official in the Russian Defense Ministry.
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Unread postby stu » Fri 11 Mar 2005, 09:36:15

Russia bases pullout from Georgia issue has financial aspect ... &PageNum=0

[quote]Russia will resume talks with Georgia on the time schedule of withdrawal of its military bases from the Georgian territory, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday.

“The talks are conduced between the parties, we hold them with the Georgian executive power,â€
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Unread postby stu » Sat 12 Mar 2005, 09:22:53


The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline could prove a vital source of revenue for cash-strapped Georgia, pumping an estimated $50 million per year into government coffers. Yet as construction on Georgia’s portion of the 1,760-kilometer-long pipeline winds down, residents affected by construction are wondering whether the benefits of the project will outweigh the costs to them.

Georgia gives Russia pullout deadline ... 02,00.html

GEORGIA'S parliament voted today to give Russia until January 1, 2006 to close two military bases that remain in the former Soviet republic, in a move certain to further damage relations between Tbilisi and Moscow.

By a vote of 158 to 0 and over the objections of top government officials, parliament adopted a motion that says Moscow's two bases would be considered illegal after the deadline.

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Unread postby stu » Mon 14 Mar 2005, 09:13:52


The Georgian parliament is trying to force Russia to remove its bases from the country.

Yesterday’s move carries a threat of sharp curbs on Russian troop movements from January. Those steps would effectively render the Russian bases in western and southern Georgia nonfunctional.

Georgian lawmaker Giga Bokeria said after the parliamentary vote yesterday: "In this statement, we are giving more time for diplomacy despite the fact that Russian diplomacy has proved time and time again that there is not yet the political will in Russia to withdraw its bases -- which remain here as an echo of Soviet rule and which are here against the will of the Georgian people."

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Unread postby stu » Tue 15 Mar 2005, 11:29:49

Leader of Georgia’s Breakaway Region Abkhazia Urges Russian Peacekeepers to Stay

[quote]The president of Georgia’s breakaway republic of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh, told a Moscow news conference on Tuesday that Abkhazia would admit only Russian peacekeepers on its territory and that the withdrawal of Russian forces could lead to serious aggravation of the situation in the Caucasus.

“The Russian base in Abkhazia is a stabilizing factor,â€
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Unread postby stu » Mon 21 Mar 2005, 08:47:28

Russia tanker detained in Georgia territorial waters for violation ... &PageNum=0

[quote]The Russian Samara-City tanker was detained at the outer roads of the Batumi port for violation of navigation rules, Tass learnt on Sunday at the coastguard service of the Georgian border department. According to the service, “the tanker with the Russian flag (port of registration – Astrakhan) was heading for Batumi to unload petroproducts and descended a motor launch at the outer roads, which is a violation of Georgian and international legislationâ€
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Unread postby stu » Tue 22 Mar 2005, 09:29:56

Thwarting Base Ambitions ... 2/008.html

In the early 1990s, as the Soviet Union collapsed, the remnant of the Soviet Army in the Transcaucasus region was harassed and its weapons stolen or expropriated. The Defense Ministry in Moscow was mostly preoccupied with removing essential equipment like tactical nuclear warheads and secret satellite communication stations before they were taken over by the locals.
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Unread postby stu » Wed 23 Mar 2005, 10:15:24

Russian Official: Moscow to Offer New Proposals over Military Bases

[quote]Igor Savolsky, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s envoy, who will lead the Russian side during the March 23-25 talks in Moscow, said in the interview with news agency Interfax that Moscow will make new proposals regarding the pullout of Russian military bases from Georgia.

“These [proposals], we think, completely take into consideration the interests of the Georgian side. But unveiling details of these proposals – before talks are underway – would be inappropriate,â€
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Unread postby stu » Mon 09 May 2005, 11:29:18


As Tbilisi gears up to welcome US President George W. Bush, Georgian officials are facing a flare-up in tension with Russia -- fueled by the apparent collapse of a deal covering the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia. The inability of Georgia and Russia to settle their differences on a base-withdrawal timetable prompted Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to cancel a visit Moscow to attend ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the Soviet triumph over Nazi Germany.

Georgia should make effort to join NATO: Bush

US President George W. Bush says Georgia must implement some reforms before it can join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

According to Georgian media, Bush made the remarks before traveling to the country on Monday night.

Bush says the Georgia should make more efforts towards economic development and try to create more favorable conditions for investors by rooting out corruption, strengthening law enforcement and promoting government' transparency.

Belarus Opposition Leader Visits Georgia

Leader of Belarus opposition Anatoly Lebedko, who chairs the United Civil Party, arrived in Tbilisi on May 9 on the personal invitation of Vice-Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Mikheil Machavariani
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Unread postby stu » Fri 20 May 2005, 15:12:28

Shevardnadze: Georgia Can Secure Its Territorial Integrity Only After Becoming A Member Of Nato

Eduard Shevardnadze, the ousted leader of Georgia, said on Friday that Georgia could secure its territorial integrity only after becoming a member of NATO.
In an exclusive interview with the A.A, Shevardnadze said that it was extremely difficult to resolve the impasses in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in short-term.

Georgia, Russia to reach agreement on military bases: parliament speaker

Georgia and Russia are expected to reach an agreement on the deadline of Russian military bases' withdrawal from the country next week, Parliament Speaker Nino Burdzhanadze said Friday.

The two former Soviet states will hold talks on the issue next Monday, Burdzhanadze said at a parliament meeting. He also said Russia's latest proposal "is more constructive" than ever before, so they will have a chance to strike a deal at the negotiation table.

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Unread postby stu » Tue 24 May 2005, 15:26:05


The stop-start negotiations over the Russian withdrawal from two military bases on Georgian territory may be finally drawing to a close. Both sides have reported "serious progress" during the latest round of talks, as Moscow signaled a willingness to take its troops out of Georgia in 2008.


On May 24, President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev met with President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili who had arrived in Baku to attend the official ceremony of commissioning the Azerbaijan section of the Heydar Aliyev Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Main Export oil pipeline.

Brother insists Georgia's PM was assassinated

The brother of Georgia’s late Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania today dismissed the authorities’ assertion that he died from carbon monoxide poisoning and insisted that Zhvania was assassinated.

Prosecutors in April announced that FBI forensics tests had confirmed Zhvania’s February 3 death was caused by carbon monoxide, as an earlier Georgian investigation had concluded. Authorities said an improperly ventilated gas heater was apparently at fault.
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Unread postby stu » Tue 07 Jun 2005, 13:31:46


Russia and Georgia signed an agreement May 30 on the withdrawal of Russian military bases from Georgia by 2008. The presence of the troops has bedeviled Russian-Georgian relations for the most part of the last decade. The agreement was signed in Moscow by Georgian Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili and her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

Lavrov told journalists in Moscow that the document agreed by the two sides spells out not just the date for completion of the Russian troops’ withdrawal from Georgia but also a schedule for a stage-by-stage exit


Georgian leaders have hailed a deal on the withdrawal of Russian troops from two military bases in Georgia as an "historic event" that clears the way for the normalization of bilateral relations. Some political analysts and opposition politicians in Tbilisi are concerned, however, that President Mikheil Saakashvili’s administration paid too high a price to secure Moscow’s commitment to take its troops out of Georgia.

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War in Georgia to start in March?

Unread postby sergei » Sat 25 Feb 2006, 07:51:28

Hi. Im new on the forum and want to hear your opinion on this.
All your posts here are interesting and perfectly reasonable.
I know there are big events gonna happen in March 2006 and im curious what role will play this one in the scenario.

You can see this headline in almost all russian internet news sites during last 2 monthes - "Georgia prepares for war".
And many(russian officials,Abkhaz & S.Ossetia military command,political scientists ... etc.) believe it will start on march 2006...
Even Georgian officials dont hide the fact they are going to solve the problem militarily.Provocations against Russian peacekeepers now happen every day.Georgia move its main military hospital close to Abkhazian border(Some russian military officials believe the last Georgian activities around S.Ossetia goes as disinformation as the main strike will be against Abkhazia, trying to involve russian peacekeepers in conflict and at the same time to organize pressure on Russia in European institutions forcing them to leave the region.)

I wonder why many beleve the explosion of gas pipeline and electricity route to georgia was architected in Russia.Information about possibility of Georgia to sell its gas pipeline net to GazProm circulated right untill this accident.They even recieved a warning from Washington.
And dont you think this is georgian rehearsal before war?

Unfortunately i cant put links to numerous internet sources about this theme as they are on russian.
Here are some in english:
Here is old one - August 21, 2004
Please note how this poor contry(the only Former USSR(so called SNG)country where situation is worse is Kyrgyzstan) spend its budget on military.Here are some fresh info of their 2005 purchases:

10 Irokez helicopters from USA
13 MI-8 multirole helicopters bought from Ukraine
7 SU-25 bought from Macedonia and Bulgaria
*unknown* MIG-23 bought from Uzbekistan
*unknown* L-159 Aircrafts bought from Czech Rep.

120 Tanks from Czech
40 BMP-2 from Ukraine
10 BTR-80 from Ukraine
*unknown* modernized T-72 from Ukraine
14 tank destroyers from Czech Rep.
77 armored units and 30$M Bio laboratory from USA
More than thousand artillery systems - Ukraine, Czech, Bulgaria
7,5 thousand small arms + lots of mil.goods - Ukraine, Czech, Bulgaria

2 thousand small armes planned from Hungary, Romania, Macedonia
14 thousand AK-74 planned from Lithuania
2 frigates planned "Zhemaitis" и "Aukshtaitis" from Lithuania

90 thousand automatic rifles - deal to be signed with Egypt soon.

WTF!? :x

Another one:Russia to be involved in new war between Georgia and Abkhazia

Hope you will not ban me from forum for my english [smilie=icon_biggrin.gif]

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Re: War in Georgia to start in March?

Unread postby pup55 » Sat 25 Feb 2006, 08:39:29

Welcome, Sergei. Your english is fine. Keep posting and it will get better.

Most of us do not know too much about the relationship between Georgia and Russia and also Abkhazia

Abkhazian War

But, strictly from the point of view of Russia: Even though the whole relationship with Georgia is a nuisance, there is some question whether the Russians have the stomach for a war, which would certainly be damaging and expensive.

There is too much money to be made by keeping peaceful with Tblisi and not doing things like the US would do.

From the Georgian point of view, new military equipment will increase their negotiating power if there is a problem next winter.

So the only question is, would Georgia risk a problem at this time to "resolve the issue" with Abkhazia?
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Re: War in Georgia to start in March?

Unread postby HonestPessimist » Sat 25 Feb 2006, 10:48:07

Russia should stay out of Georgia's affairs for good. Russia have been consistently meddling into Georgia's affairs since the early 18th century, maybe longer!
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Re: War in Georgia to start in March?

Unread postby lutherquick » Sat 25 Feb 2006, 11:01:07

Hello sergei,

Well, this is another fine mess America has created.
All countries in the world find is best to do business and have good relationships with the countries next door. Saaskavilli invites NGO activity funded by the US, and thinks this will save Georgia. He cuts relationship with Russia, now is buy GAS from Iran while at the same time offers the US the use of runways when the US attacks Iran over the nuke issue...

Nothing makes sense. Saackavilli is obsesed with America and the dollar and her hypocritical forieg policy. It take changes inside George, all this external love from America will do nothing. America is there because of OIL, period. And it is about "democracy", but not about Georgian democracy, it's all about American democracy. The US needs to get Caspian energy, and Georgia, like Ukraine has a fake freindship with America. America doesn't care about the people thier, and Saackavilli is living in a delusion just like Yeltsin did 15 years ago.

Georians need to save Georgia without US dollars, they need to work and have great relationships with Russia and Iran and Europe - fvck America!!! This is all about Georgia helping Anerica subsidize American democracy using dollar hegemony. Pure, true democracy will be had in Goergia as well as great market economics once America contracts and goes back into her nest with no energy.

Another American screw up.
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Re: War in Georgia to start in March?

Unread postby HonestPessimist » Sun 26 Feb 2006, 00:16:56

lutherquick wrote:Hello sergei,

Well, this is another fine mess America has created.
All countries in the world find is best to do business and have good relationships with the countries next door. Saaskavilli invites NGO activity funded by the US, and thinks this will save Georgia. He cuts relationship with Russia, now is buy GAS from Iran while at the same time offers the US the use of runways when the US attacks Iran over the nuke issue...

Nothing makes sense. Saackavilli is obsesed with America and the dollar and her hypocritical forieg policy. It take changes inside George, all this external love from America will do nothing. America is there because of OIL, period. And it is about "democracy", but not about Georgian democracy, it's all about American democracy. The US needs to get Caspian energy, and Georgia, like Ukraine has a fake freindship with America. America doesn't care about the people thier, and Saackavilli is living in a delusion just like Yeltsin did 15 years ago.

Georians need to save Georgia without US dollars, they need to work and have great relationships with Russia and Iran and Europe - fvck America!!! This is all about Georgia helping Anerica subsidize American democracy using dollar hegemony. Pure, true democracy will be had in Goergia as well as great market economics once America contracts and goes back into her nest with no energy.

Another American screw up.

And you called yourself American? [smilie=icon_rolleyes.gif]

This has nothing to do with America's role in Georgia. Georgia is the one seeking America's support because of Russia's continuing meddlesomeness in Georgia's affairs.
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Re: War in Georgia to start in March?

Unread postby sergei » Sun 26 Feb 2006, 10:36:25

Thank you very much for answers!

lutherquick wrote:Hello sergei,
Well, this is another fine mess America has created...

I glad to read this as thats how think most people in Russia, former USSR and even in Georgia(if this people dont recieve wage from US or SOROS & other funds as all georgian,ukraine,baltic marionettes do)
About Iranian gas.There was funny speech by Saakashvili to his people that he "found cheaper gas supplys from Iran and now Georgia is independent from Russian pipeline" - cheaper is 233$ for 1000m3 instead of Russian 110$/1000m3.

HonestPessimist wrote:Russia should stay out of Georgia's affairs for good. Russia have been consistently meddling into Georgia's affairs since the early 18th century, maybe longer!

Dude, never speak about things you do not know.If you look history it was Russia that saved georgians as a nation from being wiped out of earth.Georgians and russians have good relatins with each other, it is cultural, religious, historical ties that you even can not compare to relations with americans or else.Population of Georgia is ~4M but it is 1-1,5M that migrated from Georgia, most of them to Russia.Do you ask them of what they thinking? Or may be their relatives that can survive only by recievieng money they earn in Russia.
You can seriously forget about "Russia stay out of affairs" and this apply not only to former USSR territory.Yeltsin times gone and there will be no return.People remember and wll never forget it.

Let me clear another thing for you.I am honest realist and i know that Russia is not saint and no differs from other powerful countries.We architected military conflicts in the past and will in the future, but now the one thing is clear - IT IS NOT IN RUSSIAN INTERESTS TO HAVE WAR NEAR ITS BORDER so if you see some smoke in there you have to be very stupid not to see our "american friend" ears stuck up behind that.There is an awful realness: the only way to gain a total control over territory is ethnic cleansing, and thats what will be in these regions if the russian peackeepers will be forced to leave.Do you remember Yugoslavia, Kosovo. No serbs there any more.Same way, "international" peacekeepers just will spectate, the only thing they will do there is defending themselves.Here is very interesting map:

Link to image


Georgia have not only Abkhazia and S.Ossetia as problem regions.There is Ajaria,there is Javakheti where people live with their own mind, there is regions with Armenians, Greeks and Azrebaijani dense settlements.
There are signs of trobles too, but you never find it in western news sources.90% of Abkhazia and S.Ossetia are citizens of Russia.There is no doubt that in case of war they will be supported by their ethnically closed neighbours from Russia.

Watching the Georgian and Ukrainian leaders you can hear this phrase more and more often "they are completely insane".Rating of Mr.Saakashvili in Georgia is down to 16%. There are voices of "nettle revolution" in oppose of "rose" become louder. Fast and successful war
could solve this? They have cunning plan and it will start with reave of 3 Abkhazian regions - Galskiy, Ochamchirsky and Tkvarchelsky. But no one knows how this will end.

P.S. I know you mb dont know much about this region but anyway i thought it would be interesting for you to know in the light of upcoming developments.It is most likely that war will start before Russia G8 summit 2006 in St. Petersburg so it will be more pressure on Russia and an insurance for Tbilisi it will not recieve a hard resistance.(Many believe it will be as a public opinion "lightning rod" for US in their war with IRAN and Syria).There is no chance for Georgia to survive as an adequate independent state in other case.It cant afford a long war.Anyway, time will show.There is also Ukrainian parliament elections in March.

Will be interesting
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