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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Tue 09 Sep 2008, 16:03:49

evgeny wrote:
joelcolorado wrote:To count russian losses as part of their contribution to the war is stupid. You dont count what they do when the other choice for them would have been annihilation by Germany. They fought because they HAD TOO not to help us. DUH....Good grief.

WE helped them to help us YES. Sposed to be a team effort there also. BUT the soviets took over all the eastern block countries too as PAYMENT for their involvment enslaving millions of ppl for countless years etc. So

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances. Neither of them thinks anything of their pledged word.

Harry S. Truman * As quoted in The New York Times (24 June 1941)

And this animal think they helped?
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Tue 09 Sep 2008, 16:36:27

USA will die .Country of this type do exist only in a short period of time
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Tue 09 Sep 2008, 18:45:52

USA - Features:

First 1-3 years: (try to bargain for money)
next 3-5 years: (bagging for money)
after 5 years : (no money)

first (1- 3 years ) Gone
Last edited by evgeny on Tue 09 Sep 2008, 18:59:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Tue 09 Sep 2008, 18:52:01

And this bunch of idiot think they rule the world?
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Tue 09 Sep 2008, 19:12:12

European people weak up.
Russia it's not your enemies.
F+++k USA
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Tue 09 Sep 2008, 19:22:18

I don't realy care about USA THIS cOUNTRY ALREADY DIED
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby Carlhole » Wed 10 Sep 2008, 02:25:04

Russian Experts To Debate 9-11 On Russian TV This Friday

Webster Tarpley wrote:WASHINGTON, DC -- Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001, will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome. Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth.

The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001, and has been a leading critic of the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country, Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation ( in Moscow. Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European Parliament in Brussels, representing the region around Asti in northwest Italy. Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris, was one of the first critics of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.

Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic, he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow. "We have been studying these images very, very, carefully," commented the cosmonaut pointedly, "and we have seen some highly interesting things."

The host for the debate stressed that this landmark telecast did not imply that the Kremlin administration of President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin was officially espousing any particular point of view concerning 9/11, but rather reflected a commitment to free and open debate. Nevertheless, observers in the Russian capital sense a far-reaching change of mood by the Russian government in the wake of the August 7-8 genocidal attack on South Ossetia by the Georgian dictator and US satellite Saakashvili. The Russians, according to this view, are through with doing favors for the US, especially in regard to Washington's official myths about 9/11 and the war on terror, and this telecast will deliver that message in a clear and unmistakable way.

Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby Alcassin » Wed 10 Sep 2008, 03:23:46

evgeny wrote:I don't realy care about USA THIS cOUNTRY ALREADY DIED

I think you should chill out man. USA is not dying, and is not dead.
Too much emotion isn't necessary.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Thu 11 Sep 2008, 17:00:39

The White House helped "Al-Qaida"
Arrange attacks on September 11

After seven years after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the New York World Trade Center (WTC) and Pentagon official version, for which full responsibility for what happened rests with the militants "Al-Qaeda" and Osama Bin Laden enjoys all the lesser support in the world. More and more people inclined to the view that plan and carry out such actions could only group with the support structures, one way or another connected with the U.S. government - such data contained in sociological study conducted in 17 countries Agency WorldPublicOpinion eve of the regular anniversary of the tragic events of September 11 2001.

Massive believe in the official version of events seven years ago continue only Africans - most of the inhabitants of the Black continent from participating in the survey agreed with the view of Washington. But in the more developed countries the percentage of doubters in absolute guilt "Al-Qaeda" has been much higher - here with the Americans ozvuchennoy version does not accept the order of 54% of those surveyed. At the same time that the attacks of September 11, is the U.S. government, no doubt about 15% of respondents, in some countries, like Germany, the figure reaches 23%, and in Turkey and Palestine - 36 and 27% of the population respectively.

Residents of Arab countries in the Middle East prefer to blame Israel in the incident - so thinks 43% of citizens of Egypt, took part in the survey or 7% of the total number of interviewees. Even in traditionally allied U.S. states of the EU doubters something where half the population - according to data cited in the report, the accuracy of the official version is convinced from 50 to 64% of citizens of these countries. In doing so, large numbers of those forced to note that simply does not know how to assess what happened - those in 17 states recruited about 25%, and can be attributed to the group, not separating official opinion on those tragic events.

Obviously, the reasons for doubt the official version has more than enough - investigations conducted during this time, revealed a lot of discrepancies and inconsistencies in the story of the Order of fanatics suicide simply does not fit. This is how the identity of terrorists (a finding that the alleged leader of their Mohhamed Atta was not jealous Muslim and used as drugs, alcohol and so) and on the conditionality of evidence provided by the result as evidence of "footprints" of Al-Qaeda ".

Thus, discovered on the ruins of WTC passport Atty simply could not survive - in fact, the official version, a fire in buildings was so strong that caused softening and the collapse of the towers bearing metal structures-twins. In this situation, the question arises - or fire was not so strong, and therefore does not tower collapsed due to high temperature, either Atty passport was in ruins after it started working group investigating the FBI and New York police. Version with fire, however, does not hold water - the experts who participated in the commission of the U.S. Congress, found that the cause of collapse was the construction of the external impact, but excluded from this list flames, the temperature of which was clearly insufficient.

The most popular theory among sceptics enjoys aimed explosions weaken carrier - so, in the words of an expert University of Sussex Nazisa Mosadeka Ahmed, said the nature of collapse of buildings. "The fall looked as if under the upper deck was emptiness, not a solid metal construction", - quote leads Mr. Ahmed author of the latest movie about the events of 11 September Italian journalist and MEP Dzhuletto Keza.

Even more mysterious is history with the Pentagon to RAM - the official version, the U.S. Defense Ministry building in crashed captured the third of the suicide bomb voyage "Boingov". So, Big airliner with wings in the 38 meters and a height of 13.5 meters left a hole in the wall of the Pentagon 5 meters in diameter - the difference parameters "projectile" and the consequences is nothing but puzzling. Moreover, no one and never saw any part of the unfortunate "Boeing" - crashed into a building the military, he simply dissolve in the air or burned down to the last screws.

"To understand the justification for suspicion of involvement in the U.S. to the events of 11 September 2001, just to see who received the greatest benefit from what happened, and who benefits something similar. The answer to both questions one - is the U.S. administration. In August 2001, the country's economy was on the verge of crisis and needed a pretext for transfer to the mobilisation rails. The kick on the WTC has become this occasion, after which the war began in Afghanistan and Iraq ", - told RBC daily the company president" Neokon "Michael Khasin.

Thus, one can conclude that doubts about Washington's involvement in the tragedy of 11 September, which experienced most of the world's population, it is quite justified. A more confident in that attaches to the fact that the U.S. already has resorted to tactics such provocations - enough to recall stories from undermining its own cruiser "Men" in the bay of Havana to obtain a pretext for war with Spain in 1898 or unwillingness to save the group in the Navy Pearl Harbor in 1942.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby keeter » Fri 12 Sep 2008, 14:24:23

will this have a short impact or long term impact on natural gas prices

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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Fri 12 Sep 2008, 20:01:15

Russia against America: war is not excluded

The candidate for the vice-presidents of the U.S. anti-rhetoric intensifies

On Thursday, candidate for vice-presidents of the U.S. Republican Party, Governor of the State of Alaska Sara Peylin said in his first public interview, except that in the future war between Russia and the United States. The experts saw this as part of the campaign to incite anti-Russian sentiments in the United States that began during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. After the end of the war in the Caucasus Republican presidential candidate John McCain catch up on the popularity of his opponent Democrat Barak Obama, but the latest figures, has already begun to overtake him. Strengthening military rhetoric will increase the chances of victory senator from Arizona.

ABC News aired Sara Peylin stated that it did not exclude the possibility of war with Russia if Georgia enters NATO and Moscow will introduce its troops into its territory. This is particularly interesting, given the repeated statements by John McCain on the need for the early adoption of Georgia and Ukraine in the North Atlantic military bloc. "This [strong] pressure from Russia and the invasion of a small democratic country unacceptable", - Sara Peylin outraged. According to her, the whole situation does not necessarily lead to the Cold War, but "economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure" on Russia could be enhanced.

Interestingly, the words Peylin aroused criticism in the American Internet community of people, until then prichislyavshih themselves as Republican. Many simply shocked that the candidate for vice-presidents said the United States quietly about the possibility of beginning, in fact, a third world war.

What the idiot in USA? Country of idiots. Fashistgton must be destroyed.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Fri 12 Sep 2008, 20:22:33

Russia kick some fashist ass before. We need to do this one more time.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby s0ul5 » Sun 14 Sep 2008, 11:56:22

Ex-Minister: Saakashvili planned S. Ossetia invasion

PARIS (Reuters) - Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had long planned a military strike to seize back the breakaway region of South Ossetia but executed it poorly, making it easy for Russia to retaliate, Saakashvili's former defence minister said.

Irakly Okruashvili, Georgia's leading political exile, said in a weekend interview in Paris that the United States was partly to blame for the war, having failed to check the ambitions of what he called a man with democratic failings.

Saakashvili's days as president were now numbered, he said.

The former defence minister's remarks are significant because Saakashvili has always maintained Russia started the war by invading his country. The Georgian president said he handed EU leaders last week "very strong proof" that Moscow was to blame, though he did not give details.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 14 Sep 2008, 12:14:07

evgeny wrote:Russia kick some fashist ass before. We need to do this one more time.

To large degree I do support current Russian policy, but I think that you are too emotional.

It is unlikely to the extreme that one bimbo in the US (Ms Palin) would be allowed to start war with Russia, eg WW III, precipitating collective suicide of US by the same.

All that nonsense is solely for the purpose of American local consumption and it is very much comparable to threats of drunk Yeltsin to set off atomic war over Serbs.

On the other hand if Georgia still tries to join NATO, it is more than likely that they will end up disassembled before completing that task.
And West will not make a peep.
OK. they would send to Kremlin few angry letters and throw away Russians from G8 and that's about it.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Sun 14 Sep 2008, 23:29:44


The coming economic collapse of the United States

Leading banks peace plan, ordinary urgent measures to prevent a new wave of financial crisis. Leading banking industry representatives are negotiating to establish a fund of up to U.S. $ 50 billion for lending to financial companies experiencing an acute shortage of liquidity.

MOF U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. are preparing for an additional infusion of capital into the market through repo auctions, passes Associated Press, referring to the negotiators.

American officials and bankers now conducting the third day of intense negotiations on the fate of the fourth-largest U.S. investbanka Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. By coming from Wall Street reportedly clear that the chances of rescue of the bank are melting with each minute.

U.S. financial authorities will certainly want to find a solution to the situation prior to the opening of today's bidding, since the uncertainty of future Lehman Brothers threatens wave of panic sentiment among investors worldwide.

According to some reports, heads of Lehman Brothers have already applied for legal services company Weil, Gotshal & Manges, specializing in cases of bankruptcy.

Experts and financial market participants note that the bankruptcy Lehman Brothers will lead to a "tsunami" in the market derivatives, in particular, trigger a huge payment on the so-called credit default Swaps (CDS) - Contracts, fear of defaults third party.

The market capitalization of Lehman Brothers from the beginning in 2008 fell by more than 90%. The latest drop for investors has become a recent quarterly report of the bank, which sets out the record company for damages in U.S. $ 3.9 billion
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Sun 14 Sep 2008, 23:59:59



The graph came from this website:
St. Louis Fed: Series: BOGNONBR, Non-Borrowed Reserves of Depository Institutions

The Chart above came directly from the federal reserve. It shows that
late this year, "Non-Borrowed Reserves of Depositiory Institutions"
will hit zero.

In layman's terms this means all cash reserves of the banks will have
been lent out; _there won't be any more money to lend to anyone_.

If banks have no money to lend, then consumers cannot buy things on
credit. Even if they could buy on credit, businesses will not be able
to borrow to restock inventory or get raw materials for manufacturing.
With consumers not buying and with business unable to manufacture or
restock, businesses will have to layoff employees. MASSIVE layoffs.
Huge unemployment.

As folks lose their jobs, they won't have money coming in to repay any
outstanding debts they already have. The bad debts will take out the
banks. No credit, no business, no jobs. Total economic collapse.

The only hope they have of delaying (not avoiding) this massive
collapse is to change the fractional reserve rules to allow Banks to
lend even more money than they have in reserves.

When they make that rule change, they will have to pump several
TRILLION in cash into the economy; which will result in almost
immediate hyper-inflation. Other currencies will rise sharply against
the U.S. dollar resulting in all imported goods skyrocketing in price.
Since we don't manufacture anything in our country anymore, these
skyrocketing prices will impact everything we buy.

As people find themselves unable to afford the basic necessities of
life, social chaos will erupt.

Cities, dependent upon outside sources of food and other goods, will
erupt into chaos sooner than outlying areas. There will be food riots.
As happens anytime a major emergency occurs, (people) will do what
they always do: loot, pillage and burn.

As the cities disintegrate into anarchy, folks in suburbs will soon
find themselves targets of starving, violent two-legged animals.
Without food to buy or steal in the cities, the savages will move to
attack the suburbs to take YOUR food and YOUR goods.

When this takes place, you'd better make sure you have enough guns and
ammunition to protect yourself, your family and your property. Shoot
to kill. Don't worry about the law, because there won't be any law.

Dialing 911 will be useless because the looting, violence and anarchy
will totally overwhelm local, county and state law enforcement.

Whether the feds change the fractional Banking rules now or not, the
scenarios outlined above will take place. The only question remaining
is WHEN the scenarios will take place: In September 2008, February
2009 or at some later date after the rules change once the
hyper-inflation kicks-in.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry to tell you that in our lifetime we
will see the literal collapse of the United States. We will see
ourselves a nation gone mad. It will be a madness that cannot be
restrained, but which can only exhaust itself in blood.

.....let me make clear, all of the trouble coming at us later this
year and into early next year is going to happen because of our
federal government borrowing itself (and us) into oblivion.

Folks are already e-mailing me asking "What can I do to protect
myself." The short answer is prepare now. Start accumulating food to
feed yourself and your family for upwards of a full year!

Stock up on canned foods. Lots of canned foods. They don't go bad for
years and the price you pay now will be a lot cheaper than if you wait.

Buy large amounts of BREAD FLOUR to bake your own bread. If you cannot
get BREAD FLOUR, buy "All Purpose Flour" and also "WHEAT GLUTEN" to
add to it for baking bread. You'll need yeast for the bread, so buy
yeast too.

Buy large amounts of dried rice and dried oatmeal.

Buy Honey. Cinnamon, brown sugar and white sugar. Lots of white sugar.
Salt. Pepper.

When the crash happens and the supermarkets are empty it will be too
late. Plan now. You only have until September of this year to prepare,
so get to it.

You can cook some rice, open a can of food, pour the can over the
rice, heat it up and have a full, healthy meal.

At breakfast, you can cook up some oatmeal, put honey, cinnamon or
brown sugar on top and have a healthy breakfast.

Buy a gravity-fed water filter system and additional filters for it.

Have at least one hand gun for each mature teenager and adult in your
family. Have at least one twelve gauge shotgun for your family. Have
at least one hunting rifle, a 308 or 30-06 to hunt for food. Have
ammunition for each weapon and make certain you and your family know
how to use them all.

It's gonna get ugly, folks. Real ugly. The feds may delay it awhile,
but they cannot avoid it.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Mon 15 Sep 2008, 19:48:47


The U.S. stock markets closed collapse quotes

The U.S. stock markets closed on Monday the collapse of leading indexes by an average of 4%. Dow Jones Industrial Index fell by 15 September to 4.42% 10917 points - is the biggest drop in one day from September 11, 2001, the date of the unprecedented terrorist attacks in the United States. High Nasdaq composite index lost 3.6% per session, stopping at around 2179 points, while 500 index of leading American corporations Standard & Poor's 500 fell by 4.71% - up to 1192 points.

The reason for the collapse of the American market shares - the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and as a consequence of investors' worst fears about the development of world financial crisis. Moreover, traders fear a chain reaction after the bankruptcy of one of the world's largest investment banks, and the forthcoming bankruptcy of a major insurance corporation American International Group (AIG) has already spoken openly. Quotes Lehman Brothers struck on the outcome of bidding for 94% and paper AIG lost in the price of 61%. All this suggests that Lehman Brothers has become a classic in this case, the victim of speculation traders in the market, and the next on the queue - AIG.

Reducing quotations noted entire American financial sector: the largest shares in U.S. assets bank Citigroup Inc. lost in the price of 15%, shares of Bank of America - 21%, paper leading operator of American credit card American Express Co. cheaper by almost 9%.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Mon 15 Sep 2008, 20:53:41

At the beginning of April 2008 the total external debt stood at U.S. $ 13.77 trillion. At the same time, the country's GDP in 2008 is planned to reach $ 14.4 trillion. Not that it reaches such indicators. Back in 2003, the total external debt was only U.S. $ 6.95 trillion, after 5 years, he grew almost double, at $ 6.82 trillion. Some economists estimated that the topic of growth of debt is U.S. $ 1 million per minute. But this - only external debt.

There are still huge and internal. Some analysts believe that all debts "uncle Sam", including debts of private farms, credit card debts, mortgages on real estate - is approximately $ 10 trillion, plus corporate and financial debts with options, derivatives, etc., public debts and debts local governments, which together form the unimaginable $ 37 trillion, nearly 4 times more than the U.S. GDP.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby evgeny » Mon 15 Sep 2008, 21:12:37

Negotiations between Dmitry Medvedev and Nicolas Sarkozy, passed on Monday in Moscow, reflected the ambiguity of our relations with the European Union and the West in general at this stage. On the one hand, these negotiations have shown that Europe is extremely interested in maintaining dialogue with Russia. While on Saturday at the International Forum on Lake Como in northern Italy with very stiff anti-character speech was made by Vice-President of the United States, Richard Cheney.

Russia was invited to choose: either play by the rules set by the West, to respect the wishes of all the West and especially the United States, and then they will have good relations with us. Or if Russia is not ready to abandon their own interests for the sake of American, then waits for us tough response from the West and the Cold War. This choice was placed before Russia Richard Cheney.

The Europeans are not ready to abandon the dialogue with Russia

European audience, before which Richard Cheney appeared, reacted quite weak. You can not say that his statement was over loud applause. Applause were, but they were polite and brief, no ovation was received. I would say that his speech was very well received with skepticism. It was noticeable that the Europeans do not share the rigid approach the American administration.

Even on the last war in Georgia Europeans do not agree with the position of Russia, they are inclined to maintain dialogue. They are not ready to abandon this dialogue, even if Russia would insist on its interests in several areas. According to the atmosphere of this forum, the reaction to Cheney was already clear that Europe and America have different approaches to Russia carried out against the policy. I would say more. It was a feeling that Cheney was the statement of foreign element in this conference. It was discussed European policy, including relations with Russia. The same American privnoshenie speech in the form of U.S. Vice President sounded like something alien to the spirit of this conference. Overall, it was aimed at finding constructive solutions to European problems. Over the same harsh tone - or Russia is subject to the West, or West cold war begins against it - has not received any support, either approval or development at the conference. After the speech, Cheney immediately left the hall, did not reply to any question. On the next day morning he went. It was a feeling that he came from another world and there, in this world, and went.
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Re: Russia Georgia Ossetia Alkhazia Ukraine War

Unread postby eXpat » Wed 17 Sep 2008, 21:28:26

Russia signs co-op treaties with S. Ossetia and Abkhazia including military:
MOSCOW, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the leaders of Georgia's breakaway regions -- South Ossetia and Abkhazia -- signed treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance here Wednesday.

"The just-signed treaties stipulate that our countries shall betaking joint necessary measures to eliminate the threat to peace, address problems in this sphere and resist acts of aggression," Itar-Tass news agency quoted Medvedev as saying at the Kremlin after the signing ceremony.
Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia "will give each other all necessary support, including military," Medvedev was quoted as saying.

Moscow recognized the self-proclaimed independence of the Georgian breakaway regions last month, following a five-day war with Tbilisi.

Georgia on Aug. 7 attacked South Ossetia in an attempt to retake control of the region. Russia sent in troops the next day and defeated the Georgian forces.

A joint peacekeeping contingent composed of Russian, Georgian and South Ossetian troops had been patrolling the conflict zone between Georgia and South Ossetia since 1992 when South Ossetia won de-facto independence after defeating Georgia in a bloody war.

Abkhazia also broke from central Georgian rule in the early 1990s following the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

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