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THE American Congress Thread pt 2 (merged)

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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby gnm » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 00:16:22

Plantagenet wrote:Of course not.

You're not buying that crap that Obama is going to balance the budget are you? The guy's first move is to push for trillion dollar deficit spending.

I don't buy crap from either side..... I voted Constitutionalist/Libertarian... 8)


Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby threadbear » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 00:31:53

oxj wrote:I just lost my position in a medical residency. I have a $200k student loan and no way to pay it back.

And actually I live in a part of the country where I can't really find a job now, even though I've tried. So I'm going to:
1. Move much of my * into storage (it's cheap here), discard the rest
2. Save my "severance" or whatever you want to call it
3. Let the bank foreclose my "doomstead" ($155k mortgage loan)
4. Buy a used motor home
5. Move down south and live with relatives in their backyard
I have no other ideas at this time, my career is ended.

Frankly, I could give a creamy turd if the student loan companies get paid back or not. Medical school costs *so* much, the bar is *so* high to get in and passing is *so* difficult, that if you get through the job should be guaranteed, and that's nearly the case. It's a fricking guild, the only real one in this country. But beware, it's not always true because there is residency, where they find out if you're just tattooed white trash or not, and then *you* get stuck holding the bag. Well, I'm stuck with this bag and even if I had a great technogeek job it'd still be not enough to pay this off. So there's no other solution.

So sorry to hear that, OxJ. It sounds like moving in with family for a while is the best solution. Move in, take some time to relax and reflect and try to think pleasant thoughts. It sounds like you've been through hell.
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby threadbear » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 00:38:17

This is just the first of stimulus packages that will be issued yearly through his administration. If you look at it closely, you can see a clear emergency money drop to those unemployed so they don't starve and help for the states. What's not to like? You'll get your infrastructure and green projects in spades, just give it time...and prepare for massive inflation!
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby Daniel_Plainview » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 00:57:07

threadbear wrote:This is just the first of stimulus packages that will be issued yearly through his administration. If you look at it closely, you can see a clear emergency money drop to those unemployed so they don't starve and help for the states. What's not to like? You'll get your infrastructure and green projects in spades, just give it time...and prepare for massive inflation!

Yeah, Obama is a hyperinflationist's dream-come-true.
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby Daniel_Plainview » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 03:23:36

Republicans in high-stakes challenge to Obama

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress may be playing a high-risk game by flexing their muscles and snubbing a popular new U.S. president who very publicly sought their support.

They denied President Barack Obama, a Democrat, even one vote for a more-than-$800-billion economic stimulus plan in the U.S. House of Representatives, urging him to cut both government spending and people's taxes. ***
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby AlexdeLarge » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 10:08:38

The more you hear about this stimulous bill, the worse it sounds. Its all money for crony political payback and greenie piss in the wind. This will have zero impact on job growth.

Eight hours of debate in the HR to pass a bill spending $820 billion, or roughly $102 billion per hour of debate.

Only ten per cent of the “stimulus” to be spent on 2009.
Close to half goes to entities that sponsor or employ or both members of the Service Employees International Union, federal, state, and municipal employee unions, or other Democrat-controlled unions.

This bill is sent to Congress after Obama has been in office for seven days. It is 680 pages long. According to my calculations, not one member of Congress read the entire bill before this vote. Obviously, it would have been impossible, given his schedule, for President Obama to have read the entire bill.

For the amount spent we could have given every unemployed person in the United States roughly $75,000.

We could give every person who had lost a job and is now passing through long-term unemployment of six months or longer roughly $300,000.

There has been pork barrel politics since there has been politics. The scale of this pork is beyond what had ever been imagined before — and no one can be sure it will actually do much stimulation.

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We are being screwed again.....................

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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby eastbay » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 11:59:08

threadbear wrote:This is just the first of stimulus packages that will be issued yearly through his administration. If you look at it closely, you can see a clear emergency money drop to those unemployed so they don't starve and help for the states. What's not to like? You'll get your infrastructure and green projects in spades, just give it time...and prepare for massive inflation!

Good points. This is a handout that when depleted ( which won't take very long --six months or less? ) will need to be repeated again fairly soon. Yes, quite inflationary.

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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby vision-master » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 12:26:54


Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby Ludi » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 13:14:55


Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 15:32:30

You guys all missed the most important implication of all this. With every single Republican and the help of 17 Democrats they were not able to defeat it.

The Republicans are now totally powerless. They are now irrelevant.

It's time to undo all the damage the Republicans have done to our country and make sure they can never do it again.

They cannot stop us, there is no need not to do exactly what we want and take this country back from the pillagers.

The nation has been traumatized, and an important part of the healing process is seeing justice served.

Frak bipartisanship! It's time for the Republicans to pay the piper.
We need prosecutions. We need jail time.

The American people need to see that crime does not pay. That, in the end, those responsible suffer the price.

Vengence is <b>required</b>.

We need to ensure that such threats to the Constitution can never again occur. That the fleecing of the American people will never again be tolerated. And most of all, that any that should attempt to do so, will wish they never had.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

The level of injustice and wrong you endure is directly determined by how much you quietly submit to. Even to the point of extinction.
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby JJ » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 16:04:56

Cid_Yama wrote:You guys all missed the most important implication of all this. With every single Republican and the help of 17 Democrats they were not able to defeat it.

The Republicans are now totally powerless. They are now irrelevant.

It's time to undo all the damage the Republicans have done to our country and make sure they can never do it again.

They cannot stop us, there is no need not to do exactly what we want and take this country back from the pillagers.

The nation has been traumatized, and an important part of the healing process is seeing justice served.

Frak bipartisanship! It's time for the Republicans to pay the piper.
We need prosecutions. We need jail time.

The American people need to see that crime does not pay. That, in the end, those responsible suffer the price.

Vengence is <b>required</b>.

We need to ensure that such threats to the Constitution can never again occur. That the fleecing of the American people will never again be tolerated. And most of all, that any that should attempt to do so, will wish they never had.

oh...and we're gonna need an extra trillion bailout to do it...
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby holmes » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 16:13:41

Cid_Yama wrote:You guys all missed the most important implication of all this. With every single Republican and the help of 17 Democrats they were not able to defeat it.

The Republicans are now totally powerless. They are now irrelevant.

It's time to undo all the damage the Republicans have done to our country and make sure they can never do it again.

They cannot stop us, there is no need not to do exactly what we want and take this country back from the pillagers.

The nation has been traumatized, and an important part of the healing process is seeing justice served.

Frak bipartisanship! It's time for the Republicans to pay the piper.
We need prosecutions. We need jail time.

The American people need to see that crime does not pay. That, in the end, those responsible suffer the price.

Vengence is <b>required</b>.

We need to ensure that such threats to the Constitution can never again occur. That the fleecing of the American people will never again be tolerated. And most of all, that any that should attempt to do so, will wish they never had.

Hello! Bro,
This beast was plundered a long long time ago. Not sure why you blame Cheney/Bush for plundering. You make it sound like America just got started being plundered 8 years ago.
Europe was plundered how long ago? Who can we start blaming for that plundering? You see maniacal acts result when you start placing an exact time for plundering. So lets go out and start rounding up everyone who voted for Bush and send them to the gas chambers. :/
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby AlexdeLarge » Fri 30 Jan 2009, 19:57:38

Cid_Yama wrote:not able to defeat it.

now totally powerless. They are now irrelevant.

make sure they can never do it again.

take this country back from the pillagers.

seeing justice served.

Frak bipartisanship!
We need prosecutions. We need jail time.

those responsible suffer the price.

Vengence is <b>required</b>.

Hey Cid......found you a guy to lead the show trials and start the purges!


I'm sure Comrade, as long as you don't speak out against the Party, they will leave you alone too in our glorious workers paradise of HopeNchange!
Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby Quinny » Sat 31 Jan 2009, 03:25:35

I think your suggestion below is quite offensive and wouldn't be popular with most democrats who seem to me to be a lot more reasonable then the republicans.

A mistake in voting should not be punished in that way as it discourages democratic involvement, and I'm against the death penalty anyway.

If someone voted twice for Bush, they should just be given a life sentence in a work camp. Only problem they'd have an easy get out at the trial, they could just plead insanity and even Reverse Engineer at his most vengeful couldn't argue against that!

holmes wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:You guys all missed the most important implication of all this. With every single Republican and the help of 17 Democrats they were not able to defeat it.

The Republicans are now totally powerless. They are now irrelevant.

It's time to undo all the damage the Republicans have done to our country and make sure they can never do it again.

They cannot stop us, there is no need not to do exactly what we want and take this country back from the pillagers.

The nation has been traumatized, and an important part of the healing process is seeing justice served.

Frak bipartisanship! It's time for the Republicans to pay the piper.
We need prosecutions. We need jail time.

The American people need to see that crime does not pay. That, in the end, those responsible suffer the price.

Vengence is <b>required</b>.

We need to ensure that such threats to the Constitution can never again occur. That the fleecing of the American people will never again be tolerated. And most of all, that any that should attempt to do so, will wish they never had.

Hello! Bro,
This beast was plundered a long long time ago. Not sure why you blame Cheney/Bush for plundering. You make it sound like America just got started being plundered 8 years ago.
Europe was plundered how long ago? Who can we start blaming for that plundering? You see maniacal acts result when you start placing an exact time for plundering. So lets go out and start rounding up everyone who voted for Bush and send them to the gas chambers. :/
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 31 Jan 2009, 04:02:34

There was bipartisanship, but the bipartisan coalition in the House was AGAINST Obama's trillion dollar pork bill.

All the Republicans and 11 "blue dog" dems voted against it. Only dems voted for it.
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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby ReverseEngineer » Sat 31 Jan 2009, 04:38:06

eastbay wrote:The nasty choice: Moderate pain now, or huge pain later.


This was the "choice" at the beginning of the Bush Administration, its not a choice now.

Now the choice is between "Great Anguish and Pain and some Unavoidable Death" now, or "Incomprehensible Death and Destruction and Dissolution to Complete Anarchy" later.

Unfortunately, despite the fact the former scenario is somewhat more acceptable in the Grand Scale than the later scenario, NOBODY will support the idea of descending IMMEDIATELY into Great Anguish and Pain. Although plenty of interesting "solutions" to what lies before us were proposed by members here in the "If I were President" thread, any of those solutions would almost certainly end up in said person being Impeached, tarred and Feathered and ridden out of town on a Rail.

No doubt, the Bailouts of different sectors of the economy will continue on here, money will be printed until it is meaningless. Its STILL not inflationary though, because it simply isn't going to make it out into the real economy to raise prices on goods that just are not THERE to buy. Its all just getting sucked up into a Black Hole of Debt that is so deep, so huge as to be beyond comprehension. This of course is the nature of a Black Hole. As long as you use this monetary system to try to resolve out all the debts accumulated here, you fight a losing battle. No matter how fast you pour water into a cistern that is shot full of holes the size of craters, the water pours out just as fast.

The Monetary Sytem is TOAST, but TPTB won't let go of it because its all they have to hold onto Power. They will continue to try to prop it up by even the most clearly impossible means such as buying your own debt until all the goods are GONE, and the society is in complete anarchy. Then there will be internecine warfare in all communities as they struggle to make their own little patch of the earth sustain some of them. it will of course take some time to unwind to this point, how long is anybody's guess here, but its coming regardless of WHAT Obama does here. The only thing he can do is slow the sinking some, and unfortunately this is not slowing the sinking but rather accelerating it, but the end is the same either way, so does it really MATTER here?

Nobody wants to see TEOTWAWKI, but its coming no matter what so might as well just get it over with here.

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Re: House (D) pass $819 Billion bill - Not one (R) voted for

Unread postby uNkNowN ElEmEnt » Sat 31 Jan 2009, 05:53:59

n Toronto, CBC business reporter Jeannie Lee said there is a great deal at stake for Canada and especially for southern Ontario, where Canada's steel industry is concentrated and where the global slump has already gutted the auto industry.

Canadian steel plants produced almost 16 million tonnes of steel in 2007, employing about 32,000 people and, by one estimate, supporting 140,000 indirect jobs, she said.

Perrin Beatty, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, said the proposed U.S. rule is bad for all concerned.

It's bad for Canada, it's bad for the U.S., it's bad for the global economy," he said. "When you see people engaging in protectionism at the time of a recession, the fear is that other countries will retaliate as well."

It would leave U.S. taxpayers paying higher prices for public works and could spark "tit for tat" in trade policies, he said.

"The temptation will always be there for someone to say, 'Look, somebody has put up a barrier against us; we will put up a barrier against them,' and everybody loses as a result," he said.

If the arguement for the US nationalizing Canada or Mexico had any credibility, they'd not enact protectionist measures against those they were thinking of nationalizing.

There are many who are thinking that Obama is going to scrap and attempt to redraw the lines of NAFTA. but this protectionist stuff flies in the face of NAFTA and I can see a few Canadian companies sueing the US in international court over this.

I am wondering if he is going to stipulate only using American oil for the building of such projects... gee, guess he is stuck with some international trade after all. Won't that tie his hands? Guess the US isn't an island unto itself... can't wait to see what China makes of this.
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Congressional Vote: 422-1

Unread postby mattduke » Tue 12 May 2009, 22:07:35

Why does Ron Paul hate Arnold Palmer?

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Re: Congressional Vote: 422-1

Unread postby Jotapay » Tue 12 May 2009, 22:20:38

Once upon a time, it was not uncool to stand up for principles. You don't have to do everything for someone just because he/she's a "nice person". We have this here depression on with the greatest heist of taxpayer money in the history of mankind. And congress is making medals for golfers? I really can't fault him for voting no. I would be insulted they were wasting my time.

One thing about Ron Paul, when I watch him he looks just like every man over 55 in my family from southeast Texas, especially the WW-2 "Greatest Generation" that has been dying off for 10 years now. The thoughtfulness, the mannerisms are all there. He looks like he could be my dad's brother. I love the guy.
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Re: Congressional Vote: 422-1

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Tue 12 May 2009, 23:50:38

cbxer55 wrote:I guarantee if he runs again, I am going to look at him a lot closer than I have in the past. Someday we gotta get rid of this fucked up two party system of tweedle-dee / tweedle-dum. Probably not in my lifetime, but the bums running the republicrats are looking more and more to be two peas in a pod.Image

I read an article about how americans had a low opinion of congress but a high opinion of their local congresscritter.

How to explain that? Americans were smart people 200 years ago but have become Homer Simps? I can't put all the blame on Faux News.
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