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Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 26 May 2024, 14:03:24

theluckycountry wrote:NATO Country Says Goal Should Be Breakup Of The Russian Federation ... federation

Of course. They are terrified of it. The spokes "person" was a woman. The West is led by Women now, soft hearted emotional Women. What could possibly go wrong...

Russia could become much "smaller" as a desired outcome of the Ukraine war... "Russia’s defeat is not a bad thing because then you know there could really be a change in society," the prime minister told the 17th Lennart Meri Conference

Silly Women talking shit.

She is trying to sound like Elizabeth I or Margaret Thatcher but she is not one of them... Neither is she Catherine II...

More worrying is that men in charge of West are now almost as stupid and sometimes even more stupid as that woman.
These silly things are a result of a popular belief between Western weaklings that believing in something will make it happen by itself, without any effort at all.
So lets believe that Russia or China will just fall apart and it surely will...
These life coaches and other celebrities are usually spreading such nonsense that it is enough to believe in something and it will happen without an effort or it is enough to behave like a corporate CEO and you will surely become one.
Maybe politicians and military have also bought this nonsense?
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 26 May 2024, 20:40:18

EnergyUnlimited wrote:She is trying to sound like Elizabeth I or Margaret Thatcher but she is not one of them... Neither is she Catherine II...

These silly things are a result of a popular belief between Western weaklings that believing in something will make it happen by itself, without any effort at all.

I know, it's in the popular consciousness now, you see it in all the delusional posts here about the great Energy Transition. The Western Block knows it's running out of Energy, the very energy that built the roads and bridges and shopping malls, but instead of facing the truth they have gone off on this fantasy ride where windmills and solar panels will replace it. China knows the truth, they are happy to make the stuff and sell it to the West but they build reliable coal fired plants to do it with.

I live in Australia, luckily, but I don't regard myself as an Australian even though I'm 4th generation. I don't want to be apart of this madness that's seeping slowly over from America but we already have far too many silly women as ministers in government. To be honest though they don't make the decisions, the decisions come down from The BIS, the OECD and the UN etc and they just tag along. Puppets in a corporate puppet show. That's Western democracy.

I don't often say it but I believe that in a future nuclear war the U.S. will be reduced to rubble, they have no civilian bunker networks like the Russians and Chinese, they are sitting ducks. Of course their opponents will suffer greatly too but they are prepared for this, it won't be the end of the world like Carl Sagan claimed, it will just be a big cull in human population, no worse then the Black Death probably. Then the world will rebuild as it always does. It didn't need to go this way, the US would have died of natural causes eventually just like Rome did, but the nukes change the game, they give both sides an opportunity to come out on top regardless of things like the debts and military overstretch that hamstrung all the old empires.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 May 2024, 00:44:01

theluckycountry wrote:I live in Australia, luckily, but I don't regard myself as an Australian even though I'm 4th generation.

I hope you don't mind my asking but if you don't think you are an Australian, then what do you imagine yourself to be?

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 27 May 2024, 10:27:08

Plantagenet wrote:
theluckycountry wrote:I live in Australia, luckily, but I don't regard myself as an Australian even though I'm 4th generation.

I hope you don't mind my asking but if you don't think you are an Australian, then what do you imagine yourself to be?


A good question. Australia is a brand, it has a flag associated with it, it has two political parties that manage it for the benefit of the brand owners. It wasn't always this way, but has been for a couple of hundred years. If I call myself an Australian, think of myself as one, then I identify with that brand and all it stands for. I'm just a man, a human making his way through this life on the Earth.

Why associate yourself with a brand, many people move to other countries, they swap brands and it causes confusion for them. I have know a few Americans, I wouldn't have guessed if they hadn't told me. They had emigrated here, been here for decades some. Why say you're American when you have chosen to live here? Some embrace two brands at once, very confusing. Politicians and the general public might say that all people are created equal, should be treated equally, but the brands keep them apart. ukraine is a brand and if you claim that as your brand you're legally sent off to the Russian front to die. If your brand is American you'll likewise be drafted and sent to die in a far jungle. Ever since the first tribes banded together they gave themselves a name, a brand, and a big purpose of it was to rally the people and go murdering for resources. Of course this was unavoidable back then, but not today. Today you can separate yourself from the brand with no consequences.

You are an American, and therefore you represent and are responsible for all the policies your nation has perpetrated on the planet. You might like to claim that the atrocities were committed by the 'other' political party but they both sit in office when the atrocities occur. It's always American people who go over and drive tanks through those foreign lands. You as an American are held responsible for that. You think this is far fetched? Just go into Syria or Iran or Central Africa and see how long it takes before you get a knife in your belly for being an American.

There is nothing wrong with being stateless, those stupid palestinians would have had a decent life if they had not insisted on claiming their flag. When it became obvious (right from the early days) they were fighting a losing battle they could have lived there in peace or gone anywhere, Jordan, Egypt, anywhere. All they had to do was say "I'm not palestinian". Same with the stupid ukrainians. They want to claim being ukrainian, fine, the price for that is death.

In 1940 the US population was 132 Million. Sixteen million Americans served in uniform during WWII, mostly boys in their late teens and early twenties. Mostly from poor families, ravaged by the Depression, cannon fodder for the brand owners. Back home the rest of the population got on with their lives, probably grateful for the war and the increase in jobs and income it brought. Oh they called them heroes and lauded them when they came home, then went back to their lives again. The US corporation had spread across the ocean to the philippines, right on Japan's border. Then they embargoed Japan because they weren't happy about it doing the same thing in Korea and Manchuria. They basically created the war in the pacific, and why not, there were enough 'Americans' at home to win it and extend the corporations reach.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 27 May 2024, 10:40:55

The U.S. Constitution is best understood not as a “social contract,” but as a popularly issued corporate charter... Federalists used these corporate practices to frame a government that united seeming irreconcilables—a government energetic yet limited, republican yet mixed, popular yet antipopulist—yielding a corporate solution to the problem of arbitrary rule. Leading founders considered this new government a literal chartered corporation of the People. ... 4BABBF4187

Once you have that framework in place it's easy to buy votes and take control of the corporation, but to prevent a popular uprising you buy two political parties and play one off against the other, giving the people a choice to accept your control or to accept your control. Of course a board of directors has diverse interests, different factions, Military industrial, Medical, Banking, oil. In the end they all have to agree to share the profits among themselves, just like the Seven Sisters agreed to share the oil profits among themselves.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 27 May 2024, 11:09:48

EnergyUnlimited wrote:West is so hopelessly mismanaged these days that there is a good chance for it to fall upon itself without any major war at all. ...Add almost complete disillusion of mid aged western men who would usually refuse to fight for feminism, perverts rights, bankers wealth etc and feminization of younger men (in teens and 20-thies) - who literally grow tits like girls do.

The Libertarian party?


After seven rounds of balloting stretching over seven hours -- and coming close to nominating nobody -- the Libertarian Party gave its presidential nomination to the decidedly left-leaning Chase Oliver on Sunday night in Washington DC. ... ase-oliver

A Gay activist who approves of transgenders and everything repulsive to traditional American values. Sick people nominating sick people.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby jato0072 » Mon 27 May 2024, 15:58:14


I no longer identify with the Libertarian party. I am politically homeless.

Back to Ukraine...

Baltic officials say they could send troops to Ukraine without waiting for NATO if Russia scores a breakthrough: report

Members of parliament for the Baltic states warned German officials last week that their governments were poised to send troops to Ukraine if Russia achieved considerable gains, Der Spiegel reported.

The German outlet reported Sunday that the Baltic officials issued the warning while speaking with representatives for Berlin at the Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

Der Spiegel neither named any of the officials nor identified which countries they represented but said they raised concerns about German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's current policy toward the war.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 27 May 2024, 19:54:11

mice, shaking their fists at a cat.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 28 May 2024, 07:26:12

jato0072 wrote:Image

I no longer identify with the Libertarian party. I am politically homeless.

Back to Ukraine...

Baltic officials say they could send troops to Ukraine without waiting for NATO if Russia scores a breakthrough: report

Members of parliament for the Baltic states warned German officials last week that their governments were poised to send troops to Ukraine if Russia achieved considerable gains, Der Spiegel reported.

The German outlet reported Sunday that the Baltic officials issued the warning while speaking with representatives for Berlin at the Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

Der Spiegel neither named any of the officials nor identified which countries they represented but said they raised concerns about German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's current policy toward the war.

I have dual citizenship USA/Canada, and own property in both, but live outside either for the majority of the year.

“Meat Popsicle” is a new one to me but moving in the right direction. I prefer “Meat Robot” as it seems the majority of our decisions are made by microscopic internal processes we are totally unaware of. IOW there is strong scientific evidence that the vast majority of our decisions, choices, occur without our conscious involvement, outside free will.

As to Ukraine reporting, that has turned into a wall of propaganda, impenetrably beep BS. I rely upon Neils Puck Andres and Preston Stewart for news. They are both military officers with experience. Peter Zeihan has a lot of good analysis, but short term military operations is not his strong point.

I have been reading about the UK during the Napoleonic period. There was a lot of division within the UK, some/many politicians openly supporting the French Revolution and later the Empire. There were protests in the streets. They had press gangs because there was insufficient support for conscription. Pre-Pearl Harbor there was a lot of pro Nazi-Sentiment within the USA. Remember Hitler declared war on the USA, not the other way around. Yet we never hear of that now. Perhaps the world has always been this laden with propaganda, it has just taken me 70 years to figure that out.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Tue 28 May 2024, 13:35:51

jato0072 wrote:I no longer identify with the Libertarian party. I am politically homeless.

You should free yourself of a concept of political identity.
There is none.
For me a gang of criminals delivering lowest taxes and fewest rules going beyond #4, 5, 7, 8, 10 of a Dekalog is the one I would support.

Back to Ukraine...

Baltic officials say they could send troops to Ukraine without waiting for NATO if Russia scores a breakthrough: report

Members of parliament for the Baltic states warned German officials last week that their governments were poised to send troops to Ukraine if Russia achieved considerable gains, Der Spiegel reported.

The German outlet reported Sunday that the Baltic officials issued the warning while speaking with representatives for Berlin at the Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

Der Spiegel neither named any of the officials nor identified which countries they represented but said they raised concerns about German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's current policy toward the war.

Baltic states are rather artificial concept so I can understand anxiety.
They would be next in line.
But they should be careful - going alone allowes NATO to turn its back on them and throw them to wolves.
Fortunately they do not border with Ukraine, Poland would not support their move and not lend territory for adventure (we are excluding possibility of taking active part in this war, unless directly attacked with the exception of possible ##invasion of west of Ukraine if Russians have crossed Dnieper river on central and north Ukraine - incursion on south of Ukraine would not be sufficient) - so at the moment it is only talk.
I have used therm ##invasion, just to call things by name regardless of how crafty diplomats from Poland, Ukraine, West, Russia and other nations would like to name it.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 30 May 2024, 02:17:30

Newfie wrote:Perhaps the world has always been this laden with propaganda, it has just taken me 70 years to figure that out.

Propaganda fed by parents to children, then schools and TV. People have, "outside of the professions they were trained for" and their life passions like sailing, very little knowledge of how the rest of the world works and often that knowledge is false, propaganda. It takes a special set of circumstances for a person to come to the realization that they have been dumbed down all their life. But that doesn't make them smart does it. I'm speaking of Geo-political issues and the like.

Edit: It's common knowledge that the majority of Germans were fully behind Hitler and his plan to conquer Western Europe. And not just out of spite either I believe. They had bought the propaganda they were a superior race, destined to rule benevolently once the dust settled. Where have I heard that line before...
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 30 May 2024, 02:36:58

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Fortunately they do not border with Ukraine, Poland would not support their move and not lend territory for adventure (we are excluding possibility of taking active part in this war, unless directly attacked with the exception of possible ##invasion of west of Ukraine if Russians have crossed Dnieper river...
I have used therm ##invasion, just to call things by name regardless of how crafty diplomats from Poland, Ukraine, West, Russia and other nations would like to name it.

The Poles are re-arming aren't they? Is it possible that within the leadership there an an element that is thinking beyond this decade, to a time when Russian Energy will make the difference between prosperity and poverty? A faction that would be happy to make a deal with Russia, and perhaps occupying a nice chunk of the ukraine just like in the old days? That's what needed of course, end this fiction that the ukraine is a nation in it's own right. It isn't, it's people are not homogeneous, they reflect ethnicity of the people across the border nearest to them. Like East and West German's did.

The UN and NATO are fast becoming irrelevant with the decline of US power abroad. I suspect a big shakeup is on the way, one similar to what created the old world order of such institutions. I fully expect they will retain influence in the Western nations, much like Stalin retained influence in Russia after 1945.
Nowadays about 145 thousand people make up the Polish diaspora in Ukraine. The largest communities live in Podillia and Volyn a smaller one in Halychyna
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 30 May 2024, 23:42:06

theluckycountry wrote:...plant lives in a .... world where nuclear weapons will never be used

...ucky lives in where he can endlessly make things up.

theluckycountry wrote: What have the Americans and their allies been doing to Russia since WWII? .... persecuting them, pushing them down.

That sounds much like one of Putin's typical nutty paranoid fantasies. Did you think of that on your own or are you repeating something your dear leader Putin has said?

See the sunburn on my baby pink skin? I have it because the evil Americans are persecuting me and pushing me down by giving me this sunburn.....Vladimir "nut job" Putin.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 30 May 2024, 23:58:34

Ukrianian drones sink TWO patrol ships from Russia's rapidly shrinking Black Sea Fleet

Ukrianian drones sink TWO patrol ships from Russia's rapidly shrinking Black Sea Fleet


Ukrainian ATACMs blow up two ferries carrying supplies to Crimea



Ukraine just launched a massive attack on Kerch, site of the only bridge between Crimea and Russia


Could it be that Ukriane has sunk two Russian Black Sea ships, blown up two transport ferries, AND hit the Kerch bridge with multiple ATACM rockets all in one 24 hour span?

What a curious little war this has turned out to far massive Russia has been unable to defeat a tiny country just a fraction of its size.

I wonder why that is?

Could it be that the Ukrainians are incredibly brave and smart and just outwit the stupider Russians?

Or could it be that the sophisticated modern weapons supplied to Ukraine by the west are superior to Russian weapons?

Or could if be that the Russian system is so centralized that having someone as stupid and nutty as Putin at the very top just creates fear and confusion and results in general incompetence all the way down through the Russian military command??

Having a leader as stupid and nutty as Putin puts Russia at a big disadvantage

Or could it be some combination of all of the above!

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 31 May 2024, 17:46:45

Ukrainians just successfully attacked a Russia marine oil terminal


This is a potentially big development. Up till now Ukraine has been targeting Russia's refineries and oil storage facilities WITHIN the Russia heartland. But now, for the first time, Ukraine has attacked a marine oil terminal.....i.e. part of Russia's infrastructure used to EXPORT oil.

Already the attacks WITHIN Russia have reduced Russia's refinery capacity by ca. 10% or more.

One has to wonder if Ukraine continues to attack the marine oil terminals, just how much Russia's oil EXPORTS will be curtailed?

Of course the Biden administration reportedly has been against Ukraine attacking Russia oil infrastructure because it might cause the global price of oil to go up and maybe even hurt Biden in the polls. But now that Trump is a convicted felon, presumably Biden has the election wrapped up, so Ukraine should have a green light now to attack Russia's marine oil terminals as well as the internal Russian refineries and other oil infrastructure. Perhaps this is why Joe Biden just gave the OK to Ukraine to use US weapons for attacks inside Russia, giving Ukraine even more ways to go after Russia's oil infrastrure.

GOING FORWARD....I'm curious to see if Ukraine continues to attack Russia's marine oil terminals and if Ukraine can destroy enough Russian oil facilities to make the global price of oil go up.

Ukrianian neptune missile used in attack on Russian marine oil terminal

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 01 Jun 2024, 01:02:21


Someone is trapped in the past news loop
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby mousepad » Sat 01 Jun 2024, 12:22:18

Plantagenet wrote:.I'm curious to see if Ukraine continues to attack Russia's marine oil terminals and if Ukraine can destroy enough Russian oil facilities to make the global price of oil go up.

That would be funny. Then them ukrainians won't be able to pay for gas for their tanks. I hope they have some EV tanks
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 01 Jun 2024, 13:16:13

mousepad wrote:That would be funny. Then them ukrainians won't be able to pay for gas for their tanks. I hope they have some EV tanks

Won't help. Russia is systematically destroying all their TPP generation.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 01 Jun 2024, 14:36:18

Without these petty victories, which the Western press over-inflate in importance, Russia would look like a total arsehole going in and decimating the ukrainians. I'm sure they are happy to see them blow up a few refineries and whatnot, it keeps public opinion balanced and no doubt they use the attacks in their strategic plans going forward, just like they used the Nordstream pipeline attacks to restrict Gas supplies to the West. Those pipelines meant nothing but starving the West of energy means everything. Now the Gas is legitimately diverted to Russia's allies in the south.

People naively assume governments care about them but they only care as far as their usefulness goes. If it's useful for a few thousand to die, then they die.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 02 Jun 2024, 02:25:42

theluckycountry wrote:People naively assume governments care about them but they only care as far as their usefulness goes. If it's useful for a few thousand to die, then they die.

The Russian people naively assume Putin cares about them, but he only cares as far as their usefulness to him personally goes. If its useful to Putin to have a few hundred thousand Russians to die in Ukriane, then Putin gives them glitchy new or, more likely, 50-year-old and obsolete old Russian military equipment and sends them off to their deaths in Ukraine.


Speaking of Russia's poorly designed military equipment, did you hear about the bizarre turret problem with Russia's new T-90 tanks?

They've got some kind of serious glitch that causes their turrets to start rotating around and around, totally out of control, when they are in combat.


The Ukrainians have nicknamed the Russian T-90 tanks "DISCO-HEADS" because of the spinning turret problem. Needless to say the Russian T-90 tanks become utterly useless once their turrets start spinning around out of control. Usually after they start spinning the Russian crews just shut them down, pop the lid, and flee back towards Russia. Meanwhile the Ukrianians send two drones ---one to drop a small bomblet into the open lid and KA-BOOM! and a second to drop a fragmentation grenade on the fleeing crew KA-BOOM!!!!!!!!!

Good riddance to another glitchy T-90 tank.

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