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Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

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Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby Carlhole » Tue 08 Sep 2009, 23:09:39


A whopping 96% of the essence of our universe lies in the dark sector, where essence refers to everything that controls evolution and large-scale properties of the cosmos.

Dark energy, on the other hand, is not a form of matter at all (nor is it literally "dark" -- that is just a poetic way of saying that it is mysterious). It is the source of the outward acceleration of the cosmos, and, based on reasonable assumptions about our current understanding of elementary particle physics, may arise from the vacuum, which has quantum properties that provide energy to the cosmos. Alternatively, dark energy may be a feature of gravity that produces cosmic repulsion on a large scale.

In working out their self-consistent theory of dark matter, the scientists find that a new, fifth force of nature is implied. Although this might seem an extravagant solution, they argue that it is in fact a relatively straightforward solution, fits into a very reasonable (if novel) picture of particle physics, and fortuitously appears to solve a number of independent problems. The new ideas, if confirmed, would revolutionize our understanding of the universe. This paper, which outlines the basic ingredients of the new model, lays out a concrete first step that subsequent research can now either contradict ... or confirm.

Then... it follows that there is some sort of potentially limitless energy that smart-enough creatures could eventually tap into... perhaps. Maybe only sci-fi now but it illustrates how little is known about the Universe.

Who could possibly argue that there are no more really great discoveries that could fundamentally change the world?
Last edited by Carlhole on Wed 09 Sep 2009, 05:51:53, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Have to re-think the Universe again

Unread postby Carlhole » Tue 08 Sep 2009, 23:21:09

By God! Do you know what this means!?

It means that we cousins-of-chimpanzees can now, finally, stare and behold the means of achieving Type 3 civilization!

Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Have to re-think the Universe again

Unread postby katkinkate » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 03:38:20

We've got to figure out what it is first.
Kind regards, Katkinkate

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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby vision-master » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 08:47:35

Then... it follows that there is some sort of potentially limitless energy that smart-enough creatures could eventually tap into... perhaps. Maybe only sci-fi now but it illustrates how little is known about the Universe.

Who could possibly argue that there are no more really great discoveries that could fundamentally change the world?

How about that we are in a binary solar system and Sirius may be our 'dog' star (twin sun).


Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 10:44:22

Every atom has a nuetron at it's core; including 'Our' atoms. But they have barely been proven to exist beyond theory.
Yet without Nuetrons, atomic theory falls down.
I fully believe the nuetronic field and dark matter are the 'spiritual realm'.
The most profound of whose effects is 'timelessness'.
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby vision-master » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 11:37:07

SeaGypsy wrote:Every atom has a nuetron at it's core; including 'Our' atoms. But they have barely been proven to exist beyond theory. Yet without Nuetrons, atomic theory falls down.
I fully believe the nuetronic field and dark matter are the 'spiritual realm'. The most profound of whose effects is 'timelessness'. The body as we know it is a means to an end not the end

The 'the Dark Rift', the center of the Milky Way. The Sun is passing through the House of Ophiuchus.

Are we being being bombarded with high concentrations of protons emanating from the galactic center?

Is our consciousness becoming more aware. More aware for those seeking the 'spiritual realm?'

The next solor equinox, look to the East just before sun rise and note the Zodiac sign on the horizon. Aquarius should be be more dominate than Pices now.

Astrology (large)
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby katkinkate » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 12:44:04

The real universe is so amazingly wonderful and fantastic. Why do you have to cloud your understanding of it with superstitious, astrological, wooful nonsense?
Kind regards, Katkinkate

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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 12:51:58

kat, I hope the mumbo-jumbo superstition posts were sarcasm, reflecting how uncertain/wild the recent theories re dark matter and energy are. They seem to show (IMO) that we actually have LITTLE IDEA what is really going on in terms of cosmology or the evolution of the universe.

If not, then the ignorance is staggering, and reflect perhaps why we as a species make so little real progress.

We actually have some pretty good theories for "regular" matter, for example: link
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby JustaGirl » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 16:36:06

Fascinating stuff. I really hope we get to witness at least one more amazing breakthrough before the curtains come crashing down. I always think of how incredible my grandfather's life must have been. Yeah, he had to live through the great depression, but he also saw so much amazing technology come to light.
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby vision-master » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 16:40:02

katkinkate wrote:The real universe is so amazingly wonderful and fantastic. Why do you have to cloud your understanding of it with superstitious, astrological, wooful nonsense?

Nonsense? The Zodiac signs are well known and used in astronomy.

If yer so smart, explain to us how the precession of the equinoxes works? :)

If the Ancients and the Sanskrit scholar, Sri Yukteswar, are correct, as our own work here at BRI seems to confirm, then the waxing and waning epochs of history on earth, marked by the slow movement of the equinox through the twelve signs of the ancient zodiac (a.k.a. the observable of precession), is indirectly the result of the solar system’s changing environment as it moves through space.

In summary, we find evidence that just as the earth has cycles of day and night due to the motion of its spin axis (causing waxing and waning periods of light and darkness), and just as the earth has cycles of seasons due to its tilted orbital motion around the sun (a result of waxing and waning interaction with the electromagnetic spectrum of the sun), so too might the earth experience waxing and waning phases on a much longer scale of history be due to the motion of the solar system around another star producing changes in the earth’s ionosphere, magnetosphere, and quite possibly, consciousness itself.

If we are to understand these long term fundamental changes we first need to understand the true cause and mechanics of the observable known as the precession of the equinox.

Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby Carlhole » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 17:17:59

vision-master wrote:
katkinkate wrote:The real universe is so amazingly wonderful and fantastic. Why do you have to cloud your understanding of it with superstitious, astrological, wooful nonsense?

Nonsense? The Zodiac signs are well known and used in astronomy.

The zodiac is nonsense for people with childlike minds.

You ruin a perfectly good science thread by posting that rubbish in it.

Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby vision-master » Wed 09 Sep 2009, 18:36:23

Carlhole wrote:
vision-master wrote:
katkinkate wrote:The real universe is so amazingly wonderful and fantastic. Why do you have to cloud your understanding of it with superstitious, astrological, wooful nonsense?

Nonsense? The Zodiac signs are well known and used in astronomy.

The zodiac is nonsense for people with childlike minds.

You ruin a perfectly good science thread by posting that rubbish in it.

Good science? :o

Although the zodiac remains the basis of the ecliptic coordinate system in use in astronomy besides the equatorial one, the term and the names of the twelve signs are today mostly associated with horoscopic astrology.

It is important to distinguish the zodiacal signs from the constellations associated with them, not only because of their drifting apart due to the precession of equinoxes but also because the physical constellations by nature of their varying shapes and forms take up varying widths of the ecliptic. Thus, Virgo takes up fully five times as much ecliptic longitude as Scorpius. The zodiacal signs, on the other hand, are an abstraction from the physical constellations designed to represent exactly one twelfth of the full circle each, or the longitude traversed by the Sun in about 30.4 days.[13]

There have always been a number of "parazodiacal" constellations which are also touched by the paths of the planets. The MUL.APIN lists Orion, Perseus, Auriga and Andromeda. Furthermore, there are a number of constellations mythologically associated with the zodiacal ones: Piscis Austrinus, The Southern Fish, is attached to Aquarius. In classical maps it swallows the stream poured out of Aquarius' pitcher, but perhaps it formerly just swam in it. Aquila, The Eagle, was possibly associated with the zodiac by virtue of its main star, Altair. Hydra in the Early Bronze Age marked the celestial equator and was associated with Leo, which is shown standing on the serpent on the Dendera zodiac. Corvus is the Crow or Raven mysteriously perched on the tail of Hydra. The MUL.APIN glosses Hydra as "the Snake Ningizzida, lord of the Netherworld". Ningizzida together with Dumuzi (Aries) and Pabilsag (Sagittarius) governed the household of the queen of the underworld.

Taking the current constellation boundaries as defined in 1930 by the International Astronomical Union, the ecliptic itself passes through an additional thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus, situated between Scorpius and Sagittarius. This is already recognized in Ptolemy's Almagest.

Carlhole, still stuck in the Iron Age are we.


What's the name of that space mission, oh yeah - Atlantis. :)

Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 25 Nov 2009, 17:05:55

I doubt, we can harness power out of dark energy, whatever it is (fifth force or just manifestation of some bizarre quantum properties of vacuum).
After all we would need harnessing equipment size of galaxies cluster perhaps because the phenomenon is manifesting itself only in ultra large scales at the moment.
However abundant dark energy might actually prove to be a phantom energy (and there is a good chance for it as per results of some recent astronomical observations) and that is carrying quite bizarre end of Universe scenario known as Big Rip (~30billion years in the future as per few calculations which I have red about).
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby rangerone314 » Wed 25 Nov 2009, 17:15:34

vision-master wrote:
Then... it follows that there is some sort of potentially limitless energy that smart-enough creatures could eventually tap into... perhaps. Maybe only sci-fi now but it illustrates how little is known about the Universe.

Who could possibly argue that there are no more really great discoveries that could fundamentally change the world?

How about that we are in a binary solar system and Sirius may be our 'dog' star (twin sun).

Ummm... according to my recollection (since I programmed real astrological data into a Star Trek simulator), Sirius is about 8 light years away from us.
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby kpeavey » Wed 25 Nov 2009, 18:57:08

Carlhole wrote:The zodiac is nonsense for people with childlike minds.

You ruin a perfectly good science thread by posting that rubbish in it.

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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby copious.abundance » Mon 30 Nov 2009, 00:14:28

Carlhole wrote:Then... it follows that there is some sort of potentially limitless energy that smart-enough creatures could eventually tap into... perhaps. Maybe only sci-fi now but it illustrates how little is known about the Universe.

Limitless energy? No way man - don't you know the universe is finite? We'll just replace Peak Oil with Peak Dark Energy.

Stuff for doomers to contemplate:
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Re: Theory Of Dark Matter; Time to re-think the universe again

Unread postby whereagles » Wed 02 Dec 2009, 19:02:12

You'd need to spend a pretty large chunk of energy to peak it.. as in, 70% of all the universe 8)
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