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Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

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Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby vision-master » Mon 15 Jun 2009, 16:23:23

So, the sheeple think it's a good idea? :-D

June 11, 2009

Dutch supermarkets are hoping to phase out the use of cash by 2014, the Financieele Dagblad reports on Thursday, quoting the retail board CBL.

The aim of the ban on cash is to make supermarkets less vulnerable to armed robberies, the paper says.

According to CBL research, 87% of customers support moves to stimulate the use of direct debit cards.

The Telegraaf reports that €10bn of supermarket total turnover of over €30bn last year was in cash. Supermarkets had to deal with 200 'incidents', ranging from a grab at the cash register to armed robbery, the paper said.

Other solutions will be found for customers who do not want to use direct debit cards, a CBL spokesman said. 'Technology is making enormous advances. Trials are also being done with payment by mobile phone, but you can also pay with a finger print or iris scan,' the spokesman said.

The Dutch consumers association said the move was 'going too far'. ... .cash.html

Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby mos6507 » Mon 15 Jun 2009, 16:53:24

It's not the mark of the beast. It's just dutch.


Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby crude_intentions » Mon 15 Jun 2009, 17:05:12

No suprises there. Getting rid of physical money makes it much easier to inflate. Of course the fact that they say 87% sounds really suspicous to me. Makes me wonder who thier polling. This would'nt fly at all in America but when it takes $5000 dollars to buy a loaf of bread. Whos to say that supermarkets might start refusing cash for the simple fact that they have no way storing it.
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby vision-master » Mon 15 Jun 2009, 17:08:20

"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666" (Rev. 13:16-18).

...The European Community has utilized an identification mark in cooperation with VISA Corporation. "VI" is "6" in Roman numerals, "S" was "6" in ancient Egypt, and "A" was "6" in Sanskrit; a "hide in plain sight" strategy has resulted in the choice by VISA Corporation and the ERE of the number "666" in the implementation of this citizen accounting system.

Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby Jotapay » Mon 15 Jun 2009, 17:50:28

I was dragged to Alalalalala! holy roller, dancing and healing churches in Houston, TX when I was too young to do anything about it. I specifically remember them preaching that in "end times" money would go away and that in order to do anything, you would have to take "the beast's mark". There would be no physical money then. I remember thinking, "Hrmm, they're bat-sh*t insane. But who knows, I'll believe it if I see it." The technology really seemed too far-fetched back then.

It's an interesting mythology that seems to have given itself some legs to some extent. What will happen next? Gog and Magog rolling over Israel? :razz:

I am agnostic and don't pretend to know what happens after you die and if boogie men are real and whatnot. I haven't seen it, so I don't know. I actually prefer A.E Houseman's line, "Malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man." So I'll believe in almighty Beer for the moment.
Last edited by Jotapay on Tue 16 Jun 2009, 09:22:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby vision-master » Mon 15 Jun 2009, 18:31:53

About 15 years ago I worked with a Bible scholar. He had the Bible memoried. We had a lot of fun talks. He always would say we are the last generation. I thought, 'no way Ray'. Maybe he was right? 8O

Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby crude_intentions » Tue 16 Jun 2009, 14:20:38

About 15 years ago I worked with a Bible scholar. He had the Bible memoried. We had a lot of fun talks. He always would say we are the last generation. I thought, 'no way Ray'. Maybe he was right?

Every Generation starting with the orignal christians 30-50 years after Jesus have been the "Last Generation". I was a hard core pentacostal back when i was around 15. Even then people were running around saying. Not even 5 more years get ready! I'm 27 now :lol:
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby OutOfGas » Tue 16 Jun 2009, 15:05:49

When I started working in manufacturing there were very few computers.

Remember the old main frames ?

No E-Mail.

No cell phones.

Think how fast technology has progressed.

Yes things are moving very fast

I think the mark will be a microchip injected into our body for total control by big brother. If you don't take it you don't eat !
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby Quicksilver » Wed 17 Jun 2009, 04:23:34

Nick Rockefeller reveals the elite's plan to RFID chip the general population.

A must watch interview with the late Aaron Russo.
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby dinopello » Wed 17 Jun 2009, 10:45:26

My favorite bar and live music venue is a cash-only business (no cards accepted). If everyone only accepted cash, why wouldn't that be the Mark of the Beast ? I guess I don't understand the whole "Mark" thing.
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby turner » Wed 17 Jun 2009, 11:12:31

I think it's about efficiency. I remember 15 years ago dealing with Dutch banks that charged astronomical transaction fees to write cheques and practically nothing for an electronic trf.
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 20 Jun 2009, 10:46:44

CC welcome in Japan
To fight deflation, abolish cash. Could Japan make reality of ‘science fiction’?
With recovery elusive, a population doddering into old age and perhaps a decade of deflation in prospect, Japan may start mulling the most radical monetary policy of all — the abolition of cash.

Unorthodox, untried and, said one Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi strategist, “in the realms of economic science fiction”, the recommendation has nevertheless begun floating around Tokyo’s corridors of power and economists have described Japan as particularly suitable as a testing ground.

The search for more outré economic policies continues, despite the recent surge in the Nikkei 225 index.The market may be reflecting soaring Chinese investment, rising consumer confidence and other cheerful data but economists see few long-term beacons of hope for Japan.

Other extreme ideas mooted by the financial authorities include a tax on physical currency or introducing one to operate alongside the yen.
All three ideas are based on a theory concerning interest rates and the concept that a nominal rate of zero — as Japan has now lived with for much of the past decade — may be too high. In Japan’s case, the theory would suggest that nominal rates of -4 per cent might be closer to what is required to rescue the economy from another deflationary spiral. Having agreed that this might be necessary, the next question is how it could be imposed.

Several MPs in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party believe the abolition of cash, though politically radioactive, might be technically feasible. Richard Jerram, a senior economist with Macquarie bank, told investors that “the proposal has become practical with the broad penetration of electronic money and credit cards in Japan”.

He said that all the proposals were radical but worth consideration for Japan. Without physical cash, a central bank can set rates exactly where it likes, runs the argument. Mr Jerram said: “At the heart of the problem of achieving negative nominal interest rates is the idea that physical currency is an anonymous bearer bond with a nominal interest rate of zero.” While a central bank can impose positive or negative rates on non-physical assets, transmitting those rates to physical currency is a huge challenge. By permanently removing cash from a system, he added, policymakers are robbed of the excuse that zero is the lowest that nominal rates can go as a deflation-fighting tool.

In theory, many Japanese could easily make the leap into a cashless world. The country has six main competing cashless payment systems, many of them embedded into mobile phones.
Who knows? maybe the fear to a full depression will move them to implement it?
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Re: Mark Of The Beast - Supermarkets to Refuse Cash

Unread postby Grautr » Sat 20 Jun 2009, 12:40:39

turner wrote:I think it's about efficiency. I remember 15 years ago dealing with Dutch banks that charged astronomical transaction fees to write cheques and practically nothing for an electronic trf.

Its still the same now.
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