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THE Cancer Thread (merged)

Discussions related to the physiological and psychological effects of peak oil on our members and future generations.

Re: Cancerous Tumors As a Meat Source-

Unread postby jboogy » Thu 27 Sep 2007, 10:51:02

aren't cancerous tumours just cell division run amok ?If true , and I ain't no scientist, isn't the potential for cataclysmic , unanticipated consequences extremely high ? Taken to extremes , doesn't the possibility exist that eventually , were the earth to be viewed from the moon, it might appear as if the earth had a second "earth" protruding from the side of it , like a set of giant blue balls floating thru space? This would be our food tumor , growing faster than our ability to consume it.
Perhaps the population would be less swayed to socialism if we had fewer examples of socialism from our "Free Market Capitalists". -----fiddler dave
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Cancer Can Be Contagious

Unread postby shakespear1 » Fri 18 Apr 2008, 08:34:23

A most fascinating discovery and idea. The whole article can be read here


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Cancer Can Be Contagious 

Posted Apr 6, 08 8:31 PM CDT in Science & Health    Editor's Choice

(newser) – Contrary to long-held opinion, cancer can be contagious—and Darwin is to blame, a science reporter told NPR. It turns out cancer cells evolve as species do, and in some rare cases—a cancer affecting Tasmanian devils, two others in dogs and hamsters—the cancers have evolved to allow direct contagion from one host creature to another.

There is an interesting section discussing cooperative behavior of cells (page 41). :-)
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Re: Cancer Can Be Contagious

Unread postby dukey » Fri 18 Apr 2008, 09:05:01

for an alternate opinion

G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
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Re: Cancer Can Be Contagious

Unread postby GoghGoner » Fri 18 Apr 2008, 09:28:09

dukey wrote:for an alternate opinion

There has been thousands of vitamin studies for cancer. The vitamin industry makes a lot of money without any proven results. It is a confidence game.

Below is a current study that I know folks on and if it helps there is no way to cover up the truth:
Selenium and Vitamin E on Prostate Cancer
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Re: Cancer Can Be Contagious

Unread postby dukey » Fri 18 Apr 2008, 10:35:10

The vitamin industry makes a lot of money

it's not about buying vitamins
just eating right
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cancer industry: treating cancer vs curing cancer

Unread postby drakedaggers » Wed 27 Aug 2008, 17:25:13

In Charles Eisenstein's book 'The Ascent of Humanity: Civilization and the Human Sense of Self' Eisenstein mentions a couple times in passing about the 'cancer industry' among a list of arguments about how in our current society and living arrangement, everything in our world is focused around making money and growing economy above anything else.

He argues that in regards to a disease like cancer, the establishment is only interested in treating cancer, not eradicating it, because that would be bad for business.

This has kind of struck a chord with me. I am 23 years old, and all my life growing up I have looked around in silent dismay at the destruction and pollution we inflict upon our environment.

Things like the free-radical causing chemicals in sunscreen and how we are very heavily encouraged to use them, pesticides on fruit and vegetables, teflon cookware, plastic everywhere. Basically everything around us is toxic, and millions around, something like one in two or one in three in the United States is expected to get cancer within their life.
What a magical, golden-goose growth industry this cancer is (pun intended). It saddens me that we have gotten to a point where we have become slaves to economy and growth.

I've mentioned this treating vs curing premise to a few people and they seemed to agree. I would be interested in getting the opinions of some of you around here, regardless of whether or not you have read Eisenstein's book.
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Re: cancer industry: treating cancer vs curing cancer

Unread postby wakeupman » Wed 27 Aug 2008, 18:13:45

Cancer will ever increase until mankind no longer exists, because cancer is a damageing of the bodies self correcting repair mechanisms beyond the ability of it to cope with a problem. Once you have cancer, one of the cells has gone wild, and this is going to happen more and more frequently.

Someone once said, "If you live long enough, everyone would get cancer." While this is a truism today, it was not 100 years ago. Background radiation has reached the point where cancer will increase exponentially.
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Re: cancer industry: treating cancer vs curing cancer

Unread postby Dezakin » Wed 27 Aug 2008, 23:05:38

Background radiation has allways been that high, unless you live in a lead vault and have had isotope separation done to remove all the K-40 and C-14 from your body from before you were born.

And you'd probably stand a good chance of getting cancer anyways. Not all carcinogenic failures are radiation based.
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Re: cancer industry: treating cancer vs curing cancer

Unread postby MidwesternMom » Thu 28 Aug 2008, 09:43:02

When my mom had cancer, she went through chemo and had some new to the market radiation treatment. Doc said either the radiation will kill the cancer or make it spread. Well guess what, the treatment made it spread, and my moms symptoms changed, guess what the doctor told her she had, acid reflux, guess again. after some months, he did exploratory surgery to find the cancer had spread and her chances were slim. She died 6 months later.

Though the end result of my mom's life was not that great, her lifestyle was not that great either, she smoked, didn't eat a healthy diet, was overweight, etc.

Back on topic: It is my opinion that the pharmacetical companies, the cancer industry, well industry in general, do not generally care about the health of people, rather, their wallets. I avoid medications at all costs, for this very reason. I do not believe that there are enough studies on many medications to render them safe for human consumption or exposure.

I detest the recent flood of drug ad commercials, I mean, no wonder why medical costs are up. There is a disease, disorder, illness, for every person. America: home of the snooty [s]rich[/s] kids, doped up on prozac and ritalin.

You are right. Where are the preventive measures to prevent these illnesses? And do we really know the long term affects of most synthetic chemicals that have not even been around for long?

I am on a rant.
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BPA causing breast cancer?

Unread postby frankthetank » Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:10:48

I may be off here, but it seems like estrogen has some sort of link to breast cancer. A few months ago i was reading about migraine headache sufferers (my family has many) and how they have a lot lower rate of breast cancer then non migraine women. I guess this has to do with migraine women having lower levels of estrogen... Now i've been reading about BPA (stuff they put in child toys, canned goods) and noticed that it was used as synthetic estrogen back in the '30s...

Now i see a group is meeting with Obama from the Breast Cancer Fund... to get BPA banned...

Now i'm no rocket scientist and did drop out of college early, but there has to be a pretty good chance that all these breast cancer stories they report on (it seems every night there is another story on the news), some of them had to be caused by BPA (its also in cosmetics). Good knows what its been doing to my testicles and my schlong.


I tossed $50 worth of canned goods after reading the JSonline article... :) F*u*c*k it... my kids health is worth more then some crappy canned goods. ... 18279.html ... 32374.html

So do the chemical companies, the hospitals and the insurance companies all have a pact going to poison the F*U*C*K out of us so they can all steal our money? Jesus these people are evil.

edit to change "fark" to f*U*c*K... i'm not in a good mood lately :(
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Re: BPA causing breast cancer?

Unread postby Ludi » Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:13:05

frankthetank wrote:So do the chemical companies, the hospitals and the insurance companies all have a pact going to poison the Fark out of us so they can all steal our money? Jesus these people are evil.

Not so much a "pact" as "just business." :-x

Re: BPA causing breast cancer?

Unread postby frankthetank » Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:22:05

I didn't research this stuff, so don't call me names. I just have noticed the links between certain articles i've been reading lately. I'm sure others have written about it, researched it.

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I don' t believe in God (i believe in other things), but i wish he was up there ready to shove a spear right up the ass of some of the guilty.

My overweight aunt Sharon use to take car of a crippled guy (he had a stroke). The guy was a bastard (always was, stroke made him meaner). My aunt doesn't take anything from anyone and she told that fat ass that the devil that he is going to pay when he dies because the devil is going to poke his eyes out with a pitch fork.
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Re: BPA causing breast cancer?

Unread postby Ludi » Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:31:00

What I mean is, these folks just go along doing harmful things in the name of "business." I don't think there's an actual pact or conspiracy per se, just that they all keep doing what makes the most money.

Re: BPA causing breast cancer?

Unread postby gnm » Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:44:30

For what its worth, I have talked to a molecular biologist (Phd) relative about this and they though it was somewhat overblown. Basically they felt it would be more of an issue if heated - cold canned food being a fairly low risk vs hot coffee in the nalgene jug.


A Protein Killer Could Treat All Cancers

Unread postby Graeme » Mon 23 Aug 2010, 22:04:38

A Protein Killer Could Treat All Cancers, and Possibly All Illnesses

Since last April, 19 cancer patients whose liver tumors hadn’t responded to chemotherapy have taken an experimental drug. Within weeks of the first dose, it appeared to work, by preventing tumors from making proteins they need to survive. The results are preliminary yet encouraging. With a slight redesign, the drug might work for hundreds of diseases, fulfilling the promise that wonder cures like stem cells and gene therapy have failed to deliver.

The biotech company Alnylam announced in June that its drug ALN-VSP cut off blood flow to 62 percent of liver-cancer tumors in those 19 patients, by triggering a rarely used defense mechanism in the body to silence cancerous genes. Whereas conventional drugs stop disease-causing proteins, ALN-VSP uses RNA interference (RNAi) therapy to stop cells from making proteins in the first place, a tactic that could work for just about any disease. “Imagine that your kitchen floods,” says biochemist and Alnylam CEO John Maraganore. “Today’s medicines mop it up. RNAi technology turns off the faucet.”

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. H. G. Wells.
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Will Peak Oil Cure Cancer ?

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Fri 29 Oct 2010, 02:14:35

Scientists suggest that cancer is purely man-made
Finding only one case of the disease in the investigation of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, with few references to cancer in literary evidence, proves that cancer was extremely rare in antiquity. The disease rate has risen massively since the Industrial Revolution, in particular childhood cancer – proving that the rise is not simply due to people living longer.
Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said: “In industrialised societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.”

That would be oil & coal and the technologies they enable.

Some cornies are fond of telling us how lucky we are to live in this industrial era so we benefit from modern medicine.
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Re: Will Peak Oil Cure Cancer ?

Unread postby Xenophobe » Fri 29 Oct 2010, 10:15:36

Keith_McClary wrote:Some cornies are fond of telling us how lucky we are to live in this industrial era so we benefit from modern medicine.

Average lifespan in 1850 was about 38 years. Now its what, 70+?

Our modern lifestyles have been just KILLER.....
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Re: Will Peak Oil Cure Cancer ?

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 29 Oct 2010, 19:42:02

Xenophobe wrote:
Keith_McClary wrote:Some cornies are fond of telling us how lucky we are to live in this industrial era so we benefit from modern medicine.

Average lifespan in 1850 was about 38 years. Now its what, 70+?

Our modern lifestyles have been just KILLER.....

You also need to factor in that if you died of something obvious like a pandemic disease, childbirth hemorrhage, slip and fall accident, industrial/farming/mining accident then there was basically zero chance they would do an autopsy to see what else was wrong with you. A low life expectancy is a double whammy on cancer stats because A) it means you probably died of something before Cancer had a chance to kill you and B) you probably were not autopsied so if you had an internal tumor nobody knew about it. Cancers like leukemia can easily be mistaken for other illnesses while brain tumors or internal organ tumors would be mistaken for organ diseases without an autopsy. If the heart failure is due to a tumor you died of cancer, but in the olden days it would just be considered heart failure. A brain tumor would probably cause dementia and/or stroke symptoms an be ruled such.
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