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Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

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Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby BlueGhostNo2 » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 06:39:18

One for all you secret world gov fans: ;)

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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby virgincrude » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 08:00:16

Okay, I'll bite.

I love it when the elite try talking as if they were 'one of us'. This piece is crap of course: he writes about banksters finding it difficult to say 'sorry', and can't bring himself do so. He was born into immense wealth, and according to Wiki, met his latest wife through mutual friend Henry Kissinger, and spent his wedding night in the Lincoln bedroom at the Whitehouse.

And here he's pretending to cry with the rest of us over the failure of the banking system to control the unwinding of banking as we know it. Is he pretending to suffer?

Why should any of us care one iota what this creep has to say?
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 08:09:46

What kind of man's name is "Evelyn," anyway? ;)
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 08:42:08

virgincrude wrote:And here he's pretending to cry with the rest of us over the failure of the banking system to control the unwinding of banking as we know it. Is he pretending to suffer?

Why should any of us care one iota what this creep has to say?

Except for having the conspiracy theorists favorite name and being born to rich parents has this guy actually done anything you can point to that justifies calling him a creep? And even if you can show he is evil incarnate can he not write a piece that is true and correct from time to time?
His attack of the unions and their policies parrots managements long held position on the matter and that is a subject worthy of considerable debate but to cavalierly dimiss him based on his sir name alone is very petty of you.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby shakespear1 » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 09:23:13

Anyone who has followed closely the discussion regarding this Financial Tsunami will know that this statement is a bit rich.

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All of us - countries, corporations and consumers - have neglected basic principles.

When he says "All of us", he must be trying to talk to a kindergarten, because that is a very sweeping generalization of who is responsible for this mess. Reading what he says there is really no sense trying to figure this out but just go forward and act ( let the tax payer bail the financial barons). They got plenty from the Treasury.

Then he says that the auto industry need to take the bitter medicine which was not up for offering to the banking giants. Bailing out the banking industry was OK but we need to dump the blue collar industry.

By the way, it seems his bank is doing just fine. I can only guess why that is true as "All of us" are hurting.


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U.K.’s Rothschild group, one of the world’s leading investment banking organizations, has posted record results. The bank has been able to maintain its very strong performance again this year, despite the credit crunch, economic slowdown and the threat of a U.S. recession, with investment banking and corporate banking businesses both producing record revenues.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby drgoodword » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 12:25:59

BlueGhostNo2 wrote:One for all you secret world gov fans: ;)

Personally, I find this article in today's Independent by Sir Paddy Ashdown more tasty victuals for the secret world gov fans (and I'm not one, although I sometimes wonder):

Second, power is global and has shifted out of the institutions we created to make it subject to the rule of law, away from the national state onto the global stage. That is where big business is, where Citigroup is and that is where al-Qa'ida is as well. They are there because of essentially one thing – it is a lawless space, a place where regulations are too weak to govern. So one of the challenges of our age is bringing governance to that global space. Thirdly, states are increasingly inter-dependent. You cannot ignore what goes on in a far away country of which we know little and seem to care less. If you do then you will find death and destruction delivered to your most iconic cities. Everything is now connected.

Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby oxj » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 14:05:48

This is not the way this man thinks or writes. It is propaganda, see how there is one statement per paragraph, and link verbs are replaced with hyphens. It is written this way to be childish, to be directed to simple folk and to gather them around an ideal. It does not represent the education of this woman.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby virgincrude » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 16:00:57

vtsnowedin; "to cavalierly dimiss him based on his sir name alone is very petty of you."

You think I dismiss him because he's a 'sir'? Do you know anything at all about the Rothschild bankers (banksters?)

Have you read what he (supposedly) wrote? it is condescending clap-trap, written for who-knows-what reason, since he represents one of the world's foremost banking family dynasties. He has the gall to have his comments published, saying bankers find it hard to say sorry, but failing to apologise himself, and saying we've lost a sense of ethics blah blah blah and basically putting the blame on everybody but his own colleagues, or himself.

Whether he was a sir or not, whether he was born with the silver spoon in each orifice of his body, he is a creep.
Like shakespeare1 points out: "By the way, it seems his bank is doing just fine. I can only guess why that is true as "All of us" are hurting.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 01 Dec 2008, 16:23:44

virgincrude wrote:vtsnowedin; "to cavalierly dimiss him based on his sir name alone is very petty of you."

You think I dismiss him because he's a 'sir'? Do you know anything at all about the Rothschild bankers (banksters?)

I was refering to his sirname (Rothschild) not his title. And I am aware of all the conspiracy theories surrounding the name.

Have you read what he (supposedly) wrote?

Yes I read it. It is a short editorial written to the level of the general reading public the normal practice for the BBC and the rest of the MSM. Your assesment of the artical below is way off the mark and shows your considerable bias and does nothing to examine the issues he put forth.
it is condescending clap-trap, written for who-knows-what reason, since he represents one of the world's foremost banking family dynasties. He has the gall to have his comments published, saying bankers find it hard to say sorry, but failing to apologise himself, and saying we've lost a sense of ethics blah blah blah and basically putting the blame on everybody but his own colleagues, or himself.

Whether he was a sir or not, whether he was born with the silver spoon in each orifice of his body, he is a creep.
Like shakespeare1 points out: "By the way, it seems his bank is doing just fine. I can only guess why that is true as "All of us" are hurting.

Perhaps his bank is doing just fine but his trust funds are in the tank or he is holding a fist full of losing CDSs. I don't know , do you? What differance does it make? He puts forth an opinion about what needs to be done and he is as intitled to an opinion as you or I. I think he is looking through rose coloured glasses when he says the hard times might last a year or two. A decade more likely.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby virgincrude » Tue 02 Dec 2008, 08:11:36

vtsnowedin: "I was refering to his sirname (Rothschild) not his title."
- in that case you should have written 'surname'- you wrote: "his sir name". I thought perhaps English was not your first language, so I assumed you were referring to his title. And I was referring to the contents of his article. Not to his title, which invariably goes along with serious money. Of course he is entitled to his own opinion, but why is he entitled to have it published in the BBC? Why not publish the CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland's opinion? They are supposedly the Queen's bankers, and after all, one is only granted the title of 'sir' for duties and services to the Queen. Not duties and services to the people. Rothschild's banking duties and services are hardly available to you and me, so why should we read his opinion, or even respect it? It is a bit rich, if you'll pardon the pun.

Quote: "And I am aware of all the conspiracy theories surrounding the name."

What are they? I don't much care for theories until proven.

It is simply a fact that the Rothschild family have long been involved in international power brokering, using their influence as extremely wealthy bankers, able to advise and influence politicians in power and invariably for their own benefit, for a couple of centuries. That is what I find so ethically disgusting about what you consider to be an interesting piece: this man and his forebears have consistently upheld the interests of the special elite group who could afford their banking services. Not the better interests of the common man, the blue collar worker he so condescendlingly refers to in a piece which is not so much well written, as plagued with cliches. To turn around now and pretend to be looking out for the best interest of the common good, is quite pathetic.

In case you hadn't noticed, it is banking, bankers and banking practises which have brought the world to the brink of an abyss most economists are calling a severe depression, a global systemic melt down. To have one of the world's foremost representatives of the banking system (in it's worst manifestation i.e banking for the elite, by the elite,) weakly write of a break down in ethics and oversight is like listening to G.W Bush say he has no regrets after overseeing the bankrupcy of his own nation.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby carbniky » Tue 02 Dec 2008, 08:24:00

shakespear1 wrote:Anyone who has followed closely the discussion regarding this Financial Tsunami will know that this statement is a bit rich.

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All of us - countries, corporations and consumers - have neglected basic principles.

When he says "All of us", he must be trying to talk to a kindergarten, because that is a very sweeping generalization of who is responsible for this mess. Reading what he says there is really no sense trying to figure this out but just go forward and act ( let the tax payer bail the financial barons). They got plenty from the Treasury.

Then he says that the auto industry need to take the bitter medicine which was not up for offering to the banking giants. Bailing out the banking industry was OK but we need to dump the blue collar industry.

By the way, it seems his bank is doing just fine. I can only guess why that is true as "All of us" are hurting.


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U.K.’s Rothschild group, one of the world’s leading investment banking organizations, has posted record results. The bank has been able to maintain its very strong performance again this year, despite the credit crunch, economic slowdown and the threat of a U.S. recession, with investment banking and corporate banking businesses both producing record revenues.

Tell him to take his crapola and shove it back up his pie-exit.

I have absolutely NOTHING to do with the inflation of the dollar, HE DOES. what did he do? WE didn't destroyed our banking system on purpose.

anyone with that much money while there are poor people who cannot eat is a nidiot.

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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby BlueGhostNo2 » Tue 02 Dec 2008, 09:18:40

I do think it's interesting that this article has been written.

The interest is, why did he decide to write it? The Rothschilds normally keep a fairly low profile, although is wife was attacking Obama in the press for being elitist and another relative was recently involved in a minor scandal in Tory party funding. Still these are not people who are normally writing in the press.

If we then consider that the article basically just says nothing remotely off the wall or revolutionary, it simply states what everyone knows it even blames bankers like Sir Evlyne, which has the effect of distancing him from the 'bad' bankers...

SO my pet theory is it's defensive PR - a preemptive strike.

Imagine you are Sir Evlyne, being fantastically wealthy with fingers in many pies you really are insulated from any financial troubles, admittedly you could see yourself lose money but no mere financial trouble will make you poor... However, with many comparisons to the great depression being made and any quick google throwing up hundreds of Rothschild & Illuminati conspiracy theories, with places like blaming everything squarely on 'banksters' and with Rothschilds being high in the public imagination as the ultimate 'banksters' you'd have reason for concern.

The last time there was a global recession remember was the 1930's, it really didn't stop until WW2 got going and I'm sure everyone knows how that worked out for rich Jewish bankers.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 02 Dec 2008, 09:52:46

virgincrude wrote:In case you hadn't noticed, it is banking, bankers and banking practises which have brought the world to the brink of an abyss most economists are calling a severe depression, a global systemic melt down. To have one of the world's foremost representatives of the banking system (in it's worst manifestation i.e banking for the elite, by the elite,) weakly write of a break down in ethics and oversight is like listening to G.W Bush say he has no regrets after overseeing the bankrupcy of his own nation.

Or perhaps it is America and Europe buying a trillion dollars of ME oil a year for a decade on credit that has bankrupted us. Really do you think the "Elite" bankers would profit in any way from a world wide depression?
Oh by the way, repeating a conspiracy theory as a fact does not make it so.
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Re: Sir Evlyne De Rothschild writes on the BBC

Unread postby virgincrude » Tue 02 Dec 2008, 15:21:58

vtsnowedin: "Oh by the way, repeating a conspiracy theory as a fact does not make it so."

Ya don't say? Go check their family history. Nothing to do with conspiracy theories.
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