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PeakOil is You

PeakOil is You


How to save energy through both societal and individual actions.


Unread postby joelcolorado » Wed 28 May 2008, 21:02:54

I think over shoot is correct. we will over react and then have problems. worse i think.
Why not a rationing system until we get this figured out. duh..
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Unread postby VMarcHart » Thu 29 May 2008, 22:37:40

Back to first postings about shortage and population ... I tend to agree. It doesn't matter how we ration, improve technology, ban golf, or mandate walk to work, at a certain point, a given vital resource will vanish or not be enough for everybody.

It's the human footprint. Sooner or later a population cap will have to exist. Like it or not, the Chinese saw it coming. Good for them! What are we waiting for?
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Unread postby criticalmass » Fri 30 May 2008, 13:14:52

It does go back to growth. Remember, the entire US economy is based on that one sweet word: GROWTH. An optomist might say that a catalyst -pehaps energy- could change a lot of minds about growth very, very quickly.
Unfortunately, this entire society clings harder to laziness and has a really tough time changing the way they think unless they are slapped really hard with some challenges.
$200BBL? Could be the best thing to happen to the world in a long time.
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Unread postby BigTex » Fri 30 May 2008, 13:30:48

The unhappy fact is that I fear there is a genetic flaw in our basic design--we are too smart for an unenlightened creature.

Looking at things from a very long term perspective, it should be quite obvous that our form of life is not long for this world. If we are down to trying to avert disaster on a year to year or decade to decade basis, it's already over.

Look at the creatures that endure--they are well adapted to their habitat, there is a mechanism for their population to avoid overshoot and they are able to survive changes to their enrivonment through adaptability.

We thought it was a good day when we conquered our predators and left our natural habitat in favor of an artificial one of comfort. In fact, it was not a good day at all. It was the beginning of the end.

We are not virtual beings. We inhabit a finite world and yet we have developed the part of our mind that is dazzled by the infinite to an unhealthy degree. As interesting as ideas can be, you can't eat them. Unfortunately, this reality is not really driven home until you get hungry and try to fill your tummy with an idea.

It's interesting how the "idea" of OVERSHOOT is really a way of exposing the weakness of excessive faith in ideas.

Suspect #1: The idea that exponential growth in a world of finite resources could continue for more than a few hundred years. What then? Plantations and mining operations on Jupiter's moons? Hmm. Interesting idea.
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Unread postby vision-master » Fri 30 May 2008, 13:35:31

FiniteQuantity wrote:
vision-master wrote:I just got back from coffee with a couple friends. I've been beating the PO drum to them for a couple years. So!
Guess what one of em just bought!
2008 F350 4 door extended cab. :razz:

Even without any Peak Oil discussion it's a surprising purchase given the trend in gas prices. Heck, even CERA subscribers are now being told about $150 to $200 oil.

The guy is a small trucking broker, he should have known better and is already kicking himself for the "impluse buy" even though he paid cash. $28,000........ they saw him coming.


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