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Documentary: "After the Warming" by James Burke

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Documentary: "After the Warming" by James Burke

Unread postby Bas » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 10:20:14

another doomer approved documentary by James Burke, this time about global warming. As always nicely wrapped in a spicy little history of the world. Enjoy! :)

After the Warming documentary

PS For the more mystically inclined doomer: take note of the prediction of New Orleans being evacuated at the beginning of the docu.

Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby I_Like_Plants » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 13:42:01

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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby chakra » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 14:11:56

That was excellent. It's unbelievable that the writer had us pinned down so well 18 years ago.
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby eXpat » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 14:28:36

chakra wrote:That was excellent. It's unbelievable that the writer had us pinned down so well 18 years ago.

Agreed, and is unbelievable that we choose as society, to go down this way, instead of choosing a more sustainable path.
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby Ptarmigan » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 15:30:00

Can you count how many of his prophecies came true?
This guru is unbeliveble. I dropped my jaw when his said that troops will be back in Middle East, the droughts and the international agreements between countries about the climate and enviroment.
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby pup55 » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 16:31:31

I like James Burke a lot.

He was surprisingly correct on a number of things, (war, hurricanes, refugees, water crises, oil peaking in the 2010-2020 time frame) but way off on one important one:

In this scenario, by 2000, the US starts to act responsibly, and joins the effort to control greenhouse gases. The cause of this would be a couple of serious droughts, that cause food shortages in the US, and mass starvation in the third world.

We all know what has happened instead. The US walked away from any agreements, due to lack of being able to see past the end of its nose. It never got bad enough to have the natural disasters to force the US over to the other side. Plus China has emerged as a global power, and they have no interest in joining anybody or conserving anything.

Also, the third world for the most part is still not well organized enough to agree to any coordinated international system of anything.

Although this thing was intended to be optimistic, it in fact is surprisingly gloomy. Millions of deaths to starvation, refugee migrations, environmental catastrophe, all with the "good scenario" of the US being on board with the plan.

Wonder what we'll get instead.
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby Licho » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 17:43:49

Nice documentary. His predictions are on the track, althought exact timing and sequence is not correct.
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Re: After the Warming

Unread postby Licho » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 17:44:00

*delete me double post*
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby Alcassin » Sun 24 Jun 2007, 23:57:20

pup55 wrote:In this scenario, by 2000, the US starts to act responsibly, and joins the effort to control greenhouse gases. The cause of this would be a couple of serious droughts, that cause food shortages in the US, and mass starvation in the third world.

Almost done, but Kyoto Protocol was not implemented.

China has emerged as a global power, and they have no interest in joining anybody or conserving anything.

I still hear John Cleese: "I remind you that it was presented to us by the Corporation of the town of Sudbury to commemorate Empire Day, when we try to remember the names of all those from the Sudbury area so gallantly gave their lives to keep China British." Classic.

Also, the third world for the most part is still not well organized enough to agree to any coordinated international system of anything.

And we help them to keep that mess... Main problem is Africa, and I don't see any real solutions in next two decades.
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby Bas » Mon 25 Jun 2007, 10:08:42

Ptarmigan wrote:Can you count how many of his prophecies came true?
This guru is unbeliveble. I dropped my jaw when his said that troops will be back in Middle East, the droughts and the international agreements between countries about the climate and enviroment.

I'm glad you guys liked it. I posted it after watching the first half and found the second half a bit disappointing, though still worth watching for entertainment value :)

Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby gg3 » Mon 25 Jun 2007, 10:44:31

We would have been on track in 2000 except for the little matter of a stolen election.

9/11 didn't change half as much of "everything" as the day the Supreme Court issued the only decision they've ever claimed is not to be taken as precedent.

And for those who think I'm biased against Republicans a-priori, consider that it was Reagan's EPA that issued the first definitive report saying we're heading into a climate crisis. That was in 1984. I got a copy and I still have it around somewhere. Whatever else you can say about Reagan, at least he didn't appoint political commisars to censor the science coming out of the various departments, and he didn't nearly destroy our military.

BTW, how long is that documentary? I want to know before I tie up my computer with it.
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Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby Bas » Mon 25 Jun 2007, 11:21:43

it's about 105 minutes long.

Re: After the Warming (Global Warming documentary by Burke 1

Unread postby steam_cannon » Tue 26 Jun 2007, 00:41:21

Bas wrote:it's about 105 minutes long.
Another great video, thanks Bas!

What wasn't so good
It was a sort of soft climate change scenario.

The time scale is perhaps medium case scenario. And the rising sea levels from melting ice is more likely to be sharp rather then gradual. Also predicting the US might do something besides invading other countries seems quite laughable, but I like a good laugh. Also a high yield cactus potato, that seemed amusing too.

What was the best
I think one he best parts was when he was talking about climate refugees and migrants attempting to invade other areas to escape! It was also interesting seeing the predicted migration battles on the US/Mexican border. But since the time of this video we have opened our borders enough that I think we will be seeing large turf wars like that within our country. And I'm sure we will see more internal refugees like in New Orleans. If/when 10 million people in LA realize they are living in a desert and running out of water, their going to go somewhere...

If you find any other videos like this please share. By the way, perhaps that would make a good thread. "best realistic/doomer videos for the future" :)
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After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 00:48:54

This was my first introduction to Climate Change(historically) and Global Warming, as well as the history of colonialism. In the style of James Burke's Connections series, it is truly excellent. Set in the future, it looks back at the history of Global Warming. Don't let it's age fool you, Burke had it right long before Gore, if perhaps a bit too optimistic.

After the Warming
Last edited by Cid_Yama on Wed 23 Apr 2008, 16:53:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby americandream » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 01:21:47

Well, it don't exactly take a great deal of grey matter to work out that this fossil fuel based personalised form of capital accumulation is an unimitigated disaster waiting to happen.
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Re: After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 01:41:38

Well, actually, back then it did. The only other media back then that I can think of that was as cautionary was Soylent Green (1970) that warned of the collapse of the ocean biosphere with the death of the plankton.
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Re: After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby americandream » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 01:55:47

Cid_Yama wrote:Well, actually, back then it did. The only other media back then that I can think of that was as cautionary was Soylent Green (1970) that warned of the collapse of the ocean biosphere with the death of the plankton.

What impressed me with Marx's flawless logic in Capital was his compelling view that capitalism would choke in its excesses of manufacturing and consumption (it only takes a little logic to contemplate what those excess might well be)...and that those who unwittingly suffer it's systemic flaws would be at the vanguard of change.

I suspect as this farcical system opens up to its truly bankrupt nature, many of those who lived this so-called middle class delusion will see the truly precarious nature of their existence...and its then the anger will be unleashed.

To all those bonehead greenies (revisionists, liberals, fascist bootlickers) who believe this naturally flawed system is capable of rescue, I extend my unremitting contempt. These fools are no doubt as stupid as the ludicrous ideas they peddle.
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Re: After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 02:04:10

A word of caution, mate. The word liberal means something totally different in the US. They are the ones that agree with you, the Socialists and Democrats. The Republicans are the Fascists.
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Re: After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby americandream » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 02:17:19

Cid_Yama wrote:A word of caution, mate. The word liberal means something totally different in the US. They are the ones that agree with you, the Socialists and Democrats. The Republicans are the Fascists.

I'm not entirely sure the current crop of "Socialists" and "Democrats" would agree with the total disbanding of private capital though.

The problem with modern day social democracy/liberalism (including the US variety) is that, with it's Keynesian roots, it inevitably delays the inevitable fall of this rotten system by soft soaping the masses and consequently makes the resulting calamity that much more intractible.

It's one reason Marx preferred a completely free market as a precuror to change as opposed to these band aid schemes. I mean, one has to take a look at the state of the environment to wonder whether there will be anything worth rescuing.
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Re: After the Warming - James Burke

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Apr 2008, 02:29:11

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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