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Hello Pt 1

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Hello Pt 1

Unread postby crossthread » Sun 20 Jun 2004, 12:42:04

I live here in Wilmington N.C. , and been reading on the Subject of our possible Demise..... I took the Public bus down into our "downtown", and gave "Peak Oil" alot of consideration..... Looked at the Jobs that were around me in this city, and thought, How much of this "productivy" is really producing food? :?:
And then thought of the possibilty of "erasing" 1/2 of the gas/oil/ whatever,, the Thoughts began too sink in, and what I realized began to really frighten me.....
People here were really freaking out when Oil per barrel went to 40+ dollars...... In the next year or so are we too expect 50/60 or even higher per barrel of oil??? I'm assuming yes.......
For those of you that DO NOT live in the USA,,, Things here are going to get very, very scary here for us..... I'm thinking the worst possible senerio.... Honestly,,, as I've spoken to people around town and everyone has "wool" pulled over their eyes, thinking science and the goverment will save us or won't let something like this "happen" too us because this is America right????? I've been trying too "sound" the Alarm but everyone thinks I'm "NUTS"!!!!!
I've been tracking things in the Middle East and the prospects are looking grim as things there are getting worse by the day..... Can you say "NUKES"????? In reference to Iran/Iraq and suadi A......
Most people here now ARE living from Paycheck too paycheck,, because of fuel prices..... What do ya think will happen when gas goes through the ceiling or something happens like the 73 embargo???? There WILL be riots, civil unrest, you name it it's invitable all the while as our goverment will "blame" the terrorist's on our not being able to have "cheap oil"...... Then we may or will become a "police State" very soon thereafter......I'm giving this alot of thought, and I know this is my first post,,, but Like "Matt" said we in America are animials, and were likely too act like a PO'ed bear thats really hungry and will go too no means too feed ourselves....... Though we have a nuke plant here in our city I don't see it being refueled as oil/fuel runs dry,, and the plant cannot be refueled..... Then even here it will be a extream crisis reguardless of the outcome..... I myself, I glad that I know how to hunt/fish/farm to provide me and my small family with food..... And Shelter... But there's a big catch to that...... How's about the other 150K in our fair city??? I'm going to expect a mass exoudous to the nearby country, and compete for the remaining resources/wildlife, that are there in order too feed themselves... Then America as a whole???? Givin we have the most "guns" per population per capita,,, well ya get the picture????? Just my humble .02
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Unread postby Cool Hand Linc » Sun 20 Jun 2004, 14:06:56

A fellow poster has made a few remarks about the exodeus to the country. I think he is right. Nobody is going to want 'others' moving into their area. Packin up and moving will cause as many problems as setting still.

Have you ever watched the movie 'The Grapes of Wraith?' Watch it and then think about an exodeus to an already well populated country.

Honestly,,, as I've spoken to people around town and everyone has "wool" pulled over their eyes, thinking science and the goverment will save us or won't let something like this "happen" too us because this is America right?????
Never realized how much wool we really have here in America.

I see the same here in my city. I hear people say things about gasoline prices and the war but they never seem to see the big picture. Peak oil (and natural gas) is really a bigger part of the picture than most realize.

People everywhere in America are living from check to check. Even people with higher paying jobs. If you read the many links supplied throught these forums. You will see many enlightening things. Debt is higher than ever. Food at any given time in America is only a few weeks to a couple of months depending on the time of year. Read the links.

Our WORLD not just America has be living in a balance that is more difficult to maintain.

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Unread postby Joram » Sun 20 Jun 2004, 16:27:33

but everyone thinks I'm "NUTS"!!!!!

Join the club :D

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I'm New Here

Unread postby J-Blade » Thu 24 Jun 2004, 23:22:11

I'm new to this board but I've seen and heard about some of these things in school recently.

I saw a video about oil depletion, alternatives (coal & natural gas) and renewable resources (geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, fission, fusion, biomass).

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Unread postby Aaron » Fri 25 Jun 2004, 00:06:18

Welcome to the board Blade,

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post 'em, or ask for any assistance you might need.

Thanks for visiting,

The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt, but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage.

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Thanks for the welcome

Unread postby J-Blade » Fri 25 Jun 2004, 00:30:05

Thanks, I hope to have good times while I'm here too.
If there are any younger people here, I've begun a new discussion forum

I'm hoping this will help kids my age deal with the hardships of life, to vent & have fun.
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Unread postby MadScientist » Fri 25 Jun 2004, 12:21:59

Hi and Welcome J-Blade,

I'll tell my sister (16) about the Society. Do have any more info about it that I could tell her?

What did you think about the video you saw?

I think it is outstanding that you are interested and talking to others about real-world issues.

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re: Forum

Unread postby J-Blade » Fri 25 Jun 2004, 19:27:37

Well, It's not much yet, it's a yahoo group,but I'm thinking of using it to help kids from my school understand the topic a little easier. Other kids can join too, if they wanted. :)

Also, I that the video was good, but the other probably didn't like it because it wasn't one of those 3-2-1 Contact or Bill Nye the Science Guy videos.
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Unread postby pepper2000 » Sat 16 Oct 2004, 02:00:22

Hi everyone.

I have posted here a few times and tried to register before, but didn't get the confirmation e-mail. Now I'm registered and things seem to be working well.

I have been concerned about oil production ever since 2000. A lot has happened since then. With political upheavals all over the world, changing technology, telecommunications, and vast rearrangements of the world political scene, events seem to be moving faster and faster and have been for about the last two centuries. More and more these days, though, I am developing the feeling that things are starting to spin out of control, and there's far more on my mind that just oil production.

The main reason I am here and following this site is to try to get a handle of what is going on in the world. I am glad to see that many other issues, such as world politics and economics, play into the discussion. To understand peak oil as a strictly geological phenomenon is something I can do by reading from the experts, which I have done to great length. But this discussion forum adds to that by tying the issue into the larger world situation.

A few words about my own beliefs. I am a very skeptical person by nature, instintually distrusting anything I hear that I can't independently verify, regardless of the source. Nevertheless, it seems likely to me that the world will see chronic oil shortages within a decade, barring a catastrophic non-oil event. However, I still regard that as a tentative conclusion. I am also an optimistic person by nature, knowing that in my own life I have seen and done things that I would have earlier not believed possible. I believe that humanity's only true limitation is our collective imagination, and our greatest crime is to lock ourselves into believing that there's only one way to think.

I can't say how often I will post here; it depends on the time I am willing to spend at the site and when I feel I have something worthwhile to contribute. But I look forward to conversing with you and hopefully learning new things.
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Unread postby TheSupplyGuy » Sat 16 Oct 2004, 08:58:55

Good to have you here. We need people around here with spirit like that.
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Unread postby Sencha » Wed 08 Dec 2004, 07:31:24

Welcome, and my condolences for learning about the end of the world. (as we know it, anyway.) I suppose the whole, "Stone Age didn't end cause we ran out of stone." argument could work. But we're getting pretty close to the end of the oil age by my perceptions, and still no alternative answer.

Fuel efficient cars are awesome, but I just don't know if they will be enough to stave off the peak. Since practically everything we use is made from oil, or is manufactured by oil powered machines. If we wanted to truly push back the peak, we'd need to convert every single, or at least the majority of manufacuturing to an alternative energy.

When I think about how many millions of barrels a day is consumed, and how quickly a day goes by, I just can't imagine there's a whole lot of time left. Call me a doomsayer, but I agree with the people that argue we are past the point of no return. One last thing, take a look at current world events. What is going on? North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia and the U.S., are all developing next generation missiles or weapons systems. Doesn't seem like alternative energy is on the top of their priorities list.
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Unread postby Brandy » Wed 08 Dec 2004, 08:15:14

USA is the biggest energy consumer in the World, right? About a quarter of the world's energy consumption. We in Denmark use considerably less energy, many of our industry plants are very energy efficient, and thus is the current high oil price good for the Danish industry. (the extra pricetag on oil is less in Denmark than the rest of the world bacause of energy efficiency). About 15-20% of the Danish energy production comes from wind mills, and that number is growing.

As oil gets more and more expensive (and decision makers hear about Peak Oil) more and more focus will be drawn towards energy efficiency. The legislative branch will ban dirty industry, or at least impose restrictions on them. We in Europe have for ages been shaking our heads at the American disregard of nature e.g. GMO, hormone steaks, aircondition al over the place etc etc.

Well, if it all comes down to a mad max area, I will use my acre and a half to support me and my family with food:-(
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Unread postby Ayoob_Reloaded » Wed 08 Dec 2004, 08:50:44


Welcome aboard. It's a fascinating topic that touches on many aspects of our industrial lifestyle. There are hundreds of threads on this board that cover different topics.

Also on this board is PeakSpeak, on which you can talk to people in real time in your voice on the topics we talk about.

I'm off to bed for the night, but read away.

There are tons of other sites you can go to with reading material galore.
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New people all over the place?

Unread postby Ayoob_Reloaded » Sat 11 Dec 2004, 15:47:06

I just got an email from my local Oil Awareness group organizer, and he said we had three new people at the meetup this month. I've noticed at least three or four new people on the board lately, too. Is this story gaining momentum and acknowledgement? I think so.

If you're new, introduce yourself! How did you find out about Hubbert's Peak, and what do you think so far?
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Unread postby ConcernedPerson » Sat 11 Dec 2004, 19:22:38

I first came across Hubbert's peak while visiting the website Life after the Oil Crash. Scary stuff. Since then, I've been researching Peak Oil and what we can do to possibly soften the blow if at all.

Unread postby Free » Sat 11 Dec 2004, 19:58:51

I was basically aware of Peak Oil before the Iraq War, when i read the Dieoff Website. I was instantly convinced of the truth of it, and the rising oil prices seemed to be a confirmation of the theory, but I am still sceptical how this plays all out. There is no question that peak oil will have serious consequences, but its still unsecure when and how. I have the suspicion it will be a lot later than many people here think...
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Unread postby Specop_007 » Sat 11 Dec 2004, 21:16:30

Hi! I just found out about Peak Oil and this site. Figured I'd join up and introduce myself.

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Unread postby skateari » Sat 11 Dec 2004, 21:37:03

yeah im part of a peakoil awareness group via attendance has been very high, 10 people minimum lately.. the group keeps growing and growing by the month..
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Unread postby PenultimateManStanding » Sun 12 Dec 2004, 00:35:22

I heard Matt on the Art Bell show along with a few million others in late October
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Unread postby PenultimateManStanding » Sun 12 Dec 2004, 00:57:00

As I said, I heard Matt on Art Bell but cuz I was three sheets to the wind as I am from time to time it didn't sink in. Later that week though, I said to myself, 'self, you remember that guy you heard while faded on Art Bell? You should look into this.' So I did a google search on Peak Oil. Holy smokes!
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