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connecting the dots to get to the truth

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connecting the dots to get to the truth

Unread postby smiffy » Wed 01 Nov 2006, 14:51:52

Lets try and connect all the dots here:

American vice present holds secret energy talks (papers still clasified) PENAC plans war in Iraq, cheany had all the oil wells marked on map, British north sea oil and gas goes off cliff, Blair gets informed about global energy security, Blair is informed that Allies will be welocmed in Iraq with flowers and roses and is told he can share in the oil bonanza, Britains energy woes are over!

War started on false pretences in Iraq, Oil ministry first allied target for occupation as well as oil feilds, war turns into a bloodbath, we wont leave because of oil. Public want us to leave because they are nieve and dont realize unlike the bush and Blair gang that we are at Peak oil. BUsh Blair et al still bullshit us that there is 40 years of oil left in the world, Peak oilers dont believe it neither does the messenger, hence thats why they invaded Iraq.

Carl Rove BUshes Brain publicly says we cannot leave Iraq at the moment because the terrorists will control the oil wells.

Still nobody wants to tell joe public the truth because it will cause global panic and a stock market crash, mass unemployment and economic meltdown, so no matter how unpopular BUsh and Blair are, they just cannot tell us the truth. Every dimpson who wants us to leave Iraq doesnt understand that if we do, he and all his/her mates who went to the anti war rallies will never be able to drive there 4X4 ever again.

Then, 6 o'clock news comes on with a new anti climate change agenda, because this is a better way to scare the public into curtailing there energy usage rather than telling them that by 2010 the world will be on the downside of huberts peak and there will be natural gas scarcity.

What a bunch of wankers the lot of them and that goes for the dumb down American public as well, you are a disgrace!
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Re: connecting the dots to get to the truth

Unread postby JPL » Wed 01 Nov 2006, 17:54:21

pstarr wrote:I mostly agree with the rant except the part about global warming. Can't we have global warming and peak oil catastrophes at about the same time. I mean can't the ignorant masses and their corrupt puppets be wrong about both issues

Neergh... It's more like the elephant in the room theory. Worrying about one elephant is bad enough but then a second one appears out of the shadows.

Except the second one was the one you'd forgotten about because you were too busy worrying about the newcomer.

Just glad I'm not a politician right now...

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Re: connecting the dots to get to the truth

Unread postby Jack » Wed 01 Nov 2006, 18:07:53

But notice that Smiffy is not disputing climate change; rather, he suggests it is being used to control the ignorant masses. And, too, climate change can be used to stimulate economic activity - people will buy more fuel efficient cars, buy more bicycles, buy more of a lot of things - whereas in true powerdown one might quit buying.

Quite a nice connection of the dots.
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Re: connecting the dots to get to the truth

Unread postby NEOPO » Wed 01 Nov 2006, 18:15:51

The truth!!
You cant handle the truth!!
Sorry - always wanted to say that.

Yes Pstarr we can have our Peak oil and eat climate change as well;-)

I dont think these dots connect neccessarily and why would I think this?
The fact that all the money is saying global warming is a crock of shit - thats why......

Just like people who see PO as a true money conspiracy simply because these people have screwed us a time or two.....
Yes they have screwed us but yes oil is peaking.....

I cannot buy this alternative view for the same reason I could not dismiss peak oil because of previous industry manipulations.
Thats oversimplification.

Maybe I have read too much!!
I cant even get into an issue without wanting to step back and see how this new piece fits into the big puzzle.
Sad part is what am I going to do once I have the puzzle finished!
Oooh maybe there is a bigger puzzle still yet I cannot perceive it until this one is complete...... hope springs eternal ;-)

None of these fucks were fooled for a second and if you manage to believe that then you are the f/tool IMO.

I bet alot of us have heard the truth and went "yeah right" ;-)
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Re: connecting the dots to get to the truth

Unread postby JPL » Wed 01 Nov 2006, 19:01:50

Jack wrote:But notice that Smiffy is not disputing climate change; rather, he suggests it is being used to control the ignorant masses. And, too, climate change can be used to stimulate economic activity - people will buy more fuel efficient cars, buy more bicycles, buy more of a lot of things - whereas in true powerdown one might quit buying.

Quite a nice connection of the dots.

Hi Jack

I agree with the dots-connection but not with the conclusion.

15 years ago I was stuffing leaflets about climate change through people's doors (UK Green Party). So ignorant masses don't even come into the equation for me right now - if we hadn't stuck & stuck with this issue it wouldn't be on the radar, even now.

Peak Oil is another issue that is still off the screen in the UK and Europe but it will come to pass. And yes, us European enviro types will push it for all its worth until people finally take notice.

As regards such issues being use to control people, hmmmngh...

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