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Conservation: What I did today

How to save energy through both societal and individual actions.

Conservation: What I did today

Unread postby Ayoob » Sun 21 Nov 2004, 18:45:44

I'm starting this thread as a place to report on action taken to reduce personal consumption of oil as a resource. Anything done to reduce oil dependancy is a good thing.
So today I marched in the Doo Dah parade in Pasadena, passed out fliers advertising a free screening of End of Suburbia in Pasadena at Throop Church next Sunday at 7PM. Also, instead of driving there, I rode my bike to the train station and used electric transportation to get to Pasadena, and rode my bike to the ultimate destination. I got a little exercise and avoided burning two gallons of gas.

This evening, I'm going to visit a friend, and I'm going to ride my bike there. I could use the exercise anyway, so rather than driving to the gym and working out and then driving to my friend's place, I'll just ride to his place. It'll be 7 or 8PM when I leave and I think it's going to be chilly on the way home. This almost changed my mind. Then, I realized that my attitude about this is going to have to change. I am making a commitment to change my behavior a little, starting right now. If I can ride my bike somewhere instead of driving, then that's what I'm going to do.
I'd like to give Eirc Einem a thank you for putting together the Pasadena Oil Awareness group. He's invested his own money in printing up the fliers and spent a great deal of time on getting End of Suburbia screened at least a dozen times in different places around LA.

So, that's what I did today.
As a suggestion, please report on your action taken as it comes up. I don't do something to reduce oil dependancy every day, but this was a good day to me. I'm not looking for feedback on what I did, just looking to see what other people to so I can get some more ideas on things I can do to reduce my personal oil dependancy.
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Unread postby Licho » Sun 21 Nov 2004, 18:51:31

Don't forget that the money you save this way will be eventually spent on something (when you product/service you are just transferring the money to someone else), and in the end, they will be used in "average" way, on automative transportation, on products imported from far away etc.. Only way to really decrease oil consumption is to become homeless poor hobo :-)
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Unread postby Bytesmiths » Mon 22 Nov 2004, 03:31:18

Today, we went to an annual pre-Thanksgiving get-together at a friend's house. It's about a 20 mile round trip.
Last year, we used an entire gallon of gasoline to make this trip.
This year, we used less than a tenth of a gallon of fossil fuel.
How? First, we replaced our Ford Ranger with a diesel Jetta. That alone cut our fuel consumption in half. But we run it on biodiesel, which is 80% vegetable oil. (The methanol portion COULD be made from wood scrap, but currently, it is most often synthesized from natural gas, a fossil fuel.)
:::: Jan Steinman, Communication Steward, EcoReality, a forming sustainable community. Be the change! ::::
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Pictures from Doo Dah parade

Unread postby thinkpeace » Mon 29 Nov 2004, 15:55:46

LA Post Carbon Entered the Doo Dah Parade with an entry called Got Oil? The actors included the out-of-gassers pushing their car carrying empty gas cans, the Earth being followed by a doctor(s) with a thermometer and stretcher, a Soldier fighting for oil, Uncle Sam who is "Addicted to Oil", a TV set looking for a place to plug in and a "Wake up!! We are here, Peak Oil" sign.
View the pictures at
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Unread postby oowolf » Mon 29 Nov 2004, 18:36:23

Made a solemn vow on May 14, 1997 to never again own or operate an IC operated motor vehicle. Conscience driven decision-fortunately I had located a niche to occupy that no longer required personal dependence on such a device. Current yearly "personal" consumption of gasoline-2 gallons, mostly for chain saw.
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