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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby virgincrude » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 18:14:50

Clann, just hang in there! There's a lot of folk here eager for the crash and directing you to the tough stuff right away, is nasty.

You must have come here after reading/hearing something somewhere. I came to the subject after reading Heinberg who remains to this day my fave author as he has a very 'humane' style, even though the bottom line is: "we're fucked." I recommend you read him.

Read the psychology threads: one of the glaringly unattended side effects of finding out about all of the implications of Peak Oil, is that it is a life changing experience, no matter which way you look at it. I admit to still being in shock almost a whole year after first digesting the whole shit deal. Reading how other people are affected, coping, not coping, can give some comfort on those days when you really think the human race is doomed.

In the end, you'll have a rough ride while you sort out how it's going to affect you and yours, or you'll just go into denial. It's a nice place. But, well, as they say: "we're here for you ..." (?)
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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby vision-master » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 18:20:24


Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Mo_Oil_Dave » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 19:06:13

Welcome to You.

There is a large amount of doom and gloom associated with the knowledge of peak oil. But rejoyce therefore! For you are now in the top one tenth of one percent of the human race. You know about "Peak Oil". The other 99.9% don't know about it or just don't believe it.

So I say congratulations! You have just past the most important test of your life. No exaggeration! A test that most people will fail and they won't even know they were being tested. (Boo Hoo, how unfair). And remember, if you read Darwins "Origin of species" he never once mentions fairness.

Stay smart and stay cool.

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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Chicken_Little » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 19:08:39

Clann wrote:Hiya everyone, I've just joined

Currently doing some research into this very very complex topic. Looking forward to meeting you all, if anyone has some BASIC info on peak oil would be glad to hear/discuss it, although excuse my ignorance on it! Lol.

I would suggest watching Soylent Green, Dawn of the Dead, Clockwork Orange and 1984.

Life in the future's going to be pretty much like living in a combination of these movies, only much, much worse.

It's a big shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite.
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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Ayoob » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 21:56:57

Mo_Oil_Dave wrote:
But rejoyce therefore! For you are now in the top one tenth of one percent of the human race. You know about "Peak Oil". The other 99.9% don't know about it or just don't believe it.

So I say congratulations! You have just past the most important test of your life.


I honestly believe that when people march such platitudes out in front of people in an effort to get them to ignore the possible dangers ahead... that they are trying to kill you.

I know you guys think I'm trolling all the time but I don't think it's in the new guy's best interest to be told that everything is great and he's superman because he clicked a link on a page of the internet. Please.

There is fairly decent evidence, not conclusive mind you but somewhat substantive, that we are currently on the bubble. There are some well-respected people with very little to gain that are saying that we are on the bubble. We don't necessarily have a great deal of time before some troubling events could begin.

All of this is speculative, so don't take anything I have to say as gospel truth. Simply begin reading whatever you care to, and learn to spot news that is important. Economics, politics, geological, population statistics, etc.

Cantarell plummeting 71% in production over the next three years prompting a massive wave of immigration from Mexico, for example. What could the effects of that be? Remember when the longshoremen went on strike recently? What could be the possible effects of unrest in Long Beach, CA? Who currently lives in Long Beach, CA?

I think our new member should have the opportunity to engage in realistic thought exercises and have the opportunity to plan for himself.

I have made some drastic changes in my life over the last couple of years and I had time because I got busy fairly soon after I realized what the possible future events might look like.

That's enough out of me. Frankly, I'm glad I have had a couple of years to acquaint myself with this stuff because here we are now and the game appears to be afoot. Maybe. Maybe we have another six years. It's hard to say. The more time the better, as far as I'm concerned, but I'm not going to be a pollyanna and say we have six years when I don't have evidence to support that proposition. Or much evidence to support that we're on the bubble now!

We have some evidence, but only some.

Damn hippies.
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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Carlhole » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 23:18:32

...and don't forget, the stock market has discounted the dire ramifications of peak oil for sometime now and that is why all the stock prices reflect the end of civilization.

Time for a first post!

Unread postby Toploader » Fri 28 Jul 2006, 00:07:49

My story is similar to most peoples that arrive that these boards. Up until about 6 months ago I was living in my western bubble. I honestly believed that technology would conquer all the worlds problems in the end, including famine in the third world and pollution from our industrial lifestyles.
I always knew oil would one day get expensive, but I thought the governments would have prepared for that long ago and they are secretly sitting on zero point energy or nuclear fusion, ready to be unleashed as soon as oil was not longer profitable.

Sure, now I can see how naive that is, but I was born in 1981 so kinda grow up in the days when all seemed great and was even pretty oblivious to the suffering around the rest of the world. I turned 18 on the year 2000 around the time of the internet boom, so yeah, the future seemed rather bright!

EDIT: wow it was longer then 6 months ago, look at my sign up date :O

The one day I clicked a link to matt’s site, and well, I then spent the next 6 months reading everything I could on the subject. I have never been one to stress about possible end of the world scenarios but this seemed very real, and I just had to try and prove it wrong. I failed, and here I am now fully convinced that peak oil is real and taking place as we speak. I also sadly have come to believe that matts 'doomer' predictions are pretty damn accurate, the man seems to have a very real understanding of how human nature will dictate how peak oil will affect us. That's what gets me the most pissed, we still have time, even now, to really cushion the blow of the inevitable. But there are little signs of that happening soon, or long term plans to try and put this issues on the forefront of all industrialized nations agendas.

Not much I can really say on the issue that’s not already been said, but I have taken some inspiration from the whole thing. I work as a video game level designer with others from around the world to make hobbyist ‘first person shooters’ (just a team used to explain a game that’s played from the first person view). We are just coming to the end of production on a game based on zombies, so I wanted to direct our attention to a more real survival situation next, and make a game based on the theories of how peak oil will play out. We really wanna get in-depth with it, with a plausible and interesting script, ‘puzzles’ to work thought for survival and overcoming such challenges as obtaining water and food. Sounds alittle ambitious I know but we are quite a talented bunch between us, With script writers, texture artists/models/animators, level designers ect. So I’m confident we can do something pretty impressive. My motivation is really cause I personally wanna learn something from doing it, and maybe help enlighten a few others. And hell if not, It’s still a pretty cool storyline for such a project, beats zombies ;)

Sry I didn’t just come here to plug a game, I been trolling the forums for a while now while I took it all in. I thank everyone who posted their thoughts, it’s really be fascinating to read all your opinions, as well as making me feel less alone in this knowledge of what’s to come. I’m curious to know if there are many gamers here and what they would imagine a game like this should be like. It’s the closest you can get to a simulation I guess. For the guys here who know alittle about pc gaming, it will be a total conversation either on the source engine (for half life 2 no doubt) or possibly unreal 2007 (unreal engine 3.0) if it comes out this year. And I have no idea how long it will take, it’s only a hobbyist thing and will be free once done.

Anyway, Hi everyone!
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