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Do you live in Scotland?

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Do you live in Scotland?

Unread postby Caius » Sun 26 Feb 2006, 22:26:26

Hi tryin to get some ppl together in scotland to talk preperation. If yo live in scotland and wish to discuss my msn add is [email protected]. Knowledge isnt power. Knowledge is powerful. If we know whats gonna happen and do nothin about it doesnt that make us worse than the ignorant masses who cause us such frustration in the first place? Good luck ppl whatever your plan. J
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Joined: Fri 27 Jan 2006, 04:00:00
Location: Scotland

Re: Do you live in Scotland?

Unread postby linlithgowoil » Mon 27 Feb 2006, 07:36:46

i do, but to be honest, i am one of these people that doesnt believe in the value of making preparations unless they are major (e.g. building self sustaining house etc) and couldnt afford to do so anyway even if i wanted to.

best i can do is to prepare my family for short term things that last a couple of days like power cuts, severe weather - so i have candles, matches, torch, food and things like that.

of course, id rather be located a few miles from civilisation in a solar/wind powered house that was self sufficient in water etc. also, but that is just a pipe dream unless i won the lottery.
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Tar Sands
Tar Sands
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