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A Message From the Resistance? In Tampa??

For discussions of events and conditions not necessarily related to Peak Oil.

Re: A Message From the Resistance

Unread postby UIUCstudent01 » Sat 11 Feb 2006, 19:27:11

ElijahJones wrote:Completely tasteless! Furthermore if believed it can only cause fear, thus I would call posting that video and act of terror.

It's an old video that made its rounds through the internet already.

I doubt that the webserver hosting it is the original. I doubt that posting/creating the video is an act of terror...
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Re: A Message From the Resistance

Unread postby gego » Sat 11 Feb 2006, 19:54:32

kochevnik wrote:
You're full of shit.

More than 80 PERCENT of the US public supported the Iraq War II (some 98 percent of white male republicans) - the public wanted this war - the majority STILL want it according to the polls. As for the people of Iraq - if they didn't want Sadaam, it was well within their power to remove him. They didn't, therefore it just wasn't that important to them - just like it doesnt seem to be too important for people to either remove George Bush or prepare for PO.

The people may not always get what they want, but they sure as hell get what they deserve.

Actually that is Metamucil, hence artificial shit.

In any event, apparantly you do not understand the idea of divide and conquer, but there was virtually no way the population of Iraq could have ousted Sadam any more than the Stalin could have been ousted by the Ruskies as he effectively exterminated 40 million. If extermination was not sufficient justification for risking revolt, then nothing in Sadam's Iraq or the USA was sufficient to oust Sadam or Bush or any of the predecessor rulers. Actually it was tried once in the USA (Civil War) and gained nothing but more government.

It is true that after years of government controlled education that most Americans support war time government, and do foolishly "rally round the flag" when the government cons them into thinking they are being attacked. It is also true that the Americans have been brainwashed sufficiently to think they are free, while they are enslaved.

That does not change the fact that the population is ruled, and does not have any choice but to change the figurehead who rules (enslaves) from a list of approved candidates, which candidates are selected and financed by a small minority. It is only coincidental if the wishes of the majority and the choices of the government are the same.
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