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Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

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Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby LadyRuby » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 10:26:59

Has anyone heard of the Stansell motor or something like it? Apparently this is some kind of perpetual motion motor. Stansell, during a near-death experience in the 1920s, was told that he "would be given a formula for a mechanical device that would ultimately save the planet from certain environmental destruction in the next millennium." Stansell worked with a well-known psychic of his time, Edgar Cayce, who provided some details on this motor. It was never successfully built, obviously.

Below from the book, "Edgar Cayce - An American Prophet."

The motor was to consist of a large metal tank containing water, in which a drum containing compressed air or vapor would be suspended. Around the sides and inside the tank were metal sprockets, called "sprankles" in the readings, much like pins inserted into a cushion, or spark plugs on an engine block. A "cam shaft" running through the center of the drum would be connected to a caterpillar-type drive shaft at the top of the tank. Positively charged particles expanding in the bottom of the vapor-filled drum would contract as they rose to meet the negatively charged particles at the top, which would create a rotational force, causing the drum to spin. The action in the metal drum was compared to the rotation of the earth: once put in motion the drum would spin indefinitely until it was physically stopped. The larger the motor the more power it would produce. There would be no exhaust fumes, no dangerous emissions of any kind, and it would require no fuel beyond that required to initially put the drum into motion.

"[The] motor ... will develop power on its own action," the Source said. "The idea and the plans, as have [been] worked out [are] the better application of the created [or universal] energy."

The Stansell motor worked on the principle of alternatively changing the gravitational pull of vapor in the drum housing the motor. The 'sprangles,' or sprockets that were housed in the drum were nothing more than tuning forks that transmitted the vibrational level of the vapor in the drum and acted on the gasses trapped inside, causing them to alternately rise to the top of the drum and then sink to the bottom. This action was described as being the same kind of centrifugal force as found in nature, which theoretically would keep the drum spinning forever.

Edgar Cayce An American Prophet
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Re: Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby gnm » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 10:43:15

sounds like a "Milton wheel" ...

they are fun to look at but don't really supply any useable torque. And you still need to heat it...

damn those physical laws!



Re: Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby artiefacts » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 10:54:48

LadyRuby wrote:Has anyone heard of the Stansell motor or something like it? Apparently this is some kind of perpetual motion motor.

There has never been and will never be a "perpetual motion motor." Similarly, there is no free lunch, you can't get something for nothing, etc. Belief in such silly things is what got us into this situation in the first place!

There is, however, anecdotal evidence that wishing upon a star is effective in some cases.

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Re: Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby killJOY » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 10:58:50

Edgar Cayce is known as one of America's greatest psychics. His followers maintain that Cayce was able to tap into some sort of higher consciousness, such as God or the akashic record, to get his "psychic knowledge." He used this "knowledge" to predict that California will slide into the ocean and that New York City will be destroyed in some sort of cataclysm. He predicted that in 1958 the U.S. would discover some sort of death ray used on Atlantis. Cayce is one of the main people responsible for some of the sillier notions about Atlantis, including the idea that the Atlantaeans had some sort of Great Crystal. Cayce called the Great Crystal the Tuaoi Stone and said it was a huge cylindrical prism that was used to gather and focus "energy," allowing the Atlanteans to do all kinds of fantastic things.

'Nuff said?
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Re: Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby Heineken » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 11:01:36

Turning to psychics and miracles is a sure sign that the end is nigh.
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Re: Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby untothislast » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 11:22:28

My personal favourite is 'Maxwell's Demon' (no, it's not a track off 'Abbey Road')
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Re: Perpetual motor saves the planet from env. destruction?

Unread postby LadyRuby » Thu 08 Dec 2005, 11:41:26

Ah... I sense a bit of skepticism among us (to put it mildly). :lol: :lol:

At this point a pyschic may be our best shot at redemption.
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