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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby nth » Wed 07 Sep 2005, 14:12:07

Zero Point Enevery

Do you guys know this Mr. Goldes?

I didn't know he developed the UltraConductor.

This guy really likes to invent sci-fi stuff.
Anyone know much about UltraConductor?
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby chuck6877 » Thu 08 Sep 2005, 03:13:18

Mr Goldes is a great guy.

He's very friendly and taught me a lot about zero point energy even after he found out I didn't meet his investor requirements. We must have emailed each other 10 or more times. He's very excited about his technologies.

I met him from posting on a different chat group related to my career field about zero point energy and Mr Goldes saw what I posted some how and contacted me. He was of course seeing if I wanted to be an investor. I said I wanted to see more info, so he mailed me tons of their plans and the history of his company.

I'd invest if I could but it turns out you have to have a net worth of $1 Million and an annual income of $200,000. Uh not me. :)

I did learn a ton about his company though.

His company is developing demonstration toys coming out at the end of this year that will be powered by ZPE.

Next year, I think it is, they're going to power a Hybrid vehicle, with ZPE instead of batteries!! THIS WILL BE HUGE

They also plan on creating a mini-powerplant device next year. They see no reason at all they can't make 1 MW power plants from their technology with power at cheaper than any other power source out there.

If anybody is interested in more information, I can give you the information Mr Goldes gave me, or even help you get in contact with Mr Goldes.

His plans include his company going PUBLIC within 2 years.

I just hope his technologies or the technologies from the other dozen companies working on ZPE including Boeing get to market soon before Global resource wars occur.

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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Dezakin » Thu 08 Sep 2005, 14:55:59

You guys cant smell a scam biting you?

It would be nice if this amazing company that produced not one but two products that revolutionize civilization could actually provide evidence of this. Thus far, they havent provided any samples to any third party for verification; Oh they claim they have, to some labs conveniently somewhere off in Russia and Israel, where I'm sure the collaborative staff is indisposed for reasons of nonexistance or some such like.

Be glad you didn't meat his 'investor requirements.'

Hucksterism is having its day again.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Triffin » Thu 08 Sep 2005, 21:15:12

Didn't read most of these posts. Let's just make this real simple: build your widget, put it in a black box if you want, bring it over here and put it in my basement. I'll disconnect from the grid, and if I can still watch TV, then you've got something!

LOL .. Show me one of these inventors that doesn't
still have an electric bill from the local utility
and I'll pay attention ..

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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby ChumpusRex » Thu 08 Sep 2005, 21:26:40

GIFNET’s Technology Developments
Nicholas Moller, President of GIFNET, is known for creating the Moller Atomic Hydrogen Generator (MAHG), which is fully based on Irving Langmuir's discoveries in dissosiation of Molecular Hydrogen to Atomic Hydrogen.

Another group that destroys all their credibility in one press release.

The MAHG is one of the most ludicrous schemes I've seen in a while. Even a cursory read of the techincal description will reveal the flawed measurement method which explains the 'overunity'.

J. Naudin the current proponent of the MAHG is one of the most incompetant experimenters around - managing to extract ZPE from misplaced decimal points and inappropriate measuring equipment.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby JudoCow09 » Thu 08 Sep 2005, 22:38:27

Well, I'm still interested. I would love to talk to this guy sometime.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Overtone » Fri 09 Sep 2005, 16:39:58

"It would be nice if this amazing company that produced not one but two products that revolutionize civilization could actually provide evidence of this. Thus far, they havent provided any samples to any third party for verification; Oh they claim they have, to some labs conveniently somewhere off in Russia and Israel, where I'm sure the collaborative staff is indisposed for reasons of nonexistance or some such like."

Ultraconductors have been independently reproduced on a Contract for the USAF by Fractal Systems. Samples have been provided to third parties over a period of more than a decade. Four Small Business Innovation Contracts have been completed for the Department of Defense, including one Phase II Contract. In addition, more than $5 million has been invested by Angels. For more information, see the website:
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Re: Magnetic Power Inc. - a few corrections

Unread postby Overtone » Fri 09 Sep 2005, 20:23:17

We are indeed developing prototype Demonstration Devices and toys. However, production will be by licensees and is not anticipated until late next year.

Magnetic Power Modules(tm) are expected to be in production by a Strategic Partner about the same time. The initial target size is 1 kW. Several modules can be used to power a home.

By the end of 2006, we plan to remove the need to plug-in a plug-in hybrid Prius. The plug supplies 1 kW and a module should be a reasonable replacement. But, this will not replace the batteries.

Perhaps by the end of 2007, a 50 kW module will replace the engine in a hybrid. Some batteries or ultracapacitors could still be needed for acceleration or hill climbing, but maybe not. Time will tell.

Mark Goldes, CEO
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby richardmmm » Sat 10 Sep 2005, 14:26:18

It's really simply.

The earth weighs 5.9742 × 10E24 kilograms (m)

The earth travels 940 million km around the sun every 365 days.

So every day, the earth travels about 2.4 million km, which is 100,000km/h = 27,777 meters per second. (V)

Kinetic Energy = 0.5 x m x Vsquared

0.5 x (5.9742 × 10E24 kilograms) x (27,777)squared

= 2.304 x 10E33 Joules

Burning 1 gallon of gasoline at 100% efficency yields about 140,000,000 joules.

But the average car is only 20% efficient.

So if the earth was a petrol engine it would be burning

82,285,714,285,714,285 trillion gallons of gas per second.

and that only accounts for the earth's motion around the sun, not's it's spin or the motion of the solar system within the galaxy or any other planets.

The earth carries on spinning at incredible speeds, not only spinning on it's axis but also travelling millions of miles a year around the sun. The whole solar system itself, at the same time travelling around the centre of the galaxy.............Where does all this vast amount of energy come from to move huge masses billions of miles ? It comes from the vacum of course................where else could it come from, there is no possible explanation.

1.) Science does not know everything that there is to know. So ZPE is most likely is a viable technology we can see it all around us in the universe. Infact it is more common outside planet earth than it is uncommon. The Earth must be shielding us in some way from this source. We need a means to tap into it.

2.) There is no way to charge people for this technology, once they have the gear they are off............electric motors need little servicing, not only killing off oil companies, but also putting GM, Ford etc. out of business with all those dealer certified yearly services. (why do you think that metro taxis etc. don't run on electricity and charge up every evening ?. Take the petrol motor out of a hybrid and put in extra batteries and you have a vehicle with good capacity. OK it is limited but for taxies and commuters it is servicing required, so almost zero residual income.)

3. )ZPE is a military threat. Imagine Hitler with ZPE tanks and airplanes. We'd still be fighting WW2 today.

4.) Back in the early 1900s vast amounts of money were spent investing in oil production and electrical generation and it was in no one's interest to realease this free technology. It got burried as a cranky idea.

Sure there are many hoaxes and rip offs out there, they simply serve to perpetuate the belief that ZPE is a myth.

However consider that our science is not complete and is flawed and that Scientists freely admit that they need at least 3 or 4 more dimensions to unify quantum physics with relativity.

Consider then that you come to my lab and I show you a wheel that constanly spins. I explain to you that the wheel remains in motion due to an energy differential between the fixed axel of the wheel and it's outer most edge. You huff and puff about how this is a perpetual motion machine and violates the stogey laws of thermodynamics that you have taken on board as the dogmatic and relgious scientific belief of the day.

None the less the wheel keeps spinning, violating the laws of therodynamics.

The axel is mounted in the floor and half the wheel disappears under the lab, so we go to have a look underneath so I can show you how the energy differential is generated. In fact the system that taken in isolation violates laws of physics, is a simple water wheel, dipped into the river that is flowing under my lab.

Now consider a more complicated piece of technology dipped into the motion and ether of the 5th or 6th dimension.

It's not hard to imagine at all.

To a man with only a hammer - every problem seems like a nail........
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby threadbear » Mon 12 Sep 2005, 01:53:09

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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby lowem » Mon 12 Sep 2005, 02:11:47

So ... what do we do when the aliens from the other universe start to complain we've been changing their physical laws? :razz:
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby richardmmm » Thu 15 Sep 2005, 12:52:01

lowem wrote:So ... what do we do when the aliens from the other universe start to complain we've been changing their physical laws? :razz:

a long as it is done intelligently i can't see that it would cause any problem at all.

a paddle wheel in a river is not going to mess up the flow of the river, simply tap it's energy.

obviously if you build a hoover dam then you get some angry people down stream who suddenly have no water.

but really look at how much energy there is around us.

the motion of the planets not to mention the incredible ppower of the sun.

we only use 85 million barrels of oil a day. add in some coal and nuclear, we are only using a piffling amount of energy really, even compared to the spin of the planet.

i mean let's face it, we live on the most giant bar maget imaginable.

the marget is spinning.

forgive me if i am wrong but isn't that how electricity is generated ?

all we have to do is plug into it.

is a nuclear power plant going to notice if you plug your laptop in to charge it up. no, because it makes such vast amounts of electricity charging your laptop wouldn't even amount to the resistance in it's generators.

same for the planet x all the people on it.

the amount of energy that is all around us is so vast that siphoning off a tiny amount isn't going to really make even a scratch.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Caoimhan » Thu 15 Sep 2005, 13:09:54

The Hoover dam doesn't consume or destroy water, so the people downstream are not losing any water at all. In fact, dams help buffer against natural floods during extremely rainy seasons. Only while the dam is filling up are people downstream experiencing a reduction in flow.

It's when you pump the contents of the Colorado river to Los Angeles that the people downstream on the Colorado cheated of water.

(By the way, the word is "magnet".)

We can tap into the earth's magneticism... proposals have been made. But the key is that you have to pass a conductor through the magnetic lines of force swiftly enough. You could put a satellite up with long metal cables, and set it spinning, that would generate electricity, but the resistance on the cable would slow down the spin. How do you keep the cables spinning?
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Brandon » Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:46:31

"The Hoover dam doesn't consume"

Well technically it does consume a little bit due to absorbtion into the earth behind the dam and through evaporation. Don't know how much, but I'm sure it's measurable.

No update yet on the Moller Atomic Hydrogen Gas Generator about the questionable measurements when using pulsed power. From my viewpoint, it looks like Naudin messed up and there is no ZPE from his device.
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Unread postby richardmmm » Fri 16 Sep 2005, 20:39:33

SolarDave wrote:
Novus wrote:ZPE is the most prevasive force in the universe and it has an effect on everything..

Hence it is useless.

Being "surrounded" by energy gives you nothing.

That's funny because solar cells seem to work pretty well. I don't know about you but I'd call a sunny day being surrounded by energy.

ZPE is just the same on another level.

It's something that basic science ignores even though their theories on the universe are flawed and incorrect.

gravity as an electrostatic force makes much more sense than this mysterious attraction between lumps of dirt in space, which doesn't add up and needs 50+% so called dark matter "garden gnomes" to hold the universe together.

What is even more preverse is that the very scientists that pooh pooh everything that can't be proved, turn around and say that dark matter must exist to plug the gaps in their flawed theories, and since no one can prove it doesn't exist therefore it must, which is a violation of the very philosphies their own science is based about changing the rules to suit you..........Socrates must be spinning in his grave.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Googolplex » Sat 17 Sep 2005, 08:06:08

richardmmm wrote:The earth carries on spinning at incredible speeds, not only spinning on it's axis but also travelling millions of miles a year around the sun. The whole solar system itself, at the same time travelling around the centre of the galaxy.............Where does all this vast amount of energy come from to move huge masses billions of miles ? It comes from the vacum of course................where else could it come from, there is no possible explanation.

8O :shock: :?

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im sorry, I don't ususally like to mock people, but thats the most ignorant thing Ive seen all day! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Where does the energy come from to keep all those massive bodies moving through the vacume? WHAT ENERGY? :roll:

Its a fricken vacume! Once you get moving in a vacume, you don't need any energy to keep going, as there is nothing to slow you down! In fact, the only time you need to expend energy is to STOP moving (or change direction).

And how did things get moving in the first place? Well, you see there is this brand new force, only discovered very recently, only a scant 350 YEARS AGO. Its called gravity. :P

[EDIT] Oh, and since you touched on gravity in your imeadiatly preceding post, Id like to point out that gravity is entirly sufficient to explain our entire solar system. The areas where dark matter and dark energy come into play is when trying to explain how galaxies hold together, and why they are accelerating away from each other when they shouldn't be. Besides, dark matter simply reffers to matter that we cannot see in any way from here (not everything emmits light you know, not most things in fact), and dark energy is simply a place holder term for an as-yet unknown intergalactic force and/or effect.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby richardmmm » Sat 17 Sep 2005, 15:43:27

Googolplex wrote:
richardmmm wrote:The earth carries on spinning at incredible speeds, not only spinning on it's axis but also travelling millions of miles a year around the sun. The whole solar system itself, at the same time travelling around the centre of the galaxy.............Where does all this vast amount of energy come from to move huge masses billions of miles ? It comes from the vacum of course................where else could it come from, there is no possible explanation.

8O :shock: :?

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im sorry, I don't ususally like to mock people, but thats the most ignorant thing Ive seen all day! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Where does the energy come from to keep all those massive bodies moving through the vacume? WHAT ENERGY? :roll:

Its a fricken vacume! Once you get moving in a vacume, you don't need any energy to keep going, as there is nothing to slow you down! In fact, the only time you need to expend energy is to STOP moving (or change direction).

And how did things get moving in the first place? Well, you see there is this brand new force, only discovered very recently, only a scant 350 YEARS AGO. Its called gravity. :P

[EDIT] Oh, and since you touched on gravity in your imeadiatly preceding post, Id like to point out that gravity is entirly sufficient to explain our entire solar system. The areas where dark matter and dark energy come into play is when trying to explain how galaxies hold together, and why they are accelerating away from each other when they shouldn't be. Besides, dark matter simply reffers to matter that we cannot see in any way from here (not everything emmits light you know, not most things in fact), and dark energy is simply a place holder term for an as-yet unknown intergalactic force and/or effect.

i was waiting for someone to make this point...........

people laughed at the sailors who said they'd set off to sail around the world, people said they'd fall off the edge, sail into hades etc, that it was madness, against the religion of the day etc.

conventionally and from a narrow minded view point taken from earth where things suffer from friction you are correct. however the so called theories for how the sun operates and theories for how the whole setup is held together is absolutely flawed and not dissimilar to the earth is flat theory that was inplace for thousands of years before people figured out otherwise. Just as we laugh about the world is flat story, so our great great grandchildren will be laughing about the big bang theory and the poxy half cooked astrophysicsts who took the unfinished work of einstein and made it untouchable and accepted as concrete.

i therefore don't think that you can rule out ZP energy from the vacum just because a frictionless envrionment apparently explains how planets and suns wizz about through space.

solar wind and plasmas have been all but ignored by the mainstream science and explained away with flawed theories. there is a vast amount of unseen electrical energy flying about that no one has really bothered to look into properly and solid theories have been discarded in favour of garden gnome, dark matter, that must exist because we say it exists and you can't prove otherwise.

As Einstein said, Science without religion is lame...and religion without science is blind.

What we have today is a Science that has become a form of religion. We therefore find science is not only lame but also blind to new ideas.

The point I am trying to bring out here is that a caveman didn't have to know how fire worked, or the physics of throwing a spear to catch some food. I can't explain everything about the universe and neither can the scientists, and so until they can, the possibility of unseen forms of energy, especially collection of energy from unseen motion in other dimensions and unseen electrical forces that have never been considered, remains open, rather than closed, just as opened minded individuals in the 1400s, refused to accept that the earth was flat until they sailed off the edge and proved it.

and just what the hell was Tesla upto with all that crazy gear of his ?
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Googolplex » Sun 18 Sep 2005, 02:26:30

richardmmm wrote:i therefore don't think that you can rule out ZP energy from the vacum just because a frictionless envrionment apparently explains how planets and suns wizz about through space.

Ok, first, enough of the "persecuted visionary" crap. The people who laughed at those sailors did so because they were ignorant and/or risk averse (Im sure some thought they might be right, but were stupid to take the risk and sail out into the unknown). Those early captains were experimenters who were willing to take the risk to confirm their hypothosies with observations. They were true scientists. They left behind the ignorance and blindness of belief systems and embraced truth. Any fellow scientists who saw them off would not have been laughing (or at least would have been laughing due to the risk aversity reason :) ).

Second, whos ruling out ZPE from the vacume? As far as I know, according to current evidence, zero point energy is probably real and it seems to exist in all vacumes.

Its even possible, I suppose, that ZPE is pushing planets and stars around a tiny bit. If its happening at all, however, there is NO evidence that it is by any meaningful amount, at least not on the scale of our solar system. And constant planetary movement isn't appearently explained by the frictionless environment, it IS. Period. What you have yet to explain is why the planets wouldn't be in continual movement. If ZPE is keeping them going, then something else must be counteracting that energy by trying to slow them down, otherwise they would accelerate out of the solar system!

Also, I don't know why you seem to be crusading against science. Science is nothing more then looking at the world around us and trying to determine how and why things are the way they are through the scientific method. It hasn't "become a form of religion", thats freaking rediculous! You're just repeating stupid buzz words you heard once. Religion and science are not mutually exclusive, they are also not simlar or the same thing, they in fact have nothing to do with each other at all! It just makes no sense, like saying "an apple is just another airplane". What?!?

Besides, ZPE is entirely the product of hard, physical science. To rail against science is to rail against ZPE.
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby Omnitir » Sun 18 Sep 2005, 18:34:11

Sounds a bit too spacey (as in it’s like something from Star Trek) for me to get my hopes up about.

Zero Point Energy? Isn’t that what the ancients used to power the Star Gate with??? :-D

Overtone wrote:We are indeed developing prototype Demonstration Devices and toys. However, production will be by licensees and is not anticipated until late next year.

Magnetic Power Modules(tm) are expected to be in production by a Strategic Partner about the same time. The initial target size is 1 kW. Several modules can be used to power a home.

By the end of 2006, we plan to remove the need to plug-in a plug-in hybrid Prius. The plug supplies 1 kW and a module should be a reasonable replacement. But, this will not replace the batteries.

Perhaps by the end of 2007, a 50 kW module will replace the engine in a hybrid. Some batteries or ultracapacitors could still be needed for acceleration or hill climbing, but maybe not. Time will tell.

Mark Goldes, CEO

Wow... is this for real? How come no one here has addressed this? It sounds like something with the potential to solve peak oil…

It also sounds too good to be true...
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Re: Zero Point Energy

Unread postby chuck6877 » Sun 18 Sep 2005, 21:17:05


It almost sounds too good to be true, for sure. There are over 12 companies researching it including two defense contractors for the government.

You quoted Mark Goldes, who is the CEO of one of the best of the ZPE companies.

Soon enough we'll know if it is b.s. or the real thing. His company is going to have demonstration devices for the world to see at the end of this year.

Let's hope they work!!

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