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Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby phaster » Sun 13 Aug 2023, 19:55:54

Read an interesting book about, why 'climate education' in the USA isn't the greatest ... 1735913642

thought I'd mention it because, after reading the book tried my hand at creating a Doodly video about the topic of 'Miseducation'

to make it easy to access the video, am using a website name 'redirect'

just thought I post this because I'm looking for feedback to see what others think, and also looking to improve the presentation

my idea is to create a 'teachers lesson' (out of the graphic images)
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby kublikhan » Sun 13 Aug 2023, 20:35:20

The audio is choppy and unnatural.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby theluckycountry » Mon 14 Aug 2023, 05:10:56

Computer generated voice over, I never watch a video that is in that format, it's typically cheap opinionated information. Also those computer generated graphics are wearisome, you are being bombarded with charts and equations but you can't study them because the voice over is jabbering in your ear.

Youtube is so full of this crap now, the "videographers" think is so cool and hip but it's just freebee junk. Give me one real documentary or at least a person sitting before the camera making their points.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby phaster » Tue 22 Aug 2023, 20:36:39

theluckycountry wrote:Computer generated voice over, I never watch a video that is in that format, it's typically cheap opinionated information. Also those computer generated graphics are wearisome, you are being bombarded with charts and equations but you can't study them because the voice over is jabbering in your ear.

point taken about the TTS (text to speech) I first used being a turn off

over the weekend found a workaround to use the latest TTS offered on the MacOS (for vision impared individuals) which is a big improvement in terms of computer generated speech quality

FYI the reason I'm using TTS is because its fast and easy,... I don't have a dedicated home audio studio to do recordings, and when I did my own live recordings, the end result wasn't all that great, the microphone was of poor quality and then every once in a while my dog would bark

As far as the slide deck images (used in the YouTube video),... did them all myself because I wanted something eye catching and based on real science (which taken together told a story)




perhaps these uploaded images might be enticing enough to give the updated TTS voiceover a second look???
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby Newfie » Wed 23 Aug 2023, 11:13:32

Frankly I think this is great and shows a lot of talent. The content was also very good.

The voice issue has been described above, even a poor mic and barking dog would be better.

The problem you are facing you describe early on, the 6 second attention span and poor basic education. I don’t know how you climb that hurdle.

I am extremely impressed with your product. It is the audience that is the issue, I don’t know if it is possible to reach them.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby AgentR11 » Thu 24 Aug 2023, 00:01:56

Warned as I was, I skipped the audio and just followed along with the subtitles. Pretty decent presentation!

I'm always a fan of mentioning the longer scale of the last eon, how in that scheme of things, the Earth right now is still very cold and that much of the history of our Planet A is very much, not cold. A not cold environment that we are entirely unsuitable to inhabit. People think such a condition would be novelle because we always present this ice-age/temperate oscillation of the last few years and the not cold state is much warmer, and much different than even the warmest of the warm cycles in that ice-age/temperate oscillation.

We may not have species experience with 1000ppm CO2, but the Earth does, quite a bit in fact. And the critters that inhabit such an environment comfortably, are not anything like *US*.

Looking at the CO2 chart you post for this current era, it ought to be clear to anyone that 1000ppm is very much in the cards, and in geological time, its happening in the blink of an eye.

Not sure how to present those two types of facts to folks in a way they could grasp, even 100k years is beyond vast to the human mind; given that the entire species has only been around 250k years, I suppose that isn't surprising. How to illustrate to people that we are truly moving outside of human experience and compatibility is a mystery to me.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby jedrider » Thu 24 Aug 2023, 11:53:20

Nice. Yes, the audio needs improvement. I like the flow of information but, a las, probably too much for the average American. For the non-average American, I think it needs to be longer to include more information of what is happening now that global warming is becoming so evident and not just something to worry about in the future. We are living the future now.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby theluckycountry » Fri 25 Aug 2023, 18:37:53

phaster wrote:
perhaps these uploaded images might be enticing enough to give the updated TTS voiceover a second look???

I'll suss it out. But the real problem you face may well be this. (caveat: I believe we are undergoing climate change due to CO2)

...The parade of failed doomsday predictions by climate scientists has become so embarrassing that you can find entire chronologies online listing inaccurate claims made by experts, and comparing them to what actually happened. Somehow, despite those claims, claims splashed around by Al Gore et al., the Arctic Ocean is not yet ice-free in summer—that was supposed to happen years ago, according to the hype—and polar bear populations are rebounding as the bears do what Darwin predicted and adapt to changing environments. Again, this does not mean that global climate change isn’t happening. It means that the experts know a lot less about climate change (not to mention polar bear ecology) than they think they do. What that means, in turn, is that a growing number of people are responding to the latest dire pronouncements of climate activists by rolling their eyes and walking away.

Hasan Chowdhury also has his equivalents in this field. I’m thinking here especially of a recent article by Rebecca Solnit titled “We can’t afford to be climate doomers,” which you can read here. She insists that it’s wrong for people to assume that nothing can be done about climate change—why, if we all clap our hands in unison and believe, surely Tinkerbell can be saved! It’s interesting to compare Solnit’s earnestness with the equally earnest claim by Greta Thunberg in 2018 that if we didn’t give up all fossil fuels within five years, humanity would be doomed to certain extinction. If the scientists Thunberg cited were right, it’s already too late; if they were wrong, why should we believe the rest of what they’re claiming?

Solnit is incensed that “the comfortable in the global north”—that is to say, the privileged classes to which she herself belongs—are increasingly discouraged about climate change. She insists that all we have to do is embrace the same remedies she and her fellow activists have been pushing all along: political action, allegedly green technologies, and the demonization of fossil fuel companies. The difficulty, of course, is that those supposed remedies have not just failed to achieve their goals, they’ve failed to have any effect on climate at all.

After all, despite climate treaties, green technologies, activists throwing public temper tantrums about climate, and the rest of it, fossil fuel use and the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere both continue to climb steadily. All those wind turbines and solar PV farms haven’t even slowed the global increase in fossil fuel consumption, much less replaced any noticeable amount of fossil fuels with green energy—in point of fact, world consumption of coal, the dirtiest fuel of all, hit an all-time record last year, up 3.3% from the year before. The narrative Solnit is pushing amounts to “climate protesters are heroes saving the earth from evil fossil fuel companies,” but the narrative that the facts are telling is “climate protesters are a pampered subculture engaging in meaningless virtue signaling while ignoring their own carbon-laced lifestyles.” Once again, it’s the latter narrative that’s become more convincing to people these days...

And on it goes.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby AgentR11 » Fri 25 Aug 2023, 19:43:25

Question is, is it just and honorable to continue on as we are, locking future generations into a climate they can barely tolerate; just because that change may be a few hundred years in the future.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby phaster » Sat 26 Aug 2023, 11:11:50

theluckycountry wrote:
phaster wrote:
perhaps these uploaded images might be enticing enough to give the updated TTS voiceover a second look???

I'll suss it out. But the real problem you face may well be this. (caveat: I believe we are undergoing climate change due to CO2)

...The parade of failed doomsday predictions by climate scientists has become so embarrassing that you can find entire chronologies online listing inaccurate claims made by experts, and comparing them to what actually happened. Somehow, despite those claims, claims splashed around by Al Gore et al., the Arctic Ocean is not yet ice-free in summer—that was supposed to happen years ago, according to the hype—and polar bear populations are rebounding as the bears do what Darwin predicted and adapt to changing environments. Again, this does not mean that global climate change isn’t happening. It means that the experts know a lot less about climate change (not to mention polar bear ecology) than they think they do.

When I was an undergrad (back in 1989) took a PoliSci seminar class that started my interest in the fact,...

“Human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future.”

matter if fact the guy who said this back in 1957 was the prof who had the foresight to know he didn't know all the answers BUT was smart enough to know the right questions to ask

The PoliSci seminar class was the idea of Revelle (the 'same' guy that inspired Al Gore),... anyway the format was a handful of undergrad knuckleheads would sit around a conference table and have various researchers come in and give an informal talk about stuff they were working on and afterward we would discuss the topic (because at the end of the class we had to write a paper about a topic we found interesting)

though I'd mention this because in the link you suggested, there was a photo


with the caption “I wish she’d cut the political lectures and get around to teaching us some science.”

FWIW as an undergrad I double majored in physics and PoliSci because I wanted to know how to build the bomb and figured it might be helpful to know if it was potentially going to be used, knowing something about the politics of the 'target'

sigh,... the problem I have come to realize is there is a 'yuge' chasm between what so called science experts know AND what what average people and elected leaders think they know

on the science side, the depth of knowledge can be pretty deep BUT not that wide,... then there is the average person/elected-official who might know lots of details about the latest news about kardashians or TRUMP,... BUT they have pretty much zero understanding of science (and the sad fact is people more likely believe made up $hit)


anyway,... because memes are how average people communicate figure the only way to communicate key concepts of global warming science, is to use illustrations (and incorporate broad long term held held cultural beliefs, to put things into context),... for example in religion (people do not put much thought into putting 'beliefs' into context)
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby phaster » Sat 26 Aug 2023, 11:21:59

AgentR11 wrote:Question is, is it just and honorable to continue on as we are, locking future generations into a climate they can barely tolerate; just because that change may be a few hundred years in the future.

ever hear of the fermi paradox (which an be applied to the 'issue of man made climate change')??? ... ge-322232/
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby AgentR11 » Sat 26 Aug 2023, 12:13:18

Yes, though its always seemed more like a deep but simple question than a paradox. I don't see anything that is contradictory, there is no guarantee that there is, or ever were, aliens in the first place. Much less alien tech existing in the same relative time interval as our own tech.

The duration of tech parameter seems a worthy question to consider with regard to our own existence; can fragile tech keep a species alive for geologically significant time in the face of an incompatible biosphere? I think not. So you get a duration of some hundreds of years, at best. If that's true, there could have been thousands, or even maybe millions of civilizations in the galaxy that have come and gone and we'd never know.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby Newfie » Sat 26 Aug 2023, 12:58:12


You have not been following the UAP news very closely.

There is rather extraordinary evidence.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby AgentR11 » Sat 26 Aug 2023, 13:23:10

Honestly, no, I haven't been following it. Seems just like a bunch of folks testifying. I want to see some hardware, live cam, and functional. UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) does not lead me towards thinking aliens. Simply not understanding something doesn't imply a divine source, nor an alien source. It just means there's some stuff we don't know how to ask the right questions about. Surgery existed before anyone knew about bacteria, and as a result, results were often gruesome. For the longest time, no one knew even what the question was. Same deal, just less gross.

I'm much more inclined to think that we have some stuff that we don't want talked about, or the Russians and Chinese have some stuff they don't want talked about. No external actors required.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby Newfie » Sun 27 Aug 2023, 18:01:40

Jump over here for a bit.

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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby theluckycountry » Thu 31 Aug 2023, 06:07:11

AgentR11 wrote:Question is, is it just and honorable to continue on as we are, locking future generations into a climate they can barely tolerate; just because that change may be a few hundred years in the future.

That's philosophic question and for 99.9% of people the answer is obvious. The real question is, am I and my neighbors prepared to turn off out air conditioners light and stoves, park our cars for ever and start growing vegetables and raising chickens. For 99.9% of people the answer to that is NO! And that includes the Greenest Green and even the ones living remote in the wilderness.

To continue with the current system means collapse and anarchy. To step away from it en-mass means the same thing. To power down slowly is basically what is happening now as the poor lose access to cars and electricity and consumer goods. Slow collapse, slow anarchy. We don't have a choice. We never did.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby Newfie » Thu 31 Aug 2023, 09:14:19


I agree with most of that but it still leave the ethical question unanswered in the sense of WHY we are jot more effective.

One way to look at is that the honest conversation is never about climate change, it is a out politics. And that should be unsurprising, we are a an intensely social, hierarchical, herd animal. Very much like chimps but instead of groups or tribes of tens we have larger social structures of tens of thousands.

I picked this up at various Green activism meetings. The activist were focused on how to make people vote this way or that and they had almost zero interest in contemplation, or learning let alone teaching. This explains fiascos like the Green New Deal, it is a political Trojan Horse, liberal activism cloaked in Green garb. It has taught people to not trust the Green movement.

How isnClimate Change Taught in America? It is NOT. And that is the ethical question, the ethical failure.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby theluckycountry » Thu 31 Aug 2023, 17:13:10

Newfie wrote:Lucky,

I agree with most of that but it still leave the ethical question unanswered in the sense of WHY we are not more effective. One way to look at is that the honest conversation is never about climate change, it is a out politics...

WHY are we not more effective? Honestly, all the info is out there about climate change and anyone who hasn't been educated by now is living in a cave, OR, chosen not to think about it too much. Collectively we have made a decision not to confront it, probably because we know the outcome, loss of modern conveniences, modern life. As to why there is no honest conversation on the topic, why should you expect one? There is no honest conversation about Anything now. If anything doesn't suit the Growth model of capitalism (and imperialism, and communism btw) it has about 3 days on the front page and is then tossed down the memory hole.

The only things in modern society that aren't tossed down the hole are the issues that don't effect growth. They are truly divisive too, like illegal immigration, abortion, black lives matter, Transgender rights, etc etc. But these don't effect the profits of the corporations and are useful tools to keep the useless idiots fighting each other. A city trashed by BLM activists has to be rebuilt *profits* There are small profits to be had in all these great movements but there is no profit in curtailing fossil fuel use. Even the lockdowns, which are seemingly anti-profit, generated trillions in new debt which means trillions in interest repayments to Big Banks which sit at the top of the corporate money tree.

Arms production
Oil and energy production

These are the biggest corporate blocks by profit margin on the planet! And if you look over the past decades you can see that each has benefited in turn by Endless Debt, Endless Wars, Endless sickness, and Endless Energy consumption. You will never see an honest conversation on these issues newfie, it is not allowed by the politicians, by the corporations that put them in power. Whose idea was it for Arnold Schwarzenegger to enter politics? Not his own I bet. Same with Trump. Trump would have been put up to it. He achieved NOTHING of real consequence in his term aside from adding to the division of an already divided nation. The stock market bubble he oversaw was just a natural cycle in the debt system, he had nothing to do with it.

It was a puppet show is all. It kept the people fighting each other while the corporations milked them. Biden was allowed his term in the sun because he had proved himself to be a bought man. The decline of the nation's prosperity under him is simply the ongoing decline that set in decades and decades ago. He is not to blame, he is just the puppet on stage at the moment. Once you grasp this you can turn away from the puppet show and devote more of your energies to your own life, your own plans, your own happiness.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby Newfie » Thu 31 Aug 2023, 19:23:30


You ask some good questions but I think you need to draw back some to find satisfying answers. In a way it goes back to The Tragedy of the Commons. It is an old and true parable, much wisdom there, what is not obvious about the moral?

But, collectively we act completly opposite to the lesson.

I fear the problem is in our genes. For millions of years we were some pissant species barely scraping by. We crawled up the food chain by hook and by crook, finding g every advantage and exploiting it. We eventually killed all competing top level predators and now all we have left to kill is each other.

It is not our fault we are the way we are, it was necessary to survive. The problem is now that we are at the top we need to change quickly and we are having a damn hard time doing that.
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Re: Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America

Postby AgentR11 » Fri 01 Sep 2023, 10:06:41

fwiw, Homo Sapiens is only about a quarter million years old; not millions. We've really done all this damage in the blink of an eye.
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