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Vast UFO Cover-Up

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Unread postby Newfie » Wed 07 Jun 2023, 10:45:45

I am surprised at the lack of interest in this story.

I have always heard how governments were concerned about the social impact of discovering extra terrestrial life, that it would upset the social order and creat chaos. And here we go with narray a blip. It points to how little we know ourselves as a species. How poor our long term predictions are.

None the less it is fascinating.

What we seem to be getting from the new reports is that there is a major class of UFO that is drawing attention. This class is roughly described as a large suitcase in size and as a cube inside a clearing sphere. Supposedly one flew close to enough to a fighter, parallel him, long enough to get a good look. They released top down video of a similar device in the ME.

They say the devices can perform maneuvers we can not explain and that they leave no thermal trail. They are tracking them with IR and radar returns. So they have some mass and thermal mass as well. That rules out visual anomalies and puts them somewhere within our real of experience and knowledge, but not entirely.

Of course if we have physical devices, partial and whole, as the whistle-blower claims, then obviously they are significantly within our realm. Previous reports have postulated that these devices could exist partially in other realms (dimensions) or perhaps do time travel. The most recent reports almost make them sound like drones or probes, sensor packages.

The article was a bit vague but it suggested there are corporations who are attempting to reverse engineer this technology, with a hint that they may be making some success.

From an energy perspective alone this is quite interesting because it suggests a fundamental variance in our understanding of forces and matter. Either some new kind of energy is available that does not produce much heat or these things are extremely low density, low mass, but yet incredibly strong. Then there is the matter of how these gizmos are controlled at high speed without aerodynamic control surfaces.

Then there are yet further questions. Why are "they?" Interested in us? What is their rationship to us? Are "they?" alive in our sense of the word?

PROVIDING this all turns out to not be some deep the very least it illuminates the depth of our ignorance. It seems we have much to learn.

Tantalizing questions. An interesting time to be alive.
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Unread postby AdamB » Wed 07 Jun 2023, 11:52:17

Newfie wrote:Tantalizing questions. An interesting time to be alive.

Always has been. Smoke 'im while you got 'im.
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Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 09 Jun 2023, 05:19:47

OTOH, far more prosaic explanations are far more likely.

For example:

Isn't it a cute coincidence how with the recent advances in digital manipulation of images re CGI, etc, that now such UFO imagery is getting so common?

Misunderstood footage also led to lots of people claiming a big NASA conspiracy re men never landing on the moon too. Doesn't make that correct either.

I'm not buying any of this without meaningful evidence any more than I'm buying that the earth is flat or any of the other popular science denial nonsense.

People by the hundreds of millions or even billions believe in organized religion stories (taken literally), complete with magical sky people, so this stuff being believed in by many isn't surprising, IMO.

Having some of these claimed from off-planet high tech devices on display (and heavy security) at, say, the Smithsonian Air and Space museum with good commentary and test results re their being clearly from off-world intelligent sources from CREDIBLE famous scientists like, say, Neil DeGrasse Tyson would go a long way toward making me take this somewhat seriously. Somehow, I just don't expect that to happen.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Unread postby Newfie » Fri 09 Jun 2023, 10:49:46

That is what makes the whistle blower so interesting; he is claiming physical evidence AND he is open to legal action if his claims are bogus.
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Unread postby ralfy » Fri 09 Jun 2023, 21:48:28

What's more notable is that it's ideal to have experts who are witnesses to such events. When it comes to identifying aerial phenomena, it doesn't get better than commercial and military aviators, not to mention radar personnel, not to mention equipment like radar and even weapons tracking systems, and all logged.
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Unread postby Newfie » Sat 10 Jun 2023, 07:52:56

And that is what the earlier briefing covered. In that briefing they said that UAP’s had shadowed wt least one fighter wt close range, and the typical UAP is the size if a large luggage bag inside a transparent sphere. We are now getting a more consistent idea of these craft. And they said they were exhibiting abilities beyond our understanding.

So the OFFICIAL release pretty much says there is something tangible here outside our understanding. That itself is, or should be, really big news. They did everything but say “we are not alone, and we are being monitored.”

The whistle blower is just a layer beyond the big news the government provided.
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Unread postby Newfie » Tue 04 Jul 2023, 08:29:01

The process is moving slowly.

Congressional staff with proper clearances have been briefed with the allegations. It seems some additional whistle blowers have supported Grusch claims of deep Special Access Programs operating off budget. Bipartisan legislation is being introduced to provide additional protection to investigators who come forth within 6 months.

Some Senators have made statements that into is being withheld. Rubio summed it up nicely; either we have a bunch of undisclosed Non Human Intelligence based technology (and bodies?) or there a bunch of netters running around with extremely high level clearances. Both of which deserve investigation.

Lots of smoke, no fire.
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Unread postby Newfie » Fri 14 Jul 2023, 15:59:23

Anyone besides me notice that Schumer is introducing a bill to require disclosure of UFO information?
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Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 18 Jul 2023, 19:05:36

fuzzy pictures, people making sworn declarations, bright lights in the sky, crop circles. Not much to show for 70 years of Alien activity?

Aliens come to earth across the vastness of interstellar space, what is their purpose? We can't tell, because they play hide and seek. A vastly intelligent species travels light years, to "Play Hide and Seek".
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Unread postby yellowcanoe » Tue 18 Jul 2023, 20:12:18

theluckycountry wrote:fuzzy pictures, people making sworn declarations, bright lights in the sky, crop circles. Not much to show for 70 years of Alien activity?

Aliens come to earth across the vastness of interstellar space, what is their purpose? We can't tell, because they play hide and seek. A vastly intelligent species travels light years, to "Play Hide and Seek".

If you want more details I suggest you watch the documentary "Men in Black"!
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Unread postby ralfy » Tue 18 Jul 2023, 21:31:13

The best ones involve naval aviators, radar crew, weapons tracking systems on jet fighters, and radar.

And then combine that with military forces in other countries plus commercial airline pilots.
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Unread postby Newfie » Wed 19 Jul 2023, 08:36:55

The first House hearing will be shortly. Then I believe there will be more substantive Senate hearings.

At the very least the proposed legislation is a massive power grab with bipartisan support and White House support.

SOMETHING has the congress critters spooked.

At this point the most credible accounts we have, which are very credible (multiple professional observers and tracking with multiple domaine resources) identify objects that can accelerate at >50g.

I have no clue where this is going, or even if we will learn much from it.

But Congress has certainly staked claim over the entire arena.

This makes me pretty sure there is something tangible going on.

Fascinating times.
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Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 19 Jul 2023, 19:43:40

yellowcanoe wrote:
If you want more details I suggest you watch the documentary "Men in Black"!

I'm sure that's where a lot of it comes from, not the docco, but the MIB movie franchise, and X-files, and "the forbidden Planet" "StarWars"and the StarTrek serie(s) and the TV shows UFO, MoonBase 2000, and on and on and on. Literally thousands of movies and episodes all portraying the same theme. Aliens.

Some years back they conducted a survey asking Americans who the President was. Many said Harrison Ford believe it or not. And that's because they had seen him in "Air Force One". They were confused is all.

Jordan Peterson puts forward a principle, as have many others. To put it plainly, The vast majority of people in the christian nations used to believe in God. And when you stop believing in God, you'll believe in anything. Because deep down in the heart of every man is the need to have someone or something greater out there. It's not enough for most to believe they evolved from slime and that our lives are a meaningless anomaly in the cipher of the Universe. They need to believe there is something Bigger out there, be it "the force" or spiritual entities, "The power of the Universe" or technologically advanced all knowing Aliens. The Aliens (another mover franchise) are the best choice for people who are bedazzled by technology. They don't simply use tech in their daily lives, they worship technology and it's prophets (profits lol)

Most people who believe we will have bases on Mars believe it because they have seen it in movies. But even the engineers at NASA don't believe it. They never have.


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Unread postby yellowcanoe » Wed 19 Jul 2023, 20:20:13

theluckycountry wrote:
yellowcanoe wrote:
If you want more details I suggest you watch the documentary "Men in Black"!

I'm sure that's where a lot of it comes from, not the docco, but the MIB movie franchise, and X-files, and "the forbidden Planet" "StarWars"and the StarTrek serie(s) and the TV shows UFO, MoonBase 2000, and on and on and on. Literally thousands of movies and episodes all portraying the same theme. Aliens.

I don't believe in aliens for the simple reason that the laws of physics make travelling at anything close to the speed of light essentially impossible and absolutely no basis for believing that faster than light travel would be possible. It almost seems to be by design to prevent one life form from travelling to other solar systems and screwing up life there. Alas, we are only capable of destroying life on our own planet!
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Unread postby Newfie » Thu 20 Jul 2023, 18:01:00


Yes that is widely understood. And the base assumption is that whatever tech the UAP are using is demonstrating something beyond what we can explain.

This is why congress is passing this law, they know some extra special tech is being researched and they want control of it.

They might be mistaken, hoodwinked, whatever. But it is pretty clear the legislation is a power grab.

Here is the crux of the dilemma; despite your sensible and well founded assessment Congress is deliberately acting as if they know your assumption to be wrong. And this is not just one loose Cannon but a wide bi-partisan action.

One of two things is going on; someone has NHI stuff OR (AND?) a whole bunch of high level security researchers have gone mad. Both situations deserve a lot of attention.
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Unread postby Newfie » Wed 26 Jul 2023, 14:59:36

So the House had their open committee hearing today.

Anyone have an opinion on it?
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Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 26 Jul 2023, 16:55:29

Newfie wrote:So the House had their open committee hearing today.

Anyone have an opinion on it?

I was just listening to a live broadcast of the Congressional hearing.

It was incredible.

The whistleblower is very smart and very much an insider who knows all the regulations, including special rules allowing the military to keep this secret from Congress up until now. He is saying there are hundreds of well documented UAP encounters, both involving military and commercial pilots. He described one encounter made by Boeing contractors at the Vandenberg military space base where a huge UAP....100 m on a side........raced in from the ocean and then stopped right over the launch area of the base and then raced off again.

The UAP vehicles are described as grey or black cubes set inside clear round spheres. Very sci-fi. Travel at Mach 2 easily in spite of not having wings or propulsion or being streamlined. Doing maneuvers that would kill a human pilot.


Oh....and he says there are crash sites and advanced alien technology being reversed engineered right now by the military and corporations that supply high tech aircraft to the military.

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Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 26 Jul 2023, 22:52:12

Plantagenet wrote:
The UAP vehicles are described as grey or black cubes set inside clear round spheres.



That's a Suliban Cell ship plant, perhaps the military loaned a few to Gene Roddenberry :)



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Unread postby ralfy » Thu 27 Jul 2023, 01:40:56

"Whistleblower says U.S. recovered 'non-human' biological material | UFO Hearing"
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Re: Vast UFO Cover-Up

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 27 Jul 2023, 14:30:03

Remember that Grusch has testified to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. They have briefed the Gang of 8.

As a result or independently Schumer has brought forward legislation giving Congress broad powers to claim any and all NHI data, documents, debris and biological material.

In short it looks like Schummer and McConnel have sufficient evidence to move forward aggressively.

We were told very little yesterday. The guys (aGO8) who were told a lot have acted on it as if it were true. That gives me high confidence there is quite a bit to this topic.
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