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THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 4

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 19 May 2023, 18:24:16

yellowcanoe wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:Ds in US Congress call for 14 trillion dollars in payments to Black People in the USA

You mean there are comedians that have become US Congresscritters? Doesn't sound like they made that transition as successfully as Zelenski!

I wish these people were comedians....but unfortunately there are a lot of people who think the Ds in Congress calling for the US government to make payments to black people are the leaders of the "progressive movement" in the USA

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is stumbling and falling down stairs and getting lost and generally acting like an old fragile guy on his visit to Japan.

Fortunately the Japanese are very courteous people and grab his arm when he stumbles or falls and then just quietly lead him around and finally they tell Joe where to go and where to stand during the ceremonies.

Yoo-hoo....Mr. Joe Biden-san. Over here! Pssst.....your teleprompter is over Here! Not there..... over no no......this way.......RIGHT HERE YOU STUPID OLD MAN GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!!

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 19 May 2023, 18:43:42

Meanwhile, back in DC the debt limit talks have broken down so we are right back where we started.

The Rs have passed an increase in the debt limit.

The Ds have not.

If the Ds don't get their act together and pass an increase to the debt limit soon, then the US will default.

It's a little bit hard to know exactly when the debt limit needs to be raised by, since Janet Yellen ---Biden's Sec. of the Treasury --- has turned out to be totally incompetent. After telling everyone that the Debt limit would have to be raised by August Yellen suddenly admitted she had made a 250 BILLION (!) DOLLAR MATH ERROR, and the debt was going to be reached by June.

And now Janet Yellen is apparently admitting she made another little teeny tiny math error, this time only 50 billion dollars or so, because the debt limit seems to happening in the next week or so.

So we've got to fix the debt limit problem almost immediately......

But Joe Biden is out mumbling and getting lost and falling down stairs in Japan, the Senate Ds are about to take a week off for a vacation, and Biden's White House staffers who supposedly were going to to negotiate with the Rs won't actually negotiate anything.

Given Joe Biden's failure to negotiate for months, followed by the Ds failure to pass their own debt limit bill, followed by the failure of the White House team of negotiators to actually negotiate, I'm growing pessimistic that we will see a debt limit bill passed anytime soon. The Biden administration and the Ds are just too chaotic to negotiate....too chaotic to pass a bill through the Senate.....just too chaotic to get the job done. We saw this from the earliest days of the Biden administration when they bungled the transition in Afghanistan pullout then cut and ran, leaving a thousand Americans behind and tens of billions of dollars of US military equipment for the Taliban. We saw more Biden chaos in the lies about inflation being transitory, when it clearly wasn't. We see it in the banking crisis. We see Biden chaos at the southern border. We see Biden chaos in the huge increase in payments needed to service the US Federal debt. We see Biden chaos in his staff hiring and terrible appointees (trans airport luggage thieves?? ReallY??) And now we're seeing utter incompetence and chaos agin in the run up to the debt limit.

I'm growing pessimistic that we will see a debt limit bill. The Biden administration is in chaos again, as per usual.....

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby careinke » Fri 19 May 2023, 19:18:10

Hey Plant, Let's go RFK!! :-D Now I'll vote for RFK with you. Just so you know, RFK is pro Bitcoin.

As a mater of fact, today, he gave the keynote address at the Bitcoin 2023 conference.

Here it is:

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby careinke » Fri 19 May 2023, 21:57:17

I watched RFK's address, it was AWESOME! Very freedom, anti Tyrant speech. The crowd loved him.

"Free Money" has a whole new definition now.

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 20 May 2023, 18:10:03

careinke wrote:Hey Plant, Let's go RFK!! :-D Now I'll vote for RFK with you. Just so you know, RFK is pro Bitcoin.

As a mater of fact, today, he gave the keynote address at the Bitcoin 2023 conference.

Here it is:


Thx for that great link. Very very interesting.

I don't agree with everything RFK says, but at least the man has a fully functioning brain---unlike the current occupant of the White House.

RFK Jr. just called the Ds "THE WAR PARTY". Good to see somebody in the D party still remembers the Ds are supposed to be the antiwar party.

And of course his dad, RFK Sr., also ran for President way back in 1968 with an anti-war message.

I like the way RFK jr. is such an independent thinker and I like the way he isn't afraid to stand up to the establishment. RFK is taking on the polluters, the oil companies, Joe Biden, the D party and its billionaire corporate backers, the CIA, the Mainstream Media and even his own family and fellow members of the wealthy liberal elite who mostly don't support him. The man is utterly fearless.

Meanwhile most other Ds keep kowtowing to Biden, Feinstein and Fetterman....the trio of mental incompetents the Ds have put forward to lead their party.

Biden, Feinstein and Fetterman....that makes three mental incompetents that Ds have chosen as the leaders of their party.

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby ralfy » Sat 20 May 2023, 19:35:47

RFK, Jr. is like a combination of policies from Biden and Trump.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 22 May 2023, 00:15:31

Joe Biden just flip flopped again.....this time from rationality to utter insanity and unconstitutional criminality.

In just a few days Biden has gone from refusing to negotiate over the debt limit to pretending he would negotiate over the debt to back to refusing to negotiate.

Now Biden is saying he can use the 14th amendment to raise the debt limit so he doesn't need to actually follow normal, constitutional democratic processes and have Congress vote to authorize spending ---Biden is essentially claiming he is a king and he can just issue a royal decree on how many trillions the US should go into debt to pay for all his ruinous spending, and all his subject will have no choice but to do his bidding.

Once again we see another utterly moronic idea from Biden-----Biden's claim this time that he can ignore the constitution and just bypass Congress amounts to nothing less than a one man insurrection against the constitution and against our democratic form of government.

So now in additions to Biden's inflation crisis, and bank crisis, and war crisis, and debt crisis, it seems that Biden wants to start a constitutional crisis as well. SHEEESH!!!!!!!

Who elected this moron anyway?

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 22 May 2023, 07:44:20

Yet he came up with a great one liner yesterday in Japan.

When asked about Russias statement that providing F-16’s being a bad decision he replied: “It is, for them.”

That kind if quip is pure Joe, and it can be all over the place and has often hurt him. This one landed well.

There is no doubt Joe is not a wonderful President, he is probably about average.

The real problem is the next term. And that is a problem because of our succession process, it sucks.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 22 May 2023, 07:51:22

When a country has a king or strongman leader then that country faces a crisis every time the leadership changes. Without some sort of succession mechanism the country faces civil war.

It was important for a King to leave a viable heir, even if mediocre, so there was an uncontested and peaceful succession. The Communist do this with the party apparatus. Democracies try to do it with a plurality vote.

The USA is approaching a new hybrid methodology where the “party” picks the successor but there are 2 parties. Because of internal power structures neither party appears, at this instant, to be able to out forth a viable successor.

This is leaving the USA in a very bad situation. But interesting.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 22 May 2023, 13:08:34

Newfie wrote:The USA is approaching a new hybrid methodology where the “party” picks the successor

Thats pretty much true for the Ds ---the large number of unelected "superdelegates" at the D conventions pretty much guarantee that the party insiders will pick the nominee rather then the primary voters.

But this isn't true for the Rs....outsiders who win primaries can still be the nominee----shown clearly by Trump getting the R nomination in 2016. The R party apparatus DID NOT want trump, but he won the primaries so he got the nomination in 2016.

Newfie wrote:Because of internal power structures neither party appears, at this instant, to be able to out forth a viable successor. This is leaving the USA in a very bad situation. But interesting.

Let's wait and see what happens.

Personally, I find RFK to be an interesting opponent for Biden in the D primaries. RFK is already over 20% in the polls, and he's almost guaranteed to win the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries since Joe Biden has pledged not to participate if those states go ahead of South Carolina (which they are very likely to do). I wouldn't be surprised to see Joe Biden drop out if RFK beats him in Iowa and New Hampshire the way LBJ dropped out when McCarthy did well in New Hampshire back in 1968.

AND on the R side Sen. Tim Scott has caught my eye. A black R presidential nominee would be a great thing to see, especially if he could beat out Trump. Sure....right now Trump looks unbeatable on the R side, but so did Jeb Bush in 2016. The Rs need a "hail Mary" now to win on the national level. Demographics are working against them. If the Rs nominate Tim Scott they might have a chance to peel off some voters of color from the Ds side.


Last edited by Plantagenet on Mon 22 May 2023, 13:22:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 22 May 2023, 13:18:03

Seymour Harsh says Joe Biden is so mentally deficient he doesn't even have the wit to read the daily Presidential Briefing Reports....something a president of normal intelligence would do the first thing each day.


Seymour Harsh has always had good sources in DC, and now he reveals that Biden is an empty vessel. According to Harsh Biden doesn't even try to read the daily intelligence summary provided to the President by the CIA, NSA et alia. Thats billions of dollars of intelligence gathering put right in front of his nose each morning that the President is incapable of understanding.

Biden literally doesn't even know what's going on........

Hey Joe...whats in that briefing report you get each morning?

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 22 May 2023, 14:12:37

Plantagenet wrote:Seymour Harsh says Joe Biden is so mentally deficient he doesn't even have the wit to read the daily Presidential Briefing Reports....something a president of normal intelligence would do the first thing each day.

Continuing the tradition from his prediscessor perhaps? Trump apparently liked looking at picture book versions though. Maybe that is what Biden does?

This all sounds like the consequences of electing old farts. At least Biden started off with a functioning brain as a younger man, it is difficult to say at this point which of the party leaders is a first grade or second grade child equivalent.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 22 May 2023, 19:34:00

The Rs in the House have already passed a bill to raise the debt limit.

Its time for Joe Biden and the Ds to do their job and pass a bill through the Senate to raise the debt limit.

The Ds don't seem to understand how spending legislation gets done in the USA.

The constitution stipulates that spending bills must originate in the House. OK....the Rs have done their job and written a bill and debated and passed a bill to raise the debt limit.

Then the Senate passes the House bill or writes their own bill......which they haven't done yet.

SO where is the D's bill? The debt isn't going to get raised until the Ds sit down and get to work. The Ds have to write a bill, debate it, and then pass it before the debt limit can be raised.

Its bad enough Joe Biden wasted three months by refusing to even talk about the spending limit, but now he and the Ds are wasting MORE time by refusing to do their job and raise the debt limit.

HEY Ds!!!! It's way past time for you to DO YOUR JOB and pass a bill to raise the debt limit!!! Thanks.

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby ralfy » Mon 22 May 2023, 20:37:29

That's one reason why countries like the Philippines, which copied the U.S. but with tweaks:

- the Senate is like a council because it involves a national vote, with senators representing no districts

- the Vice President has a separate election, which means the winner might come from an opposing party

- both President and Vice President have only one six-year term

- the Lower House has district and partylist representatives

- local governments can up come with their own ordinances on not only the provincial but even city and town level

and the results have been fascinating

- a neoliberal regime with trauma, as foreigners aren't allowed to own more than 40 pct of any business

- due to what happened in the past, where U.S. businesses dominated the economy

- but still leading to decades of de-industrialization (like the U.S. rich, the Philippine rich earned more from financial speculation, captive markets, consumer spending, overseas workers, and service industries rather than from manufacturing, mining, and even mechanized agriculture)

- some of the highest prices, lowest wages, highest taxes, and highest levels of unemployment in the region, not to mention very poor health care and education (half don't finish basic education, and their test scores are last worldwide

wants to switch to a Federal-Parliamentary system or similar, with a Prime Minister voted to power by a unicameral body and handling domestic affairs, while a President voted nationally handles international ones and the military.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 22 May 2023, 21:14:01

Plantagenet wrote:The Rs in the House have already passed a bill to raise the debt limit.

Along with a bunch of other stuff. It's like saying...."the car dealership is giving you that new car you wanted for the price you wanted....but you've got to adopt 5 orphanded children with medical conditions, pay for all their care yourself, and buy them cars as nice as the one we are giving you in exchange".

Funny Plant, pretending it is only about raising the debt limit, which the President would sign in a minute. This is what you learn in "scientically accurate" land where Palin is a shining example of intelligience levels?
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 22 May 2023, 21:22:43

ralfy wrote:That's one reason why countries like the Philippines.....wants to switch to a Federal-Parliamentary system or similar, with a Prime Minister voted to power by a unicameral body and handling domestic affairs, while a President voted nationally handles international ones and the military.

Who cares what the Philippines wants? Americans left, the influx of exceptional American DNA stopped flowing into the local gene pool, and the country backslid to its more natural state, otherwise known as run of the mill Third World. Duterte and BongBong, I mean really, these are improvements over who...Bongbong's parents?
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 23 May 2023, 07:24:52


Thanks for that explanation and the balanced viewpoint.
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 23 May 2023, 22:48:57

Talks have broken down again on the debt limit.

The White House Press Secretary just said the White House is back to refusing to negotiate over the debt limit.......

It's hard to see how the two sides can come to an agreement when Biden and the Ds won't even negotiate.....Biden and the Ds won't allow a vote in the Senate on the R bill to raise limit.....and Biden and the Ds won't put forward and pass a bill of their own through the D controlled Senate.

Clearly Biden and the Ds want there to be no progress on the debt limit......and as long as the Ds won't participate the Rs can't raise the debt limit by themselves.

As the old saying goes.....IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO

It takes two to tango....the Rs are doing their part to lead, but the Ds won't participate

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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby AdamB » Wed 24 May 2023, 09:41:24

Plantagenet wrote:Clearly Biden and the Ds want there to be no progress on the debt limit......and as long as the Ds won't participate the Rs can't raise the debt limit by themselves. As the old saying goes.....IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO

Indeed. And because the Red wave didn't appear out of disgust for Republicrat candidates in the last mid-terms, and McCarthy himself being held hostage by people in the goosestepping in jackboots wing who don't want to govern, but just blow the place up, he has quite a problem on his hands. Nancy Pelosi was able to handle this, a frail little old lady, McCarthy hasn't been mentioned as another feckless Republicrat incompetent, but it sure is beginning to look that way. Getting backed up by a mentally addled octogenarian....maybe he should call Nancy and ask for some tips on how to be Speaker?
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: THE Joe Biden Thread Pt. 5

Unread postby AdamB » Wed 24 May 2023, 11:50:35

Apparently, the Republicrats might need bailed out of their own poor bargaining position by the Democans.

White House believes massive Dem bailout may be needed to pass debt ceiling compromise

Those Republicrats can't even run the joint when they have the Speakership..SHEESHH. Lotta good passing nonsense is when you need the other party to bail your silly backside out from your own incompetence. SHEEESH. No wonder the Red wave in the last midterms was such a disaster for them, the American people saw this coming a mile away and just said "No Thanks You Sir, No More MAGA Jackbooted GooseSteppers For Us".

Wonder if the Republicrats practice in the halls when no one is looking?

Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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