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Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

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Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 13 Nov 2022, 00:35:59

Has anybody else been following the collapse of FTX---the world's third largest Crypto Bank and Exchange?

Just a few weeks ago FTX was worth 35 billion dollars in the stock market, and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried was personally thought to be worth 15 billion dollars.

But in the last week FTX has totally collapsed. Trading has been stopped, Mr. Bankman-Fried has resigned as CEO, and billions of dollars of crypto "assets" thought to be
held by FTX have completely disappeared. Reports say Mr. Bankman-Fried seems to have transferred billions of dollars to company run by his girlfriend. Other reports say people with accounts at FTX are logging into their accounts only to find that they have been zeroed out....i.e. someone has stolen all their money.

Some are saying this has the potential to be a "Lehman moment" i.e. a collapse at a single major financial institution that leads to the unravelling of a much bigger part of the global financial system.

One of the weirdest things about the FTX collapse is that there doesn't seem to have been any SEC or federal regulation or oversight of the company......none at all.

And even weirder is the fact that Sam Bankman-Fried has been one of the biggest donors to the Democratic party for the last several years. In 2022 alone he (or FTX) seems to have given the D party ca. 45 million dollars for the 2022 elections.


And this is all a bit like the Bernie Madoff scandal. Bernie Madoff was also one of the biggest donors to the D party before his giant ponzi scheme finally collapsed. Once again, there was little to no federal oversight or regulation of this well-connected D donor and con man right up to moment that everything collapsed.

So, IMHO the FTX scandal has elements of both the Lehman brothers bank collapse AND the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme collapse all combined into one giant financial-political-ponzi scheme hairball from hell.

Sam Bankman-Fried keep saying the money of FTX customers was safe.....right up until he resigned and all the money disappeared.....

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby careinke » Sun 13 Nov 2022, 04:31:13

Nice summary Plant,

What you said is probably true (I have heard the same thing from several different sources), but it is way more convoluted than your simple overview. Let me add some hot sauce. :)

First, everybody in the cryptoworld calls that lying thief scumbag SBF. SBF was a co founder of FTX. He was probably responsible for the down fall of both Luna and 3 arrows capital. He basically gave money to prop up failing companies, while at the same time shorting them. Here is a short very recent You tube video that explains better than me.

Next SBF tried to help Elon Musk purchase twitter. Elon claims he could tell right away in a face to face meeting that it felt scammy, and did not take his offer.

Gary Gensler is heavily and personally involved in this whole thing. One of the suspects is the daughter of of Gensler's Boss when he was teaching at a MIT, postgraduate level. BTW you can watch Gensler's Bitcoin course for free, (I am, just to get into his mind), and I can tell you it's a pretty good course, he has a pretty deep understanding of the subject. Warning, it is an advance course, a novice would be lost, fortunately most do not need to delve that deep to use BTC.

SBF was probably in the top five for Democratic contributors to the party, and had pledged even more.

The Bahama police did who raided FTX failed to secure the crypto into cold storage and a lot more was stolen (fortunately crypto sleuths know who it is and have let the police know, Expect arrests.)

Ledger is making a killing as the newbies learn the value of NOT keeping your Crypto on an exchange. "Not your Keys, Not your Crypto." Lawyers are also making a killing over the Chapter 11. :-D I move most of my Crypto onto my Ledger when I'm done buying or trading. I do leve USD on my coinbase account to buy Limit orders.

There are a couple more exchanges that will collapse. Think Lehman, except no government back up or oversite. One of the things SBF did was to use and lose FTX customers funds without permission/knowledge.

The better exchanges are heading to Congress to confront the FCC and SEC and demand guidance and a set of rules to operate under. They are also voluntarily opening up their books by providing easily verifiable records to anyone who cares to look. Coinbase, and I believe Binance US, have already released theirs and others are working on it, a third party has designed the software and adapting it to the different exchanges.

There is growing evidence that Gensler has deliberately masterminded this whole exchange collapse thing to gain more power and allow time for a US CBDC to be deployed with a goal of eliminating cash.

The crypto pundits are all across the board on what the end results will be. Some think we have hit bottom in this cycle and it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy (in fact lots of whales are buying). Some say we will not recover for ten years, yet they are buying too, and continue to DCA. Some say we still need to hit, pick your number, but 10,000 is a common pick. Personally I have a limit buy set for 13,900.

Some fun stuff the crypto world "coined" :-D another label. I'm a BTC "Plebe Whale" = Someone who holds 1-10 Bitcoins.

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 13 Nov 2022, 08:26:15

Tha KS to both for posting.
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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 13 Nov 2022, 14:55:17

Yo Careinke:

I think you've been smart to focus on BITCOIN instead of the dozens (hundreds?) of copycat crypto-currencies that have since appeared over the last few years. The blockchain technology that came with Bitcoin is a winner. I wish you nothing but luck in your investment strategy and I hope all your Bitcoins are in a safe place.

Apparently the moral cretins who ran FTX also issued their own crypto currency? Which has now completely collapsed along with the bankruptcy of FTX? SHEESH!

And will the disaster at FTX lead to contagion and collapse at other crypto banks the way the Lehman brother's collapse did on Wall Street?

For about CRYPTO.COM...... they put all those "FORTUNE FAVORS THE BRAVE" ads on TV with Matt Damon touting cryptocurrency? People who bought into that flim flam ad campaign have lost a LOT of money. Are they going to start a run on the bank?

News reports say 3 billion in Bitcoin has been pulled out of other exchanges after the FTX collapse. That could create contagion and more collapses elsewhere.


And amid the BITCOIN flight from exchanges a company called "BLOCKFI" just halted all withdrawals......that almost certainly means they don't have enough money to redeem all their deposits, i.e. they are close to going bankrupt......which in turn will create more CONTAGION........and perhaps even a little PANIC.


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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 13 Nov 2022, 18:21:07

Elon Musk predicts Sam Bankan-Fried of FTX won't be investigated and prosecuted by US Federal authorities because he is a "major Democratic Party donor."


There may be something to that....

The Ds have politicized the DOJ to the point that Hunter Biden's prostitution, gun crimes, and foreign entanglements just get swept under the rug. Is it that far fetched that someone who has given as much money to the Ds as SBF has enough "juice" with the Ds to escape prosecution for his financial crimes at FTX?

AND, if SBF is found to be a crook and and FTX determined to be a criminal enterprise, then everyone who gained from that criminal enterprise can be forced to "disgorge" the money they got to make the original investors whole.

That means if SBF is convicted in a US court, the Ds may have to disgorge the 45 million dollars they took from him so it can go back to the people who were defrauded at FTX.

Bill old buddy....Remember that I gave the Ds all that money....Now I'm asking you to put in a good word for me at the DOJ. Remember, I scratched your back now you scratch mine.....

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 14 Nov 2022, 17:11:05

J.P Morgan and Deutsche Bank both say the FTX collapse will be good for crypto in the long run


Their argument is the drop in BITCOIN prices from $65,000 per coin to the current ca. $16,000 per coin means that Bitcoin is a lot cheaper then it used to be, and the collapse of FTX means the BITCOIN market should shift in the future from out and out fraudsters like Sam Bankman-Fried to more established banks like JP Morgan and Deautche Bank.


Meanwhile contagion is spreading and there seems to be run on the bank at several existing crypto exchange houses. For instance, after FTX collapsed, crypto exchange house AAX has stopped all withdrawals.

Not surprisingly AAX claims it has no financial problems but the stoppage on all withdrawals of cash is simply due to a little software problem.....a software problem they are working on and while take a bit longer to fix.

AAX crypto exchange says it has a software problem.....since the FTX collapse you can check your money in at AAX but you can't check your money out

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby careinke » Tue 15 Nov 2022, 05:29:54

Not your keys, not your crypto! Yes ALL centralized exchanges are experiencing a "bank" run, and yes this is good. Heck even Coinbase says if you are not trading, take your crypto off the exchange. The government can taking all your crypto if it is on an exchange and of course there is also the scam element, just like central banks. This is the primary fault in centralized banking.

Ledger and other hardware wallet companies are making LOTS of money as the new investors learn the hard way to control their own assets. Once burned, they pay more attention. Unfortunately most of us had to learn the hard way, even though we were repeatedly told. I guess you just have to figure out somethings first hand.

Here are my own rules learned through experience (I bought my First BTC on 14 May2014, so I have been through a few 4 year Cycles). Respect the four year cycles.

My Rules for Crypto:

1. Don't use Margin with crypto, it will eat your lunch.
2. Only buy what you are willing to lose.
3. Don't take loans to buy crypto
4. Take profits on the way up.
5. Everything except BTC and crypto layered on BTC is probably a scam.
6. Proof of Stake = Piece of S#it.
7. Proof of Work ensures decentralization, Proof of Stake allows the rich to control the currency
8. Research how much crypto the "Board" made for themselves and is it needed to run the app?
10. Always pay your required taxes and error on the side of caution.

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 15 Nov 2022, 17:16:07

I heard an interesting rumor about FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried.

Its very bizarre that he declared bankruptcy the day after the election , but just a few months earlier then that he was the second largest individual donor to the Ds, giving them something like 40 million dollars for the 2022 election.

Where did SBF get tens of millions of dollars to give to the Ds if he was on the verge of bankruptcy?

Its seems like SBF, amoung his other crimes, may have been engaged in money laundering.

Lets try to follow the money.......

Among the other entities putting money in FTX was the Ukrainian government.

And the Ukrainian government doesn't have any money except for the money the US government gives to it.

So it seems the US government was giving a great deal money to the Ukrianian government as part of our aid package, and for some reason rather then spending the money to help the war effort and the Ukrainian people the Ukrainian government was instead taking some of the money....say tens of millions of US aid money and putting it in FTX, followed by SBF giving, say, tens of millions of dollars to the D party.

IN a world where the DOJ is actually interested in prosecuting bigwig D donors that would be called theft of US aid money and money laundering.

We gots us some sleazy money laundering going on down in the Bahamas.....and it involves Ukraine and the D party......WeeeOOOO does that maybe look bad!!!!

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 17 Nov 2022, 16:26:58

Person appointed to oversee winding down of FTX says he's never seen so much fraud, incompetence, sleaze and corruption as he sees at FTX.....and this is the same guy who oversaw Enron's bankruptcy.


And, even worse, he can find only a tiny fraction of the 36 billion dollars in assets that the firm was once worth.

Looks like they are going to have to "claw back" money from people who received FTX money.....and hopefully that will even include the politically dominant D party, who took in tens of millions of dollars from Sam Bankman-Freid just before everything collapsed.


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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 Nov 2022, 20:22:27

Hundreds of millions of dollars of crypto currency hacked and looted at FTX are being dumped on the market now, driving down the price of other crypto currencies


Apparently this is money washing crypto style. The stolen crypto currency is being converted into cash and into other crypto currency.

Apparently about a million Americans "invested" their money in FTX.

The Crypto currency accounts at FTX are vanishing into a black hole

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 21 Nov 2022, 19:22:58

You have to wonder why the FEDs weren't investigating FTX before it collapsed.

There were plenty of signs it was a giant ponzi scheme long before it collapsed.

But it comes out the Feds WERE investigating FTX before it collapsed.

Only the investigation was being done out of the very D leaning NY office, and the investigation was headed by a very D leaning Federal Attorney General.

And, since Sam Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor to the D party,

Perhaps its not surprising....its sad but perhaps its just how things work in the US these days............

That the Federal investigators looking into FTX said everything at FTX was A-OK. They said they couldn't find any problems.

And then it collapsed into bankruptcy just months later and corruption was problems were clearly everywhere. looks like as long as you kept sending those checks to the D party, Sam Bankman-fried.......the FED investigators couldn't find any financial discrepancies at all at the multi-billion dollar ponzi scheme aka FTX.


Who does Sam Bankman-Fried look like?

I know....he looks like Alfred E. Neuman....

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby careinke » Tue 22 Nov 2022, 02:13:37

Plantagenet wrote: looks like as long as you kept sending those checks to the D party, Sam Bankman-fried.......the FED investigators couldn't find any financial discrepancies at all at the multi-billion dollar ponzi scheme aka FTX.


Who does Sam Bankman-Fried look like?

I know....he looks like Alfred E. Neuman....


SBF has way more Estrogen flowing through his body. Old Alfred never needed a Bra. Of course the Dims are just corrupt.

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 23 Nov 2022, 19:06:40

The New York Times is sponsoring a conference next with an impressive group of speakers....he headline speaker is Vlad Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, the greatest war leader since Winston Churchill.

Then things go downhill. The next speaker is Janet Yellen, Biden's secretary of the Treasury---one of the financial geniuses in the Biden administration who helped craft Biden policies that have resulted in the greatest inflation seen in 40 years, along with a recession, otherwise known as stagflation!

And the final headline speaker invited by the NY Times is.........Sam Bankman-Fried.

I mean the guy is the biggest D donor since George Soros. And he only stole billions of dollars, so who cares about that. Certainly not the Ds and the New York Times.


The libs and the Ds aren't going to cut loose from SBF now....he's a big donor!!!!!

Who cares if he's a crook and the money he donated was stolen....the man donated 40 million dollars to the Ds!!!!!

Zelenskyy......Yellen......and Bankman-Fried. Wow! I wonder what pearls of wisdom SBF will have deliver in his speech? And I wonder why people would want to hear what he has to say?

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby careinke » Wed 23 Nov 2022, 23:40:38

Plantagenet wrote:The New York Times is sponsoring a conference next with an impressive group of speakers....he headline speaker is Vlad Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, the greatest war leader since Winston Churchill.

Then things go downhill. The next speaker is Janet Yellen, Biden's secretary of the Treasury---one of the financial geniuses in the Biden administration who helped craft Biden policies that have resulted in the greatest inflation seen in 40 years, along with a recession, otherwise known as stagflation!

And the final headline speaker invited by the NY Times is.........Sam Bankman-Fried.

I mean the guy is the biggest D donor since George Soros. And he only stole billions of dollars, so who cares about that. Certainly not the Ds and the New York Times.


The libs and the Ds aren't going to cut loose from SBF now....he's a big donor!!!!!

Who cares if he's a crook and the money he donated was stolen....the man donated 40 million dollars to the Ds!!!!!

Zelenskyy......Yellen......and Bankman-Fried. Wow! I wonder what pearls of wisdom SBF will have deliver in his speech? And I wonder why people would want to hear what he has to say?


I was thinking those three together, would make a good target for Putin. Then again, they have inflicted amazing economic chaos into our system. Better to let them free range their destruction.
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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 26 Nov 2022, 00:56:49

Contagion from the FTX collapse continues to spread, but mainly in the universe of other crypto-exchanges.

Normal banks so far are showing no signs of stress, other then a few large Wall Street Banks who lost hundreds of millions of dollars when FTX went down.

Among the crypto banks now at risk of going down are GENESIS and AMBER.

ANDd the 30-year-old CEO of AMBER just passed away in his sleep last night......I find that highly suspicious. Could it be an angry crypto account holder took it badly when he was told he could no longer access his money?


In the old days when the mob wanted to kill someone they'd say he was going to sleep with the fishes......meaning they were going to kidnap them, encase them in concrete and dump them in the Bay.

Nowadays 30 year old CEOS just drop dead in their beds.....its much kidnapping needed and no concrete overshoes and no last trip out to see the Bay.

Do any of you run a'd better say no......

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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 28 Nov 2022, 08:46:47

Who knows, maybe Putin had some skin in the game?
Belarus FM dropped dead 2 days ago at 64, no explanation.
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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby BrianC » Mon 28 Nov 2022, 14:21:02

Crypto Lender BlockFi Files for Bankruptcy as FTX Fallout Spreads ( 22
Posted by msmash on Monday November 28, 2022 @10:41AM from the how-about-that dept.
BlockFi, a cryptocurrency lender and financial services firm, filed for bankruptcy on Monday, becoming the latest company in the crypto industry hobbled by the implosion of the embattled exchange FTX. From a report:
BlockFi had been reeling since the spring, when the collapse of several influential crypto firms pushed the market into a panic, sending the value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin plunging. In June, FTX agreed to provide the company with a $400 million credit line, which BlockFi's chief executive, Zac Prince, said would provide "access to capital that further bolsters our balance sheet." The deal also gave FTX the option to buy BlockFi.

But that agreement meant that BlockFi was financially entangled with FTX, and its stability was thrust into uncertainty this month after a series of revelations about corporate missteps and suspicious management at FTX. A few days after the exchange collapsed, BlockFi suspended withdrawals, explaining that it had "significant exposure" to FTX, including undrawn amounts from the credit line and assets held on the FTX platform. BlockFi is not the first crypto lender to collapse in a devastating year for the industry. After the spring crash, in which Bitcoin fell 20 percent in a week, two other lenders, Celsius Network and Voyager Digital, filed for bankruptcy. BlockFi, which is based in Jersey City, N.J., was created in 2017 and, as of last year, claimed more than 450,000 retail clients who can obtain loans in minutes, without credit checks. "We are just at the beginning of this story," Flori Marquez, a co-founder of BlockFi, told The New York Times in September. But its business has attracted close scrutiny from regulators.
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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 07 Dec 2022, 15:42:07

It might be a Lehman moment, more or less for Crypto overall, IMO.

If crypto is going to be a large, growing, serious thing for the long run, there needs to be some SERIOUS regulation, some guarantees, similar to how the feds guarantee small accounts FDIC), the feds guarantee small brokerage accounts (SIPC), etc.

Of course, that implies the whole "secret Santa" aspect of using crypto to be "free", to avoid taxes, etc. unworkable.

But with the amount of scamming, blatant fraud, empty hype, hacking, and significant losses in that industry, vs. anything meaningful actually being accomplished (re a practical way to eliminate banks and "da man"), I think that for people with a functioning brain and willingness to be reasonably objective, the bloom is off the rose re Crypto being a sure fire short term way to massive riches for the masses.

As I've said earlier, virtually every significant form of privately issued currency has failed over time. (As has fiat, but by dwindling away due to inflation, vs. suddenly being reneged on and becoming worthless, generally).

It will be interesting to see how the space evolves now that for the masses, crypto is just one more in a long list of investment / speculation choices.

Again, IMO. People clearly love to gamble in the modern internet era.
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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 07 Dec 2022, 15:53:50

careinke wrote:5. Everything except BTC and crypto layered on BTC is probably a scam.
6. Proof of Stake = Piece of S#it.
7. Proof of Work ensures decentralization, Proof of Stake allows the rich to control the currency

I'm not clear on what "crypto layered on BTC" is? Are you talking about BTC forks (and forks of forks, etc) or something else?

Is Etherium a scam? If so, why? (And I understand that you don't like proof of stake -- I have similar issues with that re long term security / confidence in a given crypto using that). Etherium seems to be in the same overall level as BTC in terms of popularity / network size, having futures, and having earned a degree of user confidence, as I understand it.

Given the huge energy needs required for proof of work, speed constraints on the system, etc, isn't that a big problem in a world in a big green energy surge to fight AGW? That's why I'm not convinced the whole crypto thing actually offers much net, given how well modern chipped credit cards handle daily global transaction loads with reasonable security just FINE (if one can live with banks, which I think we can, as long as there is proper regulation, auditing, etc).


Not arguing here -- trying to clarify your points in my mind.

(If everything except BTC is a scam, given the efficiency and speed issues of BTC, that's a big cunundrum, IMO, re crypto being likely to become really huge, much less take over, it seems to me).

BTW, I still think blockchain, over time, could be a VERY big thing in certain areas -- but cryptocurrencies are just one application of those.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Collapse of FTX crypto Bank....a Lehman Moment?

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Thu 08 Dec 2022, 12:39:55

To seem simple enough: whether folks realized they were playing a futures market with a nonphysical commodity or not is the key. Essentially no different than betting on a football. Except the only winners are those who cash out early on. Just like is done in any futures play.
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