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SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 26 Jun 2022, 18:04:37

jedrider wrote: it is clear the Supreme Court desires a Handmaidens USA

The Handmaiden's Tale is a science fiction book.

There is nothing in the US Constitution about the USA being a "Handmaidens USA" as you are fantasizing.

jedrider wrote:The Supreme Court is now just another anti-democratic institution controlling our lives.

The United States is not a democracy.

The United States is a Republic.

The Supreme Court was established by the US Constitution to be a co-equal branch of government with the Congress and the Presidency.

Its members are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

That is how our system of government works.

The whole point of the Supreme Court is that it evaluates laws on the basis of their adherence to the US Constitution.....and not on the basis of the latest polling numbers.


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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 26 Jun 2022, 18:57:34

My point, which I didn't make too well, is that this 'anti-democratic' nature of the Supreme Court is now at odds with the governed people of the USA. My opinion, is that this courts opinions won't stand for long on a number of fronts and, to a large extent, it is because of poor opinions of the SC. Arbitrary rules have a tendency to arouse the public and upset the functioning of the Republic, as you call it. We've lived by a lot of arbitrary interpretations of our rights. Right now abortion and gun control are at the forefront. Seems like the SC is pushing hard now to turn us into a 19th century relic of the USA, and that didn't turn out so well then.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby JuanP » Sun 26 Jun 2022, 20:10:24

jedrider wrote:My point, which I didn't make too well, is that this 'anti-democratic' nature of the Supreme Court is now at odds with the governed people of the USA.

Many governed people of the USA are not at odds with the 'anti-democratic' nature of the Supreme Court. Some are, maybe most, but definitely not all. I, for one, couldn't possibly care less about this latest SC decision or the SC in general, and I am 100% pro-abortion.

Based on my, admittedly, very, very limited knowledge and understanding of the US political system, I believe that the US people have the choice to vote against presidents that would appoint SC justices that are against legal abortions. I encourage you to do that, and to take any other peaceful, legal measures to change things, like donating time and money to politicians and institutions that support your beliefs.

The US Constitution is what it is, whether we like it or not.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 26 Jun 2022, 20:59:19

So, this latest supreme court attack of the American people is actually a Catholic inspired attack! We now have a political warrior class controlling our SC:

Catholicism has always been a warrior religion.

Actually, the term “Church Militant” refers to all living Catholics in the visible Church on Earth.

And us Church Militant are in war with the devil, the flesh, and the world.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 26 Jun 2022, 21:28:26

I doubt if the catholic opinion on abortion is going to carry the day in the fifty state legislatures and the elections that will form them in coming years. The majority of Americans and especially female Americans are much more to the center on the issue. I expect laws that allow abortion up to fifteen weeks and with exceptions for rape and incest and total legality for plan B pills to become the average of the states laws.
The hard,"right to lifers",, are not going to like that but I think that is what they are going to get.
I would like to see a movement where any girl/ women that is making less then $25/ hour has access to free contraception reguardless of her parents views on the issue.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 26 Jun 2022, 23:46:11

jedrider wrote:So, this latest supreme court attack of the American people is actually a Catholic inspired attack!

Please stop spreading these nutty paranoid conspiracy theories about Catholics



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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 00:27:01

Plantagenet wrote:
jedrider wrote:So, this latest supreme court attack of the American people is actually a Catholic inspired attack!

Please stop spreading these nutty paranoid conspiracy theories about Catholics

In the 60's, White Protestant America was still worried about the Catholic invasion and how a Catholic President could have a divided loyalty to the USA.

Now, 60 years later, we have a SC with seven Catholics and two of the Jewish fate. Of course, three were appointed by Trump, all Catholics (maybe not surprising considering he is from New York which is heavily Jewish or Catholic).

That's quite remarkable and, I think, something is up with that. Not that the Supreme Court is designed to be Representative. But as culture warriors, divided loyalties maybe?

Why Catholic and not Protestant Evangelical?

The reality of social conservatism: Evangelicals supply the political energy, Catholics the intellectual heft,” Franklin Foer wrote in The New Republic in 2005. “Evangelicals didn’t just need Catholic bodies; they needed Catholic minds to supply them with rhetoric that relied more heavily on morality than biblical quotation.

More go to Law School! The goal is still the same, however. And they're the largest voting block, about 45% of the population. But only 35% (of all those polled, irrespective of religion) believe that overturning Row vs Wade was correct.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 01:20:14

jedrider wrote:..... Catholic invasion ....Catholic ..... seven Catholics .....all Catholics ..... Catholic..... Catholic...

No good will come from you pushing these nutty anti-Catholic conspiracy theories.

Just stop now.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 01:40:53

Are progressive Ds planning a political insurrection against the Supreme Court?


It was bad enough when a lone left wing D fanatic tried to muder one of the SCOTUS judges and his family prior to the court overturning Roe v. Wade. But now large numbers of mainstream Ds are rioting in the streets, while D political leaders and media Ds are discussing how to "discipline" the SCOTUS for not ruling the way they wanted......and by discipline they mean subvert the court by impeaching the current justices and/or packing the court with new D justices who will always rule the way the D party wants-----OR ELSE!!!!!

Some Ds want to pack the Supreme Court with enough D judges to ensure the court will always vote the way the Ds tell them to vote.....

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby C8 » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 02:43:54

The Supreme Court increased democracy. Now the people can vote for reps that make abortion laws that they want- or repeal laws they don't like by referendum. Roe vs. Wade took choice away. I have no skin in this game but rule by court fiat is not democracy.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby evilgenius » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 03:54:23

Plantagenet wrote:SCOTUS rules that abortion is not a constitutional right, overturning Roe Vs. wade.


Riot Police are guarding the Supreme Court and the Congress tonight, to protect our government institutions from violent leftist insurrectionists in DC who have declared a "night of rage" and threaten violent riots over the Scotus ruling.

D insurrectionists are threatening violence in response to the SCOTUS ruling


Trump is already claiming credit for the SCOTUS ruling, since he appointed three new SCOTUS judges in four years, all of whom ruled against Roe V. Wade. We wouldn't have a conservative SCOTUS and we wouldn't have this ruling without Trump. But we also wouldn't have these judges and this ruling if not for the partisanship and stupidity of the Ds.

The blame for the new justices Trump put on the court must also include the Harry Reid and the D majority in the Senate when Obama was president, who decided to end the long-standing traditon that judges needed 60 votes to be confirmed. The Ds did this so Obama could appoint far left judges without needing a single R vote to get them seated. But when Rs came back into power they kept the new D rules and proceeded to confirm Trump's far right judges without a single D vote.

By politicizing the confirmation process and changing to a confirmation processes that only required 50 votes for judges while Obama was President, the Ds ended decades of bi-partisanship that produced mostly middle-of-the-road judges. Now the judiciary is composed of far left judges appointed when a D is president and far right judges appointed when an R is president.


Except going with strictly 50 makes it possible to pack the Court. I wonder if they will do that? If I was going to do it, I would go to 13 members, the new ones all my picks. After Jan 6, and the way the Justices acted two faced during confirmation and in real life, I would feel it was action per action. It's not a move I would make outside of those triggers, though. Because this is about more than abortion. It's a cultural coup masquerading as democracy. They come saying they do it for everyone, but they silence, or disregard, too many voices. Going to 13, by the way, is about keeping it close, even though something must be done, not just canceling them.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 09:53:22

The Catholic Church was instrumental in getting the Nazi's safely out of Germany. The wife of one of the Supreme Court justices was involved in the attempted coup and subversion of our Constitutional Law. Trump's Presidency was reminiscent of Fascism. Don't want to get too scapegoating here and I like the attempt to silence the non-politically correct from those that denigrated the lack of 'free speech' on college campuses not long ago.

It's not Catholics per se, but the insertion of religion into matters of state that is concerning to me (and to many).
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby careinke » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 12:46:08

The SC rulings on gun rights and abortion were both correct IMHO. Gun rights are in the constitution and abortion/murder "rights" are not. The SC gave the abortion issue back to the States to decide per the 10th Amendment. They did NOT ban abortions, they did not restrict the right to movement between states.

Sometimes I wonder if there were a reversible sterilization process, if parents would be allowed, under the constitution, to have their own children sterilized. Once the child is no longer under their parents guardianship, of course they would be allowed to reverse the procedure. Heck maybe even DHS would be allowed to sterilize any children brought under their care.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 12:57:07

Now, prayers in school. I think my points were well-made. The current SC is a religious spearhead into a multicultural secular nation.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby careinke » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 13:00:59

jedrider wrote:Now, prayers in school. I think my points were well-made. The current SC is a religious spearhead into a multicultural secular nation.
Pretty sure free speech also falls under the constitution.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 13:38:42

As long as there are final exams in schools there will be prayers in schools. :-D
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 15:03:18

careinke wrote:
jedrider wrote:Now, prayers in school. I think my points were well-made. The current SC is a religious spearhead into a multicultural secular nation.
Pretty sure free speech also falls under the constitution.



A 6-3 majority said that coach's prayers were a form of private speech, protected by the First Amendment. The court's liberal justices said the decision weakens separation of church and state.

So, taking a 'knee', they can fire you. Taking a prayer in public as a controlling figure, basically forcing EVERYONE to part take of this Christian ritual (in an unheard of fashion - must be the 'free speech' part).

I think us 'liberals' are awe-struck! Obviously, it has NOTHING, ZIP to do with free speech, because if a Muslim tried praying to Alah like that, he would never get employment again.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 16:09:55

jedrider wrote: The current SC is a religious spearhead into a multicultural secular nation.

Not really. As Careinke noted above, religious people have freedom of speech just like non religious people do.

Personally, this is one SCOTUS ruling I support.

IMHO We should all be cheering when the SCOTUS supports individual rights over the state.

jedrider wrote: The court's liberal justices said the decision weakens separation of church and state.

The constitution doesn't call for a "separation of church and state.

What the Constitution says is that the state cannot establish a state religion. The liberals have got this all backward----the FIRST AMENDMENT to the constitution isn't about limiting individual rights----its about restricting the power of the STATE. Its just silly to claim that a football coach praying after a game establishes a state religion, or that a soccer player thanking god when he scores a goal establishes a state religion.

People praying in public after sporting events.....even praying on TV DURING sporting events...... does not establish a state religion and is therefore protected by the constitution

jedrider wrote:Taking a prayer in public as a controlling figure, basically forcing EVERYONE to part take of this Christian ritual

What nonsense. Are you incapable of walking away or turning your head or closing your eyelids? No one is forcing you to watch anything. Try to be a little bit tolerant of other people instead of being so biased and prejudiced against people who have different beliefs then you do.

jedrider wrote: if a Muslim tried praying to Alah like that, he would never get employment again.

Please don't start posting crazy anti-Muslim nonsense. There are millions of Muslims in this country who pray several times a day and are gainfully employed as well. Its bad enough you post anti-Catholic conspiracy theories....there is no need for you to start in on the Muslims too.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 17:36:11

Well, I'm surprised that there is so much support here for this religious usurpation of our nation. Sometimes, I think conservatives just like to assert their power because they can (and they must, lest they lose their most reliable voting block).

The only way I can come to terms with this about face of the SC, is to imagine myself living in Italy: There's always the Catholic Church there and that's just how it is. Eat your pasta and be happy.

However, we are losing the greatest part of our legacy of living in the U.S.A.: Freedom of Religion and Freedom from Religion

Now, I just have to know which way is Mecca and whether to pray looking up or looking down, which I could never figure out.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 Jun 2022, 18:11:44

jedrider wrote:....religious usurpation of our nation.

You mean the High School football coach saying a prayer after the football game?

Somehow I don't think thats a particularly serious problem.

On the other hand the crazy high school administrators who thought it was their job to fire the poor coach just because he said a that kind of idiocy actually is a problem.

jedrider wrote:..... imagine myself living in Italy: There's always the Catholic Church there and that's just how it is. Eat your pasta and be happy.

I can tell you've never lived in Italy but here's a pic so you can pretend you are living in Italy:


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