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Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Re: Has Global Warming Peaked?

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 29 Mar 2019, 08:02:49

OK you two, if you want to continue this lovers quarell get a room.
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Re: Has Global Warming Peaked?

Unread postby jedrider » Sat 30 Mar 2019, 00:34:06

"Has Global Warming Peaked?" is a very GOOD question.

Does one become so inured to something that one is expecting in all it's horrors, that in the end, one just welcomes it in unassumingly, just like a long expected guest finally arriving?

I think that many of us here are studying the hell out of it until we accept it.

However, it seems beyond our comprehension what the results will actually be so, maybe, it hasn't quite peaked, in our consciousness, yet, and maybe never will, for us.
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Re: Has Global Warming Peaked?

Unread postby dissident » Sat 30 Mar 2019, 10:42:06

The problem is that it is, at this stage, coming on too slowly for most developed country residents to care. Some people somewhere are already feeling the pain, but smarmy, smug and deluded 1st world sheeple are content for now. They will only react when the pain is too much and by then it will be way too late to even mitigate the impacts. The frog in the pot is a good visual representation of this. Even if it is apocryphal.
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Re: Has Global Warming Peaked?

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 30 Mar 2019, 12:18:24

This is from 2014 so a bit dated but the speaker is still around.
It should cause a little discussion here.
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby dissident » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 22:06:33

Here we go again.

The above non-peer reviewed "article" purports to "prove" that GCMs have no value for climate change analysis. Note Figure 2 which claims to find an anti-correlation between the trend in low altitude cloudiness and global warming. Where is the citation for this data? How can any honest researcher put out such crap? No citation, no value. I can fake up some "data" to prove whatever BS claim I was making too. These clowns have zero credibility. ... 121407.htm

Oh no, not this garbage again.


Correlation is not causation. The alleged GCR influence is via seeding of clouds during active GCR phases. If we are going to invest so much faith in this BS, then why is the warming trend not locked to the GCR cycle?


If you are going to claim GCR control over the global temperature (via cloud effects) then you will get the 11 year cycle in the temperature since the time-scale for the cloud effect to appear is the same as for the radiative transfer: seconds to hours. There is no lag and the effect is basically instantaneous.


The largest "envelope" trend in the MgII index is after the year 1995. There is almost no trend between 1980 and 1995. So even the long term trend in GCR does not resemble the global temperature trend. And there is no evidence of any 11 year cycle in the global temperature trend. If you believe that GCR regulate the global temperature through cloud effects, there must be an 11 year cycle. There is no process to smooth it out. ... 04EO390005

This GCR BS has been debunked already. But deniers wait a while and spew the same claims hoping everyone has forgotten the rebuttals.

Would conservatives please stop conflating politics with science. Who gives a rat's ass if AOC is a global warming believer. That does not discredit the science. Politicians will leverage whatever lie or truth to further their agendas. Focus on that if you want to fight your political opponents.
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby dissident » Wed 02 Oct 2019, 09:30:25 ... d-pictures

Another Gish gallop spew of denier BS. Take this "proof" for example:


The "actual" graph says zero about the intensity of the warming events. Also, the "actual" graph is not a global one since it clearly shows the Northern Hemisphere dust bowl anomaly from the 1930s. So this "actual" graph does not prove what the deniers are claiming.

This is just fraud:


The graph on the right is either deliberately mislabeled or a fake. The 1970s were a global temperature minimum period due to the dimming effect of sulfate pollution from the 1950s through the 1970s. This was the so-called "start of the ice age". There is no way that Arctic Sea ice would have been a minimum during the 1970s for obvious physical reasons. In addition nobody recalls any such minimum. ... 09GL039035

US submarine data of Arctic sea ice thickness comparing the 1958-1976 to 1993-1997 periods shows a dramatic decline in thickness from 2-4 meters to 1-2 meters.


Try again, denier scum.
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby asg70 » Fri 04 Oct 2019, 01:41:46

Appealing to Zerohedge as an authority is an instant fail. Doesn't work for Short/Armageddon and doesn't work here.


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Re: Nobody can answer this simple question about Global Warm

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 05 Oct 2019, 13:56:24

Cog wrote:Unless the numbers are fudged or re-arranged to show something more doomy than the raw numbers would otherwise indicate. Don't tell me that doesn't happen.

And don't tell me that conspiracy theories like that tell the whole story.

Any more than the fast crash doomers' claims that the only reason we're not seeing financial armageddon via the reported government numbers is a vast government conspiracy.

You know better than that. Just because all scientists aren't impervious to political prejudice doesn't mean the entire field of climate science and all the data it collects are worthless.

Of course, for the denial crowd, ANY out sounds great, whether it makes sense upon deeper analysis or not.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby dissident » Sat 05 Oct 2019, 17:57:11

asg70 wrote:Appealing to Zerohedge as an authority is an instant fail. Doesn't work for Short/Armageddon and doesn't work here.


Zero hedge is not the one source of this denier BS. So stop spewing BS.
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby Nefarious » Thu 10 Oct 2019, 15:32:08

dissident wrote:
This GCR BS has been debunked already. But deniers wait a while and spew the same claims hoping everyone has forgotten the rebuttals.

Then you should make a call to CERN and tell them that their experiments that show a substantial effect on cloud formation from GCR is BS. ... 3OCT11.pdf
and The National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
tell them they are wrong also ... cloud.html ... 113235.htm
Then make a call to the IPCC and ask them why they are putting solar forcing and GCRs into their climate models for their climate assessment report for 2022 since it's been debunked already. ... 150213.pdf
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Re: Has Global Warming Peaked?

Unread postby jawagord » Wed 15 Jan 2020, 20:19:04

The 2019 wait is over and the bad news is the 2016 peak continues with another non-record temperature ANOMALY for 2019. The whopping 1.8 (or 1.7 NOAA) degrees Fahrenheit ANOMALY was only good for second place. Good thing we can average in the sparsely measured ocean and Arctic temperatures as continental USA was bringing the average down with its 34th warmest year. And don’t forget to read the NASA/NOAA junk science weasel words at the bottom. Predictions for 2020 anyone?

According to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Earth's global surface temperatures in 2019 were the second warmest since modern record keeping began in 1880.

Globally, 2019 temperatures were second only to those of 2016.

This past year, they were 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (0.98 degrees Celsius) warmer than the 1951 to 1980 mean, according to scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

Weather dynamics often affect regional temperatures, so not every region on Earth experienced similar amounts of warming. NOAA found the 2019 annual mean temperature for the contiguous 48 United States was the 34th warmest on record, giving it a “warmer than average” classification. The Arctic region has warmed slightly more than three times faster than the rest of the world since 1970.

NASA’s temperature analyses incorporate surface temperature measurements from more than 20,000 weather stations, ship- and buoy-based observations of sea surface temperatures, and temperature measurements from Antarctic research stations.

These in situ measurements are analyzed using an algorithm that considers the varied spacing of temperature stations around the globe and urban heat island effects that could skew the conclusions. These calculations produce the global average temperature deviations from the baseline period of 1951 to 1980.

NOAA scientists used much of the same raw temperature data, but with a different interpolation into the Earth’s polar and other data-poor regions. NOAA’s analysis found 2019 global temperatures were 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit (0.95 degrees Celsius) above the 20th century average. ... -on-record
Don't deny the peak!
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The Global Warming Farce.

Unread postby IrishSlav » Thu 17 Jun 2021, 08:20:27

Global Warming is a man made phenomenon, exacerbated and assisted through governments who want to abdicate man's God Given dominion over creation with Entity supervised slavery through Artifical Intelligence, assisted with stratospheric aerosol injections. However This Faux climate crisis can be reversed by stopping this practice of artificial manipulative environmental quackery..
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby FamousDrScanlon » Sat 10 Jul 2021, 12:57:15

Wow there's still climate deniers out there? Well, I saw a hippy the other day so I guess dumb ideas never truly die. What's to be done? We'll just have to humour them like we did with grandpa (poor grandpa) in his declining years.

This is Why We Should Stop Calling it Climate Change
The Words “Climate Change” May End Up Being The Biggest Lie Ever Told

“Climate change”? The climate isn’t changing. It’s heating. Rapidly. Faster than at any point in hundreds of millions of years. It’s heating so fast that this is the stuff entire geotemporal boundaries are made of — “ages” in geological history. So fast that it’s shattering scientists’ worst predictions — and making reality look like a sci-fi movie, where scores of people die off in Canada because of sweltering heat.

It’s not “change” of some symmetrical, anodyne, innocuous kind. The planet isn’t getting cooler. It’s rapid, sudden, potentially runaway, already lethal, discontinuous transformation in one direction. It’s getting hotter, fast.

We should stop calling it “climate change.” Now, before you object, bear with me, and let’s investigate the history of the term.

We used to call it “global warming.” Not so long ago. The big we, as in, all of us, because that is what the norm was. That’s the term which dominated public discourse, and you’d read it in papers and books and articles. Not the seemingly anodyne “climate change.”

That was a far, far more accurate term. And that was the problem.

Here’s little factoid for you. Do you know who invented the term “climate change”? Frank Luntz. The Republican “strategist.” Why? Because “global warming” was dangerous. Because it was true. Too frightening. Too true. Too real. Too self-explanatory, powerful, and strong. It had to be Orwellianized. It had to memory-holed. Doublespeak had to be crafted — to create the impression that there was some “debate” on this topic. ... 68bd7e68f4
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 10 Jul 2021, 13:20:34

FamousDrScanlon wrote:. Do you know who invented the term “climate change”? Frank Luntz. The Republican “strategist.”

Thats nonsense. The term "climate change" has been used by scientists for many years.

The problem isn't the term or word we use to describe climate change or global warming or global heating or whatever you want to call it.

The problem is that the planet is rapidly heating up due to an accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere....and thats something that neither the Ds or the Rs or the communists or the Islamists or anybody else is willing to do what has to be done to stop it.


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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby FamousDrScanlon » Sat 10 Jul 2021, 17:35:23

What’s nonsense is your hair splitting semantics & feeble attempts to defend the criminal likes of Bush Jr & the rest of your conservative climate criminal betters.

I remember when you used to be a denier Planty - before I enlightened you with loads of evidence & my superior logic. You’ve halfway come clean, but you’ll need to drop the tribal apologetics to get all that filth off you. Let the accused defend themselves. It appears as if your tribal loyalties trump any chance of your country uniting to defend yourselves from the ever more vicious, frequent & unavoidable climate beat downs. It’s default behaviour for tribe members. The cost of coming clean 100% could cost you your membership. A social death is a living death for most since we're hardwired to want to belong, so I get the apologetics (signalling). It’s a pickle. There can be no national plan to protect the people until there is climate unity & before that happens the most guilty must come clean and/or be tried, imprisoned & fined – mostly symbolic. I don’t see that happening in the US for many reasons, least not libtard forces unwilling to let most of the guilty off or off lightly. Not for justice, but because it’s too good of a political weapon to let go. Disunity reigns supreme in America & climate disunity will continue to pile up the bodies, suffering, smashed to hell infrastructure & contempt for deniers & those who shield them. There may come a day when deniers fear for their safety. When scapegoat time comes the blame will be disproportionately dumped on deniers (whoever is handy) who are not the cause of AGW. Even though they lied & misled. Denial is definitely one of the main reasons so few western government are completely unprepared. My country has no national plan to protect it’s taxpaying citizens & neither does the US. That unpreparedness that has already caused death & suffering that could have been avoided is on the deniers. That blood is on their hands & there is more unnecessary suffering & death coming because of deniers & their annual billion dollar + denial campaigns. Those who funded it & those PR firms & think tanks & phony ‘grass roots’ organizations that spread it have blood on their hands. Some of the faithful amateurs who know it’s a lie & spread it are guilty too. I can’t see Americans ever reaching climate unity & thus sparing many from undo suffering & early death. To reach a climate unity will require a great deal of forgiveness & Americans lack that kind of humanity. The same may be true for other vapid consumer capitalist countries.

Luntz: ‘I was wrong’ on climate change ... ge-1470653

Frank Luntz, the GOP’s message master, calls for climate action

“Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, wildfires, tornadoes, and hurricanes more ferocious than ever. It is happening.”

Luntz, whose advice helped Republicans hold power for years and also keep their heads in the sand when it comes to climate change, cited the fire as an example of the climate crisis made personal. He’s the same political consultant who convinced conservatives to rebrand the “estate tax” as the “death tax.” He crafted talking points for the Koch brothers and reportedly convinced the Trump administration to talk about “border security” to drum up support for building a border wall.

But the reality of climate change is increasingly too hard to ignore. “The courageous firefighters of L.A., they saved my home, but others aren’t so lucky,” he said as he recounted the tale during a Senate testimony on Thursday. “Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, tornadoes, and hurricanes more ferocious than ever. It is happening.”

Luntz's infamous denier memo to GOP shot callers ... h.Memo.pdf
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 10 Jul 2021, 20:10:52

FamousDrScanlon wrote:What’s nonsense is your ... feeble attempts to defend the criminal likes of Bush Jr & the rest of your conservative climate criminal betters.

Again, you are making things up, Scanie. I have never defended anyone for their climate change denial. In fact, I've been about the only person at this site who's been willing to criticize all our political leaders from both political parties for their failures...from Bush to Clinton to Obama to Trump to Biden...IMHO they've all failed to take the necessary actions to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change.

FamousDrScanlon wrote:
I enlightened you with loads of evidence & my superior logic.

Right-O. :-D :) :P

Like that has ever happened..... :roll: 8) :lol: :roll:

Thanks for my laugh of the day.....that one was a howler!!!!

FamousDrScanlon wrote:

Luntz: ‘I was wrong’ on climate change ... ge-1470653
Frank Luntz, the GOP’s message master, calls for climate action
“Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, wildfires, tornadoes, and hurricanes more ferocious than ever. It is happening.”
Luntz.... cited the fire as an example of the climate crisis made personal.... “The courageous firefighters of L.A., they saved my home, but others aren’t so lucky,” he said as he recounted the tale during a Senate testimony on Thursday. “Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, tornadoes, and hurricanes more ferocious than ever. It is happening.”

So you conclude by quoting Frank Luntz on climate change......and sooo-prise soooo-prise evil R Frank now saying much the same thing as angelic D Joe Biden is saying on climate change.

And thats my point.......Frank Luntz and Joe Biden and Obama and Bush and Al Gore can say all the nice things they want about stopping climate change. All the billionaires gathered this week at Sun Valley can say they are against climate change too.......but none of that accomplishes a thing to mitigate climate change.

The only thing that will help mitigate climate change is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

And the simplest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is a carbon tax. Even better is a new UN climate change treaty MANDATING CO2 reductions around the globe.

But Joe Biden and the Ds oppose a carbon tax......and the Joe Biden and the Ds are perfectly happy with the current VOLUNTARY Paris Accords that call for INCREASED CO2 emissions ----so we aren't getting a carbon tax and CO2 emissions are going to continue to rise on a global basis and so greenhouse warming is going to continue to get worse....not because of something Frank Luntz said decades ago or even now.......but because our actual political leaders who are in power right now ---poeple like Joe Biden ---- just aren't doing enough with their actual political power.

The time for talk is past.....its time for our political leaders to do something about reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby FamousDrScanlon » Sun 11 Jul 2021, 00:13:28

Peter uh I mean Planty now you're denying about being a denier.

4 Then they seized him and led him away, bringing him into the high priest's house, and Peter was following at a distance. 55 And when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter sat down among them. 56 Then a servant girl, seeing him as he sat in the light and looking closely at him, said, “This man also was with him.” 57 But he denied it, saying, “Woman, I do not know him.” 58 And a little later someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them.” But Peter said, “Man, I am not.” 59 And after an interval of about an hour still another insisted, saying, “Certainly this man also was with him, for he too is a Galilean.” 60 But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are talking about.” And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the saying of the Lord, how he had said to him, “Before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times.” 62 And he went out and wept bitterly.

Let all the guilty & their denier accomplices be tried & punished accordingly: Imprisonment, fines, mega community hours, hangings, asset stripping, a week in the pillory, public stoning, etc. Biblical punishments for biblical consequences that denier efforts guaranteed. Deniers have ensured the worst case scenario for the greatest number of people. Planty, the blood will never wash out so save your energy. From what I'm hearing you may need to sprint in the not to distant future. Duck & Cover dude.

Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago

A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation ... years-ago/

Shell and Exxon's secret 1980s climate change warnings

Newly found documents from the 1980s show that fossil fuel companies privately predicted the global damage that would be caused by their products. ... e-warnings

Exxon’s Climate Denial History: A Timeline ... -timeline/
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 11 Jul 2021, 12:48:27

FamousDrScanlon wrote:Planty ...... you're denying about being a denier.

Scanie....thats because I'm not a climate denier. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I think global warming is unstoppable and it will eventually cause the collapse of our global civilization.

FamousDrScanlon wrote: ... the Lord ... the Lord....Before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times

Its too bad what happened to your "Lord" 2000 years ago, but its time for you to face facts---- he ain't coming back anytime soon.

And even if Jesus did come back, you never know.......he might agree with me and think anthropogenic climate change is now unstoppable

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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 12 Jul 2021, 16:45:07

Let us not turn this into a religious argument thread.

Famous, it is incredulous to me you are calling Plant a climate denier.

I am not following your posts, they seem to be disconnected thoughts.

Do you have some coherent point to make? If so I am missing it.
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Re: Global Warming / Climate Change is Hoax pt 10

Unread postby suxs » Mon 12 Jul 2021, 22:42:14


In order for a carbon tax to become reality, it would require Republican participation, but that ain't happening, not when your President Trump echoing the party platform that climate change is a hoax being perpetrated by scientists and Democrats continue to deny reality. Matter of fact, I don't recall you ever criticizing Trump's contention it's all a hoax.

So, forget a carbon tax so long as the Republican party denies the very existence of global climate change, although I understand your penchant for blaming all things labeled Democratic.
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